Feather in your cap! (Jin x M...

By SwtyC_4BTS

14.8K 846 181

This is a short story inspired by the recent SOWOOZOO closing ceremony where bangtan used feathered pens to w... More

5. 1


2K 117 53
By SwtyC_4BTS

The punch came out of nowhere and Taehyung had to steady himself quickly before blocking the next one on instinct. It was rude to stop his hyung but he wasn't ready to have his face rearranged just ahead of their Weverse shoot. Manager-nim would kill him if they were forced to cover up bruises right then.

"I'm going to fucking kill you Kim Taehyung!" Yoongi screamed but Taehyung stood his ground, while Namjoon tried in vain to hold him back.

Although he had a smaller physique, Yoongi could still hold his own against anyone and Namjoon wasn't ready to see that put to test on Taehyung even if he himself, was angry as well.

"You fucking assholes! You did what you wanted and now hyung is broken! How could you? We told you to stay away from him but your fucking horny asses couldn't keep away! If hyung is traumatized by this anymore, I swear to all that is holy Kim Taehyung, I will fucking rearrange your fucking face and your two minions as well!" Yoongi threatened, before straightening out his clothes and walking away, trailing a worried Hoseok behind him.

Namjoon turned to his dongsaengs and assessed them with a worried frown. As the leader, he had many responsibilities to all of them but mostly, he was their friend and hyung. He needed them to know that he was there for all of them in equal measures.

"How is Jin hyung?" Jimin asked, slowly. He looked down, clearly unable to meet Namjoon's eyes.

"He's not good Jimin-ah. He moved out of the dorm 5 days ago to his own apartment and is keeping to himself. He refuses to talk to us and Yoongi assumed you guys did something to him already."

Namjoon looked down after his little speech. He wanted to ask but he felt embarrassed for some reason. Eventually, after seeing the looks of complete loss, blank and empty expressions on their faces, he decided he had to do something, not only for his hyung but for his dongsaengs too.

He cleared his throat and gulped before asking the only thing that he could.

"D-did something happen already? I mean....... the bet...... Urm, did he honor it? Is that why he.... hyung is upset? Does he hate us now?"

Jungkook's head shot up at that. He looked like a lost puppy. Tears brimmed in his doe like eyes and Namjoon swore under his breath before going to him and enveloping him in his arms. He rubbed his back slowly while Jungkook whispered words of worry and concern for their hyung. Jimin looked away while Taehyung scoffed. Namjoon crinkled his eyes and pulled Jungkook away from him before rounding on Taehyung.

"What the fuck Taehyung? Do you not care for your hyung? Are you not worried that you hurt him?"

Taehyung scoffed and righted his clothes before looking their leader right in the eye.

"Jin hyung is not a baby. We did nothing to him that he didn't want. No one forced him. He could have stopped us at any point and we would have backed away. The fact that he's holed himself up away from us all, is just an act of cowardice. He can't face us or himself because he enjoyed what happened. I don't regret it for a minute and I know he doesn't either. When he actually accepts what happened and stops lying to himself, he knows where to find us."

And with that, Taehyung kicked at a piece of skirting that had come loose on a floorboard and made his way to the interview room. Jimin moved closer to Namjoon and spoke softly as he watched their leader raise an eyebrow in the direction that his soulmate had just went in.

"Please don't mind him Namjoonie hyung. He doesn't mean anything malicious by it. He's also worried about Jin hyung, probably more than us all, but you know how he is. He won't show us his weakness. And I'm really sorry about what happened with Jin hyung. You know us hyung; we wouldn't do anything to jeopardize the group. We really like Jin hyung, probably more than what he feels for us," Jimin concluded. He looked away and pulled Jungkook close to him as he was still tearing. "Come on you big bunny; let's go do this shitty interview so we can all go home and rest. Okay?"

He ruffled his hair as Jungkook nodded and sniffled against his neck. Namjoon sighed but nodded quietly before walking with them to hair and make up. Jin was already in his chair getting his hair done as he scrolled through his phone, ignoring everyone around him. He was seated alone with a noona busy with his hair, when Jungkook left the rest of the group and walked into the room.

"I'm sorry Jin hyung," Jungkook said as he stood behind Jin's chair.

Jin sighed heavily and put his phone down. He politely asked the noona to excuse them and when she bowed and left, Jin pulled a distressed Jungkook close to him. Jungkook didn't wait for Jin to speak, instead he hopped onto his hyung's lap and proceeded to hold onto him tightly. A startled Jin could only yelp and hold onto him or risk them both toppling over. Sometimes, the maknae forgot his own strength. Jin sighed softly and ran his hand over Jungkook's back soothingly. If anything, Jin was aware of his role as the eldest in the group and he never wavered from his duties to take care of his dongsaengs no matter what problems they were having.

"It's okay Jungkook-ah; you know hyung still loves you and I'm not angry at you or V and Jimin. I'm angry at myself."

Jungkook moved away and stared at his hyung through puppy dog like eyes. He sniffled softly.

"Why hyung? You did nothing wrong. It was our fault. We messed up."

Jin smiled sadly before continuing. Jungkook was getting heavy on his lap but he didn't want to move him just yet. He was afraid Jungkook would think that he was pushing him away.

"Hyung is wrong Jungkook-ah. I should have not let things get so out of hand. I moved to my apartment to get some space from you three because I was embarrassed at myself. I hate that I didn't stop myself."

Jungkook was quiet for a bit, deep in thought.

"Hyung, if I ask you something, will you get upset with me?"

Jin laughed softly and moved a strand of stray hair away from Jungkook's eyes.

"Hyung can never be upset with you Jungkook-ah. You can ask me anything," he assured his youngest dongsaeng.

"D-did you like.... I mean, did you mind what happened between us? Like, did you enjoy it?" Jungkook whispered the last bit, looking away shyly.

Seokjin hissed and cupped Jungkook's cheeks before holding onto him quickly. He closed his eyes and nodded his head against Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook gasped and held on tighter after understanding his hyung's admission. He didn't hate them and he had liked what they did. He was just embarrassed.

"Hyung, Suga hyung punched V hyung in the face," Jungkook stated.

Jin moved away and glared at Jungkook.

"What did you say? He punched Taehyung?"

Jin's expression was one of anger. He was literally fuming as Jungkook watched and smiled inwardly at his reaction. He nodded slowly.

Jin moved Jungkook off of his lap and got up immediately. He shook his clothes into place and pulled on Jungkook's hand.

"Come!" he ordered, before pulling Jungkook along with him, a single minded purpose to find Min Yoongi.

Jungkook wanted to laugh but he kept his face sombre. He had got the exact reaction that he had wanted from his hyung and he was not about to mess things up by showing it. So he remained passive and went along with his hyung. Jungkook was very perceptive. He knew that he had Jin exactly where he wanted him, once he admitted how he had felt.

"MIN FUCKING YOONGI," Jin screamed as he entered the next room where Yoongi was getting his make-up done with the rest of the group.

Everyone turned, shock written all over their faces at the sudden outburst. Jungkook remained quiet and looked down, trying very hard not to laugh.

Yoongi, who was sitting with Hoseok, looked up, confused.

"What's wrong hyung?" he asked, oblivious to what the maknae had done.


The noonas in the room scrambled out of there as quick as lightning when they saw and heard the rage in Jin. Yoongi got up slowly, while the rest of them remained shocked and unmoved. Jin still held onto Jungkook's hand firmly.

"I did," Yoongi admitted. "I won't sit on my laurels when they just don't give a damn about you!"

Jin let go of Jungkook's hand and walked to Yoongi purposefully. He pulled his collar and stuck his face right in front of him.

"How dare you fucking hurt him?! I don't care what happens with me, but don't you ever raise your hands to our dongsaengs ever again. And I'm not some fucking weakling Yoongi. I can take care of myself!"

Yoongi sobered up and looked down. He nodded his head sadly but didn't attempt to loosen Jin's hold on his shirt.

"I-I care for you hyung. I was worried. I'm sorry if I hurt you and offended you but they made you sad. You weren't even staying at the dorm or talking to us. I didn't know what else to do," Yoongi admitted sadly.

Jin let go of his clothes and hissed before pulling Yoongi to him. He held him tightly.

"I'm sorry Yoongi-ah. I know you care for me. I reacted badly. But you can't hit any of the members. That's just not right. Whatever it is, we can sort it out by communicating with each other, not with our fists. I love you all and I can't just let that slide. It doesn't matter what the problem is, we can be civil."

Yoongi nodded quietly. He felt ashamed and saddened that he had hurt his dongsaeng. He looked up and found Taehyung staring at him from his seat.

"I'm sorry Taehyung-ah. Please forgive hyung."

Taehyung smiled and nodded. He didn't say anything, just stared at Jin when their eyes locked.

"Are you okay Voo? Did he hurt you?" Jin moved to inspect Taehyung's jaw.

"It's nothing Jin hyung," Taehyung said, brushing it off. But he didn't remove Jin's hand from his face. He gazed at his beautiful hyung and Jin found that he couldn't look away.

"Urm....," Namjoon cleared his throat and broke the spell. Jin moved away and stood aside, embarrassed that he couldn't look away from Taehyung. Memories of his kisses lingered on Jin's mind. His ears turned pink at the thought of what they had done in the practice room as Taehyung continued to boldly stare at him.

"I think.... we all need to take a break for a while. Let me go talk to manager hyung and see if we can get a few minutes before we start," Namjoon said as his eyes searched both Yoongi's and Hoseok's. The tension in the air was palpable and the rapline were starting to feel uncomfortable, especially after Jimin moved to pull Jungkook close to him and sat next to Taehyung. Jimin licked his lips as he stared unashamedly at their hyung.

Namjoon got up and pulled a startled Yoongi and Hoseok out of the room, leaving Jin alone with the maknae line.

"What the fuck was that all about?" Hoseok asked, as Namjoon closed the door behind them.

"Fuuuccckkk!" Yoongi said, as he ran his hand through his hair incredulously. "Do they actually fucking like each other?" He looked to their leader, confused at what they had just witnessed.

Namjoon crinkled his eyebrows in thought. "I think they do. Let's leave them to figure it out. I need a drink anyway," he said and walked down the hall to speak to their manager and warned their staff not to disturb the other members for a while.

Inside the make-up room, Jin stood aside awkwardly watching his dongsaengs, who were now ogling him shamelessly.

Taehyung smirked and stood up. He walked to his hyung without breaking eye contact. Jin was nervous and it was showing in the way he trembled when Taehyung boldly ran his finger down his cheek.

"You know what I think? I think hyung owes us on a certain bet he took with us."

A loud hiss escaped Jin's lips as his eyes went wide just before Taehyung lowered his lips to his own. He kissed him softly, gently nipping at the skin of his lips. Jin groaned but didn't attempt to push him away. The two others in the room, smirked as they watched them making out.

"I think our hyung needs to honor that bet Taetae," Jimin said rather seductively as he moved to join them. Jungkook too got up and crowded Jin against the wall of the room.

"What do you say hyung? You ready to do just that?" Jungkook asked, eyes traveling over his hyung's delicious body.

Seokjin had never felt more cornered in his life than right then, not even like that day in the practice room or any other time in his life. He couldn't deny what he was feeling but he was still afraid and embarrassed to admit it while the three stared at him, waiting for his answer. So, instead of speaking, he moved his gaze from Taehyung to Jungkook and then to Jimin before pulling Jimin to him and placing his soft lips against Jimin's pillowy ones and groaning hard as he smelt his sweet breath against his skin. His heart was racing as Jimin moved his lips over his own and traced his wet tongue against his lips. Jin gripped Jimin tighter and opened his mouth to welcome his tongue, enjoying the feel of soft hands gripping his neck as he kissed him slowly. Both Taehyung and Jungkook gulped as they watched them kiss. They exchanged a look and that's when Jungkook moved to lock the door, ensuring them some privacy.


The next chapter is the conclusion. I will publish it soon.

Happy birthday to my Jungkookie 🎉🎂🎊 my heart, my sweet baby ♥️

I purple you  💜


Love Swty 😘

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