You're Not Alone ('Cause You'...

By AwfulGoodness

68 3 0

Peter's happy that everyone's happy. Truly. So why does he does have the sudden urge to sit down and hug hims... More



27 1 0
By AwfulGoodness

"Kid? Can you hear me? I'm on my way, just hold on-"

"He's crashing-"

"Has anyone called his aunt yet? She needs to know-"

"Come on, Peter, don't give up now-"

"He might not make it-"



Voices. Yelling. A high-pitched whining in his ears. Someone crying out in pain.

His stomach is burning, and so is his leg, and he can't breathe, help! He can't breathe and the pain's not going away.

Where's May? He wants May, wants her to hold him like she did when they said his parents were never coming back, or when he returned home, covered in Ben's blood, and escorted by a policewoman with a grave expression. She'll know how to make him feel better; she always does. It's why he loves her so much.

The same person from before makes an awful sound, like a dying animal, and he needs to help them.'s coming from his mouth?

What's happening? He can't see anything except a blinding white light, but he can hear so much noise, too much noise, people rushing over their words and a beeping sound -

Something presses into his abdomen, and he's gone again.


"Daddy, why won't Petey wake up?"

"Pete's resting now, Maguna. He was very sick and now he needs to sleep a lot to get better."

"But I don't like it. I want him to be better again."

"Oh honey, don't we all. But, between you and me, I know that your big brother wants to see you just as much as you want to see him. It's just hard for him right now because he's still very sick, but he's doing his best."

"We should take him to the cabin when he's better again. So that he's not alone, like May said he was before."

"Yeah...that's - that's a good idea...God, why did I leave him alone?" 


"Yeah, uh, hey, honey, how about you hold his hand?"

"Can I talk to him?" 

"Of course."

"Okay. I'm going to tell him how much I want to see him again, like you do. Petey? Are you there? Petey? He's not answering."

"I'm sure he's listening. Keep going, sweetheart."

"Hey, Petey. It's me, Morgan, and Daddy's with me. I miss you. It's been sad without you here because everyone's sad. May cries a lot and doesn't leave you unless someone makes her. I heard Daddy crying yesterday, and Daddy never cries, which I didn't like because it made me cry..."

"Morgan, sweetie..."

"Happy's here too, and your friends. They look really sad too... Wake up, Petey - please. I want - I want to - I want to play with you again. P-please, Petey. Daddy, why won't he w-wake up?"

"Morgan, honey, come here."


"Morgan, you know that if you cry, I'll cry and... and now I'm crying."


"Oh sweetie, don't be. Peter's going to be okay. He's going to be okay because I won't have it any other way, okay? And you know how I feel about things that don't go my way."

"Do you p-promise?"

"I promise. Peter is the strongest, bravest, and kindest person in this whole world, and he's got too much left to do before he goes away. You hear that, Pete? You've got too much good still to do and I'm too selfish and I love you too much to say goodbye now. So come back to us, kid."


There's someone crying. It's the first thing he registers when he comes to.

Not great, heaving sobs, but quiet gasping and rough intakes of breath. As if they're trying not to make too much noise. He can't discern much else, and the idea of opening his eyes is an immediate non-starter so he gives up and lets himself just exist.

But who are they, and why are they crying? Can he help?

It's then that he notices there's a hand in both of his, and someone's gently carding their fingers through his hair. Just like May does when he's going to sleep or when they're watching a film together. It's nice. He likes it.

"Pete? You awake, kid?" a voice that's decidedly not May asks. In fact, it almost sounds like Mr Stark, except Mr Stark is away with his real family right now so it can't be him. But who else could it be?

"Peter, baby?" May calls softly to him, and he's sure it's her this time. Hadn't she been away with Happy, though? What happened? "Sweetheart, can you open your eyes for me?"

Can he open his eyes for her? Is that something he's capable of?

He shifts slightly, in some misguided attempt to move closer to May, but even that is enough to light a fire in his abdomen. He cries out against the pain, and the hands in his both move to his shoulder and his cheek; he can hear someone shushing him and telling him not move.

He stays as still as he can, but the pain does not abate. He thinks he cries out again before he passes out once more.


"Peter? It's... uh, it's Ned. You know, your best friend?"

"Dr Cho said he hasn't got any brain damage, remember? He'll know who you are."

"Wow, jeez, I was just making sure. I don't really know how this works, so...God, I wish I didn't have to know how this works."

"I'm...You're right. I'm- I'm sorry. Peter, if you can hear me, it's MJ. Uh - Michelle. Jones."

"Do you... want to go first?"

"What do you mean? I'm staying here until my mom forces me to leave."

"Oh, wait, no. That's not what I meant. I'm staying too, but - I thought you might want to say something to him. I kinda do."

"Oh, okay, um. You can - you can go."

"Right, uh... Peter. I... I don't think I've been the best best friend recently. Since - since, Betty. I didn't really notice, which was so stupid of me, until this happened and - God, it's so hard to talk to him like this when he's not answering...Okay.

Peter, I'm sorry for being a crappy best friend because you deserve better. I'm your guy in the chair when you do crazy stuff like this, and... maybe if I'd actually been your guy in the chair last week, you wouldn't be here now.

God, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry, Peter. You're... you're my best friend in the whole world, dude. And I literally don't know how to be me without you, or what I'd do if you were gone. So please wake up? We still need to finish the Lego Millennium Falcon, remember? Dude, please... I'm sorry, MJ, I'll be back in a minute, I just need..."

"Um. Hey, Peter. It's MJ again. I, uh, I don't actually know what to say because I didn't know Ned was going to do that. He... he kinda nailed it. Um, you know I'm not all that good at things like this, so. Yeah, like Ned said, everything sucks without you. And I - I miss you. So. Wake up. Please?

Oh, and, um, also. I think you might've got the wrong impression about me and Brad, because you kinda looked like a kicked puppy after I talked to you and I meant to come find you, but... but, I was too scared. It's scary to, um, care about someone else as much as I... care about you. Brad and I aren't, like, together. We're just friends. I don't like him like that. He likes me, I think, but I don't like him because...come on, Michelle - because I like you, loser. So. There. Now you need to wake up so I can try and say these things to your face. Come back. Please."


When Peter comes to the next time, he can immediately tell that something is different. As opposed to the last time, in which he couldn't even open his eyes.

He feels stronger somehow, the world clearer around him, sharp in a way it hasn't been before. Before, when he'd been floating in a thick haze of nothing, voices catching in the breeze and pleading with him to wake up.

He can sense a presence beside him, and this time he knows without a doubt that it's May. She's not speaking, but he can smell the coffee she likes, and the shampoo she uses, as well as hear the soft sighs she makes under her breath when she's anxious.

Her hand is holding his, soft and comforting.

With not a small amount of effort, he squeezes it.

"Peter? Was that - are you -"

It's the sound of her voice that gives him the strength to open his eyes, finally, and when he does, the room is dim. He hears her gasp beside him, and he tilts his head to face her.

Even in the low light, Peter can see the gleam of tears in her eyes from beneath her thick glasses, can see the way her mouth is silently forming words that aren't verbalised, and it's his name on her lips. Over and over.

"Hey, May." He murmurs. God, his voice sounds awful. He sounds practically ancient, all croaky and rough and painful.

"Oh my God. Peter, you're - oh thank God." And with that, she begins to cry, her head falling to rest on his chest - mindful of his stomach. "Peter, sweetheart, it's so good to see you again. We missed you so much."

"It's okay, now, May." He whispers. One of his hands comes up to stroke her head, and if anything, she cries harder.

"Sweetheart, I know you probably think I'm being dramatic, but it was close this time, honey. Way, way too close. So close that you've been in a coma for a week, and we didn't know if you were going to pull through or not." She sniffs. "God, I was so scared. Please, never do that again."

He winces. "Sorry..."

That makes her look up from his chest, and his heart aches to see the tears staining her cheeks, reflecting in the light. "No, sweetheart, don't apologise. You've done nothing wrong."

He smiles groggily at her. Her faces crumples at the sight, and soon she's running her fingers through his hair and smiling through her tears. "I love you, May." He whispers.

"I love you too, baby. More than anything."

He knows better than to ask her what happened. She'll only get more upset, and then he'll get upset, and it'll just be a mess.

He blinks heavily at her, suddenly feeling more exhausted than he had before, a little less strong than even just a couple of minutes ago. He really hopes he gets his energy back soon because this is just awful.

"Oh!" She suddenly gasps. "I need to tell the others! Tony's been here as much as I have, and Happy's been so worried as well. Your friends are at school right now but I'm sure they'll come by afterwards when they find out. Actually, school might have ended. I don't really know what time it is anymore."

Peter stares at her through heavy-lidded eyes, his thoughts languid, and yet, he can't shake the feeling that something's not right. They were that worried about him?

"Why?" He murmurs.

May frowns at him. "What do you mean, baby?"

"I thought... well, I thought-" He hates even saying this out loud, hates how needy it makes him sound. "I guess I thought no one would have time...For me."

May's eyes widen almost comically, her face seeming to pale in the darkness, and she physically flinches backwards. "What - Peter, no-" She can't seem to find the words in her apparent horror. Then, a moment later, she physically collect herself, taking his hand gently. "Peter, honey, I promise you that that's not true. It will never be true, okay? We'll always have time for you, even if we've all done a bad job of showing it recently." Her hand moves back to his hair. "Tony told me that you haven't spent much time with him, Morgan and Pepper recently because of everything that's been happening, and Ned said about his girlfriend, and I know I've been busy with the wedding lately... I'm so sorry, honey. I didn't realise how lonely you must have been, and I should have."

Peter begins to interject then, to argue that it's not her fault, but she shakes her head at him. "Don't... just, let me be sorry. I know you'll never hold any of us accountable for anything because you have a heart of gold, but...let us all be sorry. Because we weren't here and then you nearly d-died. If it weren't for that lovely woman you saved, you probably would be - dead. But, sweetheart, never think no one's going to have time for you. We will. Every time. Even if you have to scream it at us, okay? You're not a nuisance, or a burden, and we all love you more than words can say. You understand, young man?"

Her voice is stern and yet her words warm the frightened corner of his heart that had been terrified of more abandonment and loss. He's overwhelmed all of a sudden by how grateful he is that he has her and everyone else, and how glad he is that they chose to love him. Tears prick in his eyes, which makes May chuckle softly and brush away the few that escape down his cheek.

"I - I understand. Thank you." He just about makes out, as his throat feels tight with unshed tears.

Then comes the sound of the door opening in wherever the hell they are (Avengers newly re-bought Tower, or the Compound?), before someone speaks, their voice strained. "Pete."

Peter turns his head to find Mr. Stark frozen in the entrance to the room, seeming unable to tear his eyes away from Peter. His face is paler than normal, and, like May, he seems exhausted; there are deep, purple bags under his eyes and his hair is messy, as if he'd run his hands through it repeatedly. "Pete." He says again, as if it's the only thing he can comprehend.

"Hey, Mr. Stark." Peter responds, smiling crookedly. He wants to say more but can't find the words.

Mr. Stark's expression breaks then, just as May's did when he'd smiled (What's wrong with his smile?) and strides over to the bed, immediately placing his hand on Peter's cheek. Peter nuzzles into it, something he probably wouldn't have done had he been fully awake, and God, he's going to be embarrassed about this later. Yet, Mr. Stark just smiles down at him, eyes damp.

"Hey, kid. It's really good to see you." His voice cracks, ever so slightly. "You gave us quite a scare this time."

Peter grins dopily. Exhaustion laps at his consciousness again, but he fights for a few more minutes with the two of them. "What happ'nd?" Oh dear, his voice has started to slur.

He can feel May tense by his side, and whoops, he'd meant to wait until she wasn't here to ask that question. Still, she remains silent.

Mr. Stark's face falls, his eyes flickering downwards. "You had a near fatal run-in with a knife, as well as taking a bullet to the leg." Oh yeah, that explains the weird numbness in his stomach and his right thigh. "The woman you saved managed to keep you alive long enough for me to send a medical team from the Tower to come and get you. I... it took May and I a little longer to reach you, because I had to fly in the suit, and May and Happy drove from their hotel. But...well, here you are. Thank the Lord. I - God, Pete -"

"Peter!" another voice sounds, and God, why does everyone keep saying his name like that? (Which is not to say that he wants them to stop.) 

This time, it's Ned, and MJ - wow, she looks beautiful today - is behind him. Ned's eyes are wide, and his hands are hovering in front of him, like he wants to cover his mouth but can't quite make himself move.

Peter grins at him, feeling unbelievably fond of his best friend all of a sudden. Ned automatically returns the grin, though it definitely looks watery. Without any further hesitation, Ned barrels towards the bed and pulls Peter into a hug that's certainly too much for his injuries right now, but Peter says nothing. He's missed this, missed Ned, and he wouldn't ruin this for anything.

He's fairly sure that Ned's crying, judging by the way his shoulders are shaking and the weird sniffling sounds he's making.

"Are you crying, man?" Peter laughs, unable to resist teasing him.

Ned only hugs him tighter. "I don't know what you mean."

He pulls away finally, and Peter tries to his wince as his stomach suddenly twinges through what must be a ridiculous number of drugs. By the way everyone in the room looks stricken, he thinks he must have failed quite spectacularly.

But before anyone can say anything, someone else is hugging him, though noticeably more carefully. MJ's hair is beautiful and soft, and it's all he can smell, and he loves it and he feels as if his brain has turned off and he never wants her to pull away - but she does, far, far too soon for his liking.

Her lovely eyes dart around the room uncomfortably and it's then that Peter notices Ned's knowing grin and Mr Stark's smirk. God, they're so obvious.

Peter makes a face at Mr Stark; it must be far more pathetic than he was intending because the man only laughs and runs his fingers through Peter's hair. When he looks back to MJ, she's pulling a similar face at Ned, and there's definitely a story there, and wow, she really looks as if she's been worried about him - 

(Was she really that worried about him? Maybe he was wrong about her and Brad, maybe she likes him, what the hell, is that even possible - )

"Uh, so." She begins awkwardly, cutting off his inner rambling monologue. "That was - it sucked without you, loser. I mean, Ned was like really pathetic the whole time - "

"Um, what? As if you weren't the exact same - "

"Whatever. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is don't - don't do that again. Idiot." She adds for extra measure.

Ned nods vehemently beside her. "Yeah, dude. Never again."

Peter watches them, sees the sincerity in their expressions and the worry lines he's sure weren't there before. When he looks around, Tony and May look equally serious, both of them nodding gravely. Happy's in the doorway now, a small, relieved smile on his normally irritated face.

Peter's vision really is fading now, and whatever energy he gained when Ned and MJ arrived has long since left him. He wants to promise that he won't do it again, that he'll call for help next time - as he probably should have after getting shot - but his mouth won't co-operate. The most he can do is shake his head tiredly, laying back.

God, he's so tired.

Everyone seems to understand that he's going to pass out very soon, and they all begin to settle in to stay, Ned and MJ crashing on two bean bag chairs that he hadn't noticed before. He would've laughed if he weren't so exhausted because bean bag chairs, really?

Beside him, May strokes his face once more, her eyes soft and glittering. She kisses his forehead before leaning back, his hand still clasped in hers. Peter smiles tiredly at her, and then Happy, before his eyes slide to Mr Stark.

Mr Stark who's still frowning worriedly, though clearly trying to hide it. 

Peter reaches out with the last of his strength and catches the man's hand in his own, giving it a weak squeeze. Mr Stark huffs out a laugh. His expression is fondness encapsulated, his head tilted and his eyes melting. Peter almost can't believe such an expression is being directed at him.

(Yes, he can. Because he knows that everyone here loves him.)

"I's okay now, M'r St'rk. 'M okay." His eyes fall shut.

Mr Stark is silent for a moment, before finally, he whispers. "It's okay, you can sleep now. We'll be right here when you wake up."

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