The Brightest Star

By Sun_Wukong64

10.2K 158 31

This is my first FanFic so constructive criticism would help. I'm bad at descriptions so...... In this fanfic... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Not a chapter..... Yet
Chapter 7

Chapter One

2.3K 34 3
By Sun_Wukong64

In a dark void, two figures can be seen rising up off of the ground. "Where am I?" Said one of the figures. He was a very tall man with long silver hair and blue eyes that had an odd tri-pronged symbol in them. He also had six wings on his back. He was clad in a white robe that included shoulder pads. " Mael? Is that you?" The other figure stepped into what little light was present and it was too revealed to be a man. This man was about as tall as the man now identified as Mael. He had short brown hair and a very large and thick mustache. He was dressed in golden armor that had a hole in the back of it that looked to be caused by a very strong attack. This hole revealed a lion tattoo. This man was Escanor. The Lion Sin of Pride. "Escanor? Why are you here?" Mael asked. "I don't know. All I can remember was that we were fighting against the Demon King.

I used the rest of my life force and as a result... I died." Escanor responded as tears slowly began to make their way down Escanor's face. As he then realized, he would no longer be able to see his beloved Merlin again." I see. So you died as well?" Mael asked as his face showed a sad expression. "What do you mean as well?" Escanor asked. "While you were battling the Demon King on Earth, his army invaded heaven. We were able to keep them at bay for a while. That is... until The demon king's five commanders joined the fray. Me and a few other archangels were able to hold them off for the time being, but our magic levels were rapidly decreasing for reasons that I don't understand. Because of this, they were able to overpower us, and eventually... kill us." Mael said this with a sad expression on his face. "So, if we both died, then where are we now?" As Escanor asked this, a bright light started to shine. It was so bright that Escanor and even Mael were almost blinded.

But then, as the light started to dim, Escanor and Mael looked in the direction of the light and were able to see another figure in the distance. This figure was indescribable. All they could see were his golden eyes. They were about to question his identity before he spoke. "I am the Supreme Being. I've watched your lives and have seen that you both fought valiantly to the end to protect your world. It is because of this show of determination and strength, that I have decided to reincarnate you into another vessel. However, it seems there is only one available. It is a young boy who is soon to be born. That means that you would have to share." Mael and Escanor considered this as the Supreme Being continued to describe the world they would enter. Once he finished his explanation, Escanor and Mael asked if they would keep their powers. "Ah yes. One of you would be able to keep the power of Sunshine. But one will not. Because of this, I have created a power similar to that of Sunshine. It is called Moonlight."

The Supreme being then went on to explain how Moonlight would work relatively similar at night to how Sunshine works in the day with the only difference being that where Sunshine offers more power than speed, Moonlight, whilst still giving power, gives more speed. "Escanor shall be the one to wield Moonlight while Mael will wield Sunshine." As he says this,the tattoo on Escanor's back began to change until it was no longer a lion, but a black panther. However, the Supreme being realized that the lion had sentimental value so he made an exact copy and placed it on his shoulder. Once Escanor understood how his new power worked, the Supreme Being started to disappear. "It is time for you to start your new life in the World Of Black Clover!!" Understanding this, Escanor and Mael nodded before they two disappeared. They then appeared in a place similar to the void that they previously resided in. However before either of them could say anything, they heard crying. They looked out into the distance as they seemed to be viewing what someone else was seeing.

Two babies no older than a few weeks can be seen on the steps of a church in a small village called Hage. Out of the church stepped a tall man with grey hair. "Well what do we have here? To think that someone would leave two babies outside in the dead of night. Well, let's not keep you two out here any longer." The man proceeded to pick up the two baskets that the babies were laid in and took them into the church. He placed them on the table in order to get a better look at them. He wondered if they were twins but eventually tossed that theory aside when he saw that one of the boys' hair was black, while the others was silver. The one with the black hair was clutching onto a necklace with a cross pattern in the center. Upon examining their clothes, he could see that their clothing had their names embroidered on it. "So, the silver haired one is Asta and the other is Yuno. Well Asta, Yuno, my name is Father Orsi. But you can call me Father. You two may not be related by blood, but I will raise you both as brothers.

Orsi did exactly as he said, and with the help of a nun by the name of Sister Lily, raised them as brothers for what had now been six years. Within that six year time span Yuno had unlocked powerful wind magic, while Asta had yet to unlock his magic. This however didn't bother anyone because they knew asta would eventually. They could feel it. Besides, Asta had abnormal strength for a six year old. Asta let off a pressure that while large, was very calming. During those six years, Yuno had also grown to be 4ft 10in. He had golden eyes and his hair was about chin length. Asta had grown to be 5ft 2in. He also started to develop two distinct birthmarks. One on Each shoulder. He had deep blue eyes with a tri-pronged pattern where the pupil should be. His hair fell down to the middle of his back. Over the years, Yuno developed a shy personality while Asta was brave and encouraging. Thou, he too was also pretty quiet. Whenever they had nothing to do they would just lay on the grass and look up to the sky.

They had done this every day until Father Orsi had asked both of them to take a letter that he wrote to the leader of the next village over. They packed a few snacks into a bag before heading off to complete the task that Orsi had given them. Upon arrival, the two ran bumped into a man who looked to be drunk. "Hey!!! Who did that?" The man asked as he turned around to see Asta and Yuno getting up off of the ground. "My apologies mister. My brother and I weren't watching where we were walkin." Asta said as he bowed slightly.''Tsk. Watch where you're going ya brat." The drunken man said. He then looked down at the pendant around Yuno's neck as his face dawned a mischievous grin. "Hey kid. I think I need a little compensation for my troubles seeing as how you bumped into me."

Asta, though confused, reached into his pocket and pulled a small pouch with money in it and attempted to give it to the man before he responded. "No, that won't be enough." "What more could you possibly want?" asked Asta. The man then reached towards Yuno as he pulled off his pendant. "That oughta do it." Asta then looked into Yuno's eyes as he saw him starting to cry. " No. You can't have that. It's too important to him!" Asta yelled at the man with slight anger in his voice. " Fuck off you damn brat." Asta then rushed at the man, intent on getting Yuno's pendant back. He punched the man in his stomach, getting a grunt of pain from him. "How the hell is a brat this strong?" the man thought aloud. "So you wanna play rough do you?" the man asked as he removed his grimoire from its holster.

"You attacked me first so this can be called self defense." The pages of the man's grimoire started to flip until they stopped on one page. "Flame Magic: Flame Cannon!!" The man shouted as the attack hit Asta head on, burning his shirt off and rendering him unconscious. Asta awoke in a dark place with very little light. "Hello? Is anybody there?" Asta asked at what seemed to be nothingness. A few seconds later, two people stepped out of the darkness. They were blurry and only spoke one sentence in a distorted voice. "Use our power." With that Asta awoke in the outside world in a burst of red and bluish flames. Asta stood up and slowly began to walk towards the man. "I-Impossible! H-How are you still a-alive??"

Asta started to examine the power that he was exerting from body. "This power. It's incredible." Asta said as he put on a serious face. He now had immense power, but had no knowledge of how to use it. Realizing this, Asta started to get nervous. But he didn't let it show. He then heard that same distorted voice. Only this time, it was slightly clearer. Now he was able to make out two voices. "Use Brilliant Flame." the voices said. 'I will try my best,' Asta thought. He then pointed his hand toward the man and called out "Brilliant Flame!!" Asta shot a spiral flame that looked to be a combination of the bluish and red flames. The attack was strong. Not strong enough to kill the man. Just strong enough to knock him out. Asta then went unconscious, as the spell used most of his mana seeing as how he had just unlocked it.

Yuno ran to asta side to see that Asta two birthmarks were now more distinct. The one on his right shoulder looked like a lion and the one on his left looked like a black panther. 'Weird,' Yuno thought. He then picked up asta and ran all the way back to Hage village, completely disregarding the task he was told to do. When they arrived, Yuno immediately handed asta to Sister Lily. "What happened?" she asked. Yuno said nothing as he just stood there, crying. Feeling guilty for not helping asta. Asta then woke up and looked to his right to see Yuno crying.

He then sat up and embraced Yuno in a hug while whispering in his ear "It's okay. It wasn't your fault. You were just scared." Asta reassured Yuno. "No. It's not okay. I should've helped. As a matter of fact, from this day forth, I swear that I will never back down and be brave enough to help out those I care about." Yuno exclaimed with passion in his eyes, as he wiped away his tears. "That's the spirit, Yuno. together you and I will become the strongest wizards to have ever lived. Once I become the wizard king, you'll be my right-hand-man." Asta said with a grin so wide, any normal person would have thought his jaw was dislocated. "You mean when I become wizard king, YOU will be MY right hand man." Yuno retorted with a grin of his own. "Well I guess that makes you..." "My rival/ My rival" they both exclaimed while giving a challenging look to one another.

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