By justarockstarbaby

32.5K 473 309

Sometimes some people aren't worth saving, wether it be someone you love dearly or someone in serious need, s... More

cast call
chapter one • the night we met
chapter three • are you bored yet?
chapter four • My Kind Of Woman
chapter five • the less i know the better
chapter six • summer
chapter seven • meet me at our spot
chapter eight • fantasy
chapter nine • washing machine heart
chapter ten • hurts so good
chapter eleven • the heart wants what it wants
chapter twelve • can i call you tonight?

chapter two • summertime sadness

3.5K 56 16
By justarockstarbaby

Scarlet loved her job, there was nothing better then watching the sweet smiles of the elderly as she served their favourite regular beverages or the warm grin that melted onto children's faces when she handed over a sweet treat that their parents finally let them have. Those minimal things always made her day, just giving and making those people's days that slight bit more better.

Yet the same coffee shop she had been loyal to for around two years was normally humble and placid, aura thick with the sensual scent of coffee and sugar, but upon this occasion it seemed to have took off in the opposite direction.

The cafe was borderline empty with the odd regular dipping in for their usuals, just Scarlet wasting away her hours by fruitlessly wiping down unused tables and sanitising the serving counter every ten minutes from boredom. Currently leaning on that same surface with her elbow supporting her weight, palm cupping her chin which she rested on whilst thinking over all her life decisions.

One thing that inched her thoughts often throughout the day was wether or not she should have made some last minute impulsive plans to go out tonight, because god knew she hated going home. Not because she hated her family or way of living, but because she hated playing the up tight prissy bitch she had been raised to be.

Some may say Scarlet was ungrateful for her wealth and status, but to that she'd simply reply shove it up your ass- having money could be a blessing and a curse and made the female feel out of touch with reality. Herself and her father would sleep tight in their million dollar mansion with multiple investments being finalised, whilst meanwhile some individuals were struggling to keep meals on their tables and could barley fund for themselves.

Of course being the spoilt brat who she was, Scarlet convinced her father to donate large masses of money at least three times a year to charity's- sometimes she'd walk along the streets to solemnly find the homeless and provide them meals, blankets and cash to get them by for as long as she could possibly afford that day.

It didn't make her feel better in the slightest though, not one bit- cause although she made those efforts and kindly provided to those in need, she was still far more better off as a nineteen year old then ever had been in their entire lives.

The kook lifestyle was bitter sweet.

Luckily for Scarlet her mind was torn away from the guilt ridden trance she had fallen captive to as an elderly lady she had become familiar with entered the coffee shop, hobbling along with the sweetest smile upon her aged features.

The brunette sported her welcoming grin as she observed the lady, standing up straight and tapping the counter lightly with her fingertips. "The usual today Mrs Saunders?"

"Please! I've told you enough times to call me Dorothy, and yes my dear the usual" she used her frail hands to smack the air in insist that the teen called her by her first name, pulling her purse from her pocket in preparation.

Scarlet chuckled, turning towards the expresso machine and began to assemble the cappuccino with soya milk and three sweeteners. Dorothy was a loyal customer that would visit around two times a week, the female learnt not long ago that the elderly lady only lived around the corner and owned her own catering business back in her youth. Sometimes she'd sneak Scarlet a freshly baked cake or two for when she had her lunch break and she must confirm that the lady was a magician in the kitchen.

"Busy day today Dorothy?" She spoke over her shoulder, fast hands moving to pull together the desired beverage.

"You could say so dear, my son took me shopping in the morning for my groceries and the grandchildren came around for a few hours. I tell you, children don't half tire you out! Live your youth the most you can before you even consider having them" Mrs Saunders rambled on, lightly patting her freshly permed hair du to confirm it was still perfectly in place.

"I'll make sure I do, having a baby requires being in a relationship and I'm far from one of those. Children haven't even crossed my mind if truth be told!" Scarlet responded, adding the finishing cocoa powder to the froth of the coffee.

"Well you have many years till you can settle down my love, may as well get your kicks and have fun with as many men as you can until you reach that point of your life. Although, I was sixteen when I had my James but it was the normal back in those days to have them young"

Spinning around and travelling towards the counter, she allowed a brief chuckle to vibrate from her throat, shuddering at the thought of having a baby at her age whilst placing the drink in front of the lady. It wasn't so much a problem to birth at such a young age, it was more the fact that Scarlet was no where near having her shit together- hardly able to take care of herself let alone another human.

The teen wasn't even sure she liked children that much, newborns were cute but as soon as they reach the ripe age of two years old and become toddlers she looses sudden interest.

"I'll take that into account Dorothy, I'm sure you couldn't imagine living without your son and grandchildren now huh?"

"Absolutely not. You're right, they're my world and more. Now how much do I owe you?" She finalised whilst flicking through the dollar bills in her small little purse.

"Four dollars please, would you like any cake today?" She motioned towards the array of sweet treats behind the glass wall that displayed them, majority still remaining as the custom today hadn't been the best.

"I'm fine Thank you dear, I eat my own baking too much for anything else to even come close to comparing" Dorothy gloated genuinely, placing ten single dollar bills on the counter and pushing them towards the teen. "And here, keep the six dollars for yourself Scarlet"

Her heart throbbed to the kind gesture, lips instinctively curving into a large beam as a hand was held over her chest from pure happiness. Those six dollars would contribute to her monthly homeless hunt. "Thank you so much that's so kind, enjoy your drink"

"You're ever so welcome, I'll just be over here with my drink" the elderly female pointed to a seat near the windows in the far corner.

"And I'll be right here if you need me!" Scarlet tucked the tip into the front pocket of her apron, waving off Dorothy with a content fuzzy feeling occupying her chest.

Moments like those are what makes her job so lovable, the interactions with the purest souls. Of course she'd get a few rude customers, tourons usually that were snappy and eager for their drinks but majority of the time it was kind hearted beings like Dorothy. It was enough to distract Scarlet from the reality in which she lived in, humbled herself slightly so the female didn't get high on privilege or too greedy.

It levelled off the guilt she often felt for being in her shoes, despite her father working extremely hard to uphold his position.

The chime of the door bell rang and caught the brunettes attention, ringing out and echoing through the tranquility of the atmosphere. But to whom walked through the glass door entrance was one she'd thought would never step foot in her beloved work place, looking around frantically as he adjusted the cufflinks of his neatly pressed check shirt.

His eyes found her as quickly as they did that night at the party, like a magnetic force instinctively drawing the two together with some unknown yet forceful connection.

Scarlet was bewildered to why he had chosen this uncommon cafe when she had never seen him around this area before; resulting in folding her arms firmly around her chest and drawing a curt brow into her hairline as he stalked in her direction with a proud expression.

"Rafe Cameron, to what do I owe the pleasure?" she cocked her head in a presumptuous manner, alert to the way he came to a halt at the counter and rested both palms firmly down upon it. Leaning slowly into her and humming with a curious mimic.

He looked around briefly and sniffled sharply, before returning his gaze upon her. "Well Scarlet Meadows, I'll have one of those mean flat whites if you don't mind, I've heard they're quite good from here"

She frowned, wondering how on Earth he had remembered what she had over shared at that party whilst being a mixture of drunk and overly coked up. "Flat white? You look more of a black coffee type of guy" Scarlet quipped back, figuring toying with the male would keep him around longer.

"Nah and if I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure I just ordered a flat white, so you best get to it sweetheart" Rafe shot back, straightening his posture and nodding to the expresso machine which sat behind her.

"You better watch that attitude of yours" she rolled her eyes none-subtly, turning promptly to mask the smile that was toying at her lips as she began to prepare one of the famous flat white's she often bragged about being talented at making. Their encounter at the party was unusual to say the least, a genuine moment with no forced conversion or effort needed to get along- both of them felt it and it was confirmed for Scarlet just now as the same male was standing in her space of work.

He had listened.

And it was no coincidence for Rafe that he had found this place on a whim, not at all, his maps on his phone with this address logged into it proved just that- because he couldn't shake away the feeling he felt at night when he struggled to sleep thinking wether or not he'd see her again. Call him crazy but the mere memories of feeling content when in her presence we're the only thing keeping him sane, he had only met the female once but it told him enough for him to not act on it.

"So" she began, tilting her head to speak clearly over her shoulder. "Are you obsessed with me Rafe or are you just keen to taste one of my infamous coffee's?"

"Both actually" he smirked, admiring the beautiful profile of the back of her head. Long, silky, chocolate locks tamed into a messy low pony that still made example of the length she possessed.

Scarlet was wearing a cropped black shirt and slim fit leggings under her apron, must be the uniform for her job, he thought whilst acknowledging the way the attire hugged the curve of her hips and ass perfectly. Rafe had to remind himself to not let his gaze linger too long in that area as he felt a rush of heat surge throughout his whole being.

"So you're stalking me Mr Cameron?"

He felt the same exact excitement come over him as the first time he heard Scarlet address him in such manner, shaking his sinful thoughts away and taming his mind to behave. "Theirs something I want to do and you can't refuse it either"

Scarlet spun around and rested her weight against the back counter that the machines were displayed on, eyeing the male skeptically from where he stood on the opposite side of the main counter with both hands firmly shoved in his trouser pockets. "Go on"

"What time do you finish work?"

"At seven, why?" The brunette began to bubble nervous at the question asked, instead keeping a hard exterior on her expression as she replied.

"Well since you took me to your spot on the roof at the party, I believe it's only fair I take you to my favourite place to explore in return" he shrugged, attempting to calm the nerves that surfaced to the dread of being rejected. Ignorance is key Rafe reminded himself, no matter the answer she proposed he would badger on and insist she'd take his offer until she would eventually give in.

"Why should I trust you?"

"Why wouldn't you trust me?" He protested, taking slight offence to the females words.

"I could give you a few reasons" Scarlet proclaimed, acknowledging the now prepared expresso shot in the machine and turning to continue making the drink that he desired. The steamed milk was her favourite part of the recipe, finding satisfaction in the way the substance foamed up and became fluffy.

"Please enlighten me Scarlet" Rafe went on, eager to know the reasoning to lack of trust.

"First off, you're a stranger. Secondly, the last time I saw you at the party you were doped up and how could I trust someone to take me somewhere when they are high as a fucking kite. And third, you might be an axe murderer that has tracked me down and aiming to brutally kill me somewhere secret and I'd be none the wiser"

The males blood went cold at the word, murderer. His mind went numb as the familiar syllables bounced around in his mind and taunted him, the steady beat of the organ which consisted in his chest had tripled and a sweat began to boil to the waxy surface of his skin. It was hard to keep an unfazed facade on his face as the voices in his head became louder, practically screaming at him as the tick in his mind had been triggered.

She knows, you're a murderer Rafe. Remember that day on the tarmac with Peterkin and you-

"If I remember correctly, I wasn't the only one on coke that night. You're not all squeaky clean yourself sunshine" he interrupted himself, adamant to not let his mind win in this simple interaction.

It often ruined everything, but he wouldn't let it ruin this.

Scarlet placed his drink down in front of him carefully, admiring the cocoa swirl she mastered on the top and ignorant to the troubled male who she was giving it to. "You've got me, now, how does it look?"

"Mediocre at best" he tormented, earning an offended scoff from the brunette to his words as he bought the glass to his lips and took a gentle sip. To the females defence, the coffee was impeccable and concocted perfectly- but Rafe was indeed more of a black coffee guy. Scarlet didn't need to know that though. "But it tastes good"

A proud grin painted her face, satisfied with the feedback as she knew that the flat whites were her strength in the job. What caught her off guard was the smile he returned to her evident achievement, aligning their soft hues and melting into his handsomeness. Wow, how could she say no to him when she so desperately wanted to let him take her anywhere he desired?

"One condition" Scarlet blurted, holding her index finger up to make example of her point.

"I'm listening" Rafe nodded, leaning back down on the counter and resting his elbows on the surface, now looking up to the brunette with his alluring indigo eyes. A sight she could surely get used to, more crude thoughts springing to mind at the sight.

"You have to take me home before midnight else my dad will freak, he doesn't know and certainly will not know that I'm chaperoning a boy to his secret place" her tone was stern and almost resembling a motherly like demand, causing the male to chuckle in reaction to the females attitude. "Understood?"

"Yes ma'am" he smirked, straightening his stance once again and rummaging his hand frantically around in his pocket. "I'll pick you up at seven" was the last thing he said, throwing a fifty dollar bill on the counter and pivoting on his heel to stalk in the direction of the exit.

Scarlet gaped at the unnecessary payment, fumbling with it between her fingers as she watched Rafe stroll cooly away. "It was only five dollars you dick!"

"See you at seven!" His voice projected just before he exited the building, door swinging closed and not bothering to turn and acknowledge the girl one last time as he left with full self righteousness in his stride.

There was something about him, Scarlet thought. Chewing on her bottom lip to suppress yet again another coy smile- like she said, for all she knew he could be a murderer but her interest for him dangerously blind sighted all doubt which she held. Her curiosity deepened, as well as the butterflies that grew metaphorical wings and fluttered around in the pit of her stomach.

You're playing with fire Scar. Yet she had always had an infatuation with the blaze, sometimes danger is what drew the most excitement in life and Rafe displayed just that. Scarlet wasn't one to back down from a risk, she would run straight for it.

"Lovely looking isn't he?" A voice spoke out causing Scarlet to jump slightly from her skin and abandon her thoughts; it was Dorothy again she concluded as she turned to observe the elder lady with a small beam.

"He's alright" she chuckled, accepting the empty cup that the lady was returning and took it towards the dish washer where the other neglected cups rested.

"Well if I was still in my youth I'd take him off your hands! He sure as hell seemed to have a lot of interest in you my love" she sent a pointed look in the direction of the teen, tapping the counter a few times with her feeble fingers.

"He wants to take me somewhere when I finish work, I'm not sure where though. Do you think I'm making the right decision?"

"Oh Scarlet stop worrying, have fun whilst you're young enough! You can tell me all about it the next time I see you" the elderly lady convinced, making Scarlet feel much better about the situation and putting trust into the male.

So she watched the lady leave with the advice still raw in her mind and pondered around for the lasting time of her shift, anticipating her due adventure with Rafe Cameron.

It was five minutes until closing time and Scarlet had the honour of responsibility to lock up the shop and clean to the best of her ability, preparing the cafe for the next upcoming day. As she did just that with her AirPods lodged into her ears and sensual music playing at a respectable volume, not too quiet to hear background noise but loud enough to occupy her mind and make time go that ever so much quicker.

Both hands gripping the mop she used to wipe down the charcoal tiles as she hummed quietly, allowing her head to bob from side to side to accompany the rhythm of one of her all time favourite songs. That being cupid's chokehold by Gym Class Heroes, it was an oldie by a goodie- one that she could listen to on repeat and it would still provide the same amount of serotonin as it did the first time.

It reminded Scarlet of her older brother Lake, they'd listen to it when he would take the female anywhere in his racked off car that he needed to replace- it wasn't that they couldn't afford another vehicle as they were classed one of the wealthiest on the island, but more so the fact it was their mother's car she possessed and left in Lake's name before she passed. He had a hard time letting it go. Hell, he even took the old lump of shit with him across the country when he left.

Yet that's how she felt about the song, as if she listened to it on a daily occurrence because it allowed the teen to have some small fragment of her brother and the treasured memories they shared to it wherever she was. It was a good song to clean up with also, somehow made the chores more bearable with an upbeat two thousands song to accompany her. Closing her eyes just briefly and the imagery of the siblings singing their lungs out to the classic came flooding back like a mirage.

I wonder if he misses me, she thought. Although Scarlet was sure that if he did, the older sibling would call or a least shoot her a message- which he didn't unless she made the efforts to first.

Fucking men.

Why should we trust them? He lied when he said he'd visit home solemnly for her; so she found herself questioning why on Earth she was trusting a stranger for her night antics, if the trust she held towards her own blood had disintegrated. Why would she then proceed to trust Rafe?

It was beyond her, flying straight over her head and out the door the male had walked through previously when requesting one of her infamous drinks.

Just as her mind was raked with numerous thoughts about the dirty blonde, her luck had turned sideways and blessed her in the most frightening way possible. Feeling two strong hands grip her waist firmly in an attempt shock and non subtle way to grasp her attention, if it wasn't for the cold signet ring she felt press onto her bare skin which she associated with Rafe- she would have thought someone was in the middle of a poor kidnapping.

Jumping from her skin and body feeling an impulsive electric shock from the gesture, Scarlet held a firm palm over her chest to calm to hyperactive thump to her heart which had increased, whipping around to scowl at the smug looking male.

"Why the fuck would you come up behind me and scare me like that you asshole! I could have gone into cardiac arrest for fuck sake" she sneered, ripping out her AirPods and muting the ongoing music which played through her eardrums.

Rafe dropped both hands into the pockets of this shorts, a habit he seemed to often do when standing still on spot, smothering his smirk by biting lightly down on his bottom lip as he towered above the brunette. He had quite the height on her. "It's seven pm angel, we need to go"

"I have duties I have to clear before I leave Rafe, you're five minutes early anyways"

"Early is on time, on time is late" he announced, snarky edge lingering within his tone as he continued to let his eyes follow the female around.

"Remind me how old you are again?" Scarlet queried, backing up to behind the counter and tilting her head with a slight bit more attitude than intended.

"Exactly a month and three weeks till I'm twenty"

"Right, It's just I had to make sure because just then you were talking like you were a middle aged man" she narrowed her eyes on the male whilst locking up the register, just in time to catch the offended gasp that torn from his throat, tutting with the subtle shake of his head.

"Ouch, you may have just hurt my feelings Meadows" he pointed a direct index finger in her direction, tauntingly in a way that made Scarlets stomach tighten. Fuck.

"Well someone has to damage that abnormally large ego of yours, if your head grows any bigger it might just explode" Scarlet smiled sarcastically, untying her apron hastily whilst maintaining eye contact then throwing it messily in the drawer below the counter.

"You're in quite a bad mood today angel, you're gonna be hard work for me aren't you?" He sucked on his cheeks which enhanced his prominent jawline beautifully, head tilted back slightly on a slant as Scarlet approached his standing form.

She stopped just mere inches in front of him, anchoring her neck back so she could look up and align their eyes. "Yeah, but I'm sure you can handle it big boy"

Rafe let one singular laugh vibrate from his throat, grin flashing as he poked his tongue along the fleshy wall of his bottom lip. "Oh trust me, i can"

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