Harry Potter Oneshots

By __AsahinaEma__

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Oneshots from Harry Potter. Tom Riddle's era, Marauder's era, Golden trio era, Next gen. Requests are openβœ… T... More

My Property (Fred Weasley)
Always Her (Severus Snape)
A Challenge (Sirius Black)
Game On (Oliver Wood)
In A Dream (Blaise Zabini)
Approval (George Weasley)
Untouchable (Draco Malfoy)
Confessions and Trauma (Fred Weasley)
Hot Ice (Harry Potter)
Unbelieving Love (James Potter)
Animagus in Action (Remus Lupin)
Business in History (Ron Weasley)
Prized Jewel (Draco Malfoy)
Noticing the Unnoticed (Ernie MacMillan)
Finally Falling (Charlie Weasley)
Hidden Reciprocation (Scorpius Malfoy)
Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice (Bill Weasley)
Gone and Gaunt (George Weasley)
Secret Rendezvous (Regulus Black)
Summertime Blossoms (Sirius Black)
Aroma of Amore (James Potter)
Ties and Wrong Insinuations (Sirius Black)
Love and Lost (Harry Potter)
Like Grandfather, Like Grandson (Albus Severus Potter)
Healer turned Babysitter (Draco Malfoy)
A Wingwoman (Newt Scamander)
Surprise Guests (George Weasley)
Hiding From the Future Dark Lord (Tom Riddle)
Not a Fairytale Beginning (James Sirius Potter)
Love and All Trivial Matters (Albus Severus Potter)
Circumstances like Potter's (Dean Thomas)

Betrothed (Draco Malfoy)

1.5K 12 1
By __AsahinaEma__

"Come on. It's time to go. We don't want mother getting any angrier than she already is" my sister, Pansy stated, leaning on the door frame of my room

"Yes yes, I know" I grab my purse with all my essentials and my wand and head for the door

"Shall we?" my sister asks, holding out her arm for me "We shall"

We were going to the Malfoys to settle my betrothal. Which -according to mother- is the only thing I'm good for. My sister and I's betrothal had been set from before we were even born. Pansy was with the Zabinis and I would be with the Malfoys. Everything had been going well, up until we got sorted into our Hogwarts house, Pansy was sorted into Slytherin like all Parkinsons are, whilst I was sorted into Ravenclaw. It wasn't as bad as it would've been if I had been sorted into Gryffindor, but it still made an effect in the family. I was no longer treated the same by mother; father tried to be merciful and kind to me at some times, but he couldn't always save me.

Mother was furious when I had gotten home the summer of first year, for she wasn't sure if the Malfoys had wanted to still continue my betrothal with Draco, but Mrs. Malfoy did not mind but rather found it nice that his son was going to get married to a smart girl.

"Hurry on now girl. Hold onto your father. We won't travel by floo since the soot might ruin your dress. Merlin only knows how much more mistakes you can make" Mother snarled


"Watch your tone, Pansy. I'm simply stating facts"

"Alright then," Father cut in "Let's go now. Wouldn't want them waiting" Father held onto my arm and gave it a light squeeze, trying to soothe the aching in my heart. I don't even understand why I still get hurt from mother's words. It's nothing new really.

Four of us apparated to Malfoy Manor and before we knocked on the door, mother made sure that my dress looked absolutely beautiful and that I looked content and happy.

Father knocked on the door and we were welcomed by the three Malfoys. Mrs. Malfoy came to greet us with a hug and a smile on her face

"Oh, darling! You look absolutely stunning" Mrs. Malfoy gushed, looking at me from an arm's length before pulling me in for a hug

"Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy. You look like a rose in bloom as well"

"Oh, darling! You're so sweet. Draco come here, greet your fiancé " she called for the boy standing beside his father. Draco walked towards us with a smile on his face, he took my hand in his before giving a gentle kiss on my knuckles

"You look marveling, my love" he compliments, letting go of my hand and giving it a light squeeze. We didn't interact as much in Hogwarts, but on the times that we did he was very pleasant which made me question the things I've heard from the gossips in Gryffindor about him

"Thank you..." I blushed before I felt a slight pinch on my back. It was mother, she wanted me to play along to these 'my love' hogwash "... You take my breath away as well, my darling"

"Oh aren't they just adorable," Mrs. Malfoy said excitedly "Well come on now, let's start some wedding planning" I nod and followed mother and Mrs. Malfoy, letting go of the hand that was clasping Draco's

We all sat at a large table and had tea and cake. I sat between Pansy and Draco while my parents sat with Draco's

"How do you feel about this design?" Mrs. Malfoy asked, sliding a bridal gown magazine in front of me. It was flipped onto a page with a gown that was off-shoulder and had a deep see-through lace cut at the back.

I glanced at mother for a split second and saw her nod "It looks beautiful Mrs. Malfoy" I smiled, running my fingers on the picture

"Oh, that's wonderful. We'll have this gown then and darling please call me Narcissa. I mean, we'll be family soon after all" she winked at me and I just sent her a smile.

We continued talking about the wedding until Draco coughed

"Mother, Mrs. Parkinson. May I take my fiancé for a walk at the gardens?"

"Oh of course of course Draco. A great way for you two to spend quality time" my mother said, delighted

"Oh? but what about wedding planning?" Narcissa asked with her eyes brows furrowed. I looked at my mom and her eyes are just screaming at me to go with Draco

"I'll get married in any condition with Draco, Narcissa. All that matters is that I get to marry the love of my life" I grasp Draco's hand in mine, wrapping my arm around his and Narcissa just melted whilst mother looked at me with an accomplished smile

"How sweet of you my dear. Well, go on then. Have some quality time with Draco"

Soon Draco and I left and he brought me to the gardens. We were walking in silence and I still hadn't let go of his arm

"We don't talk much in Hogwarts," he said breaking the silence

"Well... you do your own things in Slytherin and I do in mine"

"Yeah, but if you didn't bury your nose in books maybe we could've"

"I'm a Ravenclaw, it's in my nature to do so, and besides you're always too busy antagonizing Harry"

"Harry? You're on a first-name basis with him?" We both stopped walking and he turned to me, my hand still clasped in his

"Well yeah. They were curious as to why I wasn't messing with them since I was a Parkinson"

"Still, didn't realize you'd gotten close with them" he mutters

"I'm close with a lot of people Draco. You just don't catch me on the times where I'm not reading"

"Mhm..." we started walking again before settling on a bench in a gazebo surrounded by flowers "What do you think about this arranged marriage that we have going on?"

"Does it matter what I think?" I get up and walk down the few steps of the gazebo to the red roses near us "We're still going to get married"

"Yes, but I want to know your opinion on it"

"I'm happy I'm marrying you" I plucked a red rose from the bush and started pricking off its thorns

"Really?" he mused

"Yeah. I mean it's probably better than getting married to some git with no self-respect, but yeah. I'm happy it's you... Just wished it would've been in different circumstances" I walk back up the gazebo with the flower in hand and Draco's eyes following me

"Although I don't think we would've gotten together if we weren't betrothed" I add, walking to him

"And why's that?" he stretches his arms out and pulls me by my waist towards him, his legs opening for me to stand in between them

"Just because" I shrug

"Just because? Darling, please elaborate" he fully wraps his arms around my waist and tilts his head up, his chin on my stomach whilst I looked down at him with my arms around his shoulders, connecting at the nape of his neck

"You wouldn't have noticed me. You said it yourself, we don't talk or see each other much, so if we weren't betrothed then you probably wouldn't know of my existence" I remove one hand from the nape of his neck and place the single rose I plucked onto his ear

"I completely disagree. I would've noticed you either way" he whispers, glancing down at my lips and before I could even realize it, he was already pulling me down halfway while he slowly lifted himself up, connecting our lips.

It was a short kiss. short but meaningful. He let my lips go once he was fully standing, resting his head against mine

"Do it again" I whisper and suddenly he's leaning down while I stood on my toes to meet his lips. Now, this kiss was more passionate, it had yearning. Pure and raw emotions in it. His tongue grazed my lips for a passage that I allowed. He was a good kisser. He probably had quite the experience in snogging girls. He is, after all, the Slytherin Prince. He tasted of green apples and mint.

He reluctantly pulled away for air and rested his forehead against mine, a smile crawling it's to his lips

"We should do that more often" he breathes out

"Oh we'll be able to do more than that when we're married" I laugh, giving him a final peck before we head back to the adults and my sister


The Second Wizarding War had ended and it took quite a toll on everyone. A lot had lost people important to them and I shared that pain. Mother and Father died, in what way? I'm not sure, but we recovered their bodies all bloodied up. I was more so sad about the death of my father than my mother. I'm thankful that she gave birth to me, but the respect of being a mother that nurtured her child was long gone

The family fortune had been split between me and Pansy. We both each donated a good amount for the rebuilding of Hogwarts

"Love?" I heard the love of my life call out. We were in the Malfoy Mansion whilst Blaise and Pansy stayed at what we called the 'Parkinsons Palace'

"In here Draco" I called out from the kitchen. I was making tea for everybody. The elves insisted that they do it, but the tea just tasted different when it was made by me

"The elves could've done that you know" he stated, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head on my shoulders

"Yes, but it's different when its made by me"

"Hmmm true" he kissed my cheek

"How's Narcissa?" I ask. Mr. Malfoy, Lucius has been arrested and has to stay in Azkaban for 13 years

"She's doing better" he sighs

"Want to make her feel even better?" I turn around and give him a smile. He just looks at me confused before nodding


"Great! Poppy?" I call to an elf "Can you please bring the tea to the gazebo at the gardens?"

"Oh Poppy would be honored, young mistress"

"Thank you" She grabbed the tray of tea and left for the gazebo

"Call your mom for me and bring her to the gazebo. I just need to get something in our room" I kiss his cheek before running along to our room.

I reach our room and head into the closet. I open an envelope that was specifically hidden behind the rest of my clothes and pull out a small image. My heart starts beating out of my chest and I can only hope that they both don't think its too soon

I head down to the gazebo and see Draco and Narcissa. I frown a little at Narcissa's appearance, but quickly change it to a smile. She looked tired and sickly, but it would make sense considering that her husband has to stay in Azkaban for a number of years

"Hey" I leaned down and gave her a hug

"As much as I appreciate both of you. What is it that you brought me out here for?" She asked, eyes flickering between me and Draco

"I honestly don't know either, mother" Draco laughs

I take a deep breath before waving my wand, making the envelope I opened upstairs appear before us. I was supposed to carry it with me but they would just rush and ask about what was in the envelope before I can even do anything

"Here" I slide the envelope further down the center of the table, avoiding the tea and teapots

"What is this, love?"

"Just open it" I smile

Draco reaches for the envelope and pulls out a document with two copies of the same picture on it. He just looks at me, confused

"Darling what is this?" I forgot about them not knowing much about muggles

I sigh then laugh "It's a muggle thing and I know you guys don't exactly like muggles, but just please read the documents then you'll understand the picture"

Narcissa grabs a copy of the document and read it, as did Draco. Draco's eyes widen and his head snaps to me then to the photo

"Is this- Are you?"

"Yes," I smiled "That's a sonogram. I've been feeling sick lately so I visited this muggle hospital since I thought that it wasn't anything serious and well... I'M PREGNANT!"

"Oh, darling! Congratulations! I'm gonna have a grandchild" Narcissa cried, coming over to me and hugging me. Draco still hadn't said anything and I was soon getting nervous

"Draco?" I say slowly. What if he didn't like the pregnancy. I mean what if he thought it was too early. Oh, who am I kidding? It is too early. He probably wanted to enjoy his life first before having a child and becoming a pare-

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" He shouted, getting off his seat and picking me up, and twirling me around. He kept peppering kisses around my face

"You're not... you're not mad?" I ask and he looks at me bewildered

"Mad? Wha- why would I be mad? I mean mad for you? sure, but mad at you for having our child? never" he bends down and presses his lips against my stomach, placing a gentle kiss on it

"I have a baby. I'm gonna be a dad. Can you hear me in there? I'm your dad!" I laugh. He was adorable

"Draco, our baby hasn't formed yet" I cupped his face and brought it up again "Give it a few months, then our baby will probably hear you"

"I love you," he said, leaning down to my height to press a kiss on my lips

"And I love you too" I smile "I told you already before. You're the love of my life"


"Draco!" I called and I immediately heard running across the halls

"Yes, my love? What is it you need?"

"I want chocolate frog wrapped in scrambled egg in mayonnaise" I pouted. I was now in my second pregnancy and the cravings on this one got worse

"Of course of course darling. I'll just get Scorpius tucked in for his nap" He said, getting ready to leave

"Draco?" I whimpered. His eyes snapped to me and he was immediately by my side

"What- what is it darling? Does anything hurt? What's wrong?" he checked me for any unusual things that shouldn't be in my pregnancy

"I'm sorry" I full-on cried now. Stupid pregnancy hormones

"Sorry for what darling? You didn't do anything. Please don't cry"

"I'm useless! I- I should be tucking Scorpy in bed. I should be making you breakfast, but I can't" I sobbed "I can't, because I'm so fat and I'm slow and I just waddle and I can't get anything done"

"No no no darling. You're not useless. In fact you're doing more than I am" he cooed "You're growing a life inside of you, my love. Our child. Our second baby. You're nurturing it and caring for it and going through all these things for 9 months. Darling, you're amazing"

"R-really?" I hiccuped

"Yes, my love. Now, rest. I'll be back here with your choco frog wrapped in scrambled egg with mayo" he got up and head for the door after wiping my tears and making me feel better


"Yes, my love?" he turned around to face me with a smile on his face

I reached for my wand on my bedside table and waved it "I love you" it formed a big heart out of small hearts

Draco's eyes melted at the sight and rushed to me again.

"I love you more, darling. More than you can ever imagine" he kissed me lips, then my nose, then my forehead, then one long kiss on my lips again before actually leaving the room and getting things done

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