Perfect people don't exist

By ItsNotEasy189

250 0 8

"You know no one is perfect right? So stop trying to be it." I glanced up and scowled at him. I probably more... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 15

7 0 0
By ItsNotEasy189


I am beginning to think maybe I shouldn't have held back and maybe I should have just kissed him. His lips were unimaginably soft, besides a cut on them. I wanted his arms around my beck again. I looked at the small boy who I could now call my boyfriend.

Wow. I am honestly speechless. I only became friends with him a few months ago, and oh how things have escalated. I just need to not fuck it up.

"Why don't you spend the night at my place, and we can ditch school?" I asked him.

I thought he was going to say no, but instead he just nodded.

"But I'm driving, you have already drank tonight," he giggled.

I agreed and then pecked him on the lips before getting up.

We waved goodbye to Noah and I held his hand as we walked out. I got an approving glance from Ruby, Brodie and Noah. I had a feeling this was going to go well!

"Hey, what college are you going to go to?" I asked.

Carter's eyes didn't leave the road but I could tell he was thinking about the question. I didn't know where I wanted to go, but I think I wanted to do something like law or journalism... I also wanted to travel, I don't know where, but maybe I would travel the world or something?

"I'm not sure, maybe Yale or Princeton... maybe even Harvard. I guess I haven't put much thought. I mean I have applied for those three, and a few more but I doubt I'll get in." He sighed.

"Don't doubt yourself and second of all, you're smart as fuck, they have to let you in!" I practically yelled.

He giggled at my enthusiasm. I had applied for them and more as well, but I didn't actually know if I would get in

"If we both got into the same ones...umm what would you do?"

"I would choose the same one as you."

"What if it isn't where you want to go?"

"I want to go wherever you go. I know that sounded corny and shit but I really do like you Cart, and I wanna go with you."

"W-what if 'we', don't work?" He sounded so worried.

"It's a risk I am willing to take," I responded simply.

"This is your house right?" He asked after a few more minutes of driving.

I nodded and he pulled into the driveway.

"How much did you drink?" He laughed when I tripped out of the car.

"A few cups," I laughed.

"You're not even supposed to be drinking," Carter accused.

"How were you even able to buy any of it?" He questioned.

"The people around here don't care how old you are, they just want money," I let him in on the 411.

He looked like he was contemplating it. I couldn't read what his expression was.

We walked into my house and I took Carter up to my room. My parents were out for tonight and tomorrow because they had a business meeting to attend and they were having dinner with their boss.

"I am so tired," I yawned as I hopped on my bed.

Carter came and sat down next to me. Then he stood up again and I looked at the now empty spot. He barely made a divot in the bed. How the fuck did he manage that?

"Ummm...where do you want me to sleep?" He asked hesitantly.

I chucked off all the extra pillows and pulled back the sheets. I then pat the bed to indicate he was going to sleep with me. I mean, why not? He was my boyfriend.

"A-are you sure? I don't want to take up too much room.." I rolled my eyes.

"You're tiny, you'll take up literally no room whatsoever." I tapped down on the bed again.

He finally gave in and crawled in next to me. I kissed him on the forehead as he slithered under the covers. He smiled and kissed me back.

"Night Cart," I whispered, liking the nickname.

It was such a simple on, I don't know why I didn't use that from the start.

"Night Ez," he rolled onto his side.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and heard a small gasp escape his lips. He eventually loosened up and leant into the touch.

This right here, is why I shouldn't have taken so long. This boy was so fucking gorgeous, and he was mine. All mine.


Morning came and I realised Carter wasn't in the bed. I got up hurriedly to go and look around to where he could have gone. I hope he didn't leave already. No he wouldn't have done that, he was too sincere to tell me when he was going. Unless he left last night and didn't want to tell me, he would also be too sincere to wake me up and tell me he was leaving. though I would have heard him, right? So he couldn't have already left.

I heard a toilet flush. Yeah, I overreacted.

The bathroom door swung open and Carter froze when he saw me.

"I am so sorry, did I wake you?"

"No of course not," I waved him off.

It wasn't a lie, he hadn't woken me up. I usually woke up around this time. I looked at the clock. Never mind, no I didn't. Carter looked at the clock and his face looked like he had just seen a ghost. Was it bad I kind of wanted to laugh.

"We're late for school!" He panicked. Then he ran into my bedroom nearly tripping.

I snorted as he rushed to make my bed. What the fuck was he doing?

"What are you doing you weirdo?"

Within seconds my bed was made. He did that oddly fast. It took me nearly 5 minutes to make my bed, also just me being lazy and have the urge to just lie back in it.

"We need to get to school!"

"I told you we would ditch," last night's events came back into my head.

Not that I had forgotten them, but I didn't remember about the ditching thing until now.

He then looked up at me and then laid down on my bed relieved.

"You're only telling me this now?" He gestured to my made bed.

I went down and sat next to him as he let out an exhausted sigh.

"Well...what now?" I asked.

"A movie?"

"Sure which one," I was down to watch a movie.

"Ummm...which sorts do you like? I'll watch what-"

He was interrupted with a ringing phone.

"It's my dad. I gotta take this," he stepped out of the room with his phone and closing my bedroom door.

I rushed to the closed door and leant my ear against it to try and listen. I didn't want o be a sticky beak but I couldn't help but want to listen.

"Y-y-yeah, I'm sorry. I j-just... I didn't know you were going to be home!" Carter sounded really upset.

"N-no, I won't do it again." Now he sounded scared.

Shit was it my fault for making him come to the party and then come home with me. I kind of knew his dad was strict. I should have thought about that. I probably made him feel like he had to. God you're and Idiot Ezra!

I heard him stop talking so I rushed to jump on my bed and play with my phone.

"I am really sorry, I need to go home," he mumbled an apology.

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

He nodded and then smiled at me. He walked towards me and then kissed me passionately on the lips, leaving me breathless as he left.

Damn he was a good kisser!

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