Professional Restraint

By Siberiantiggy

712K 21.1K 10.2K

When a young data scientist unexpectedly steals the heart of a highly sought after executive, the passion bet... More

Season List for Professional Restraint
1 The Substitute
2 Late Night Rendezvous
3 Distractions
4 Business & Pleasure
5 Unexpected Detours
6 Tuscana
7 Let Loose
8 Ella of My Dreams
9 Game Plan
10 What a Week!
11 Anticipation
12 Up, Up, and Away
13 Adventure
14 Gravity
15 Wound Tight
16 Sightseeing
17 Hot Seat
18 Itchy Palm
19 Everything is Fine
20 Incredible
21 Deeper
22 Lucky You
23 Best Night's Sleep
24 Mask
25 Soon Kitten
27 Time to Celebrate
28 Let's Go!
29 Fuck This!
30 Remember this Moment
31 All Ears
32 Forget You...
33 Peachy
34 Let the Adventure Begin
35 Wow
36 Let the Games Begin
37 Casanova
38 Good Girl
39 Imagine That...
40 Happy Place
41 Are You In Or Out?
42 Show Off
43 Seriously

26 On Second Thought

13.2K 463 129
By Siberiantiggy


Never have I been as conflicted and distracted as I am right now. Ella is once again asleep on my shoulder, having latched on for dear life on take off for our flight home.

I've always kept my work and personal life separate, but Ella has made this impossible. Never in a million years did I think I'd be in this position. Terrance says I'm under her spell, and I'm hard pressed to disagree.

I sound like one of those cheesy hallmark movies when I say she's different. Smart, sexy, funny, and surprisingly playful, something I never thought I'd appreciate.

My past partners have always known what they were getting into ahead of time, and played their role. At the time it was satisfying, but now? It pales in comparison, and we've only just started.

Declan and Sophia have been putting in long hours to tie up the buy out—by all accounts it's a steal. He's already organizing a team to oversee the transition and root out the poor employees.

"Sir?" the flight attendant says, smiling at me, then looking at El. "We'll be landing soon."

I chuckle, looking at El as she sleeps soundly. "She's still strapped in from take off, nervous flyer."

"Very good, sir." She pauses and looks down at El one last time with a small smirk. "She looks quite comfortable to me."

El... what am I going to do with you?

My mind instantly replays her answer from the other day, as if to torture me.

'What ever you want, Sir.' The way her warm brown eyes gazed into mine left my thoughts running right off the tracks... time has not improved them.

That's the problem though, isn't it? The things I want to do to her, with her, would send a normal woman running. Yet El? Would she?

There's a submissive streak a mile long in her, but also a playful side. What of her kinky side? Thinking back to when she wrapped my tie around her neck, I can't help but wonder if she's as innocent as I assume?

I'm convinced she has no idea what she does to me. Every 'Sir,' has me aching to reward her and rolled eye makes my palm itch. Carissa and Terrance just laugh and egg her on; I swear they love to torture me.

The engine's pitch changes, and the plane descends, drawing me out of my reflection. Thankfully, El sleeps through the entire process, only waking when the tires hit the tarmac.

She wakes with a start, her eyes wide as she struggles to get her bearings. I give her hand a gentle squeeze, drawing her attention to me.

"I've got you."

Relief flashes in her eyes, and the worst is over. As the plane taxis to a stop at our gate, she flashes me a sheepish smile, noticing our hands.

"Did, did you... I mean, the whole time?" She sputters.

I chuckle at her flustered state. "Breathe, El."

Divine intervention saves her as they announce departure. She unbuckles and stretches, reminiscent of a kitten after a long nap. I follow suit, reaching above us for our carry-on, then guide her out.

Whether or not it's conscious, I notice every time she waits for me to guide her. I'd be lying if I said that didn't stroke my dominant side in the best way possible. Every time she moves in close, seeking shelter from unwanted attention or reassurance is like a drug.

I'm addicted.

Ella lags, her pace getting slower the closer we get to the gate. The way she chews her bottom lip makes it clear something is bothering her.

I guide her to the side, tucking us away from the flow of people. "Is everything okay?" Lifting her chin, I search her eyes for any hint of what's troubling her.

She wraps her arms around herself and shrugs, only looking more conflicted.

"What is it, El?"

Taking a deep breath to gather her thoughts, El looks up at me before dropping her gaze. "I don't know why I feel like this," she mumbles. "I missed my friends, but... I also had a lot of fun..."

I can't help the grin that slips on my lips and cup her cheek. El leans in without thinking, her reaction so natural to my touch.

"I had fun, too. Who knew an audit trip could turn out so well?" I get lost in thought, thinking back over all the good memories we shared. Rock climbing—our first kiss sealed the deal. I was a goner the moment she let me strap her in.

"You sure I wasn't too much to handle?" She asks, looking up through her dark lashes.

I snort and shake my head. "Believe me, Ella, when I say I enjoyed every minute of it. That doesn't mean we can't make a whole new batch of memories here, right?"

She smiles back in a way that lights up her eyes. "I'd like that, Sir." The way she bites her lip has my mind right back in the gutter.

Movement to the left catches my attention. Sophia waves in a way like she's trying to land an aircraft while a curly-haired blonde guy whom I can only assume is Tim waves a sign labeled sweet cheeks.

I clench my jaw, instantly irritated by him. My attention is so fixated on him I almost miss Declan standing next to him, blue eyes locked on us with a shit-eating grin.

"Looks like your friends missed you," I say, nodding to the circus.

El's gaze widens, and she flashes me an apologetic look before turning to them. Even now, she waits for that gentle nudge from me before bolting to her friends.

The women collide, and Tim waits for his turn with his arms held wide. I force myself over to Declan, whose grin only grows.

"Don't." I grumble, putting a little distance between us and the others.

Declan struggles and fails to suppress his grin and follows along. "What? Who said anything about anything?"

I glare at him, reading his face louder than Tim's sign.

Tim's sign...

That thing took me from a cloud nine high to the basement in a fraction of a second. I thought Sophia said they didn't let him out?

"He's harmless," Declan says, as if reading my mind. "Though I get why Sophia hides him from perspective clients, he's, um..."

"A work in progress," Sophia finishes for him as she saunters over. Her casual outfit of black leggings and an off the shoulder red floral top are working for Declan, judging by the way he's checking her out.

Tim and Ella join us a moment later, and he holds his hand out for me with a big grin. "Liam! It's great to finally meet you in person." He gives El a sly side eye and adds, "I've heard great things about you."

My gaze drifts to El, who rivals a tomato as she silently prays for the floor to swallow her. "Is that so?"

Her jaw drops as she gapes at us before turning to Sophia for help.

"Now boys," she coos, wrapping an arm around El's shoulder and squeezes tight. "No point in making her burst into flames. We're not even out of the airport yet."

"Soph," Ella groans.

"Okay." Sophia laughs and turns her away. "Let's go get some lunch."

"We're leaving so soon?" Tim whines. "But she's only at cherry red. I think I can get her crimson for fun!"

"Get the car," Sophia says. Tim grumbles but walks to the exit while the four of us head to baggage.

"So, what did we miss?" I ask, waiting for the carousel to deliver my luggage.

Declan and Sophia exchange a knowing look, grinning at each other. "What?" I growl.

Sophia nods at him. "You're looking at forbs newest 'CEO to watch'," she says with open admiration.

I arch a brow and clap him on the shoulder. "No shit, eh?"

"Got the call for the interview the day after we signed the papers for Renfords. I guess word travels fast." Declan puffs up like a peacock.

No one has sacrificed more than him to get here. He's earned every dollar with his own blood, sweat, and tears. "I'm happy for you, man. Really, you've worked hard for this."

Declan sobers instantly. "We've worked hard for this," he corrects, his crystal blue eyes boring into mine.

I nod, having been by his side through the climb. Long sleepless nights, endless meetings, and sacrifices all to get him where he is now, with no signs of stopping.

"So we'll have to make it a double celebration then," Sophia chimes in. "You guys are coming out on Saturday with us, right?"

I look to Declan, who shrugs, then at Sophia. She slowly turns to El, who practically hides behind me.

"You didn't tell him?" She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. "One job, you had one job, El."

"I did," she counters, peeking around me. "I found the source, so I did my job!"

Sophia gapes at her, but Ella just stands with a triumphant smirk.

"She's got you there," I say with a chuckle.

Turning her attention to me, Sophia raises a brow. A sadistic smirk plays on her crimson lips. "I guess you just kept her too... busy."

Ella chokes on air, making me wonder just what her friend knows. Declan may have his suspicions, but no confirmation from me.

"Elle-bell was supposed to see if you were free on Saturday night. It's nothing fancy, but we'll be heading out with Tim for a bit of a birthday party." She gives El a pointed look. "What do you say?"

I look down at El, who is blushing hard enough to make a tomato look pale. She meets my gaze with excitement dancing in her eyes.

"Name the place. I'll be there."

"Perfect! El will text you the details." Sophia reaches around me and snatches Ella's arm. I feel el's fingertips trail across my back as she follows her friend. "But for tonight, she's all mine."

"Sorry, bye," Ella calls with a giggle.

I watch the two if them make their way towards the exit, laughing arm and arm. An elbow in my side draws my attention to Declan once more.

He holds out a napkin, his shit-eating grin back in place. "You've got a little something there."

"Jack ass," I grumble, shoving him away.

Laughing, he grabs my suitcase and nods towards the exit. "Come on, you can fill me in on the way."

Arching a brow, I cave and follow him. "And where exactly are we going?"

We walk out to a waiting town car where the driver takes my bags and loads them in the back.

"While you were entertaining the talent," he says with air quotes around entertaining. "The rest of us had work to do... you do remember what that is, right?"

Sighing, I lean back against the seat and rub my temples. "You do remember this was your idea, right?"

Declan rakes his gaze over me slowly and nods to himself. "Looks like I was right on the money, too." He leans in and wiggles his brows. "You and El sure look cozy."

"You're not going to drop this anytime soon, are you?" His eager grin just makes me groan.

He throws up his palms. "Hey, I'm just glad that you let control freak Liam off his leash, or did you?"

The man is like a bloodhound, with freaky accuracy. "I decided to take some good advice and just see where things go. "

"Sounds like a wise man." Declan chuckles, sitting up taller.

I roll my eyes, eager to deflate him some. "I'll tell Terrance you said so."

Declan's face falls. "Your version of seeing where it goes is taking El to a BDSM club?" He gasps.

"No, she stayed at the penthouse, was a bit sore from rock climbing."

"And what did the king of kink have to say?" Declan dryly replies.

"The same as you, give or take. Carissa, on the other hand." I pause, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I swear that woman enjoys torturing me. She had Ella calling me 'Sir', calling it her magic word."

Declan tosses his head back and laughs. "I'd have paid to see that."

"Laugh it up, asshole. Let's just get this done." I roll my neck, feeling the tension of the week catching up. "At this point, all I want is my bed and a food night's sleep."

My words have the opposite effect, stoking Declan up further. His grin warns that I'm in for a long night, with very little rest.

On second thought, Terrance and Carissa don't seem so bad after all...

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