Famous Last Words! (Frerard f...

By KillJoy998

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Not everything is bad, just a huge portion of life fits into that category. You do the math. More

Famous Last Words! (Frerard fic, also a bit of Mikey/Ray)
Frog Croaking
Spreading Like A Plague
I ain't God, Mikes
Fuck it
Jesus Christ, Mikey!
Let Me Scream
Broken Arrow
Beaten in Everything except Words- Part 1
Beaten in Everything but Words Part 2
Frozen In Place
Waking The Dead
Light In The Shadows
A Chance In The Wind
You're GAY?
Broken Promises
Oi! Watch Where You're Pointing That Thing!
Amnesia My Arse
Overly Exagerated
Voice In A Box
Out Of The Rose Bush And Into The Thorns
Last Thoughts, Last Words

Mikey, Back Away From The Toaster

3.5K 164 35
By KillJoy998

I am so sorry. I haven't updated in so long!!! *feels faqint* But I just had writers block. Then this idea came and boom, I had to upload it. Hope you like it, and if you don't, would you mind keeping it to yourself? Kidding! If you have a complaint tell me, I'm all for improving my work.!

Ray's POV

"Shit!" Gerard exclaimed.

He stood up like flipping superman and ran out of the room.

My eyes locked with Frank's. What the heck was happening? Frank and I stood up slowly until we reached the door.

Just then a giant explosion committed and black smoke flew around like a swarm of flies. Wood ripped and wacked Frank in the stomach. I dodged a flying speaker as the rooms around us turned into ash and dust.

I followed Bob's horrified eye line and spotted Gerard on the floor as well as Mikey. The room was coated in black, a choky smoke filled the atmosphere.

"Gee!" Frank exclaimed. He ran towards Gerard, trying to get a reaction. I had no idea what I was meant to do.

What the heck happened? My eyes looked over the teenager lying in front of me. He was clutching a black, broken, pointy knife. My eyes widened in horror. This has happened before. No wonder Gerard had to ask Frank how to make toast, he needed to know his brother was safe, which he wasn't. Mikey and Gerard were right in the middle of the explosion. I remembered when this happened the first time. Mikey was only five, poor guy. I was seven, as well as Gerard. Frank was also five but he was younger than Mikey.


I sat down on Gerard's bed, admiring his deep black bedroom. Frank was sat on Gerard's knee. I had to admit, they looked cute.

We were having a sleepover. I loved Gerard's house. It was bigger than mine, but smaller than Frank's. It was the right size.

"I'm hungry," Frank murmured. I smiled slightly, Frank was always hungry even though he was the youngest of us all.

Gerard giggled. "It's only eight thirty in the morning," Gee says quietly.

Frank stared at him wide eyed, fascinated. Gerard blushed slightly.

"My mum taught me how to tell the time," said the seven year old Gerard.

I nodded, his mum also taught me how to tell the time.

"But I'm hungry!" Frank whined, he was about to start a tantrum. Whenever Frank started a tantrum, tit's more then likely that he doesn't get out of it until an hour later, when he gets what he wants.

"Fine!" Gee sighed, defeated.

He got up off of his bed and Frank and I followed him down the stairs. They went straight into the kitchen, whereas I just walked around the hallway that the stairs lead down. I finally reached the bottom of the stairs and was about to enter the kitchen until I heard a loud and hurtful THUD,

I spun around immediately. I was scared to say the least. I remembered Gerard drawing these horrible monsters and he'd tell me stories about them. They inspired Frankie, but they scared me to the very score. Who else would be up at this time in the morning? I grabbed the nearest broom I could find. I then heard quiet crying. I gulped.

I walked around the corner cautiously, ready to hit the intruder with the broom, which wasn't the best weapon but still.

My eyes went wide when I realised the small ball on the floor, at the bottom of the stairs. The ball raised its head, showing me glowing brown eyes and a tear stained face. I dropped my broom and ran towards the little boy. I think I know this guy, he's no monster. I think it's Gerard's little brother.

"Mikey?" I whisper, trying to decide whether it is a monster or not.

But the small boy nodded his head. I looked towards the stairs then back to the crying five year old. I smiled. He must have fell down the stairs.

"Did you fall?" I ask. He nods once again.

I decide to hug him tight, that's what my mummy did when I got hurt.

"Where does it hurt?" I ask.

Mikey pointed to his back and leg. I rolled his trouser leg up and spotted a large cut. My eyes widened in horror.

"Let's get your brother,"  I suggest. He nods as he holds his arm out. I stan up, grabbing his hand and pulling him up too. I kept holding his hand as I took him into the kitchen.

I spotted Frank sitting on top of the table. Gerard was by the counter, putting bread into the toaster and pressing the button down. He turned and frowned.

"Mikey!" he moaned. I gave Mikes a little push towards his brother, but Mikey didn't want to let go of my hand.

"He fell down the stairs, Gee," I informed the older Way brother.

Gerard rolled his eyes before taking his younger brother in his arms. I was stunned. Gerard was only two years older than Mikey, but yet he could carry him like Mikey was a barbie doll.

I sat next to Frankie, who was twiddling his thumbs.

Gerard put a plaster on Mikey's leg and then went back to the toaster. The toast wasn't done yet so Gerard sat with us.

"How's preschool?" Gerard asked Frankie. I turned to face the youngest out of all of us, who had just started his preschool.

"Awful! I hate it!" Frankie moaned.

"It'll get better," I promise.

"Will it?" Frank asked hopefully.

"Yeah," Gee says whilst smiling.

We ended up having a good conversation until I spotted mikey from the corner of my eye. He had a fork in hi hand. He was reaching for the....toaster. Uh-oh.

"Gerard!" I screech. He turns his head sharply and dived at his younger bro. Too late. The toaster flew up in flames, the fork busted into a million pieces. Gerard pulled Mikey to the ground as black smoke filled the atmosphere.

The kitchen's wallpaper tore off and the floor stained quickly. The fire alarming was wailing as loud as it could get, giving me a full on head ache.

Gerard's mother ran down the stairs in her dressing gown. She scowled at every single one of us. I glanced towards poor Mikey, who was crying once again.

End of Flashback

After that Frank and I wasn't allowed back into the Way's house. In fact, I didn't see Mikey again until he started high school. I saw Gerard all day because he was in my classes, and Frank and I are next door neighbours, so we could still each other. But I never saw Mikey again until he was thirteen, and I was fifteen.

He looked completely different from what he looked like when he was five. The new Mikey was very tall, had light brown hair that had a bit of blonde in, he had glasses and wore a lot of black. Black jeans, black top, black jacket, but he wore a brown cap.

I guess you could say I had a small crush on him back then, okay so maybe I still have a little crush on the guy.

Alright, back to reality.

Frank shook Gerard until Gee opened his eyes.

"How many times do I have to fucking tell you? Mikey, stay away from the toaster!" Gerard growled, but he wasn't angry at all.

Mikey reached his hand out to me. It reminded me of that day. I grabbed it and pulled him up. He gave me a sweet smile before dusting himself off.

"I am so sorry Gee! I really am!" Mikey's small smile turned into a frown and that frown turned into sobs.

We all surrounded the younger Way brother, who was a mess.

"It's not your fault, Mikes. Don't worry about it. Although we maybe better hit the road before the landlord of this building sees how we blew it up. Let's go," Gee consoled him. Mikey managed a small laugh before we grabbed our stuff and ran for our bus.

Once we all was in, the driver took off, thank God.

You know, as long as toasters don't magically appear, I think Mikey will be fine. And as long as Mikey doesn't magically dissappear from my side, I'm fine too.

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