Perfect people don't exist

By ItsNotEasy189

128 0 8

"You know no one is perfect right? So stop trying to be it." I glanced up and scowled at him. I probably more... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Author's note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 13

4 0 1
By ItsNotEasy189


I don't know why Carter dismissed me earlier on the phone, but I had a strong feeling it wasn't because of me. SO that is why I am at his house. The only car that was ever parked at his house didn't seem to be there. Which meant his dad wouldn't be there.

I still didn't understand the whole guest thing but I guess it wasn't any of my business. I got out of my car and began climbing the tree that led to his bedroom. It was after 10, so he had to be home by now.

When I got up there I saw him sitting at his small desk on his computer. I tapped him on the shoulder and heard him gasp frightenedly. Yeah... maybe I should have warned him of me coming before just climbing through his window. Or maybe he should just stop leaving his window open...hmmm. Whatever.

"You need to stop scaring the shit outta me!" He cried from on the floor.

I sent him an apologetic look and he rolled his eyes at me. I deserved that.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok from earlier this morning," I explained my presence of being here to him.

"Ummm...y-yeah, it's all good. Don't worry about it," he scratched at his neck.

"Well that's the thing Carter. I was worried and if you wouldn't mind telling me what happened. that would be great."

I saw tears brimming to his eyes. Shit, I forgot he was sort of sensitive. I definitely over stepped there. I went to hold him and he leaned into my touch sniffling.

"Sorry Carter. that came out much more harsh than I meant to. I just wanted you to tell me because I had the feeling that you wouldn't tell me so-"

"I-it's fine. M-martin came to the supermarket today," I thought about the name for a minute.

Did he mean that fucker that left him. Suddenly the sympathy in my eyes was overtaken by pure hatred. If he set a single finger on Carter I would have killed him!

"Did he do anything to you, no, an even better question: why the fuck is he here!?" I yelled.

I was more yelling for myself and at myself then Carter.

"N-no. He just wanted to talk. He explained why he left and was so shitty. Of course, I haven't forgiven him, but I am going to give him a chance or something like that. Not yet, he doesn't get to just crawl his way back in, but I don't know." Carter exhaled.

"Ok. If he hurts you. Please tell me Carter," I whispered calmly, which was the opposite of what I was like just a few minutes ago.

He nodded his head and then retracted from my warm embrace.

"Thanks for checking in and all, but I think you should go. I don't know when my dad will be home," he said, gaining his confidence.

I slid out his window, saluting him on my way out. He laughed and waved as I made my way down the tree.

When I turned on the car, I took one last look to his window and he wasn't there. I goes it was late so he was either going to study or read, or go to bed. The first one seemed more likely though. You can take the worm from the book, but you can't take the book from the worm. That was such a cheesy saying, I almost died from just thinking about it.


About 2 weeks have gone by since Carter told me about the Martin thing. He apparently had hung out with him a few times but no where near as much as me, then again even with me it was only a few times. Carter hadn't changed at all, I guess no one had. He was still getting bullied, and I stepped in whenever I could, he still had bruises all around him, well at least on his exposed skin, and I didn't believe for a second that there wasn't more he wouldn't let show. I don't exactly know where they come from. I do have a theory they come from his dad, but that is a very large accusation to make. I have no proof and even though his dad didn't seem all that nice that proves nothing. Some people just had strict parents.

I shook of the idea, like always of his father beating him. It couldn't be possible. I tried to think of something else and that wasn't extremely hard. Of course though, it involved Carter. I still couldn't believe Carter was a key aspect in my life. He was amazing, I don't know how he could get bullied. He was adorable, smart and everything thing else that was amazing. He had a sense of humour, he could be a little snappy but nothing compared to what I could be like. And he was just a gentle soul at heart. I loved it.

"Carter are you going to eat that?" He looked up to Ruby who had asked the question.

He shook his head and Ruby had a look of concern on her face, everyone did.

"Did you want it?" The kind soul asked.

"No of course not love, I was just wondering because we haven't really seen you eat much over the whole period of time that we've been friends," she shrugged.

Ruby kind of treated him like he was a little kid, sure I sometimes did too, but he had that sort of vibe to him. Not naïve of course but sweet and innocent.

"Oh...sorry if it is bothering you all. There is no need to worry, I eat plenty at home," we could all see through the lie but kept a smile on anyway.

I didn't understand how such a beautiful boy could starve himself, that is another strong accusation, he was so beautiful. Alright, yes. It is official. I have feelings for the boy, I think I always have. But no way would I ever tell him, at least not yet. Sometimes I still barely felt like a friend and I didn't want things to become weird between us, so being a friend was fine for me. And for that cutie, I could wait forever. Yeah, I really need to stop with all these cheesy thoughts.

I laughed at myself, earning freaked out looks from my friends and then we all just started laughing. I like it when I had that effect on people. It felt good to know you were the cause of someone's happiness, it made you happy as well!

"What's got you smiling Ez?" Ruby's eyebrows were wriggling up and down.

I bit my lip and shrugged at her. I bit my lip to supress myself from smiling but it didn't do much. Everyone could still tell I was smiling like an idiot.

I looked at Carter who was staring aimlessly around. Her glanced turned to the natural blonde who I was staring at, her smile grew and I couldn't stop my own anymore.

"You have such a boy crush on him Ez," she whispered into my ear.

I blushed. She wasn't wrong, not at the slightest. I was falling for him so hard and soon enough I don't think I'll be able to retain myself. In other words my self control is coming to a downfall.


"What are you doing nerd?" I leant against the wall.

Carter was playing with his sleeve and he looked worried. He didn't look up at me, so I attempted bending down and making him make eye-contact. He was still playing his sleeve, so I took the sleeve and rolled it up for him. His worried look became even more wary whilst I rolled his sleeve up. I kept my eyes on his face whilst he kept his eyes on the sleeve. I mean I knew he wasn't much a touchy person but he didn't have to be so worried.

"J-just nervous," he gulped.

"I'm hanging out with Martin this afternoon," he elaborated.

"I can come, if you want...I could like to meet him," he looked as if I had just saved his life.

His eyes lit up and he gave me a grateful smile.

"That would be so, so, so great!"

Well, glad I could get him in a cheerful mood. Better than the slump he was just in.

"Well...come on! We're meeting at the supermarket!" He grabbed my arm, not caring about the touching thing now.

I guess he was just a bit jumpy or something because of other people. I don't know. there was and is still so many things I don't know about him and his life. I keep saying this but I really, really want to know about his life. Badly! I would kill to know.

I parked in the parking lot and saw a guy standing outside of the supermarket. I predicted that, that was Martin. Carter got our of the car and walked up to Martin, whilst I trailed behind him like a baby duck. Martin began talking and then he raised an eyebrow at me.

Carter looked dumbfounded when he looked back at me.

"Oh right! Umm Martin this is a close friend, Ezra," I couldn't wipe the smile off my face when he called me his close friend.

Martin greeted me with a handshake. I took his hand and shook it quickly.

After a bit of talking we decided we would head to a park.

"I am freezing!" Carter shivered.

"I think I am going to get my jacket from the car, you guys stay here," he mumbled and began making his way back to the car, after I had given him my keys.

"Hey," Martin said.

"Hey..." I said.

This was extremely awkward. I mean I wanted to be here for carter and I could accept he was going to give Martin a chance and all but at the same time I wanted to hit him.

"How long have you been friends with Carter?" He asked.

"A couple months or something. I don't know," I gave him quick answer.

"Look. I totally get it if you hate me and all. Carter has probably told you all the shit I did to him," Martin admitted.

"He hasn't told me much, he's pretty closed off."

"Oh ok. Well let's just say I fucked him over pretty bad and left him when he needed me. So I am not going to tell you not to hurt him because even though I just met you. I can tell you're different. But I an going to tell you to give him time. He will tell you everything."

"Everything?" I questioned.

"Did you know he had an ex?"

I tried to think for a minute. Had he mentioned he had an ex. Honestly I cannot remember. I think he did, I mean I knew he was gay. Yes, I knew he had an ex. That is how everyone knew his sexuality. I nodded after some contemplation.

"Though, he didn't tell me. Most people in the school knew," I told him.

He gave an "ah" sound, as if he was remembering back then.

"Alright, I am back, and why are you two still sitting there like ducks. Let's do something!" Carter sounded much more enthusiastic.

That was a good sign. Maybe Martin was changing. We both chucked and then we all got up and began climbing over the equipment like we were little kids again.

"Wait, wait! Carter let's show Ezra the old obstacle course we used to do," Carter froze for a minute.

He looked to be thinking about the past. Reminiscing.

"Ok. Sure," I couldn't read his emotions.

Was he sad about the past, neutral, or annoyed. Who knew. We walked over to the beginning of the park and then Martin ran towards one of the pieces and jumped on top of it and crawled over various pieces. I was surprised he was still athletic enough to do something like that. I mean, I will admit that he did look pretty fit. Now that I look at it. He didn't look too different than Carter.

Even more surprisingly Carter went afterwards, doing their "obstacle" flawlessly.

"I didn't know you could do that," my tone sounded unconvinced.

"Well...I used to do track. And I guess you never asked," his confidence had boosted greatly.

I could tell his opinions on Martin were still rocky, and they would be for a while. Yet, I couldn't help but wonder if this more assertive and self-reliant Carter was what he used to be like. If so, one: I wish I had become friends with him then (as well as now because either way he seemed amazing), and two: how badly did Martin fuck him up? Was it just Martin?

I attempted the course and startled myself that I ended up completing it.

We spent the rest of the day designing new obstacle courses and talking. Even though it was very awkward at first, I realised Martin wasn't actually that bad. I don't even know the half of their past but I hoped that history wouldn't repeat itself. Even though Carter acted really happy around me, he needed more people than me. He needed Martin.

I closed the door to my car after waving goodbye to Martin.

"That was actually ok," Carter's smiled.

"I think he really liked you," he looked at me.

"Really?" I inquired.

"Yeah. I mean he seemed really happy meeting you. I just really hope that he has changed and that I can give him a chance." He despaired.

"He was talking to me and he sounded really guilty for whatever he did to you," I said.

I don't know what I was trying to get across to him. I guess I just wanted him to know that the guy was trying. I also can't really say I don't know what happened because I did witness how the ass left just like that. He seemed like a real jerk for doing that.

"Yeah. I know. I just, can't forgive him. Not yet. I am sorry." He sniffled.

"Don't be sorry. No one says you have to forgive him Cart. You, and only you gets to decide that. Ok?"


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