Blue Flower [GakuenBabysitter...

By beatrixwenner

505 40 11

[Ongoing] "She's just one girl" "She's a one man army!" A new life and highschool for the Handa sibblings, Ru... More

Chapter 1 - Heroine
Chapter 2 - Rough Girl
Chapter 3 - Thankyou
Chapter 4 - Sweet
Chapter 5 - Pain pain

Chapter 6 - The old

38 7 0
By beatrixwenner

"Omi omi you were amazing back then! Bo-kun and Shoyo-kun definetly agrees with me!" the blonde miya twin along with a tall man of white and a shorter man with orange hair, praises of the wing spiker, it was another tournament won by the MSBY black jackals and all of it is credited to the outside hitter of the team Sakusa Kiyoomi. "YEAH DAD GO KICK THEIR BUTTS/ASSES" But none of the praise and cheers matters to the man, except the ones that belonged to a couple of blue haired girls in the front row seats.

"Good game Omi-san!" Hinata Shoyo, the little tangerine of the MSBY team said with glee, jumping to hug the taller male tightly. Upon feeling the contact of skin to skin Sakusa jumped and immediately pushed Hinata off him sending the tangerine flying towards the Fukurodani alumni Bokuto Koutarou. "Argh! Shoyo-kun, get off me.." He grunts but soon was helped out by a man of beautiful blue eyes "Hinata, please get off Bokuto-sa.. oh he's unconscious"

"Come on let's get them to the changing room, Akaashi please help out with Bokuto.. Miya.. Hinata if you would" The two helped peel the unconscious bunch off and Sakusa couldn't wait for the celebration dinner. It has been the little family's tradition for an accomplishment or win is best celebrated. "Hey Sakusa-san" a team mate called as they changed to which he turned to and asked "I was just wondering, when did you meet your daughters if I may know" Sakusa was known as the serious and hard man he is, but since he himself met the two girls he had grown the soft spot in his heart.

"Well it is kind of a long story" he scratches his neck as he leaned on his locker, he was about to open his mouth to say something but a huge bang of the door filled their ears. "COME ON DAD! HACHI's HUNGRY NOW!" Ruka's growly voice scared all of Sakusa's teammates making them hide behind the man. "T-that girl maybe cute but she's scary like really really really scary!" Atsumu said as he crouched down covering his face for any potential bench that Ruka might hurl through the door. Sakusa grinned slightly "How can you smile through this!?" Atsumu continued as Sakusa got his bag and waved them off. "Im off, i'll be skipping the drinks.. call the cooler Miya if Miya gets drunk"

"Huuh?! im no light weight!" Atsumu stood up straight but crouched back down as Ruka showed herself with Hachimitsu on her shoulder rubbing her little tummy in signal of her hunger. Ruka had her arms crossed with her foot tapping the ground repeatedly looking at Atsumu. "I-im sorry forgive me your evil- Highness!" he pleads as Ruka gave him the stink eye, the smelliest eye she can give to him. And after so.. they left. Ruka dragged Sakusa by the hand while Hachimitsu settled herself on his shoulder. "Daddy, im hungryy.." the little girl whined and cuddled the man's shoulder earning a bit of his laughter.

"Hold on there Hachi, your nee-chan bought you some honey milk tea because your DAD took his time in the changing room" Ruka snarled lightly at the man as he rolled his eyes playfully "I got the drinks when we were waiting and It was already dropped off at the flat, probably a bit bitter thanks to the melted ice cubes" Ruka groaned as the family started driving back home. Sakusa smiles at his little family, everything was.. perfect. Despite not knowing the obvious difference in the english words "weak" and "week" Ruka Is actually pretty smart, an easy going person and also beautiful. Hachimitsu, the little bee is a complete simp for cupcakes and honey is also the little ball of sunshine of the family.

"Spicy umeboshi chicken?" Sakusa was sitting at the dinner table with Hachimitsu on her highchair waiting expectantly for their dinner. "Yeah, your favorite since you were the carry today i'll add extra umeboshi" Ruka announced as the two held their forks and spoon up making the teenager giggle. The man couldn't help but smile as his little family, it was just then that he took the two girls under his protection and now here he is watching her grow up along with her little sister. "Thanks Hana, Hachi. But next time don't shout like that" he said with a small grin. "nee-channnnn im hungryyy" Hachimitsu whined and sat on Sakusa's lap cuddling her father, Sakusa is the most fatherly figure in her life.

"Alright alright, here's dinner" The teenager sets the chicken down making the man and toddler drool over the heavenly scent it's spreading through the living room overlapping the flowery scent. "Uwahhh~" Hachi claps her little hands as her big sister gave her a piece of chicken, dinner had almost started everything was prepared but a simple knock on the door had disturbed their peace. Sakusa took the little girl in his hands and went to the door Hachi turns the door knob with her tiny hands and appears the "Miya?" Sakusa looks at Osamu Miya with a slight grin "And.. Miya.." his face turned pale at the appearance of a blonde Miya twin on his front porch. "Huuh?! why aren't you happy to see me?!"


"This onigiri is fire! thankyou Uncle-samu..." Ruka laid back and held her stomach from a dinner to remember brought by the owner of Miya onigiri. "Too bad the two can't stay for dinner though" the man nodded as they were already cleaning up. "Hana, are you happy with your new school?" Sakusa asks the girl to get a nod with a bright smile.

"Of course, I love the kids, the three guys in there too" phrasing the words wrong made Sakusa flinch in surprise "I don't mean in a romantic way dad, geez sometimes I think the only thing that goes around in your mind is love love and more love" Ruka giggles as they all now sat on the couch. 'A romantic relationship? nah, I don't have time for it besides i think im too rough on people.. and besides i don't think the daycare guys think im their type' oh it's certainly not impossible.


"Kids, come on let's go see the other clubs" A nice sunny day at the Morinomiya daycare, the now freshman Kashima Ryuuichi and Handa Ruka were in the daycare announcing the kids of their little outing to see the other clubs. The kids all beamed at the mention and ran up to the girl and jumped while saying what club they want to see. Ryuuichi and Usaida grinned slightly and they all went to the other clubs, starting from-

"Gah! Kumatsuka-sensei?!" Ryuuichi exclaims as he opened the door to the drama club where everyone was putting on make up, Yayoi was cosplaying as a ghost making all of the children pale at the sight of the scary women "Oh dear Kirin, do you not recognize your own mother? I guess it shows the power of make up. The drama club's pride and joy" the women proudly announces. "Woah! sick make up! can you do a gory bloody themed make over?" Ryuuichi swears he could hurl on the thought of seeing a realistic bloody make up.

"I think im going to be sick, Gah! Usaida-san?! why is everyone sneaking up on me?!" Behind the two teenagers stood Usaida with make up and the little Midori who had an arrow that's going through her head, in reality it was just a head piece. "Don't threat Kashima-kun, and by the way why don't you think about joining the drama club? I see pure talent in you, call it a hunch." Ryuuichi gave the immediate no as Kotarou is and will be his first priority, besides she'll say that to anyone!

As they walked... Usaida still has the damn make up on "Get that off your face Usaida, even though I said the make up looks cool, you're an exception" Ruka said but soon noticed a little green bud stopping and crouching down. "Kotarou? what are you doing?" Ryuuichi asks his little brother to which he pointed at an ant "Wait! im picking up a nice smell" Ruka said as a smell of something sweet in the air hits her nose. "Are you a dog or something? I don't smell anything" Usaida remarks as Ruka took Midori and gave her to Ryuuichi.


"If only I wasn't wearing this skirt, this thing saved you from a few axe kicks" Ruka took her fist out of the adult's abdomen. "Ubba~" the little Midori cheered for the adults pain as he held his own stomach in pure pain, soon they went to investigate the enchanting aroma and found out that Maria, in the cooking club, Was making some cookies. "Ino-nee-chama do we get some cwokeeys?" Kirin asks with the other toddlers nodding silently asking the same question. "Well... why would I give this batch to y-" she stopped once she saw the tears welling up in the toddler's eyes.

"I was planning to make another batch, with more chocolate chips" She clarified herself and watches as the kids cheered, smiling to herself but soon the small upcurve was erased as she saw Ryuuichi. "Y-you! why did you leave the kids unsupervised! you are the person in charge of watching them!" the teenager shouted and scrambled but stopped upon noticing the cowering senpais of the cooking club. She bowed to show her apology but soon blushed upon being remarked as a Tsundere by all of them.

"Ooh~ this one free?" Ruka showed up out of nowhere and she was already standing in front of a freshly baked cookie tray. Maria sighed and nodded, she already had enough embarrassing moments for today and she was tired to say the least. "Mmmm, maybe you could tone it down on the sugar and-" Maria nodded and thanked her for the explanation of her mistakes "Handa-san seems to be a natural at baking, why don't you join the club? we'd love to have you!"

Ruka smiled but brushed the senpais off "I'd love to but I think i'll pass" she said as Hachimitsu jumped on her shoulder "We should get going now" Ryuuichi said as he noticed the kids already running and barging around, club after club they finally made it outside where.. obviously the baseball field is at. "Handa-san, why did you turn down the cooking club's offer? you bake good sweets" Ryuuichi asks as the started making their way to the baseball field.

Ruka turned her attention from her little sister to the boy thinking about the question just made her grin a little "Well, being in a club with my peers or senpais does sound nice but I really like it with the kids. I get a free show of Usaida's pain and I get to be with Hachi and you guys" she said with a bright smile and as of then Ryuuichi found the smiling girl dare he say.. cute? when she's like this, Ruka Handa.. a good big sister and someone who can lighten the mood whenever she sees the perfect time. all of the kids like her with no question and she genuinely cherishes them even though they aren't sibblings.

"Oh, so it's like that.." Ryuuichi mumbles as they all finnaly arrived at the baseball field, Taka... is ecstatic to see Hayato but the same couldn't be said about the teenager himself "Wahhhhh! I came here to see nii-chan but you're just a poopie head!" the little one whales in result getting Hayato a bunch of tease and comments from his senpais.. then, what did he do? easy!


"Shut up!" he said after giving one hard hit on the head making him whale louder than ever. "it's okay Taka-kun pain pain go a-WA" Hachi's little hand was held back by her older sister as she shook her finger in front of her "No slapping foreheads, Yagi and maybe Kamitani is an exception" she winked slyly as Hayato rose an eyebrow, confused as to what she's implying. "How's practice?" Ruka asks as the boy gave a big sigh "It's fine, I guess.. we're a weak team anyways not that it matters" Ruka patted his shoulder "Your the carry, so i'll cheer ya on" she said as Hachimitsu jumped and cheered "Go Kamita! like daddy! he's the carry!"

Hayato patted the little girl's head and said thanks to the two girls after he stood up straight he looked at the blue head from head to toe "The uniform suits you" he bluntly commented to which the girl flipped her hair "I know right, im rocking this just like every outfit I wear" the boy rolled his eyes but soon was called to continue practice. Ruka turned back to see the kids and.. Ryuuichi starring at a bunch of boys from other clubs, the look that he has on his face showed a bit of longing and desire. Ruka sympathized, he is a boy and she knows very well that the Kashima brothers are attached to each other just like her and Hachi.

But this is high school, the three years that you live only once in your life she may just know Ryuuichi for a few months but she thinks that he deserves happiness everyone does actually.. atleast that is what Ruka thinks. She went up to him and patted her shoulder to which he jumped "Gah! oh.. Handa-san" She smiled at him "Shall we get going to the other clubs?" the kids had noticed the look on the redhead's face and worry started to cloud over them. "Ryuu-nii-chama sad?" Kirin asks with tears in her eyes, Kotarou cuddled his big brother's leg telling him that he's here.

Ryuuichi smiled a little with a blush that he had because the emotional feeling that he's holding back was pushing him to tears but he held it because he din't want to worry any of the toddlers. "No, thankyou everyone" he patted their heads and wiped their tears. "Ah! I need to hang this poster up, Handa-san you can take the kids and look at the other clubs first i'll be going now!" the girl smiled at her friend's somewhat innocent and kindness and soon she, along with Usaida started thinking where to g- "Kotarou?" where was the little green bud?

"Ah, there he is!"


"Come on let's go to find Kashima" Ruka couldn't help but grin at how the little green bud shows his care to his big brother, just 10 minutes ago Kotarou was pulling on Hayato's leg and he, by Usaida's translation was telling Hayato to come join the baby sitter club. He was the only toddler to realize the boy's loneliness and the first out of all of them to take action. In the end Hayato decided to join the babysitter club, resulting in it having 3 official members! and it's all thanks to Kotarou.

After that matter is settled the babysitter club continued to look at various clubs throughout the whole academy, hours and hours passed and the first day of freshman year ended just like that. "Alright guys! we'll be taking our leave now! we have somewhere to go!" said Ruka excitedly making the others a tad bit curious "where to?" Usaida spoke the minds of the others, but to their dismay Ruka din't give much of a hint by saying "Secret! cya!"


"Ah! we're here Hachi" a fairly big shack with the sign that says Onigiri Miya was their place of destination. "Ooh~ Onigiwee nee-chan are we going to see Uncle-Chamu?" the little girl asked with a cupcake in her mouth, she just couldn't stand looking at it from the store so she cutes her way through her big sister. "You really know how to cute your way through me huh? and yeah Uncle-Samu called me" Ruka smiles as they looked around, this place itself is already very important to her not to mention the owner himself.

"Hey high schooler, how was yer first day?" Osamu asked as he handed a customer his delicious hand made rice ball. "It was perfect, I get to beat some guy up at the martial arts club because he was being a di- pickle" Ruka proudly announces making the man chuckle. "You haven't changed at all haven't ya?" the girl shakes her head and sat down "The same can be said for this place" the place was the same when she was taken inside for her first warm welcome.

"What did you need us for Uncle-Samu?" the man looks at her with a sad smile as he handed her a cake "Huh? what's this for?" Ruka asks as she eyed down the cake with blueberry and honey flavoured cream. "Omi said that he's sorry that he couldn't come because he had an important meeting for his job, so asked me to make this cake for ya and Hachi." she took a look at the cake, it wasn't extravagant or over the top or anything it was just simple, and it had the words "Happy 1st day of high school"

Ruka's surprised expression broke to a fond smile, it's not everyday she feels loved when she was just a child but since the day where she was taken in, she felt more than just loved by the people she has now. "Thanks Uncle-Samu" she said but was unexpectedly greeted by the man hugging her and Hachimitsu tightly "Yer welcome Ruka, just know that i'll look out for ya so don't worry" she smiled and leaned into the somewhat fatherly affection. "Come on let's eat the cake, don't forget to save some for Omi"

"What about Miya-san? uh.. Uncle-Tsumu, dang it I'll just call him that."

"Huh? what about him?"

"You're a bad brother Uncle-Samu"

"Tell that to my hand"


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