Chapter 3 - Thankyou

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It's about a week later, Ruka was in the daycare with Ryuuichi since they are the members of the club. "Kashima, can you hand me the buff? we have a problem here.. the final boss up" Ruka clenched her fist like she was about to fight something.

"Eh? buff? final boss?" He asked innocently as he looked at Ruka "Yes, i swear by my name i will smite of thee!" in reality this final boss was just Midori with green clouds around her and this buff was just the change of diapers.

"God my nose could crumble right now" Hayato was covering his nose pinching it with his index finger and thumb, unlike himself Ryuuichi and Ruka are completely immune to the poisonous gas of number 2's, thanks to Kotarou and Hachimitsu when it was their era.

"Hana~ come play with us" Kirin requested along with Hachimitsu, they were playing house and they thought they should invite Ruka along. "Why i'd love to, wait for a little bit alright? the boss is almost down" she said and was putting the finishing touches on Midori's diaper.

"Close that thing first before you decide to change her diaper, the stench will melt the inside of my nose" Hayato snarles and gags at the smell of an atomic poopie. "Maybe if you'd learn to take care of Taka more you'd get use to the smell"

"Why would i want to get used to that smell?" Hayato finnaly gets to breath a sigh of relief, as Ruka closes the diaper and seals it tightly.

"And... voilà! a mass weapon of destruction, Kamitani! think fast!"



"Alright! here's your food Hana-chan" Kirin, our little polie Kirin plates the food on the little table that she puts out for Ruka while Hachimitsu was manning the kitchen set. "Hachi-chan where's the special dish you said Hana-nee-chama will like?" Kirin who turns out to be the manager of GakuCafe asks the head chef.

"Don't rush the chef! the dish needs some pizzazz first before it's ready to serve" she poured some metaphoric salt on the empty plastic plate and gave it a loud chef's kiss but since little Hachi can't make the noise, she held her hand in a pinching manner and "Muah~" before bringing the dish to her big sister who was giggling.

"Hachi-chan is really fond of the kitchen isn't she?" Ryuuichi asks Ruka who was 'eating' the 'special dish' "Yes, she really is. Everytime dad or i cooked she watches us like... she stares at us blankly.. in all honesty it was creepy but cute at the same time that she's eager to learn"

"Woah! Hachi! Hachi! i want some food! i wanna be Gordom Ramsy!" Takuma cheered with Kazuma nodding meekly behind

"Eh?! gordon ramsy isn't for toddlers to watch!" Ryuuichi exclaims in his place being shut up by Ruka "If they don't know the meaning of the english words we shouldn't worry, they could say fucking shit and think it's candy, so it's alright" she whispered a bit loudly.

"Take Hachi for an example, she says we're going to the bitch in english and she thinks we're going to the beach" she whispered. "That is... a good example" Ryuuichi sighed.

"But sti-" his mouth was covered by Ruka again "Uwahh!" The kids cheered in sync as master chef Hachimitsu Handa was platting out some 'food' that is hard eggs! so hard they're almost like rocks!

"Bon appetite everyone!" she exclaims and slams the plate down on the table "Hachi-chan w-where did you get that?" Ryuuichi asks as the little blue bud gave him a devilish smile "Out side, by the big sakura tree"

Ryuuichi was stunned "Eh? how did you sneak out pass Kamitani, Handa-san and i?!" the redhead asks bewildered because of the little girl, he din't even bother to mention usaida because he was sleeping! She pointed towards the window "Im speed like sonic when, nee-chan told me im fast when we ran at the bitch!"

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