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Peter hates feeling lonely. He always has.

It reminds him of being a child and waiting eagerly for his parents to come home and play with him, until it was made clear to him that he was never going to see them again. It reminds him of holding Ben's lifeless body in his arms, his hands soaked in scarlet, as bystanders clamoured around him and attempt to help - and yet, all he could feel was the absence without Ben.

It reminds him of being trapped under the collapsed warehouse, barely caring that he'd failed to stop Toomes and that he'd failed Mr. Stark, because there was no one around and he couldn't breathe, and he didn't want to die alone on the night of his Homecoming dance.

(It also reminds him of waking up alone on Titan, an empty space before him where Tony had been before Peter's body had disintegrated. But he doesn't like to think of that.)

In the months immediately following Thanos' defeat at the hands of a very angry, very determined Tony Stark, Peter had hardly ever been alone. He doesn't know if he'd have been able to bear it. He and Ned made up for what was apparently five years of lost time by pulling several all-nighters with their video games, while he and May watched every movie they'd wanted to see together before the Blip. He'd even got closer to MJ, the most awesome, chaotic person to ever exist.

And that's not even to mention the time he and Tony have spent together, working on new tech in Tony's absolutely insane lab. The Iron Spider suit has been upgraded at least four times since the battle, with all sorts of new features that Tony added simply because Peter thought they'd be cool.

And it's not just Tony: Peter had been overjoyed to meet little Morgan, the second most awesome, chaotic person to exist. She really is the sweetest little thing, a true mini-Tony and Pepper, and the best part is that she utterly adores Peter, always rushing into his arms when he visits them and begging him to play with her.

Despite the trauma of the battles against Thanos, he'd never felt alone, and somehow, months later, he'd begun to feel normal again.

And of course, that was when everyone began to settle into a new routine, their fear of being alone beginning to subside. Gradually, everyone begins to move on.

It starts when Ned and Betty get together, which is completely out of the blue and not at all what Peter had expected when Ned said he had something to tell him. Peter's totally cool with it, obviously, because Ned is obviously ecstatic and Betty's kind of cool. Besides, it's not like Ned has to spend all of his time with Betty; he'll still have time for Peter.

And then MJ and Brad begin to get closer, though nothing's happened yet as far as he knows. Beautiful, lovable MJ and attractive yet annoying Brad. Definitely something to keep an eye on. But suddenly, she's got someone else to hang out with in the cafeteria while Ned's with Betty, and Peter begins to feel a little like a third (fifth) wheel.

It's okay. He can manage. He has other people.

But even Tony starts to have less time on his hands, as Morgan starts school and people start to want stuff some from him again, and everyonewants to thank him for saving the universe. But Peter still has a place, he thinks, even if he wants to cry every time Tony has to cancel on him.

But then, the biggest curveball of all, May announces that she and Happy are engaged.

What the actual hell? He hadn't even known they were dating, let alone engaged.

When he raises this particular, pertinent point, May gently tells him that she hadn't wanted him to feel like she was replacing Ben, which she isn't,because they both know that no one could ever replace Ben. So how can he be mad at her? It's her love life. He's just happy that she's happy! With Happy.

You're Not Alone ('Cause You're Here With Me) || MCUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora