
By -greeenn

251K 13.1K 9.4K

"Do you think good influence can be derived from the embodiment of misfortune itself?" °•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•° (Obe... More



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By -greeenn

Plot deviation and skipping of some scenes ahead. I felt that the massive time skip for Season 1 was a bit strange, so I removed the separation completely. Meaning, the whole year still hasn't passed, but the arc continues...or at least, what's left of the arc.

"I don't like this at all."

Diavolo walked around the Castle. Only a few hours left before the party would commence. But even so, he was already aware of what gift you had gotten him.

Since this morning, more than one good news had sprung up over the other. As he made his way through the castle, Diavolo was almost met by multiple accidents. Such as the bucket of paint the Little D's were carrying, almost toppling over him as they walked.

The mini demons apologized profusely, of course. He had just shrugged the event off. When he sat on his desk, a strong gust of wind had blew from the door. Diavolo grunted as the pile of papers stacked onto his desk had been blown away as well.

Fortunately, his window had been closed.

Despite him recalling that he had left it open last night.

He found himself sighing. Ah, this made sense...

Even with all the gifts she had been presented from the brothers, Yuki still couldn't help but feel empty.

Today was Diavolo's birthday, in which a party had been held in honor of the Demon Prince. But unexpectedly, Yuki was mentioned as the guest of honor as well.

"...He has to be here somewhere, right?" Yuki muttered to herself as she walked around. You were nowhere to be seen.


"He's not feeling well?" Satan questioned. Beel nodded. "He said he didn't want to get out of bed, so I offered to carry him to the dining room, but he still didn't want that. So I just gave him the food."

"That's strange...did he say what kind of sickness he had?" Lucifer inquired. Beel paused for a second, only to shake his head. "He didn't specify, but he said it'll get better within due time."

"...What? Is it a fever or something?" Mammon stood up. Yuki raised a brow. "Where are you going?"

"To see him, duh. If he isn't feeling well, then we should take care of him, right?" The rest looked at one another before smiling.

A knock was heard. You sighed to yourself. Not bothering to answer, you shuffled in your position, nuzzling further into your blanket.

Your heart nearly leapt from your chest as the door slammed open. Mammon grinned brightly. With a boisterous tone, he spoke loudly. "Yo yo yo! Guess who's here? Iiiiit's MAMMON!"

"What is this, a wrestling tournament?" Yuki deadpanned at his behavior. Shaking her head, she turned to you. "We heard you weren't feeling well, so we came here."

"...Oh right, Beel broke the door knob." You uttered to yourself. Beel frowned. "Sorry..."

"I'm doing fine. You guys should focus on preparing for the party tomorrow."

"Doing fine my ass. You haven't left your room in a while." Belphegor tugged on your blanket, making you groan. "Get off..."

"We're seriously getting worried though." Asmodeus' voice was doused in concern. "You can't get out of bed?"

"Yes, I can. I'm fine, okay? Just go."

The rest frowned upon your response. Just as you rolled over to the other side, a heavy weight suddenly appeared above your stomach. You wheezed. "Ma-ammon...! G-get off me--!"

"I've had it with you hidin' stuff from us, ya hear?" He glowered at you. "And I'm pretty sure you're doing it again!"

"I'm not h-hiding anything! Mammon, get off, you're h-heavy!" You squirmed under his weight. He huffed before abiding. He plopped down the bed right next to you. He glared down childishly at you. "I can see right through ya."

"See right through me? There's nothing to see at all."

"Boo...! You suck at lying!"

"What the hell is wrong with you..." You huffed, trying to roll over to face away from him. Mammon was having none of it. He quickly grabbed you by the shoulders, managing to make you stay in place. "Oh no ya don't!"

"Look, you always do this." His tone dipped, lowering. He frowned down at you. "You like hiding things from everyone. You're just like Lucifer!"

The Avatar of Pride flinched at the mention, but didn't say anything else. Mammon continued. "You know we can help you if you're going through something, you know?"

"..." You refused to look at him.

"...We've given you enough time to wallow... We just want you to feel better already." His tone softened. You found yourself sighing in guilt.


The male was ready to listen.

"I'll be fine."

The male looked ready to punch your face.

You chuckled. "I'm serious. Just wait for a few, and I'll be ready, okay?"

"...Fine." He ruffled your hair. He made no signs of leaving, however. You peered at him, along with the rest of them. "...Anyone leaving soon?"

"...Why would we be leaving?" Satan raised a brow as he sat on the ground. Your eye twitched as you see the others making themselves comfortable somewhere random on your room. Mostly the floor.

"...You guys are idiots."


"...He seriously didn't attend?" Asmodeus scanned the area. Indeed, you were nowhere to be seen. Satan furrowed his brows as he narrowed his eyes. "I'd think he would, considering this is Lord Diavolo's birthday..."

"Well, have any of you seen him at all?" Lucifer crossed his arms. One by one, his brothers and Yuki shook their head. His frown burrowed deeper. With a frustrated sigh, he turned around. He was just about ready to march back into the House of Lamentation and drag you there.

Just as he turned around, Lord Diavolo was there, startling Lucifer. He gulped. The Demon Prince only smiled at them. "Nice to see you all gathered."

He scanned them. A certain male was missing. He questioned. "Where's (M/n)?"

"..." Everyone hesitated. They all shot one another a grimace. It wasn't really a good thing to say you didn't attend his birthday, considering how close you two were. Lucifer sighed. "Diavolo, I think (M/n) is running a bit late."

'Late, he says.' They averted their eyes from the Demon Prince.

"Late?" Diavolo repeated. He hummed. "Oh, but he's already here. I was just wondering why he wasn't with any of you."

"He is?" Satan was pleasantly surprised. Diavolo nodded. "Though, I'm not sure where he is at the moment."

"I see..." Lucifer heaved a sigh of relief.

"...Actually, Lord Diavolo." Beel spoke up. Multiple eyes were directed at him. The red head paused, looking at him expectantly.

"Do you have any idea why (M/n) hasn't been feeling well for the couple of days?"

Diavolo's body stiffened. Swallowing, his expression turned stern. "What does he do?"

"Ah, well...he holes up in his room and refuses to come out no matter how much we insist. Only for classes and stuff. But even so, he's acting pretty distant from everyone." Yuki answered for them.

Diavolo frowned. Sighing, he asked requested. "...Please accompany him to the best of your abilities."

"...Lord Diavolo, what's going on?" Belphegor's eyes sharpened as he crossed his arms, glaring at Diavolo. The red head sighed.

As much as Lucifer wanted to scold Belphegor for his disrespectful behavior, he was still concerned about you. And the Demon Prince right here seemed to know what you were dealing with.

"...We're concerned about him." Lucifer admitted. "If there's anything you know, we'd like to be aware as well. So we can help."

"Oh no, don't tell me you had a fight?" Asmodeus gasped, clearly shocked by his assumption.

"..." Diavolo bore a look of hesitance. Pressing his lips together, he shook his head. "Not a fight, nor an argument, no. He's just...figuring things out for himself."

"What's there to figure out in the first place?" Beel's brow quirked up. Diavolo shook his head, his guilt masked. "I do apologize, but it is not in my place to say."

"Is that so..." Belphegor could do nothing but look crest fallen. It was clear that the Demon Prince wasn't going to be telling them the reason anytime soon.

"I really do apologize for my inability to inform you."

"...It's fine." Lucifer was disappointed, but there wasn't anything they could do about it. Diavolo turned to Yuki. "Considering none of you knew he was here, then would I be correct to assume that he hasn't given you his gift yet?"

"Oh? Ah, well...I guess so?" Yuki answered in a confused manner. Diavolo cracked a smile. "Then he's still here, somewhere. He wouldn't leave you hanging. But who knows when he'll turn up?"

"...I'll look for him." Yuki announced. Mammon agreed. "I'll go too!"

"...I feel like this party has been turned into a hunt." Satan commented. Asmodeus laughed. "Mhm. What's the harm in participating?"

They split up in search for you. Yuki was with Mammon as they weaved through the garden just outside the castle. Mammon's eyes darted around like an eccentric manner. Then a rustle was heard, making them perk up.

Mammon hurriedly ran to the direction where he heard it come from. Yuki flinched. "Ah! Mammon, slow down--!"

Just as she made a move to follow the demon, a tuft of (h/c) got caught in her peripheral vision. She gasped. You were sitting above a branch of a thick tree. You placed your index finger above your lips as you winked at her.

She was a second away from calling Mammon back. She carefully made her way below the tree. You leapt down, landing perfectly on your heels. She whisper-yelled. "Where have you been this entire time?!"

"Waiting." You smiled innocently. She huffed. "For what?"

"For you." You chuckled. Her face flushed, which she desperately tried to ignore. "...Are you trying to flatter your way out of here? Everyone's all worried about you!"

"Are they, now..." You didn't seem to heed her words as you shuffled through a small bag that you carried. Yuki sighed. "Everyone's looking for you, too."

"...Why are they? Today's Diavolo's day, and you're the guest of honor, right?"

"Ugh, you're not following at all!"

You laughed loudly at her clear frustration. Yuki couldn't keep herself angry at you. How many weeks had passed since she heard you laugh wholeheartedly like this?

"Anyway," You composed yourself. "Do you have the two earrings?"

"...Oh! You mean these?" Yuki shuffled through her pockets. She brought out a small box. She handed it to you. You carefully opened it.

A faint smile graced your lips as you gazed at it fondly. Yuki's eyes lingered on your face. You then looked up at her. Chuckling, you spoke. "Actually, I've already given you and Diavolo's gift. They're the same."

"Excuse me?" Yuki was dumbfounded. You grinned. "For a limited time, you get to experience living without misfortune."

Yuki widened her eyes. Ah, it made sense, now that she thought of it.

But there was something off...

"...Instead of distributing it, you absorbed it?"


"What happens to you now?" Yuki was worried. You only smiled at her, not replying. The corner of her lips tugged down in a clear frown. "Okay, I'm grateful and all, but I don't want you to experience more bad luck."

"Ah, really? That's too bad." You dismissed her concern. Before she could continue telling you off, you diverted the topic. You closed the miniature box and placed it in your bag. You grabbed something in exchange.

"You're not getting these earrings back."

"Wait, what?" Yuki was startled. It was pretty valuable, since her family had considered it as family heirloom. But then again, it still belonged to you...

"Ahaha, don't be so sad." You pinched her cheek. "I have something for you."

You handed her a small black box, just about the same size as the one she handed you. Yuki reluctantly accepts the item. You grinned at her eagerly. "Open it!"

Laughing at your cheerful insistence, Yuki abided. Her eyes widened as she was met by a necklace. The lace was made out of small gold chains, while a small gem was hanging right in the middle. The color was multiple shades of pink, an ombre.

"Tap the middle."

She did as you said. The gem lit up beautifully. She gasped, clearly in awe. Your smile broadened at her reaction. She looked up at you.

"Want me to help you put it on?"

"Yeah!" She faced away from you and handed the jewelry to you. You gingerly took the item from her grasp as she made a move to clear the hair in the way.


Yuki could feel the warmth of your fingers as you carefully locked the necklace behind her neck. She held herself back from shivering at the foreign feeling. Once the warmth disappeared, she turned around.

"Actually, I have three gifts prepared for ya!"

"That many?!" Yuki exclaimed in a bit of a deadpanned manner. You laughed. "The last one is this."

You leaned closer. Yuki could do nothing but stare in confusion. Your head rose a bit, then your lips landed on her forehead.

Yuki flinched back, instantly placing a hand above the area you just kissed. Her vision blurred as her face flushed a deep shade of red. She was well aware of how warm her face was.

Yuki couldn't bear to look at you, so she just fixated her eyes onto the ground. You seemed to grin at her flustered demeanor. "Surprise! I just forged an agreement between the two of us!"

"...A w-what?" She couldn't help but stutter under her state of nervousness. You leaned back. "An agreement. It's like a pact, but less controlling since I'm not a demon."

"Oh..." Yuki shuddered, trying to compose herself. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her posture to the best of her abilities. Clearing her throat, she was still unable to get rid of the red tint dusting her cheeks.

"I forged one with Solomon back at the retreat!" You chirped. Yuki froze. "You kissed Solomon?!"

"Uhm, yes? By the hand, I think." She seemed to relax at that. You patted her back. "Congrats on gaining Belphie's pact, by the way."

"Oh, you saw that?"

"Mhm! I guess Lucifer is the only one you haven't forged a pact with, huh?"

"You say that like I will eventually..."

"...Oh, but won't you?" You tapped her by the forehead. Both of you perked up at a familiar voice.

"Yukiii! Did ya see him? It was just a crow that made the rustle earlier..." Mammon complained. Yuki turned to you...Or at least, were you stood a few seconds ago.

Wait, where did you go?

Her head swayed side to side in search for your figure, but to no avail. Just a second ago, you were just standing next to her. And now, you were nowhere to be found. Mammon's footsteps were getting closer.

Yuki couldn't feel your presence anymore.

Accompanied by the faint glow of the necklace, she found herself smiling.


"Solomon's going on a trip back to the human world?"

The exchange students and the Student Council were gathered in the room. It was Asmodeus who had spoken.

Diavolo shook his head. "Actually, all of the exchange students are temporarily going back."

"That includes Yuki, Simeon, and Luke as well." Barbatos finished for him. The seven brothers were dismayed at the sound of that. Diavolo chuckled. "Don't worry. It'll only be for a week. They'll be back after that to continue the program."

"Ohh..." Asmodeus made a sound of wonder. "Makes sense. Especially that Yuki's entrance here was very rushed."

"Again, we apologize for that. I didn't know Diavolo would just open a random portal to the human world and drag you here." You sighed. The said demon laughed, tone laced in a bit of embarrassment. "Right. I really do apologize for that."

"It's fine." Yuki paused. "I think."

"...Someone could literally kill you and you'd forgive them in a moment's whim. What's with you?" You shot the girl a deadpan. She laughed. "Oh please."

"Anyway, when's this thing happenin'?" Mammon asked Diavolo. The male hummed. "Ah, well...In a few minutes...?"

"...'scuse me?"

"...Are you serious?" Satan squinted his eyes at Lord Diavolo. He smiled. "I've already informed them ahead of time..."

"...By that, you mean two days ago." Yuki coughed. You snickered. Barbatos snuck a look at you. Mammon gasped. "WHAT?! Why didn't y'all tell us?"

"I...forgot?" Yuki pondered. Lucifer's eye twitched. "...Why wasn't I informed of this?"

"Yuki had the decision to. I thought she would have...?" Diavolo gazed at the said female, who averted her eyes. "I mean, you know...Things happen, one thing after another."

And by that, she meant you.

A bit after the party at the Demon Lord's Castle, you had begun acting like normal. Well...normal was overselling it a bit. You had this air of aloofness that they weren't really able to discern. But other than that, you were pretty much as energetic as before.

When Lord Diavolo had announced this, Yuki was about to inform everyone, but that incident took place, ultimately leading her to forget about it.

"I'm surprised you're carrying your bag with you, (M/n). You rarely do that." Asmodeus noted. He paused. "...Wait, that doesn't look like a school bag."  You hummed. "Ah, well... why wouldn't I have a bag with me?"

"...Why would you?" Lucifer raised a brow. You grinned. "I'm going with Solomon!"


"What?" You were dumbfounded. Lucifer was quick to protest.

"I said no. You're not an exchange student. I don't see why you have any reason to go with him." Lucifer crossed his arms. Most of the brothers' brow rose.

"...I don't see why it is yours to decide whether I go or not...?"

"I didn't decide anything..." Lucifer denied. "I'm just stating that you're not an exchange student, so there is no need for you to go."

"Eeh?" You frowned. "Well..."

"This is a trip for me, I'm not going there for business." You grinned.

"No way, am I leavin' ya with Solomon! I'll come with!" Mammon protested. Solomon rolled his eyes. Lucifer shook his head. "Mammon, even if it is a trip,--"

"Which it is--!" You cut in.

"—You're not allowed to skip on classes." He finished. Mammon scrunched his face up in dismay.

"I'll go with him then." Satan volunteered. You blinked twice. "...Pardon?"

"It's a trip, is it not?" He smiled innocently. "And besides, I'm very much complete in terms of school work, and grades. I don't see why I can't miss out on a few days of school. I'm more than capable of catching up as well, aren't I?"

His smug smile was mostly directed at Lucifer, who earned an irk mark. Diavolo stared at the brothers cluelessly, unsure of what to do. Asmodeus waved a hand around. "Ooh! Ooh! Me! I wanna come along too!"

"What is it now...?' Lucifer wasn't done discouraging Satan, and Asmodeus had already come along. The champagne-haired male grinned. "As someone who has a pact with Solomon, wouldn't I provide multiple uses when I come along with him?"

"Oh, you use our pact as a reason now?" Solomon smirked, clearly amused by his reasoning. Asmodeus ignored his remark. Satan peered at his brother. "Back off."

"Whaaat? You back off." Asmodeus frowned at the blond.

Belphegor smiled at Lord Diavolo. Lucifer's eye twitched. "Don't even think about it. You have more than enough things on your plate already."

"Huh? But that isn't my fault now, is it?" Belphegor smiled lazily at him. Lucifer sighed, massaging the area between his eyes.

"...What a mess." Luke grimaced at the brothers' behavior. Simeon laughed. "You got that right."

"...It's time." Barbatos faced the clock. The portal had been made while they were busy arguing. Mammon flinched. "W-wait, I--!"

"Solomon, let's go!" You grabbed his hand and bolted towards the portal. Barbatos had mentioned that it would be his turn first, so the portal was adjusted to Solomon's destination.

The sorcerer widened his eyes, only to laugh at your hurried pace. The two of you disappeared into the portal.

"...Well aren't they excited?" Simeon spoke. Asmodeus let out a whine. "Aww..."

"Diavolo." Lucifer turned to the male. The Demon Prince hummed in response. He inquired. "Was (M/n) informed of this in prior as well?"

"Oh, well...yes?" Diavolo paused. "Actually, he came to us directly, saying he'd like to go to the human world once more. He decided to go with Solomon instead."

"Ah, so he purposely didn't tell anyone of this..." Satan observed. The red head shook his head. "I would have thought he'd inform you all."


"Where do you think you're going?" Solomon smiled innocently at you. You froze. "...Uhm, just there..."

"One of the reasons they allowed you to go with me was if you agreed to never leave my sight, you know?"

You groaned at his words, clearly not pleased. Solomon laughed. "Oh, come on. It isn't that bad to live with me."


"Do you have any duties here in the human world? Which is why you insisted on accompanying me?" Solomon asked. You sat on the couch. "Not particularly, no."

"...What was the reason then?"

"...Nothing." You shifted into a cat. Solomon raised a brow. A small 'meow' came out of you as you curled up in a cushion. The sorcerer knew what you were doing.

You didn't want to elaborate on that matter.

Solomon sighed, taking a seat next to you. "Look, I know what's going on, okay?"

"..."The black cat next to him did nothing but stare at him silently. He was able to discern what you were thinking. You closed your eyes and relaxed.

"Barbatos told me himself, since he knew I could help."

'Well you shouldn't. It's a waste of time.'

"You say that, but I doubt anyone would agree with you at all." Solomon frowned down at you. "I know why you came along."

'Do you, now?'

"Yes." His gaze sharpened. "You're here as an excuse to distance yourself from the brothers, and Barbatos, am I wrong?"

The cat only meowed before making it known he was off to sleep.

Solomon could only sigh to himself.

"I hate it when you put on such an act like that."

(While proofreading this, I keep finding a lot of typos, in which 'shifted into a cat', is typed as 'shifted into a car', and I can't get the image of MC transforming into a fucking car like Optimus prime or something--)

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