Aligned Or Not? ✔️ | PJM♡ |

By bangtanxwritez

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"Yes. I'm their one of the biggest fans." You say nervously. "Really, wanna meet them?" The person infront as... More

Chapter 1 - Na... Na... Nature.
Chapter 2 - Welcome To The Club.
Chapter 3 - When The Right Time Comes.
Chapter 4 - Kill All Not Y/N.
Chapter 5 - A Miracle.
Chapter 6 - Do You Know Me?
Chapter 7 - Coincidence.
Chapter 8 - Just In Case.
Chapter 9 - Previous Night.
Chapter 10 - Precious People.
Chapter 11 - Holding Hands.
Chapter 12 - Hot Red Tomato.
Chapter 13 - Illegal Cops.
Chapter 14 - Taekook.
Chapter 15 - Ice-Creams.
Chapter 16 - Just Some Old Friends.
Chapter 17 - The Black Car.
Chapter 18 - Is Jimin a Flirt?
Chapter 19 - Special Maggi.
Chapter 20 - Eye Contact.
Chapter 21 - Dream Narration.
Chapter 22 - Mistake.
Chapter 23 - Weird Sensations.
Chapter 24 - Ramyeon.
Chapter 25 - Good night.
Chapter 26 - The Dream.
Chapter 27 - Good Morning.
Chapter 28 - HOME.
Chapter 29 - Teddy Bear.
Chapter 30- Jungkook's Problem.
Chapter 31 - First Kiss.
Chapter 32 - Secret.
Chapter 34 - Bathtub.
Chapter 35 - Calm Down.
Chapter 36 - Kookie.

Chapter 33 - Soft, Sweet, Juicy.

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By bangtanxwritez

When the song starts you start humming the song. "You know the lyrics?" Yoongi asks you. "Yes... But when I learnt this song, I didn't know Korean at that time... So, I'm good at their pronunciations." "Oh but now you learn them with correct pronunciations, right?" "Yes. I will learn." "Good. I will be listening to the song from you." "Hehe sure." "Yes." 

"Ha... It was doing good! I liked it. I didn't know that I can dance also. Haha!" He says laughing. "Hehe! You are good at dancing, not only you, all are best dancers." You say. "Hmm... True! By the way... How did you learn Korean? I mean it must have taken too much time right?" "Hmm... It took only one minute." "What?! You kidding me right?" "No. I learnt Korean by magic." "Ahh! That. So you should have said that before. Dumbo." He says lightly punching on your head. "Aaaa! You are dumbo." You punch him back. You both then laugh.

"Can I borrow your phone?" He asks you. "Why?" "I want to watch some more videos of BTS." "Ok! You can use it but if somebody calls me or something just let me know ok?" "Ok ok sure. You just stay close to me. Don't go anywhere." "Haha ok! I'm at home only. Jimin gave me punishment to stay at home." "Why?" "Actually what happened is, yesterday I came late at night right? I told them that I was at my sister's house but I was at my house. My own house, of my real world. So, today morning Sujin must have called me when I left. But I left my phone in Jimin's room, by mistake. So... She must have told him that I wasn't at her house yesterday. Then Jimin scolded me and gave me punishment to stay at home today."

"Hmm oh!... Everything is ok but... What was your phone doing in Jimin's room?!" He says giving you a detective look. "Ab... Ab... Um... Th-" "Don't tell me that you slept with Jimin last night! Is it?" You do a little nod looking away. "Pft! Ahahaha! Good good! How was your experience? Hahahaha!" He said laughing hard. He holds his stomach while laughing.

"What do you mean by experience?! We both just slept. We did nothing. Ok?" You say in a bold voice. "Uh-huh?! Really!? Then what are these blue hickeys on your neck? Huh?" "Th-that was just... He bites me many times. But... From my side, I did not do anything. I didn't even let him kiss me. He was begging so much but still, I stood the same." "Oho! Why? Why didn't you let him kiss you?" "Um... I want to give my first kiss to the person whom I love." "Then you don't love him?" "Like I love him as an Idol, right? Not as my boyfriend or a life partner. I don't have that feeling for him." "Then for whom you have that feeling? Jin hyung?" "No! I mean yes... Maybe... Argh! I don't know!!!" You say frustratedly.

"Hahaha! You are cute." He says laughing. You glare at him. "Then... Why... Did... You gave... Me your first kiss?" "NO NO! I didn't kiss you. Please don't think that." "Then what was that Y/N?" "I did that to stop you from speaking. When we both were inside, that time from outside I heard my brother and his ex-crush's voice." "What?! You have a brother too?!" "Yes, I have an elder brother." "Oh wow! Good."

"But... Can I say something?" Yoongi says. "Ya! Go ahead." "Um... I liked... The kiss. Your lips are so soft, sweet and juicy." "WHAT?!!! WHAT DID YOU SAY? SAY IT AGAIN!!" You shouted angrily. "Your lips are soooooo soft, sweet and juicy!!" He says teasing you. You grab a cushion and beat him with it. He laughs. Then he also grabs a cushion and you both fight with it.


Hoseok and Jungkook enter.

You both were busy in cushion fights that you didn't notice them. "Oho! What you both are doing?!" Hoseok says. You both then stop and look at him. Hoseok giggles when he looks at you. "What happened?" You ask. "Your hair... Hahaha. See your hair. Ahahaha." Jungkook says laughing hard.

Your hair was all messed up because of the cushion fight. You glare at Yoongi, who was laughing so much. "Don't laugh. It was because of you." He continues to laugh. "You are a fallen angel." "Uh-huh?! Then I'll take Jimin also with me in darkness." "Take him. He is also very annoying." You say opening your braid. After opening your hair you make a messy bun of them.

"We got the colour Y/N. So... Let's begin?" Hoseok says. "Yes sure." You say standing from the sofa. "Hyung! Are you here just to sit and use your phone?" Jungkook says to Yoongi, whose eyes are buried in your phone. He lifts his head to see Jungkook. "What should I do?" He asks. "Help us in whitewashing Y/N's room," Jungkook says. He nods his head and stands up. "Ok! Let's go." He says and walks towards your room.

All three of you just stare at him. Your mouths open in shock. "Whoa!... Oh ok! This is also fine." Hoseok says. "Kookie aah! Get brushes and rollers from the storeroom." "Ok hyung!" Jungkook says and walks towards the entrance door.

Hoseok carry's the bucket of paint walk towards your room. You also follow him. 'Oh my god. I can't believe that these people are going to help me paint my room. Hehe! I'm super excited!' You think while walking in the hallway.

You both reach your room. You see Yoongi sitting on your bed, playing with one of the stuffed toys. He looked cute while playing with it like a baby boy.

When you and Hoseok step inside, he glances at you both and keeps the toy aside. "Hyung! Please help me moving these things." He says pointing towards the big and heavy items in your room. Till that time Jungkook also comes.

The first move your wardrobe. "Where should we keep this?" Yoongi asks. "Jimin's room is empty. Let's shift this to his room for some time." Yoongi and Hoseok take quick action move it to his room.

"Ha... Hyung. This dressing table we'll keep in Tae's room and side tables in Jungkook's room. Is this OK?" Hoseok says to Yoongi, pointing towards the objects. Yoongi nods and they pick up the dressing table.

"Why do you even want to paint the room? It looks good." Jungkook says to you. Sitting on the bed. His hands rested behind him. "Um... That pink colour is a bit dark which makes my room darker. First of all, this room is the last so it should be a bit bright. After visiting the room's of you'll, I find this room a bit dull. So that's why I want to change the colour. I have something else also after this in my mind." You say. Meanwhile, Hoseok and Yoongi complete the shifting part.

"Hmm. Ya. This is true. What is in your mind?" He says completely lying on the bed. His hands supporting his head. "Just wait and watch." You say giving an eye wink with a smirk.

"Ahh! Done. Now we just have to shift this bed. In centre. That's it. Then we will start painting the walls." Hoseok says, resting his hands on his lower back.

"Kookie! You said me to come and work here, now what you are doing? Just lying on the bed? Huh?" Yoongi says with an angry look. Jungkook gets up and says, "Hyung! I can't see anything which I can work on. So I lied down." "Uh-huh? You can't see work? I'll give you work. Shift this bed front, so that we can go behind it and paint it." Jungkook nods and pulls the bed infront, to make it in the centre.

You grab a roller and say excitedly, "Shall we start now?" The three men giggles. "Yes yes! Let's start now. Look! How much excited she is. Hehe!" Yoongi says. You flash your white 32 brightly, with eyes close. "Yah! She is looking like Jimin hyung. Wow!" Jungkook says giggling. "Then should I look like you BUNNY!?" You say teasing him.

"I think you need one from me now piggy!" He says. You run and he chases you. You hide behind Hoseok laughing like a laughter queen. Jungkook tries to catch you but every time you dodge. He comes behind Hoseok to catch. You run and hide behind Yoongi.

"Oho! What are you both doing? Just stop it now." Hoseok says laughing but you both ignore him and continue playing around like kids. Jungkook comes behind Yoongi to catch you. He was about to catch you but you quickly come infront of Yoongi. You keep on dodging. "I will kill you today Piggy!" Jungkook says laughing. "First catch me Bunny! haha."

Yoongi leans down to the level of your ear. "Give him an attack of your soft, sweet, juicy lips. He'll stop there immediately. He will never tease you again." He whispers in your ear. You shiver down your spine. You stop there. Your big laugh immediately faded and you became serious. Almost angry. Jungkook grabs your hand. "Ya! Got you! Haha! Piggy, now where will you go?"

You stand there straight. Just staring at Yoongi's black t-shirt covering his chest. Slowly the sounds of big laughter also fainted. A point came where everything became quiet. Suddenly you hear a giggle. "Oh god! I was just kidding Y/N!" He says tapping on your shoulder.

You don't dare to speak anything. You just stand there like a doll of wax. "Anyways, I'm about to become a fallen angel." He says learning to the level of your ear. "I have to become a bit, bad boy. And... I'm a bad boy." He whispers in your ear. Your expression doesn't change a bit.

"What are you saying? What is a fallen angel?" Jungkook asks still holding your hand. "A bad angel!" Yoongi answers him standing straight. "You-" "Ok ok! Now let's start painting the wall." Hoseok says.

Jungkook leaves your hand and walks towards the place where brushes were kept. Hoseok also walks there but Yoongi was still standing infront of you. You take a deep breath and release. You turn around and walk in the same direction where Hoseok went. Yoongi sigh and grab a brush from the place.

After an hour and a half or maybe more..., you all finish painting the walls and cleaning up the mess done by it. "Ha...... Ooff!! It's done." You say arching your back and stretching your arms. "Now I have to bath again!" Hoseok and Jungkook say at the same time. They then look at both of them and laugh. You also laugh.

Laughing and giggling the three boys leave your room. You glance at the room happily. "Hmm. It looks good now. Now tomorrow I'll do something more beautiful in it." You talk to yourself. "Ahh! I think I should take a bath now." You then walk towards your bed and grab your bag from there. You take out your clothes and keep them on the bed. "I have to set my things in the wardrobe also. Ha... So much work."

You pick up your clothes and are about to walk towards the bathroom. "Y/N!!!" You hear somebody screaming your name. It was Yoongi. You drop your clothes on the bed and run outside of the room. "Y/N!!!!!!" Yoongi screams again. "Ya!!! Coming!!" You shout and sprint up.

While running in the hallway, some object strikes your leg. You were about to fall on the floor but someone's hands hold you. You turn in the embrace. You see Jin. "Are you ok Y/N?" He asks you in his soft, melodious voice.

Your face turns red. Your body starts heating up as you look into his eyes. His question just dances in your mind but you can take out any word from your mouth to answer him.

You were lost.

Completely lost.

"Hmm?" He hums instead of repeating his question. 'Wow! I never thought that Jin would be holding me like this. He is just so a beautiful guy. And his voice? Wow! I can't even get a word to compliment it with. His embrace is giving me so much heaven like feeling that I want to spend the rest of my life like this.' You think.

"Y/N?!!! CAN'T YOU HEAR-... Wow! What's happening here?" You hear a voice but you ignore it. You were so much lost in watching Jin that you don't even bother to look away from him. Jin turns his head in that direction. You can see his side face. His side face is also so beautiful that you won't touch it. You want to keep it with you. You want whole him to be yours.

Jin turns his eyes again towards you. "Y/N. Yoongi is calling you for a long time." You blink your eyes and you come back to your senses. "Hu-huh?! Oh ya! I forgot!" You say and stand straight. Jin then removes his hand from you.

You look at Jin. He points in a direction saying, "Yoongi. He was calling you." You look in the direction and you see Yoongi with a surprised expression.


A/N :- Hii! How are you? Good? :D

Soft, Sweet, Juicy ;)

Thank You.

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