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"Kid? Can you hear me? I'm on my way, just hold on-"

"He's crashing-"

"Has anyone called his aunt yet? She needs to know-"

"Come on, Peter, don't give up now-"

"He might not make it-"



Voices. Yelling. A high-pitched whining in his ears. Someone crying out in pain.

His stomach is burning, and so is his leg, and he can't breathe, help! He can't breathe and the pain's not going away.

Where's May? He wants May, wants her to hold him like she did when they said his parents were never coming back, or when he returned home, covered in Ben's blood, and escorted by a policewoman with a grave expression. She'll know how to make him feel better; she always does. It's why he loves her so much.

The same person from before makes an awful sound, like a dying animal, and he needs to help them.'s coming from his mouth?

What's happening? He can't see anything except a blinding white light, but he can hear so much noise, too much noise, people rushing over their words and a beeping sound -

Something presses into his abdomen, and he's gone again.


"Daddy, why won't Petey wake up?"

"Pete's resting now, Maguna. He was very sick and now he needs to sleep a lot to get better."

"But I don't like it. I want him to be better again."

"Oh honey, don't we all. But, between you and me, I know that your big brother wants to see you just as much as you want to see him. It's just hard for him right now because he's still very sick, but he's doing his best."

"We should take him to the cabin when he's better again. So that he's not alone, like May said he was before."

"Yeah...that's - that's a good idea...God, why did I leave him alone?" 


"Yeah, uh, hey, honey, how about you hold his hand?"

"Can I talk to him?" 

"Of course."

"Okay. I'm going to tell him how much I want to see him again, like you do. Petey? Are you there? Petey? He's not answering."

"I'm sure he's listening. Keep going, sweetheart."

"Hey, Petey. It's me, Morgan, and Daddy's with me. I miss you. It's been sad without you here because everyone's sad. May cries a lot and doesn't leave you unless someone makes her. I heard Daddy crying yesterday, and Daddy never cries, which I didn't like because it made me cry..."

"Morgan, sweetie..."

"Happy's here too, and your friends. They look really sad too... Wake up, Petey - please. I want - I want to - I want to play with you again. P-please, Petey. Daddy, why won't he w-wake up?"

"Morgan, honey, come here."


"Morgan, you know that if you cry, I'll cry and... and now I'm crying."


"Oh sweetie, don't be. Peter's going to be okay. He's going to be okay because I won't have it any other way, okay? And you know how I feel about things that don't go my way."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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