The Possessive Royalty And Th...

By iceheartgoldsmile

19.2K 585 543

"The Zillard Kingdom, of the Wolf and fox people are to have you. You, the first born. Noone can assure your... More



1.5K 47 20
By iceheartgoldsmile

(note, she was raised by her father who despite not telling her about her fate, he did instill into her that being obedient is good, which has actually made it apart of her personality. Funnily enough because he taught her to be obedient to firm but trusted people, she is less likely to obey people she fears, just a fun fact I thought I'd share)

I don't know how many hours or minutes it's been, but he still has a strong hold on me. His breathing now soft and peaceful, not that I can relate, I don't think my nervous bursts of breaths have stopped.

I gasped as he pulled me in tighter, growling low and scarily into my ear. He's dreaming right? He must be, he couldn't have woken up that quick.

His body curled around me as he holds me far to close, I can feel his steady heartbeat through my back. I can't help but try and struggle now, wriggling my body and trying to pull his arms off.

His body loosened as he relaxed once more, I guess it was just a reaction to a dream or something. I managed to push his hands off of me and crawled away to the end of the bed. I curled up, keeping away from him.

Even if I can't run, I need to start defending myself. I don't want to die, maybe Danny will understand and let me say no if I'm really good.

My dad always said obedience is a key attribute to prey. That my obedient attitude was surely going to help me in my life, and I guess he's right.

I like doing what people want me to do, but these royals are confusing. They're dangerous and mean. All I wanted was to stay at home. Doing as I'm told, making jokes with servants and doing my lessons.

I sighed sadly and closed my eyes. I need to speak more, maybe he'll listen. I may have no reason to trust or believe him, but I still have hope.

He might let me go home.


Something is rubbing my chin, the feeling delightful and soft. I murmured and pressed into the touch.

"You're so cute Kitty" came Danny's voice, tearing into my comfortable haze. I opened my eyes and stared up at him, horrified.

He yawned into his hand and placed a plate beside me. I squinted at the cooked eggs on bread and slowly pulled myself up. I used my hands to hold myself up as I couldn't be bothered pulling in my legs to properly sit.

He met my confused gaze and smiled, some food in his teeth as he now held a second plate. He must have grabbed that very quickly. I didn't return the smile, choosing to pull my legs into a cross legged position and picked up a piece of bread, the egg cooked perfectly atop it.

I took a bite of the tasty combination and nearly choked as a sudden knock on the door startled me. I put the bread down and carefully chewed, giving the door a resentful look.

"What is it?" Called Danny, I could see a faint outline of someone's head through the barred window on the door. The door creaked as if the person had touched it, but didn't open.

"I have come to deliver a message from the king, he has an urgent matter to attend at the main castle. He will be back tomorrow. Your study session and anything else of less importance is to be pushed to tomorrow as he has requested for you to do your duties" came the response, the person didn't have any emotion to their words.

I watched the silhouette move slightly, possibly shuffling their legs at the awkward silence.

No study session, that's a good thing!

I looked down at my plate, relieved slightly to not have to go to another one. Well until tomorrow that is, but apparently it's the last one, so I should be glad for that, maybe if I ask Dan-

"He's just bent on spoiling my fun. I understand. You are excused." Spoke Danny, I looked at the frustration on his face and moved closer to the edge of the bed.

"I guess we better get a move on" he huffed.


He stood up and I eyed my unfinished food, picking up my unfinished piece of bread with egg and nibbled on it. I refused to look in his direction, not knowing if he was waiting on me or just eating standing up.

"You eat slow. If you're not hungry Maya, we should be going" he stated. I guess my hesitant eating can seem like I'm not hungry, but I am.

"I am hungry" I quietly told him, taking a bigger bite. I peaked up at him, he had finished the majority of the food on his plate, his blue eyes looking down at me. I looked back at my plate, watching the yolk slowly drip from the bread onto my plate.

My fingers sticky with the dripping yolk. I rose my shoulders and sunk into myself, feeling his gaze now. Feeling more and more like a rabbit in a field, eating some grass while a hawk comes in unknowingly to the rabbit for the kill.

"I'm not going to take your food from you Maya. Stop being so defensive. Just finish it while I get changed" stated Danny, his tone not aggressive but condescending.

I took another bite, listening as he left the room. I finished the bread and stared down at the next one. Despite my hunger, I found myself not wanting it, the thought making me queasy.

I placed the plate onto the bed and picked up a cup and filled it with water, the cold liquid flooding my body.

The door called to me, unsure whether I really wanted to risk getting lost to escape, or to just go to toilet. Honestly if I'm quick he might not notice I left the room and he'll let me go home.

Foolish thoughts, but they still made me smile a little. I stood easily and approached the door, pushing it gently, almost surprised as it actually moved. Though it's heavy I managed to push it open most of the way and moved for the toilet.

I'll be quick, he'll hardly notice I'm gone.

The toilet though fancy, was more made for maids to quickly use if they need to while working, then for royals. It's clean and simple, a mirror over the sink and a toilet in the middle.

I finished up and washed my hands. I opened the door and began to walk across the hall.

"What are you doing?" Danny's accusatory voice broke the silence. I held my breath and looked over to him. Slowly backing into my room, hidden behind the door, I took a deep breath, preparing my confidence to explain myself.

"Don't walk away. I didn't say you were allowed to leave" he said once more, despite the lack of anger in his voice, I still tensed and moved back to sit on the bed. As a little girl, I would hide from imaginary monsters and nightmares under the blankets, I almost want to do that now.

Calm voices can be just as, if not more terrifying then angry ones.

He stood in the doorway now, watching me with crossed arms, I can't meet his eyes.

"I was going toilet" I told him, finally looking him in the eyes. His gaze steady.

"Though I guess you haven't gone for a while, you should have waited to ask." He pointed out, why should I ask to go toilet? It's not like I'm doing anything to be excused from, I'm just in a bedroom. I'm not a child to be scolded for doing something normal.

"But I came straight back to the room" I mumbled, I don't want to get into anymore trouble. It's his fault for not making rules clear. Atleast Chloe got straight to the point when she was trying to put rules in place.

"Speak up, I can barely understand you. I don't want you going anywhere without me knowing where you are. Then we can avoid misunderstandings like last night. I take it you don't want me to freak out on you again" he stated. I tensed and looked at the pillow I had hidden under.

"I understand, Danny" I said through clenched teeth. He sighed and I watched his feet as he walked closer.

"Let's go then" he said, moving his hand to my own, I flinched, yet he didn't react. Waiting for me to grab his hand. I nervously did so unwilling to make him anymore upset with me.

He pulled me back up to my feet and let my hand go, I released his hand as well, letting my own fall to my side awkwardly. My hairs stood on end as he moved his own to my shoulder, guiding me in front and leading me through the confusing route of the castle.

We entered a new room, this one held small thrones lined up along the back and a doorway to familiar set of paths. The front entrance.

His presence behind me reminding me that the days of my simple and easy life was over.

He pressed against my shoulder and lead me to the thrones, his taller body easily walked around me as he sat down on a comfortable cushioned throne, he has the middle one. Of course he's the most powerful in all areas. He will be the greater king, he is a wolf and he has a powerful air to him.

"Sit down, normally you'd be shifted, but today you don't need to, Chloe should be down soon." He explained, I looked around briefly, unsure where he wanted me to sit.


"Next to me. I'd say my lap like your shifted form would be, but I feel that'd only bring attention to you. Unless you want to shift." He explained, interrupting me before I could even finish the first word.

I looked to the spot on the floor beside his small throne. The carpeted floor was soft, but uncomfortable. I crossed my legs and looked down the stairs to the doors. I can see the building the ceremony was in. Where we had parked the carriage.

"Sorry I'm late Danny" apologised Chloe, rushing in. She wore a fancy royal suit, it was a nice red and white. Danny's I hadn't noticed but it was designed around wolf colours now that I paid attention to it.

"Don't apologise Chloe, I get it, we'll need to have a word after this. But for now we need to do lesser royal stuff" laughed Danny, Chloe smiled and moved up the steps, pausing to look at me.

I shouldn't be surprised that she smiled at me. She crouched in front of me and examined me.

"Hey Kitten, I'm glad you're doing better. You're looking much better, I'm sorry you went through that. I hope you don't think badly of me for leaving you" she rambled. I can't help myself, she's the only one so far who's been the clearest with me. I smiled a little.

"No" I answered, it's the truth. From what I know, she had no clue about Kendall not having me fed and how was she supposed to stop Kendall from attacking me?

She sighed gave me a relieved smile, maybe I've judged her to quickly.

I watched her move to a throne next to Danny as an attendant stood in the doorway, he silently bowed at a gesture from Danny and someone in normal clothes walked in.

"Do you want to sort this one?" Whispered Danny to Chloe who shook her head, giving Danny the chance to be first.

"Speak" called Danny, the stranger bowed on one knee and looked up us carefully. His eyes noticing me, he looked at me curiously. Danny snapped his fingers catching both of our attention.

"Ah, sorry my greater prince. I have come to ask for an allowance to build my business, by the South gate, Harling town, in an abandoned lot" mumbled the nervous looking man, none of those words made any sense to me.

"What business do you feel like building? Harling town has quite alot of business already" pointed out Danny.

"Custom mother cushions." The man replied, Danny sighed. That's a nice business to do, my mum has a custom cushion for eating at the dining table with me.

"You wouldn't be the first but we'll allow for it. Leave your information with my attendant and we'll send you a permit. You are excused" explained Danny, the man smiled and bowed his head before standing to speak to the waiting attendant who wrote something down on paper.

That was quick. I guess it needs to be if this is the kind of stuff people are asking for.

I didn't pay attention to the next few people, it has nothing to do with me anyway, Danny and Chloe taking turns on dealing with each one. Danny always confident and Chloe would lose her confidence everytime she looked at Danny to make sure she was doing the right thing. I think she's doing fine.

Two people walked in, glaring at each other bitterly, this is Chloe's turn.

"You may speak" allowed Chloe, waving to the closest one, letting them speak first. The woman sighed.

"I need help with a legal matter, This here man destroyed my crop and I have spoken with the local police and noone will do anything!" Exclaimed the frustrated woman.

"Destroyed? It's your fault for putting it in the way! That field has been used by many. Besides you're just being dramatic, it's hardly destroyed" defended the man she's arguing against.

"Princess Chloe, the land has been handed down by my family for generations. I decided to put the field to use as we are running low on food money, and we nearly had a good yield of wheat. He claims that just because people ignore my request to leave my field alone it gives him the right to destroy it because I told him he couldn't enter!" Pleaded the woman.

Seeing how the woman was pleading a calm case, the man raised his voice above hers, looking at Danny for support.

"I have done no wrong! You heard her, the police won't do anything because the field shouldn't be suddenly forbidden!" He defended, his defence weak and rather dumb, the land belongs to the woman.

"Why are you addressing me? Princess Chloe didn't even allow you to speak." Warned Danny, the man shutting up.

"I see your case. So you have the proof of ownership?" Asked Chloe, ignoring the man's constant interruptions. The woman nodded, holding out a piece of paper which the attendant began to read.

"She is correct, the land is passed down the Galion bloodline, the newest signature being Nancy Galion, the name of our ferret shifter here." Explained the attendant, the man tried to grab the piece of paper desperately. Danny growled lowly.

"You are in your right to stand up for your ownership of land and have your crop undamaged. Nancy, you'll be allowed monetary compensation for new crops and food. Nancy you are excused" agreed Chloe, The woman smiled and walked to the doorway with the attendant.

I guess they're setting up the information and giving her the money.

"Hey, you weren't excused" warned Danny, I looked back at the man who stopped walking and returned before the young royals.

His confidence replaced with anxiety.

"You have trespassed, damaged property, and tried to take a legal document. You do realise those are all criminal offences?" Asked Chloe, I looked at the royals. How will they punish him?

Danny was resting his chin on his knuckles and smirking, Chloe on the other hand was examining the man carefully.

"I apologise, I didn't know" defended the man.

"Do not lie now. You'll be required to pay forth the amount that you have damaged, and as easily as I could have you locked up, I believe community service is a bit more suitable for the crime" sighed Chloe, she broke into a smile.

"That service will be repairing her field for her new crop. An officer should be making sure you do the right thing. Though I'm disappointed in the lack of action from them with this" mumbled Chloe, the man's face reddened and he looked around for someone to be on his side. Nancy smiled brightly hearing the news.

"Please, this punishment is unfair. You can understand that right my prince!" Exclaimed the man, trying hard to gain Danny's sympathies. Danny's gaze hardened, his blue eyes seeming able to tear this man apart.

"If it were my decision you'd be jailed.  Her punishment is final. Our attendant will get everything sorted in terms of your punishment" warned Danny.

None of the other issues were as interesting. Danny and Chloe going through them quickly, the attendant finally stepped into the room and bowed.

"That was the last planned issue of the day. I will set the information up for you, once I have completed that, you should be able to finish the documentation" explained the attendant.

"Thank you. It would have been easier if father had given us more time so that we could of read who we were seeing today. It's a bother coming in blind" spoke Danny, the attendant nodded his agreement.

I watched Chloe and Danny walk to some side doors. Danny looked over at me and mumbled something to himself.

"Maya. Hurry up" he called. Oh right.

I stood on legs which didn't want to hold me up, fuzzy from sitting down on the floor for so long. I avoided looking at the attendant and followed them into the side room.

A table sat with food and water.

I sat away from the both of them and slowly nibbled some fruit, making my stomach grumble eagerly.

"Chloe. I'm guessing you haven't heard of what's happening with your coronation?" Asked Danny, she shook her head and he sighed. "Let's just finish this first, then I'll tell you" mumbled Danny, he looked at me.

"Maya. You're so far, I want my cat beside me" he said, I looked from him and to the fruit bowl I was in front of.

"I'm not that far" I pointed out, he hardened his gaze. I looked anxiously at the bowl and the feeling of his gaze making me uncomfortable.

"Can I please stay here?" I asked quietly, mango juice dripping down my chin slowly.

"Danny, she's just eating fruit, leave her be. I'm certain some space is good for her" assured Chloe.

"She needs to listen though. If I tell her to do something she needs to do it. I could have told her to shift before. But I didn't" he explained Chloe shook her head and smiled softly.

"She's not been here very long Danny, I know you adore her, but the poor thing probably needs some alone time" hummed Chloe, eating a piece of cake.

"She also needs to learn, letting her constantly disobey teaches nothing" added Danny, Chloe shrugged.

"It's up to you, she just seems pretty overwhelmed to me" pointed out Chloe, Danny sighed.

"Maya, come here" he commanded, I should probably do as I'm told. I picked up the bowl and hugged it to myself as I stood. I moved to him, standing awkwardly behind him.

"Sit" he commanded, I did so, putting the bowl in front of me and picking up another mango slice. The sweetness seems dull now.

I finished it and had some water before resting my hands in my lap, just to watch them miserably. I listened to Danny and Chloe eat in silence, my hunger forgotten as I couldn't bring myself to eat more.

The sounds stopped and a hand entered my vision, I blankly watched it move to my chin and I let my head be forced up as Danny turned it towards him. He examined me carefully.

"Don't be sad Maya" he murmured, cleaning the mango juice off my face with a napkin. He patted my shoulder and stood, brushing off any crumbs he could find on himself.

Chloe stood as well, I followed their example. Danny walked Chloe to a high up verandah through a window door, I followed.

"I hate this but, tomorrow is our last study session, father doesn't want it to happen anymore and-" Danny took a big breath, looking into Chloe's sad eyes. "He'll be choosing your suitor. I'm sorry" mumbled Danny.

"No, this can't be happening, Danny he hates me, we know he won't care about how a suitor will treat me" nervously rambled Chloe, backing away, emotions flashing over her face.

Danny sighed.

"Please Chloe, I know, I can't do anything about it" murmured Danny, his eyes sad now. Chloe shifted, her fox backing into the high up verandah wall and then racing past us.

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