through a dogs eyes

By shimmeringcrystalls

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after watching animal cops i decided to write this story about a dog that gets abused. please read and commen... More

part 1
part 2
Chapter 4

chap 3

206 4 1
By shimmeringcrystalls

sorry its so short, my computer hasn't been working so i'm using my sister's... i've also been busy but i'll try and update as soon as possible ;)



the knocking on the door was steady at first, becoming more rapid. "MR. FINCH! OPEN UP!" a females voice called. them man didn't answer. i barked out in pain. the door was forced open. there were 2 men and a woman. i knew they ment  good. the tallest man came over to my cage. "hey jen.... i found'em" the woman came and joined the man "Oh you poor baby!... c'mon dave we're taking him" the man reached in and cradled me in his arms. fir the first time in a long time i felt like they cared for me. he took me out to a big white car and put me in the back seat with food, water and blankets. they put red bandage on my leg. a few minutes of riding in the car they took me into a room with other dogs and animals. they then put me on a hard table. i looked up at them with quetioning eyes pleading for help. i suddenly felt a pinch come from my side. every thing got dizzy.... then, i blacked out.

when i woke up i was in a cage with soft blankets. i caught glimpse of food and atempted togo eat it.  before i got up i relized there was no pain in my leg.  i stood up then atempted to walk on it when i fell over. "ha-ha" i looked over to see a young lady giggling at me. "you'll get the hang of it don't worry."  i looked down to see that my leg was gone


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