2. H O L Y W A R : Peacekeepe...

Por AxisRogue

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When transfer students D'kala and Kia arrive in the whimsical world of Safe Haven, they are quickly integrate... Más

Preface ***DO NOT SKIP***
Epilogue I
Epilogue II + Author's Note
Epilogue III


176 4 0
Por AxisRogue

Zill flapped his wings as he descended to the ground, holding one of D'kala and Kia's wrists in each of his hands. Setting them down gently, he folded his wings and followed the Felinians as they scampered quietly into Z.P.A. The front doors were busted, having been pried open by someone with enormous strength.

"So you said it was a vampire lady with bright red hair, huh?" Zill asked as he led the way through the school halls. "Sounds like Queen Venganza. She was here last week." Sounds of a scuffle rang out in the distance, acting as a compass for the trio of students.

"She said she was here to 'reclaim her minion' or something," Kia told Zill. "Any idea what that might mean?"

"Uh-huh. Last week, one of her pals—who happens to be the older brother of two students here—he got captured by Mr. Zechariah and Carrie," Zill explained. "He's her closest ally, or so the story goes. I wouldn't doubt that she's here to get 'im back." He paused at a corner and held up his hand. "Wait here. I'll check it out." He unfurled his wings again and shot around the corner, disappearing from sight.

D'kala and Kia peeked around the corner, where they were met with a spectacular sight.

Near the end of the short hallway was Carrie's office, and through the open door, the two Felinians could see Vice Principal Zechariah, Carrie, and the recently-arrived Zill scrapping with the vampire queen ("Venganza", as Zill had called her), a vampire wolf, and the zombie vampire minions that had followed their queen.

And, surprisingly, they saw Cameron Walden huddled in a corner of the room with a look of sheer terror on her face.

"So what's the move here, DK?" Kia asked, eyes wide and fixated on the scene.

"I'm not sure," D'kala answered, "but it looks like Mr. Zechariah is attempting to keep Venganza and her minions contained in that room."

"So should we help 'em or what?"

"I think we should stand by in case—"

"Y'know what? I'm goin' in." Kia dashed away from her hiding place, an eager expression on her face. "Let's RUMBA!"

"Kia!" D'kala cried, running after her.

Inside Carrie's office, the caretaker and Zill wrangled Simon and the zombie vampires while Zechariah and Venganza traded attacks with otherworldly speed. One was attempting to escape the room with her minions; the other using his speed and power to hold her back.

"You'll get out of my way if you know what's good for you, Zechariah!" Venganza yowled, slashing at Zechariah's muzzle with her claws.

Zechariah jerked backward and responded by whipping Venganza across the face with his prehensile tail. "That's not going to happen!" he retorted. "You'll remain here until the Pacts are restored!"

Venganza cackled. "As if you could restrain us that long!" she sneered. "We—eh?!" She broke off as D'kala and Kia burst into the room in their panther forms, yellow eyes blazing in the darkness. "What? The new Peacekeepers?!" she shrieked.

Zechariah whirled around, shocked. "D'kala! Kia! What are you doing here?" he cried. "It's not safe! You can't—UNFH!"

Venganza backhanded Zechariah away and rose into the air, fixing the new Peacekeepers with a terrifying glare. "FOOLISH CHILDREN!" she roared. "You will NOT interfere with our plans!" With a hungry screech, she lunged toward the students, claws outstretched.

"Oh, no ya don't!" Carrie lashed her whip, wrapping up Venganza and hauling her backward in midflight.

D'kala and Kia attacked at the same time, launching themselves on top of Venganza and pinning her down. "We've got 'er, Mr. Z!" Kia called. "She won't be goin' anywhere!"

"You have to knock her out!" Zechariah shouted, leaping to his feet. "She can transform—"

But his warning came too late: Venganza was already shifting into her "flock of bats" form. Finishing the metamorphosis in seconds, Venganza burst upward from the ground, easily slipping away from Carrie and the Felinians. She reformed in midair and surveyed the scene: Carrie and Zill had destroyed all of her minions, and the latter was locked in a one-on-one with Simon.

Venganza narrowed her eyes and snapped, "Simon! Here!"

Simon immediately broke away from his fight with Zill (which he had been winning) and trotted over to his mistress. "What, I can't finish teachin' the kid another lesson?" he asked her, smirking and licking his paw.

Ignoring his quip, Venganza gave Zechariah a victorious smile. "Looks like I've won this round, Zechariah," she gloated. She fake-pouted and added, "A shame."

"You've not won yet, Venganza," Zechariah growled, flattening his ears against his head and crouching low to the ground as he prepared to pounce.

Venganza narrowed her eyes. "Choose your next move wisely," she warned, scanning the room for an opportunity to support her bluff. Then her eyes lit up and she said, "Simon? The girl."

Simon grinned, his fangs dripping with Zill's blood, and leapt clear across the room, landing right in front of Cameron, who screamed as he slunk closer.

"No!" Zechariah shouted, streaking toward Simon at lightning speed.

However, Simon saw the attack coming and spun around, countering with a claw to the face.

Zechariah went sprawling, landing on the far side of the room.

"Get away from 'er, ya lil'—ACK!" Carrie gagged as Venganza grabbed the back of her neck and lifted her into the air.

"We're done here, Simon," the queen said curtly. "Let's go."

"Just lemme taste her blood," Simon hissed, moving closer to Cameron. "It's gotta be loaded with fear by now..."

"No!" Venganza snapped. "That fear is meant to be preserved." She tossed Carrie away and repeated, "Let's go."

Simon snarled and sprinted out of the room, teeth bared.

Venganza slowly dissolved into a flock of bats again, fixing her eyes on D'kala and Kia. "You're brave," she told them, sounding begrudgingly impressed. "And rather competent fighters." Then she narrowed her eyes. "But before you enter the fray again... find out just who you're fighting for." With that, she burst apart, vanishing with startling speed.

D'kala and Kia reverted to human form, standing up straight. "Well, that was fun, huh?" Kia said with a grin. "Nothing like a vampire attack at 2 in the morning to get the blood flowing."

D'kala walked over to Zill, who was sitting on the ground and keeping himself propped up with his hands, and pulled him to his feet with a grunt. "Are you alright, Zill?" D'kala asked.

"Eh... I've been better," Zill answered, grimacing. "That guy's got my number. I barely got a hit in." And it was true: Zill was covered in cuts and bruises while Simon had been practically spot-less.

In the meantime, Zechariah walked over to Cameron, a concerned expression on his face. "Are you alright, Miss Cameron?" he asked her.

Cameron remained in a fetal position, eyes wide as she mumbled to herself.

Zechariah sighed. "Carrie, would you please escort Miss Cameron home?"

"Can do, boss-man," Carrie responded. She lifted Cameron into the air and put her on her back with surprising ease and carried her out of the office.

"Zillion, you should go home as well," Zechariah said. "Put some ice on those wounds."

"Yes, sir." Zill rubbed his shoulder, following Carrie at a painfully slow pace.

Then Zechariah turned to D'kala and Kia. "As for you two..."

"It was me, sir!" Kia blurted. "I jumped in! I'm sorry."

Zechariah blinked, startled. "Are you assuming I'm going to punish you for doing so?" he asked, confused.

Kia paused. "...Yes...?" she replied slowly.

"Absolutely not. In fact, your help was much appreciated." Zechariah sat back on his haunches and exhaled. "But this is the second time the barrier's failed in as many weeks," he muttered.

"Sir, if I may," D'kala began, "it seemed as if that vampire queen... knew you. Have you battled before?"

Zechariah hesitated, then admitted, "We have... but that's not why she knew me." He hunched his shoulders and looked down, a strange look of regret and shame appearing in his eyes. "There's a reason she attacks us. And a reason this haven is growing more vulnerable by the second." He lifted his eyes to meet the students' gazes. "And that reason is me."

"YOU?!" D'kala and Kia repeated.

"Whaddya mean, it's 'you'?" Kia asked, shocked. "How are you responsible for bad guys attacking?"

Zechariah seemed to age significantly at that question, looking frail, exhausted, and weak. "I..." He trailed off, unsure of how to respond. Then, at last, he said in a resigned voice, "Come to my office after school tomorrow. I'll explain everything then—I promise. I only ask that you give me time to recover from this battle... and that you not tell anyone what I will share with you."

D'kala dipped his head. "You have my word."

"Mine, too," Kia agreed.

"Thank you." Zechariah flicked his tail. "You should head home, then. Busy day tomorrow; busy day indeed." He looked away, gazing distantly at the wall of the office.

D'kala and Kia glanced at each other before turning and leaving, casting one last look at Zechariah over their shoulders.


The next day, D'kala was greeted by an unpleasant sight in art class: Tom had infiltrated the room and was apparently splitting his time between fondling MacKenzie and mocking Addison and Gustav.

"Ms. Chokshi?" D'kala said suspiciously, glancing at the art teacher (who was currently monitoring Addison's progress). "Did Tom join the class mid-semester?"

"He's just dropping in to say 'hi'," Latika replied with a sigh, glancing warily at the incubus.

"'Grooming his pet's' more like it," Addison grumbled. "He prob'ly doesn't even like her. He's just trying to get in her pants."

"Focus, Addison," Gustav advised him. "Work first, worry about the damsel-in-distress later."

"I'm not worried!" Addison retorted hotly. "Just... annoyed. Tom's always been a creep, but this is a new low for him. I've never seen him treat anyone like that. He didn't even treat me like that!"

"If the school determines boundaries have been crossed, the heads will step in," Latika informed her son. "Until then, our hands are tied."

D'kala frowned. "That's unfortunate."

"I agree," Latika told him. "But rules are rules." She slithered toward the door and said, "MacKenzie's just about done with her piece, so I'm going to get her a new canvas. Gustav, be a dear and check on her, would you?"

"Ja, Frau." Gustav gave the naga a dutiful nod.

D'kala turned and narrowed his eyes at Tom before facing his own painting again. MacKenzie's being used but doesn't know it... and I have no power to step in. How am I supposed to be an adequate Peacekeeper if I can't protect one girl from an obvious predator?

"Mr. Gustav?"

D'kala, Addison, and Gustav all looked sharply in MacKenzie's direction, surprised to hear her actually speak in class.

Gustav blinked. "Er... yes, MacKenzie?"

"I'm finished," MacKenzie announced as both she and Tom stepped away from her painting. She gestured to it with a flourish. "Ta-da!"

Momentarily startled by MacKenzie's upbeat mood, Gustav's attention was redirected when he saw the painting. "Oh my..." he breathed, hurrying over to get a closer look. "The detail! The skill! The absolute professionality!" he gushed, running his hand over the dried parts of the painting. "MacKenzie, this..." He turned to the girl, a wide grin on his face. "This is simply magnificent!"

MacKenzie's entire face turned red, and she rubbed her arm bashfully. "It was nothing," she murmured modestly.

"Nothing? MacKenzie, this piece deserves to be hung in the Louvre!" Gustav cried. "How could I have not paid attention to it before? How could I have overlooked such artistic prowess?..."

D'kala and Addison gaped at Gustav as he showered MacKenzie with praise. "Has... has he ever acted like this before?" D'kala asked.

"Never," Addison replied, shaking his head slowly.

D'kala gave the fox-boy a half-grin. "Looks like that advice you gave her worked out nicely, eh?"

Addison shrugged, looking torn between being surprised, impressed, and jealous. "I guess."

D'kala laughed and turned back to Gustav and MacKenzie—but his smile fell away when he saw Tom's expression.

The incubus was glaring at Gustav with almost-palpable hatred, his white eyes emitting a faint glow. His hands were clenched into fists at his side as if he were preparing to attack the Serpian.

"Oh, dear," D'kala muttered. "It seems Tom has caught on."

"Caught on to what?" Addison asked, glancing at D'kala.

"MacKenzie's feelings for Gustav," D'kala responded.

"Her WHAT?!" Addison exclaimed.

"SH!" D'kala clamped a hand over Addison's mouth. "Not so loud!" He jerked his head toward MacKenzie. "It seems my suspicions were reversed. Look at her: she's using Tom as a prop; a means of hopefully stoking Gustav's jealousy, as well as a booster to help her talk to him with more confidence."

"Mm mm-mm mm mm mm mm-mmf?!" Addison mumbled, outraged. (Translation: "She's trying to steal my boy-friend?!")

"It appears that way," D'kala confirmed.

"H---, no!" Addison sputtered, removing D'kala's hand from his mouth. "To think I was actually worried about that little—"

"SSSSHHHH!" D'kala hissed again, returning his hand to Addison's mouth.

"...never seen anything so beautiful!" Gustav exclaimed, practically sobbing over MacKenzie's artwork. "Forgive me for not realizing your talent sooner, fraulein!"

MacKenzie giggled, her face now the color of her hair. "You're forgiven, Mr. Gustav, I swear," she insisted. "You can stop gushing now."

"Yes, of course. I apologize." Gustav cleared his throat and wiped a stray tear from his eye. "I have wronged you in my treatment of you, MacKenzie," he said contritely. "I promise to be much more involved with your development in the future."

"Thanks," MacKenzie replied, smiling.

"Yeah, yeah, that's all lovely and s**t," Tom sneered. "Why don't you go back to Addi, eh? Give 'im a bit more of your 'involvement'."

"Tom! Be nice!" MacKenzie told him, mortified.

Gustav narrowed his eyes. "I would request one thing of you, Thomas," he said, lowering his voice. "When you are in here, show the teachers, assistants, and students respect. That includes how you speak to them and how you treat them." His eyes flickered to Tom's hand, which had been creeping around (and below) MacKenzie's waist. "There are guidelines at this school, and they will be followed," the TA growled. "Am I clear?"

Tom's hand subtly retreated. "Crystal, Yer Majesty," he grumbled.

"Good." Gustav's gaze softened as it returned to MacKenzie. "Ms. Chokshi will be along shortly with a new canvas," he informed her. "When she returns, you can get started on your next masterpiece." He grinned. "My heart leaps at the thought of what joys it might bring."

MacKenzie burst out in a giggling fit.

Gustav turned and walked back over to D'kala and Addison, the latter of whom was simmering in silence. "Problem, gentlemen?" Gustav asked, frowning.

"Not. At. All," Addison growled through gritted teeth, glaring daggers at MacKenzie.

"No problem, Mr. Gustav," D'kala assured the Serpian. "Although I would advise you to tread lightly with MacKenzie. It seems she's grown rather fond of you."

"Don't be ridiculous, D'kala," Gustav said breezily. "She's with Tom for the time being, and I am obviously spoken for."

"Didn't seem like it a few seconds ago," Addison snapped. He stood up and stormed toward the exit, muttering, "I'm gonna get some water."

Gustav's frown deepened. "Ad—"


Tom snickered as Gustav's frown morphed into a perplexed expression. "What's gotten into him?" the T.A. wondered.

"Hm. For a teacher's assistant, you're a bit thick-headed," D'kala remarked.

"Watch it," Gustav warned.

D'kala smiled slightly. "My apologies, sir."


"ALRIGHT, LADIES! Today's event eeeeiiizzzzzzzz... BASKETBALL!" Coach Knox bellowed. "We'll start with a 20-lap jog, then hit some drills, and close with a full five-on-five! You go when I say go, so GO!"

The students took off running, eying the drill cones on the court warily.

"Hey, squirts! Better get on that campaign trail," Ruben sneered as he jogged past D'kala and Kia. "I'm throwin' a party tomorrow night, and I've already got half the school on the guest list!"

"We're on the trail, Rusted," Kia assured the dog. "You can bet your tail we'll be winnin' this election. You were only chosen for kicks."

"Oh, we'll see about that!" Ruben shot back. His sneer returned as he added, "By the way: you two should swing by my place tomorrow. That way you'll be able to see how awesome I am!" He cackled and increased his pace, leaving the Felinians behind.

Kia rolled her eyes. "Jerk."

"Just ignore him," D'kala told her. "Focus on the task ahead."

Kia scoffed. "Easier said than done."


After classes ended, D'kala and Kia made the long walk to the principal's office, remaining quiet for the entire duration of the trip.

When they stepped inside, they found, to their surprise, Zill and Damian waiting for them along with Zechariah.

"Wassup, guys?" the heavily-bandaged Zill said with a grin, flashing deuces at the new students while Damian simply lifted his head in greeting

"Zill? Dame? What're you guys doin' here?" Kia asked, confused.

"Mr. Z said he needed to talk to us," Damian answered, leaning back and propping his feet up on Zechariah's desk. "Couldn't tell ya why, tho'."

"The matter I need to discuss is something that will impact each and every one of you," Zechariah informed them, sweeping Damian's feet off the desk with his tail. "From our fledgling foreign exchange students to our sole super-powered hero."

Zechariah let out a long sigh, looking as weary as he had the day before. "Last night, I told D'kala and Kia that I am the reason for these recent attacks," he confessed, much to Zill and Damian's shock. "There's a story behind that, of course, but I am in no way attempting to justify what I've done. I only ask that you all listen, and then keep what I've said between us."

"No problem, Mr. Z," Damian said with a very untrustworthy grin. "Your secret's safe with me!"

"Same for me," Zill agreed. "Except, y'know... I mean it."


"Thank you." Zechariah's tail flicked back and forth as he prepared to deliver his explanation. "I suggest you all prepare yourselves. What I have to say may not sit well with you." With that, he took a deep breath and began his tale.

When I was still only a young man, I left the Safe Haven to explore the outside world in my human form. I traveled to a small town near the country's southern border, where I befriended a woman named Victoria Keane.

Victoria was about seven years older than I and engaged to a rather unbecoming man named Phillip Thornton. Despite this, Victoria and I became fast friends—or perhaps more like family than friends. She was both the sister I'd never had and the mother I had lost so long ago. Our bond was unbreakable.

"What happened to your mother?" Kia asked, curious.

Zechariah's gaze grew dark. "...Please allow me to continue."

"Oh... sorry," Kia apologized quietly.

One day, Victoria discovered that her fiancé had been with another woman. She was heartbroken, of course, but was too scared to admit that she knew what had happened. She told me—but only me. She continued to see Phillip, who was becoming thoroughly disinterested in her. I insisted that Victoria leave him before she was hurt worse, but... she was convinced she could make him love her again.

Then Phillip made his move.

His patience with Victoria finally wore to its thinnest, and in a rather bizarre act of anger, Phillip accused his lover of performing witchcraft and hexing the town.

"I'm assuming that, since this was a small rural town, most everyone believed him, yes?" D'kala guessed.

"Quite the contrary," Zechariah corrected him. "Most thought he was insane."

However, after digging through Victoria's home (which had belonged to her grandmother), he found a great deal of occultist paraphernalia, which he proceeded to present to the superstitious mayor.

This caused a great uproar, and that same night, the townsfolk laid siege to Victoria's house bearing torches and pitchforks. It was a nightmare straight out of the Salem Witch Trials.

"Were you in the house with her?" Zill asked.

"No," Zechariah answered. "Though I was staying with her, I had left to buy groceries as a favour, since she was in no condition to leave the house."

"Was she sick or somethin'?" Damian inquired.

"She was depressed. Unmotivated." Zechariah closed his eyes and turned away. "So far from the woman I once knew," he whispered.

After a moment of silence, Kia asked, "So what happened next?"

Zechariah exhaled and continued:

Someone set the house on fire with a torch, forcing Victoria to come out. As the townsfolk converged on her, I tried to force my way through the crowd, screaming her name while a couple of men held me back. I lost my voice shortly thereafter and could no longer call out to her.

And then I... I heard a voice behind me call my name.

It was smooth... cold... and horrible. I turned, and I saw a man unlike anyone I'd ever seen. He was sharply dressed—completely out of place in the mob. He had flowing golden hair and an angular face that seemed to glow in the light of the fire.

Damian seemed to shrink in his chair at that.

"Uh-oh," Zill muttered.

Zechariah sighed. "I knew who he was instantly... and I still listened to his proposal."

He offered to save Victoria's life in exchange for "that which I loved the most". I was torn—and confused. I believed that Victoria was the most precious thing to me in the world. So I thought that if he saved her, he would take her from me. But I concluded that it was better she lived and left than that she died at the hands of the mob.

So... I made a deal with the devil.

Damian worked his jaw as a vein on his neck bulged.

"Mr. Zechariah... I'm so sorry," D'kala murmured.

Zechariah smiled ruefully. "Trust me, D'kala—there is no one sorrier than I. For once the deal was done, the unforgiving beast did save her—but not as I thought he would."

The devil waited until the townsfolk stabbed Victoria to death with their pitchforks, then summoned a vampire from the depths to revive her as a bloodsucking wraith.

Victoria awoke from the slumber of death in time to watch the one who had just saved her be impaled by the wooden end of a pitchfork, driving her into an enraged frenzy. I watched in horror as she slew most of the townsfolk, her eyes alight with bloodlust.

Then I ran. I ran, and I wept. I left Victoria behind that day, despite the fact that, when the massacre was over, she was wailing my name. I still hear her voice in my head... her desperate cry for me to return...

...but I couldn't face her after what I'd done.

"So the devil took the thing you loved most," Zill said quietly.

"Not quite yet," Zechariah replied, narrowing his eyes. "Little did I know that what he was referring to was not Victoria."

The room fell silent.

Then Kia said, "No... no way. He couldn't have meant..."

Zechariah nodded. "He did. In exchange for returning Victoria's life, he receives... Safe Haven."

"But... h-he can't!" Damian stammered. "That's impossible!"

"I'm afraid it's entirely possible, Damian," Zechariah replied. "Once a deal is made with him, it cannot be broken by anything but an act of GOD."

"Then we shall pray for one!" D'kala said fiercely, rising to his feet.

Zechariah tried to smile but failed. "Your... prayers are appreciated, D'kala," he told the Felinian. "But I fear they may go unheard." He lay down on the ground and curled up, avoiding the students' gazes. "You see, I am a monster—just as Venganza said I am," he murmured. "I made her what she is today... and I betrayed my home. I... I'm sorry."

D'kala sat down slowly, completely shell-shocked.

"So Venganza is Victoria," Kia whispered, putting the pieces together. "And you traded Safe Haven for her life, losing both in the process."

Zechariah nodded wordlessly.

"Screw that!" Damian exploded, leaping out of his seat. "I'm gonna have a nice long chat with my old man—see if he still wants to try takin' this place once I'm through with 'im!"

"Don't tell me you're actually thinking about fighting your dad," Zill said, rolling his eyes.

"Who, if he is who he says he is, is the second-most powerful being in the universe," D'kala added.

"Power, schmower! I'll light up his a--!" Damian sneered.

"You will do nothing of the sort!" Zechariah snapped, jumping to his feet and glaring at the jackal. "I won't have my students injured because of my faults! I've done everything in my power to protect them thus far, and I shall not stop doing so now!" He leaned toward Damian, forcing him to lean back. "You will not speak of this to your father," he hissed. "Do you understand?"

Damian swallowed hard. "Yes, sir," he croaked.

"Good." Zechariah straightened up and motioned toward the door with his tail. "You can leave," he told the students. "And remember: not a word of this to anyone."

The students nodded and shuffled out of the office, still somewhat shaken by what they'd learned.


Zechariah remained still as the door closed. "Yes, Guardian?" he said calmly, not turning around.

A chuckle sounded from the shadows behind him, and a Draconian man stepped out of them. "Still as sharp as ever, I see," he remarked, lowering his glasses slightly.

"I heard you come in during my little speech," Zechariah informed him. "Very clever, shadow-walking to evade my hearing." He glanced at the half-dragon over his shoulder. "What news do you bring me?"

Guardian walked over to Zechariah's desk with his hands behind his back before using one to brush dust off the surface. "Mother's plan nears fulfillment," he reported grudgingly. "The target is almost completely consumed by fear. By my estimation, she's about a month away—two at most."

"That's unfortunate," Zechariah remarked.

"Unfortunate?!" Guardian repeated incredulously, spinning around to glare at Zechariah. "It shouldn't be possible! You're supposed to be protecting her!"

"I've done all I can, Guardian," Zechariah said tiredly, closing his eyes. "But despite my best efforts, she always seems to end up in such terrifying situations."

"If you don't do something fast, Adina will be able to possess her," Guardian warned. "Once she has a human host, her powers will lose their limits! She'll have legions of dark forces at her beck and call! She's already subjected the Blood Hunters to her will! Who's next? Half-demons? True demons? Evil spirits?"

"I understand the stakes, Fitch,"Zechariah growled, baring his teeth. "I will continue to look after the target." He turned around, flattening his ears against his skull. "Trust me—Adina will never lay a hand on Cameron Walden."

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