Chapter 6 - The old

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"Omi omi you were amazing back then! Bo-kun and Shoyo-kun definetly agrees with me!" the blonde miya twin along with a tall man of white and a shorter man with orange hair, praises of the wing spiker, it was another tournament won by the MSBY black jackals and all of it is credited to the outside hitter of the team Sakusa Kiyoomi. "YEAH DAD GO KICK THEIR BUTTS/ASSES" But none of the praise and cheers matters to the man, except the ones that belonged to a couple of blue haired girls in the front row seats.

"Good game Omi-san!" Hinata Shoyo, the little tangerine of the MSBY team said with glee, jumping to hug the taller male tightly. Upon feeling the contact of skin to skin Sakusa jumped and immediately pushed Hinata off him sending the tangerine flying towards the Fukurodani alumni Bokuto Koutarou. "Argh! Shoyo-kun, get off me.." He grunts but soon was helped out by a man of beautiful blue eyes "Hinata, please get off Bokuto-sa.. oh he's unconscious"

"Come on let's get them to the changing room, Akaashi please help out with Bokuto.. Miya.. Hinata if you would" The two helped peel the unconscious bunch off and Sakusa couldn't wait for the celebration dinner. It has been the little family's tradition for an accomplishment or win is best celebrated. "Hey Sakusa-san" a team mate called as they changed to which he turned to and asked "I was just wondering, when did you meet your daughters if I may know" Sakusa was known as the serious and hard man he is, but since he himself met the two girls he had grown the soft spot in his heart.

"Well it is kind of a long story" he scratches his neck as he leaned on his locker, he was about to open his mouth to say something but a huge bang of the door filled their ears. "COME ON DAD! HACHI's HUNGRY NOW!" Ruka's growly voice scared all of Sakusa's teammates making them hide behind the man. "T-that girl maybe cute but she's scary like really really really scary!" Atsumu said as he crouched down covering his face for any potential bench that Ruka might hurl through the door. Sakusa grinned slightly "How can you smile through this!?" Atsumu continued as Sakusa got his bag and waved them off. "Im off, i'll be skipping the drinks.. call the cooler Miya if Miya gets drunk"

"Huuh?! im no light weight!" Atsumu stood up straight but crouched back down as Ruka showed herself with Hachimitsu on her shoulder rubbing her little tummy in signal of her hunger. Ruka had her arms crossed with her foot tapping the ground repeatedly looking at Atsumu. "I-im sorry forgive me your evil- Highness!" he pleads as Ruka gave him the stink eye, the smelliest eye she can give to him. And after so.. they left. Ruka dragged Sakusa by the hand while Hachimitsu settled herself on his shoulder. "Daddy, im hungryy.." the little girl whined and cuddled the man's shoulder earning a bit of his laughter.

"Hold on there Hachi, your nee-chan bought you some honey milk tea because your DAD took his time in the changing room" Ruka snarled lightly at the man as he rolled his eyes playfully "I got the drinks when we were waiting and It was already dropped off at the flat, probably a bit bitter thanks to the melted ice cubes" Ruka groaned as the family started driving back home. Sakusa smiles at his little family, everything was.. perfect. Despite not knowing the obvious difference in the english words "weak" and "week" Ruka Is actually pretty smart, an easy going person and also beautiful. Hachimitsu, the little bee is a complete simp for cupcakes and honey is also the little ball of sunshine of the family.

"Spicy umeboshi chicken?" Sakusa was sitting at the dinner table with Hachimitsu on her highchair waiting expectantly for their dinner. "Yeah, your favorite since you were the carry today i'll add extra umeboshi" Ruka announced as the two held their forks and spoon up making the teenager giggle. The man couldn't help but smile as his little family, it was just then that he took the two girls under his protection and now here he is watching her grow up along with her little sister. "Thanks Hana, Hachi. But next time don't shout like that" he said with a small grin. "nee-channnnn im hungryyy" Hachimitsu whined and sat on Sakusa's lap cuddling her father, Sakusa is the most fatherly figure in her life.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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