Love Untold

By Redflag7

78 48 3

Aurora Xander a romanist is from a wealthy family who got whatever she requested for but couldn't be more sat... More



3 3 0
By Redflag7

Alex's pov

Will you be able to stay all by yourself. I asked

As we drove away from the Xander's mansion

I think so
Cherry will be back by tomorrow
So I will be fine

Just take me home
My head is spinning. She said

Okay dear.

I looked at her a few minutes
And found out she was fast asleep

She drank so much at the party
She was probably drunk

We are at your place. I said

Babe?. I called a few more time
But no respond

I started the ignition and hit the road again
Heading my way this time

Are we there yet?. She asked

You should rest Juliet. I told her

Come on babe
Take it easy with her pls. I said to Mr Thomas

Who was on the other side helping me
To get Juliet out of the car

Hmm. She murmured
Are we home Alex
Take me to my room
I am really tired. She murmured
As we made our way to my room

Thanks you Thomas
I think I can handle her from here

Your bath is ready. He said
Before leaving

I took my bath
And helped Juliet clean up
Before gently placing her on the other side of the bed

Thank goodness
I didnt think drink much

Juliet's pov

I woke up with a pounding head
I looked around the massive room
And scanned the room
Looking the the other bed

I see
Every morning when I wake up
I confusingly stood up from the bed
I stumble toward the door

I felt my head spin
Stumbling back into the room

I sat on the couch
Shitting my eye tightly
To reduce the pain
I was exeriencing

Every incident that happened yesterday
All replaced in my head
After some minutes

The pain subsided
As i made my way out of the room
I wandered all round the mansion
Peeking into any room
I came across
In search of Alex

Thinking about how a very huge mansion
With lot of servants
Will look and sound so empty

After few minutes of a fruitless walk
I found him in the gym
A spacious room
That had all the machine that only a well standard gym could owe

I stood at the door and watched the towering muscular figure
As he did some push up

Good morning sunshine. He said when he noticed me

Pls tell me I didnt go all crazy yesterday. I asked as i padded across the room to where he was standing

You didn't do any worst than a drunk person would do
Moreover you were unconscious most of the night
You passed out twice

Hope I didn't ruin the pretty dress I was wearing

Not at all
I only had trouble getting you up here, from the car. He replied

Am so sorry for the trouble you went through
I couldn't have had any drink at all yesterday night.

Come here. He said as he pulled me into his arms
Am not complaining, you know
Am happy you had fun yesterday

You didn't tell me
You had a birth mark at your left ass cheek. He said smirking

Omg. How did you see that. I asked
Then it hit me
I was wearing one of his shirt. My face turned a shade of red to how short the shirt was.
I quickly turned around and ran toward the room I woke up from and hid under the duvet

Hey. I heard his voice
You know. You don't have to be shy around me. He said as he joined me on the bed

From what I can remember
I thought I told you to take me to my hostel. I managed to murmur

Well you passed out before we got there. And I thought it would be better to bring you here
Where I could keep an eye on you. He explained

There are some clothes in the closet you can change into
Am sure. They are your size

I wore you the shirt when I couldn't find any nighties there
Am sorry for what I said earlier
And for wearing you that. He said pointing to the shirt I was wearing

You should come downstairs
Am sure the hangover soup I asked them to prepare is ready and so is breakfast. He said and headed for the exit

So isn't his room?. I asked myself
As I studied the room closely

I took my bath and worn the flowery gown I saw. It looked more comfy than the rest
Then made my way toward the stairs

I slowly descended the staircase
And stopped at my track as the scent of the fresh pancakes filled my nostrils
My followed the scent and found myslef standing in front of the very large table
Filled with lot of dishes

I searched the table and smiled at myself when I found the fresh pancakes that had my interest

Still drowning in the amazing scent of the pancake. My favourite coffee was brought to me. Trying to take in the wonderful scent off it all

Goodday Miss Juliet. I heard and jolted back to reality almost spitting the coffee one of the maid was offering me
Am sorry I startled you. You have been standing there for a while and thought you were waiting for Mr Alex
He won't be joining you. He is busy in his studies. He said

This way Ma. He said. As he pulled out the chair for me to sit
I sat down and the maid who was still standing there with the coffee
I took it from her hand. Thank you. I said offering her a smile

I ate for a while surprised I had eaten for that long
The table didn't look as if i had eaten anything. I stood up and walked into the kitchen
Thinking the maids will all be there cleaning or doing something. I walked into the very sparkling kitchen
I shook the thought of how they had made all those dishes and the kitchen looked unused away from my head
And scanned of any person.
I walked back to the dinning table

Do you need anything ma. I heard

Yes pls. I replied trying to hide the fact that i was startled 
Can you take me to where Alex is please. I said

This way ma. He said and led me to the other side of the mansion
He is in here. He said when we got to the door

Thank you Mr Thomas. I said as watch as he disappeared into the corridor

I pushed the door open and walked inside
And standing in front of me was a library sized room with books I didnt know still existed. I walked to the first shelve and flicked through the books admiring everyone of them

How are feeling?. I heard and sporned around
Gosh you scared me. I said placing the book I was holding back on the shelf.

Am sorry. He said and walked back to the couch. I guess he was sitting before he I came

What are you doing here?. He asked again talking a sip his coffee. I strolled toward him and saw on the other and of the couch

Am sorry Alex for over reacting earlier. Sometimes I just forget that they are things I need to accept because I have a boyfriend now. I said

Pls say something Alex. I said after some minutes of awkward silence

What do you want me to do to make you not forget that you have a boyfriend?. He asked and left

I followed him back to his room and found him lying on his bed.

I told Mr Thomas to tell the driver to take you home. He will be waiting for you and you shouldn't keep him waiting and am sure Cherry will be back by now. He said as turned his face away from me

Cherry's pov

I will be going back to college. I said to my folks on the dinning table

Okay Aurora. Dad said.
Am sure Dlyan will be happy to drive back to school. Dad added

No dad
Am driving myself dad. I said

Not today Baby. That isn't going to happen, not on my watch. Mom added

Am fine, I can drive myself. I have been doing  fine all myself for three years., am sure just driving a few miles won't be that difficult

I agree with your mom on this one dear. We just finished a grand party and everyone was blessed with your presence and the media knows you are around. Am sure some of them are still sticking around to see you left this mansion. Dad said

You ain't gonna drive. You will be flying back to school. Dad added and all your body guards will be with you all the time

You don't mean dad right?. I asked
What will happen to Cherry youngs, the girls who is suppose to be from a medium family when I show up from a private jet?. I asked

I don't care about all that
What really matters to me is your safety
I really want you to understand how all this happen. He said
Moreover you will not be using the private jet. You will be flying with the helicopter

Well I don't care and this is the reason I hate visiting. I said and stormed off to my room

Juliet's pov

Pls just give me a minutes. I will be right back. I told the driver and ran into my room. I took off the flowery dress I was wearing and changed into my short and a little crop top

Placed the dress into a bag. Walked to my bedside drawer to get a pen. I went to the shelf and got a piece of piece and wrote a few words on them and gently place it on the dress

Went outside and handed the bag to the waiting driver

Thank you for the drive and do give my words of gratitude to your boss for the dress. I told him

I got back inside my room laid on my bed
Thinking about how unbearable I had been in the relationship

I  let out a disappointing sigh, when I remember the last time we made out

What is wrong?. Alex asked. Been concern of how I startled I was when I felt his hand on my panties

There is nothing wrong. I replied panting as though I had just finished running a marathon

You don't have to keep trying. When you know you can't but you should have started this. Alex said trying his best to hide his anger that was very obvious in his voice

I looked up at him and gave him a questioning look

Am sorry I said that. I totally understand if you are not ready and am willing to wait till you are ready He said answer planting a kiss on my forehead
I sat there feeling so embarrassed that I backed out from what I have started. I was trying to make up for all the time I couldn't do it. But still failed

It is really annoying for the fact that this isn't the first time. What is the fucking big deal in sex?. I asked myself

I stared at the ceiling till i finally dosed off

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