By scrivelancer

142 7 0

A MiChaeng alternative universe wherein Mina broke up with Chaeyoung for a certain reason. Chaeyoung changed... More



49 4 0
By scrivelancer


I was heading my pace on my room when a girl caught my attention. The girl was walking straight through the hallway; she's quite tall, blonde and pretty. Her eyes are seemingly beautiful and I could see the sparks on her pupils from a far. Her nose is cute and her face really looks like a doll. I was enchanted by her beauty, I was immobile for seconds and here I am, standing like a fool, admiring her from a far. Her face is just pleasing to the eyes and I bet no one can resist her beauty. Who wouldn't be?

I continued walking to head my pace to my room. Dahyun was saying something to me but the girl I saw earlier keeps on bugging my mind. I want to know about her or atleast know her name.

“You're ignoring me the whole time, Chaeyoungie...” I came back from my reverie when I heard Dahyun's voice. We're already in our classroom, and I'm sitting next to Dahyun's chair. She pouted and looked at me, “Your head is outside the universe huh,” she ripped a joke, which is a half-truth for me. I was light-headed not because again of the ‘alcohol’, rather, the pretty girl I saw earlier. I'm still mesmerizing her face in my head.

“So, I heard from Nayeon that we have a new classmate today!” she uttered in a cheerful tone. I could see the galaxy on Dahyun's eyes, there were stars and her eyes were shining in amusement. This is actually her reaction whenever there's a new classmate. It just means to her, it's a new-classmate-to-be-friends-with.

Tzuyu just shrugged, “Who cares?” she uttered in a boring voice, she took a glimpse of Dahyun's face before shifting her gaze to the book she's currently reading. Dahyun hissed, “Tsk!” she took a glimpse of Tzuyu as she unleashed an annoyed face.

Dahyun and Tzuyu are really opposite to each other, but, even though they argue over small issues sometimes; they remain as good best friends.

The bell rang and the class officially started. The door opened and a beautiful girl stood there, quiet and standing firmly as she glanced at our room. She plastered a smile on her face while her hands were gripping the handle of her plastic envelope. Our classmates gasped, maybe, enticed with her beauty too.

“She's so beautiful! Gawd, is she our new classmate?” our class president yelled in amusement as she took a glimpse of her face. Jeongyeon glanced at Nayeon for a second, she rolled her eyes and plastered an irritating look same with Tzuyu who was annoyed by the gasps.

“She's so beautifulll!” Sana giggled, she looked at her with hearts on her eyes. Probably, trying to catch her attention and flirt with her when she has the chance.

“Why tf are you all impressed? She's just a new classmate either,” Tzuyu uttered in a huffy voice, she rolled her eyes once again. She then continued reading her book, not even sparing a second to take a glimpse on our new classmate.

“You're just jealous...” Dahyun whispered as she took a glance at her before switching her gaze to our new classmate. She was teasing Tzuyu, she knows she likes Sana, and the thought of Sana flirting with other girls annoy Tzuyu so much.

“bla bla bla, can you please shut the fck up, Dahyun?!” Tzuyu almost yelled in annoyance and continued her business. Dahyun just smirked, she succeeded to annoy Tzuyu this time.

Our attention then diverted onto the pretty transferee when our adviser spoke, but of course, except for Jeongyeon, Tzuyu and Jihyo who was busy doing their track; reading. They are that types of person who wouldn't give atleast a single piece of shit about small issues that are unnecessary, they would rather suck on those bigger issues or something more important than reading comics, news or fictions on books.

The transferee then head her pace infront of us the moment our adviser, Ms. Choi called her to introduce herself. She flashed a smile on her face, showing her sets of white porcelain teeth, waving her hand in the air as her lively voice replaced the gasps. She heaved a sigh, “Hello everyone, I'm Jeon Somi. Nice to meet you all!” she then flashed another smile. She took a glimpse on each and everyone of us, and in that very moment...our gaze met and heart started to race. She's the girl I saw at the hallway earlier.

And now, I know her name— she's Somi.

“Hi! Let's be friends?” she uttered in a cheerful tone, she flashed a smile on her face and offered me a handshake. “O-of course, by the way, I'm Son Chaeyoung,” I stuttered, I looked at her and we did handshakes. Dahyun glared at me as she took another bite of her chocolates; maybe teasing me with her. She drew a smile on her lips and continued eating.

It's already 9AM, it's our break time and we decided to spend some time on the cafeteria; eating while having a conversation. But, then, our conversation was interrupted when Somi banged in. I can't refuse her though, I know she wants some friends to bond together with during break time and it could be some sort of being arrogant if we reject her, right? And besides, I want to be friends with her.

“You are our friends now, Somi!” Dahyun shrieked in amusement and plastered a smile on her face. “I'm Kim Dahyun, by the way...and she's Chou Tzuyu,” she took a glimpse of Tzuyu who has no plan of introducing her self, so Dahyun just did it for her.

Dahyun is an outgoing person, one of the reason why she has several friends in this school, unlike Tzuyu who's only satisfied with two or three friends.

Tzuyu once told me the reason why she didn't interact with other people that much because she's afraid of getting rejected or ignored by people whom she thinks are someone she wants to be friends with. And I know she's lowkey pertaining to Sana. She likes her a lot, she may not tell her but her eyes never lies.

But, for her, she's already satisfied with few friends but real ones. And I'm grateful, she still trust me despite of me— ‘being such a burden to them’


Tzuyu then stood up from her seat to leave the cafeteria for a while to go to the toilet. They all tensed when they saw a cute penguin keychain on her hand, she held it and Somi tensed, “Woah! You found my keychain!” she shrieked in disbelief. Tzuyu's jaw dropped when she heard Somi, her eyes widened and got immobile for seconds, “I t-thought it's...y-yeah I found it,” she stuttered and handed the cute stuff to her. Somi's eye widened in surprise. “Thanks!” she answered and gave Tzuyu a cheerful smile.

At that very moment, Tzuyu was left hanging. She thought, the cute penguin keychain was owned by Mina— since she's really a penguin enthusiast.

“Ah, so, you like penguins too? You reminded me of someone...” Dahyun blurted out.

“Not really, but, I really find penguins cute and— interesting!” Somi uttered enthusiastically.

Tzuyu tensed in disbelief, she thought Mina really came back there in South Korea to explain her side to Chaeyoung. But, at that very moment, she thought, she failed. Tzuyu always wanted Chaeyoung to end up with Mina someday. Mina is the only person she can trust to Chaeyoung and she felt bad that Dahyun teases Chaeyoung with Somi.

Mina, please come back and explain everything to Chaeyoung please...Me and Dahyun can't explain it by ourselves...please make it clear. Tzuyu uttered in her mind, still tensed, glancing at Somi and faked a smile.


It's already 5PM, the class has officially ended and it's time to go to our dorm; time to smoke some cigarettes and drink liquors again to forget her. But even though, I'd already drank galloons of liquors every night— I still remember her and our memories keeps on playing like a movie in my head and it seemed like it all happened yesterday.

Why can't I forget you, Mina? You caused too much pain and my heart still beats for you! Why?

I put my school bag on the couch when I arrived, I quickly head my pace to my bed to rest. I'm exhausted— but, still thankful that something good happened. The looks...the smile...the gestures...everything she does makes me smile a bit, and I don't know why. We just met a few hours ago and now my heart is racing like crazy, it almost felt like a roller coaster, playing non-stop.

“It's too early to sleep, Chaeyoung...” Dahyun called me when she saw me heading my pace to my bed.

“I just gotta spend some time alone, you know...” I uttered as I smoke my cigarette. Dahyun just gave me a concerned look, she then shrugged and shifted her gaze to Tzuyu who was busy preparing our dinner.

I quickly sprint my feet to bed. I just need to think about some things or drown myself in liquors again. I don't know what to do with my life now either. I know it isn't me anymore and they already knew about it.

I heaved a deep sigh as I laid myself on my bed. Somi reminded me of Mina the first time we met, and at the same time, the thought of her helps me  forget Mina little by little.


I was busy preparing for our dinner when Chaeyoung stormed out and went inside her bed. I heaved a sigh as I chopped some carrots, “We should've order from a fastfood delivery, Tzuyu...” Dubu crossed her arms while watching me chop the ingredients. “Tsk, aren't you sick of eating instant goods, oily foods and MSG's?” I uttered, pertaining to those preservatives that was added on those food that she orders.

“You're not a good cook either,” she mustered. I could sense her rolling her eyes from behind while insulting me, can she watch her words sometimes?

“That's why I'm trying to cook, you dummie!” I took a glimpse of her and threw daggers on her eyes. She just smirked as an attempt to intimidate me.

Argh! If not only for Chaeyoung, I wouldn't do this things, mf.

“You really annoyed the shit inside of me this day, little freak!” I added and took a glance to her for a second before shifting my gaze on my track.

“HAHAHA because you never fail to roast me when you're the bully! I just want do some revenge!,” Dahyun chuckled, reminiscing the moment she teased me to annoy me earlier.

“Anyways, speaking of Chaeyoung...I think she likes the transferee though...” she added when she finally moved on from her laughter. She's pertaining to Somi, the girl we just met earlier.

The surrounding became quiet, only the sound of chopped veggies could be heard. There was a heavy ambience again, and I couldn't utter a single word the moment Dahyun spit those words. Is it because I don't like Somi or what. I hate that I feel like this. I'm just protecting Chaeyoung, I'm not against her feelings.

“I'm still hoping Mina will come back. You too, right?” Dubu asked me, staring at me, waiting for an answer.

“Yes.” I said as I put all the ingredients in the casserole. I don't want Chaeyoung to get hurt again, it's not that we don't like Somi. We're just protecting her from harm again. We don't want her to shed tears because of that fcking heartbreak again.

I was at the verge of turning the stove on when my phone rang with my favorite ringtone. I quickly put my palm inside my pocket and grip my phone. A message icon welcomed me the moment I turned my phone on. Dahyun gasped and she approach near me to witness what's happening.

“What is it?” she asked and looked at my phone, curiosity was evident on her face. I then tapped the message icon and an eleven-digit numbers appeared. It was an unknown number from someone, but, it seemed familiar to me, particularly, the last three digits.

I then scrolled through my phone to read the message, and it made me gasp in awe. We didn't know whose number is it from but the message itself is trying to tell me it's her— it's really her. Dahyun gasped and wondered. “I think, it's just a wrong sent, Tzuyu...” Dahyun uttered in a low voice, she seemed not to believe the text.

“I don't think so...” I mumbled in a low voice. I took a glimpse on the text, my eyes widened in surprise, my jaw dropped and my body tensed in awe.

“.. .----. .-.. .-.. / -.-. --- -- . / -... .- -.-. -.- / ..-. --- .-. / .... . .-.” said the text.

She could've said it directly. The text seemed to say something in secret. But whatever it is, I know it's a plan of bringing back the old Chaeyoung to win her back again.

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