My Special Gift from Lesotho

By ankita2599

6.9K 158 29


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Alice is played by.....
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Happy Father's Day❤❤
New Story
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
New Book
Chapter 17

Chapter 16

176 6 0
By ankita2599

8th April, 2005

It was the day before Charles-Camilla wedding. He decided to spend the whole day with his sons. He knew he would have a new addition to the family but he wanted to enjoy with his sons that day.

Harry and William were anxious as to why their father wants to spend a whole day with then that to the day before his wedding. Their girlfriends told them to go with the flow and that may be he wants some father-son time. They both went to Charles' office and knocked the door.

Charles: Come in.

Harry, William: Pa

They kiss each other on cheek and sit on the sofa.

Will: Any specific reason Pa why you wanted us to see?

Charles: Well my Darling boys, tomorrow is the start of a new life for me. I just want to spend time with you both. Just we three.

Harry: That's great Pa! But where is Camilla?

Charles: Oh she is with her children and he father. Now can we go, we have a day planned ahead.

He leaves ahead. Harry and William give a surprise look to each other and leave behind him.

Firstly, they went to Kensington Palace. The place where they were growing up. It is the same as apartment where they both grew up when Diana was alive.

Harry: Pa why are we here?
William: Yeah Pa. Suddenly after 8 years?

Charles: Yes because this is the place, I got you both.And I wanted to start today's day by reliving the memories here. First, let's go to the kitchen. Because I am hungry.

They both chuckle and go to the kitchen.

William: Uhm hm Pa, Do you even know how to cook?

Charles: Well I can try and I have this cookbook.
He grins.

Harry: Ya ya okay don't worry. I know how to cook.

William & Charles: You do?

Harry: Ya. Al keeps a lots of Cookbook. She loves cooking. I learnt from her. I don't know much but ya simple breakfast I can do. Like Bacon, sausage and bread with egg and ya also tea. Let's see what ingredients do we have here.

They search for the ingredients. Charles had already asked for the ingredients to be stored.

Harry: Wow Pa you have everything sorted but may be we don't need so much.

William: Let me help. I got some knowledge of cooking from university.

Harry: Who taught you? Your babykins?

William: Well, I tried  to impress her with cooking. But it turned out that, I burnt them all.

Harry and Charles laugh.

Charles: And she is girlfriend now?

William: Well I may not be a good cook but I am good comedian and it is one of her prime condition for being a boyfriend so it all worked out.

Harry: Oh yeah, you and funny? Then what am I? Pumpkin?

William: No ginger.

Harry rolls his eyes.

Charles: Okay now back to breakfast. You both cook, I will see and learn.

After they make breakfast, they eat together reminiscing all good memories including the ones when their mother was there.

They then went to William and Harry's for lunch. Yet they ordered Charles's favorite food. William and Harry have been going to restaurants since they were young but Charles, it was like he could count in his fingers the times he had gone to any restaurant. Earlier while dating Diana, she used to take him forcibly and after marriage to her once or twice. But after that, he never went. Today he decided to do it according to his sons.

As their RPOs informed the restaurant owner about the coming of the three princes, they were a bit shocked. William and Harry were regular but Charles accompanying them was something new. They made sure the father son trio get the utmost privacy and they enjoy a wholesome meal.

Charles loved the food there. It was bit usual for him, but he liked everything about it. He has been visiting some restaurants for Royal engagements but this was surreal. Laughing with his boys and enjoying.

Charles: So, boys how are your girls? William?

William: We are going fantastic Pa. This year we will be graduated and she will be working with her family and I will be joining Sandhurst after a year. I will follow Henry.

Harry laughs.

Charles: And any thoughts of marriage? Like the questions asked during the skiing holiday?

William: what? No Pa. We are still young remember?

Charles laughs, "What about you Harry? How are things between Alice and you? "

Harry; : It's amazing Pa. But don't ask me about wedding now. Coz she is studying now, and I have to join Sandhurst. And we are way too young. But ya I love her, she loves me. Life is awesome.

Harry continuously grins and keeps talking about his girlfriend to his father and brother.

Charles and William look at each other and smile at how happy Harry was while talking about Alice. They know how much he has suffered and how much alone he was since their mother died. Fights in school, the drugs case and always being called the spare to heir and falsehood in the papers that has always diminished his self potential and confidence. The twelve year old boy who walked behind the coffin of his mother with sulked face has a grinning smile on his face and his brother and father could not be more happier. And all they have to thank is the girl Harry's life.

The day they ate, enjoyed and even walked on the street much to the joy of people of London.

At night they all come to the palace. They had brought take away meal for the night and decided to have drinks near the swimming pool.

Charles: Huhh what a day. After so many days I enjoyed this normal day and I loved it.

William: So many day Pa? When did you have such a normal day outing?

Charles: Well I will tell you  a secret my boy. I had it with your mother. She was terrific at such naughtiness.

Harry: What do you mean?

Charles: She had these amazing ways to cheat the tabloids. She had so many wigs and dresses to deceit others and go to night clubs and restaurants and parks and cinemas. And I remember when we started dating she brought one for me and took me to a restaurant. Nobody, I repeat nobody ever found out who we were. She changed her accent too and made me a mute person.

Harry: What!!!

Harry and William laughed.

Charles: She was extremely lively and fun loving. She brought that light in room. And what she said you guys always, " Be naughty but.. "

Harry&William: Don't get caught.

Charles: Yeah exactly. She was so fun as a companion.

Harry: Pa can I ask you something?

Charles: Yes my son

Harry: Did you ever love Mummy?

Charles stopped drinking and looked at him. Even William wanted the answer.

Charles smiled and said, " I did son. I loved her. Even at a point I was in love with her. But the love didn't stay forever. I know what people say about us. Our love was and will always be overshadowed with the scandals. But trust me when I say we both were in love with each other. That's why we made such wonderful boys like you both. We couldn't be the same forever because of our differences and mistakes that we both did. But still today I miss her sometimes. I miss her naughtiness. I miss her as a companion, as friend, as mother of my children and moreover for the terrific woman she was. She will always have a place in my heart my son. She will always be special."

Harry: One more question Pa. I am your biological son right? Please tell me the truth today. I can handle it.

He hung his head after saying that.

Charles: Believe me Harry when I say that, William was a born because he was destined to born but you were born out of love. Out of Charles' and Diana's love. Before you were born it was the best time of our life. And indeed you are my son, biologically and emotionally. Don't believe whatever you read my boy. And if you are ever questioned about your hair colour again. Just say that your Uncle Charles is a ginger. It's in the gene. It's science.

Harry had tears in his eyes. He hugs his father. William joins the hug too.

William: Pa all the best. At last you will get your true love. If she makes you happy, we are happy.

Harry: We are thrilled to welcome her to the family formally. And we are with you in every step Pa. Love you

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