De jikook889

7.4K 1.1K 1.8K

❝I wish I could hear you.❞ In which, Taehyung is rendered deaf after a traumatic incident and tries to isolat... Mais

<<Author's Note>>
<<Author's Note>>
>>Epilogue (Part I)<<
>>Epilogue (Part-II)<<


161 30 84
De jikook889


uncertain or anxious about oneself; not confident.


"Hyung, I made some pie. Would you like to-"

Jimin stopped as soon as he saw an uninvited guest walking around in the apartment, looking at the photos over the cabinet with a very bright smile.

A type of smile that Jimin had never seen.

He suddenly felt anxious and placed the pie over the table and tiptoed towards the man trying to be as quiet as possible.

When he was close enough, he threw himself over him and locked the man's arms behind his back.

"Help! Someone help!" Jimin screamed on top of his lungs.

Yoongi rushed out of the bathroom with only a towel over his waist that had loosened up already and would fall any moment.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked surprised.

"Stalker! Staker! This bitch was going through your photos and smiling." Jimin tried to sentence out as he kept his grip over the man's hand without shifting his gaze from the stranger.

"Jimin! Let go of him. He is my friend." Yoongi shifted the toothbrush in his mouth and rushed over to Jimin. He pulled him off the stranger's back and held him by his waist, firmly.

"Hyung! What are you saying, he-", Jimin couldn't speak any further as he felt his cheeks burn.

The towel thought it was best to spread itself over the granite tiles leaving Yoongi completely naked.

"Jimin, are you okay?" Yoongi asked in a worried tone as he held Jimin's cheeks in his palms and scanned the boy's face.

"Worry about yourself, young man! What are you? A naked monkey!", the stranger rolled on the floor, unable to control his laughter.

Jimin was left completely flustered and bright red by now.

Yoongi's eyes widened as he looked down. "Jimin, I am sorry. It's just you shouted and I came rushing. Ugh! Fuck my life." Yoongi ran back into the washroom and shut the door behind.

After a couple of minutes, he came back and tried to avoid gazes with Jimin to feel less awkward.

"So, this is Hoseok, Jimin. And Hoseok this is Jimin", yoongi exchanged his hands between the two still not having eye contact.

"Hi, nice to meet you. Jimin!" The boy exclaimed with a bright smile.

Jimin felt threatened. His insecurities were kicking in. Because

One. Yoongi had never told him he had friends other than him.

And two. He rejected him not long ago.

Was it because of this guy?

"So, what brings you here Hobi?" Yoongi asked with a soft smile.

A nickname. A fucking nickname and that too, topped with a heart-melting smile. I am going to kill this fucker.

Jimin thought himself as he tried to smile at both of them.

"I came with an offer, Yoongi hyung! I went through the music clip you sent me and it was pretty amazing. I talked to my boss and we would like to hire you as one of the mainstream music composers", Hoseok explained.

"Not a side stream, b-but a mainstream producer. As in my name would be written over the music that would get launched. As in, it would be published as my original content?" Yoongi asked with a slight doubt.

Hoseok simply nodded a 'yes'.

It was everything that Yoongi wanted to hear. Everything he wanted to accomplish. He pulled Hobi into a hug, and burst into tears, and thanked him for this amazing offer.

It broke Jimin into million pieces.

Don't get Jimin wrong. The purple-haired male couldn't be happier to see the elder happy. To become a person who succeeded in achieving his dreams, to become someone he always wanted to be.

But, Jimin wanted to be a part of it.

The younger spent days running behind the elder, taking over all the editing of the minor mistakes and glitches in the music video. Going from company to company with Yoongi's cards, giving up the last bit of pride he had in himself and begging them to give Yoongi a chance.

The kid did not care about the scorching sun over his head. He kept running back and forth between work and feeding meals to the elder. So that, when he finally gets accepted. It would be him, he would 'thank'. It would be him he would lean on to shed happy 'tears'. It would be him he would 'hug'.

It would be him.

But, that was all just a delusion that he created in his brain.

The boy felt his hands tremble as the anxiety was kicking in. He didn't want to ruin Yoongi's best moments. He wished nothing more than the elder's happiness.

That was his final purpose.

But, deep down, he wished that the purpose would end up with him.

But, fate had its own twists and turns.

Jimin mustered up the courage to hold back his yearning wish. Stuffed all his emotions deep inside his heart. With one final release of breath, the kid spoke with a muffled tone.

"I guess I will leave you two alone. Oh! and um...congratulations, Hyung". With that Jimin stepped backwards, his gaze still fixed over the couple that was glued to each other in a hug and turned around to run away.

(A/n: Hope you liked the chapter. Please do leave a vote and comment. Love you.)


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