One Direction Stories

By AgnesGru

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One shot's stories and imagines made for Directioners More

About my stories
Destined Hearts. ♥ (Niall Horan fan fiction)

Trapped in Love. ♥ (Liam Payne fan fiction)

297 4 1
By AgnesGru

"Kai, can you go back to our flat and get Penpen's bag?" My sister told me. Ugh. It's almost 5 blocks away from where we are eating. And she wants me to get her daughter's bag because she left it?! 

"Do I have a choice?" I said. As if I really have a choice. 

"It's only five blocks away! If you don't want to walk on the way to our flat to get Penpen's bag then I'll be the one to get it! Take care Penpen!!" My sister madly told me. 

"I didn't say I wouldn't get it." I told my sister. 

"Kai, fix your attitude. Or else I'll send you back to Philippines." My sister said. 

"God, sis, we're going back to Philippines in 7 days. You don't need to send me back too early." I told her. Look what I just did. She's now mad. 

"You go get Penpen's bag now! Before I threw my Strawberry shake on you!" My sister madly said.  I just rolled my eyes, get the chocolate shake I ordered from our table, then go out of the Lea's diner me and my sister will have a snacks. It's afternoon and we felt hungry that's why we went to the nearest diner in our flat. 

My mom, my brother, my sister together with her 2 year old daughter and me spent the christmas holidays here in Los Angeles. And my mom and brother is out to buy christmas gifts. I was left at our flat with my sister because my sister dont want to be alone. How fun is that right? 

So there I was. Walking on the way to our flat just to get Penpen's bag. I get my shades from my bag and wear it and I also put my earphones in and started playing One Direction's song. 

My badvibes went away when I heard Liam's voice. 

'People say, we shouldn't be together. 'Too young to know about forever. But I say, they don't know what they talk, talk, talkin' about.' 

I'm just happily walking. Feeling like I'm shooting a music video for They Don't Know About Us. 

When I was to turn right, something hit me-- I mean, someone hit me. And in a second, I felt my shake drop to the floor and spill to the floor. 

I look at the one who bump me, gettin' ready to shout at him but I felt my tongue stuck when I saw his face. He look desperate and don't know what to do. He looked at me, grab my wrist, and he run. HE RUN WITH ME. 

'One touch, I was a believer. Every kiss, it get's a little sweeter. It's getting better, keeps getting better with the time, girl.'  

And now, I think I'm really making a music video. With Liam Payne holding you're wrist and running away. It feels like 'You and Me against the world'. If I am dreaming, I wish my mom wouldn't wake me up or my alarm clock won't ring so I will just be staying on this dream. 

I get it why Liam is running. He is chased by a lot of paparazzi.  When the paparazzi got lost of our sights, we hide on the side of -I don't know- where we stopped. I leaned on the wall and started to catch my breathe. Liam did the same thing. 

"Trying to escape over paparazzi?" I told him between my breathes. 

"Yeah. Actually, I'm with the boys. But I was seperated because of those crazy paparazzi." Liam said. Oh. 

I was shocked when he get the earphone from my left ear and he put it on his ear. 

'They don't know about the things we do. They don't about the 'I love you's.' 

He giggles when he hear the song. I feel a bit shy. So I just looked down on my feet. 

"Shy? You don't need to be." Liam said. Is my actions really that easy to read?! 

"Uh. I don't know how I look like now. I think I'm so haggard because we ran. And I don't know what's going on your mind, maybe you'll think I'm ugly." I whisper. It's true. 

"You're cute." I was shocked when he said those words that's why I look at him. He just look away. "I m-mean, it's cute." He corrects. 

"What?" I asked.

"Hm, uh.. t-those.. uh.. hmm.. T-that!" Liam said then he pointed on something. I look at those.

"Aw. It look so cute." I said. I smiled and look at the cute puppy Liam pointed. The puppy is with the owner. I think the owner is giving the puppy a walk. When they already passed, I look again at Liam. I caught him looking at me that's why I smiled. 

He move closer to me, and he removed my shades. He look directly in my eye. 

"You have a beautiful black eyes." He told. I felt my cheeks heated up. Hope he didn't notice I blushed. I look away because I don't think I can take this anymore. I might hyperventilate. 

When I looked away, I notice a building. It looks like our flat-- OH MY GOD! I forgot I still need to go home to get Penpen's bag. Liam maybe notices my face changed that's why he asked. 

"Why?" Liam asked.

"I forgot, I still need to go back to our flat to get my niece's bag. Sorry. I gotta go." I told him. 

"Uh? Okay. Hope we see again." He said. 

"I hope too." I said. 

"And if that happens, I'll buy you a new chocolate shake. Remember? You drop it because of me." He said. I smiled. 

"No, it's not your fault. And it's also okay. It's only a shake." I said. 

"I insist." He said. I smiled again. 

"Fine. Bye." I said. And then, I started running as quick as I can. 

I don't know if it's my imagination or he really shouted something like 'what's your name?'. I shrugged to stop my thoughts. Stop it Kai! That is LIAM PAYNE. The 1/5 of One Direction! As if he's going to ask you your name. You're not pretty as those models getting linked at him. Stop your thoughts! 

As usual, when I reached Lea's diner, my sister scolded me. She asks why did I take almost half an hour just to get my niece's bag. I just said that there's a paparazzi chasing me. She just rolls her eyes. I know she wants to tell me, 'Kai, stop assuming. You wouldn't be a superstar.' She know I wouldn't tell the reason why it took me 30 minutes. 

After eating at the diner, we already went home. When we got home, I opened our Mac and started opening my social networking sites. I opened these apps called Twitter and Tumblr. I will change my default picture in Twitter with the nice picture I shot awhile ago at the diner.  When it's already my default picture. I started tweeting. I check first my mentions. 

'Andrew Tan

@kairaconner Kaira Conner, why u ain't tweeting me?' 

Oh. It's my bestfriend, Andrew Tan who tweeted me. I replied. 

'Kaira Conner

@andrewtan Miss me? Ha ha. Sorry about that, babe. I'm enjoying here. Xxx' 

Me and Andrew are naturally sweet. That means there are no romance happening between us. I checked my timeline and there's a 1 new tweet. I clicked it.

'Liam Payne

can u fall in love with a complete stranger?' 

Though I know I only have 5% chance of Liam Payne seeing my tweet to him, I still replied to his tweet. 

'Kaira Conner

@Real_Liam_Payne Yeah. Look, I've fallen for you. :))' 

The next day, I went out of our flat to buy a snacks. My mother ask me to take-out their orders at the nearest diner in our flat (which is at Lea's diner). I said why does it has to be me? Why don't he just ask my brother to do it. I'm the youngest. And she just scolded me. She said something like "You're already 18 years old and you can't buy food blah blah blah." So I just followed her. 

There I was again, walking on the way to Lea's diner. Wearing my sunglass and my earphones on my ears. When I was about to enter the diner, I notice there are a lot of people outside the diner. So I remove my earphone from my right ear and I also remove my sunglass. 

"You can't enter." Someone told me when I was about to enter. 

"Huh? Why? Is it close?" I asked then I looked at the glass door of the diner. "But there are people inside." I added because I saw people eating inside the diner. 

"Just follow me." That 'someone' told me. He doesn't even look like a security guard. And the way he speak is so ARROGANT! 

"Hey. First of all, who are you for me to follow? And second, you don't even look like the diner's security guard nor their manager. So step aside because my Mom will get angry at me if I won't go home with what I am asked to buy." I told that arrogant someone. 

"Huh. Don't fool me. I know you were sended here to cover some interviews. Are you from Doremi Recording Studio?" The arrogant someone told me. Huh? What is he talking about? 

"I don't know what you're talking about. And I don't care!" I said. The arrogant someone was about to start speaking when the glass door opened. 

"What's up with here?" The guy who opened the door said. The arrogant someone just stepped backward. 

"Uh, Mr. Cowell, this girl--" 

"Sir, are you the manager of Lea's diner? This guy is not letting me enter. My mom will get angry at me if I didn't bring home what I was asked to buy." I cut the arrogant someone's saying. 

"You can enter. Never mind him." The guy told me. 

I stuck my tongue out to tease the arrogant guy. He looks mad. At anytime, he might eat me! 

"Thanks, sir. You know, I love your chocolate shake here." I said to the guy who let me enter. 

"No. No. I'm not the manager here." He said. I was so embarassed by what he said. 

"Oh. Sorry, sir. I thought you were the manager. Because you're too kind, you let me in." I said. He just laughed. 

"It's okay. So, I gotta go back to my sit huh?" He said. I smiled and nodded. He went away. I started walking to the counter. 

"Good afternoon, Ma'am. May I take your order?" The cashier ask me. I said what's my order. While waiting for my order, I returned the earphone to my right ear. When the cashier is done preparing my order, I already get it. 

"Thank you." I said to the cashier. 

When I was walking on the way outside, something-- someone catches my eye. The table of One Direction. So that's the reason why there are a lot of people outside the diner? They are all paparazzi? I caught Liam staring at me. Do he still remember me? 

I just smiled at Liam and waved at him. Whether he still remember me or not. There's nothing wrong in being nice right? Liam just smiled at me. I felt my heart beats fast. And then, I stepped out of the diner. 

When I got home, of course, I gave my mom what she asks me to buy and then I went to the our sala and I turn on our Mac and opened again my social networking sites.  Again, I check my mentions in Twitter. 

'Andrew Tan

@kairaconner Of course, babe! It's good you're enjoying there. Btw, what's your IG acc?' 

Of course, I replied to his tweet. 

'Kaira Conner

@andrewtan my Instagram account is kairaconner it's not in private.' 

I check again my mentions. 


@kairaconner hi. i just wanna ask if u r the one i saw near at the lea's diner? :)' 

It was sended to me yesterday. And who is this James? I visited his profile and he only have 1 tweet. The tweet mentioned me. He also doesn't have a default picture. There's no wrong if I replied at him right? 

'Kaira Conner

@james1234 Hello. I think so. We're renting a flat near Lea's Diner.' 

I answered his tweet. There's no wrong if I make friends here right? Hope he's not a bad person.  I went to my timeline and I just saw Liam's tweet. Wow. What a nice timing. 

'Liam Payne

never had a chance. why did i miss it?!' 

Just a few seconds, Harry Styles tweeted. 

'Harry Styles

Give @Real_Liam_Payne a kiss! He's already inlove!' 

So who's the lucky girl? I searched Google about it and found nothing so I just go back to Twitter. I notice that I have a notification in my mentions that's why I checked it. 


@kairaconner so it's you! we are also staying at the same flat you are staying!' 

I replied to him. It's kinda fishy. If ever this guy saw me, how would he know my twitter? He doesn't even know my name.  

'Kaira Conner

@james1234 Really? That's nice.' 

When I return to my timeline, I saw a tweet of Niall Horan. 

'Niall Horan

There's no more Niam. Liam is inlove with someone.' 

So Liam Payne is really inlove? With who?  I check what's trending. And to be true, it's all about One Direction. Definitely about Liam Payne. Who's this lucky girl? I clicked the number 1 trending here in USA. 

'Liam Payne girl' 

Top retweeted:

'1D Updates

Who is this mystery girl that Liam Payne like? Is she maybe this girl?

I checked the linked.

"Sh*t. What's this?!" I whisper to myself.  I saw a picture of me and Liam yesterday while being chased by the paparazzi. So lucky, it was our back.

"December 27, 2012, Liam Payne, 19, of One Direction was caught running with a girl somewhere in LA. They will have a concert this coming January 2 in Los Angeles that's why they are spending they're new year in California. It is said that Liam and the 'girl' are being chased by a lot of paparazzi. No one even know nor recognize who's this girl. No one even had a chance to take a photo of her face. Is she the mystery girl  the boys are talking about? Is she the one..."  

"One Direction again?!" I was shocked when I hear the voice of my sister so I close the Mac I'm using. 

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" I madly reacted. 

"Just to get some gossip. Ha ha." My sister said. My sister is kinda childish. And I'm used to it. 

"I hope your daughter won't inherit your craziness." I told her. 

"I hope my daughter won't be like you. You're already 18 years old you still don't have boyfriend." She said. 

" 'Cause I'm still waiting for my prince!" I told her. 

"Tch. Or waiting for Liam Payne? Stop assuming, girl. He won't like you. Ha ha! He don't even know you." She teased. 

"Shut up. Go away! Shoo!" I told her. She just stuck her tongue out. Then she go away. 

3 days had passed. So it's already 31. My mom says there's a party at the pool side here in our flat. So, we're here at the mall to buy a new dress. 

In those 3 days, I had a friend named James. He's my cyber friend. I met him on Twitter 3 days ago. He's nice and he's only 1 year older than me. He told me that later, on the new year's eve, he will meet me personally. 

"Kai, you're holding your iPad again. Can you just pause for an hour in tweeting that James? Go find what dress you wanna wear. We already need to go home. Penpen is already sleepy." My sister told me. 

"Whatever, sis. Whatever!" I told my sister. She just rolled her eyes. "Mom, I'll just go there at the corner." I told my mom. 

"Okay. We will just stay here." My mom said. 

I walked to the corner. When I looked at my side. I saw someone. 

The guy with the cap, shades and gauze mask. He again?! Whenever I'm always going out I always see him. He's a stalker! But, I don't know, I don't feel afraid of him. He doesn't look creepy. I think he's nice Ugh. Hello?! Kai?! Where can you see a stalker that's safe?! 

I stare at him. He's just looking straight at the stuffs in front of him. He look at me. So he won't notice I'm staring at him, I just look a way. 

Wait. What's up with his neck?! I look again at him but he's already walking away. Why does he have a birthmark in his neck?!  I was about to chase him when I heard someone called. 

"Kai, you're too slow in picking your dress!" I heard my sister freaked out. 

Time flew fast. It's already less than half an hour 'til 12 midnight. 'Til new year.


@kairaconner see ya. I'm in checkered long sleves polo shirt, jeans and converse. I'm staying near at the glass door' 

"Let's go?" My mom asked me. I nodded. I walked out of our flat. 

'Kaira Conner

 @james1234 I'm in red dress and a white cardigan. I'm already heading to pool area.'

 I replied to James' tweet.

When we arrived at the pool area, I seperated from my Mom, sister, brother and niece. I said I'll just have walk arround. They don't know I'm going to meet James. They will not allow if they know. My mom will just scold me because I trust him already.

I'm just too curious. When I was tweeting with James, I don't feel afraid. He seems to be so nice. I don't think he's a bad person.

When I reached the glass door, there's no sign of James. I don't have any idea of how he look like. He don't even uploaded any pictures on his Twitter.

I saw a small table near the glass door. I don't know what's up with me. I walked to it. I found a chocolate shake on the top. And it has a sticky note saying, 'Payback.' Huh? Who's the owner of this?

"Who's the owner of this?" I whispered to myself.

"You." I was shocked when I heard a guy's voice. I looked at him.


 ✔ Red checkered polo shirt

✔ Jeans

✔ Converse

✔ James

✔ My stalker

✔ Liam Payne

'Vas happenin'?! Tell me, 'vas happenin'?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"It's a payback. Remember, what I did on your chocolate shake?" James.. err.. Liam told me.

"Uh? Wait. I-i don't know what's happening. You're James? Yet you're Liam Payne?!" I reacted.

"I'm Liam James Payne." My jaw just dropped when he said that.

"Wait. H-how? H-how did y-you k-new m-me? W-why d-did? Why d-did you tweet me? W-what--"

"Because I like you." And now, I'm sure my jaw really touched the floor.

"Your drunk." That's the words that came out from my mouth I don't even know why.

"I'm a one-kidney man and I don't drink. I maybe found out two kidneys in my ultra-sound but, I don't really drink." He said.

"You're high." I said.

"I don't smoke weeds." He said.

"You're crazy." I said.

"I maybe." He said. Then he pulled me. "But I'm sure about what I've said. I've found out your Twitter because you replied at my tweet right? And I found your Instagram on Twitter so I'm totally sure it's you. And I'm stalking you because you have this effect on me. Until I've fallen hard. Can you just believe in me?!" He added.

With that. I was speechless. Not because I have nothing to say. But because I felt a lot. Happiness, Joy, and the feeling that someone loves you. I've realized that waiting for my Prince is worthy.


'Liam Payne

In love, it doesn't matter how long you know her nor how different her world to yours. What really matters is that you're in love with each other and ready to face problems together. But for now, all I know is, I'm Trapped in Love.'

(c) January 20, 2013

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