Never Far Away

By Ainattv44

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This is a story about the love of two boys (Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo) in a country that is against homosexuali... More

Chapter 1 - Beautiful youth
Chapter 2 - Never Apart
Chapter 3 - Unknown Reasons
Chapter 4 - Teenage Years
Chapter 5 - Hangout or going out?
Chapter 6 - Fall out
Chapter 7 - Friends or more
Chapter 8 - Mine To protect
Chapter 10 - The Last Resort
Chapter 11 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 12 - 2 become 1
Happy Birthday Xiao Zhan
Chapter 13 - Approaching Storm
Chapter 14 - Touch Decisions
Chapter 15 - Hard to reach
Chapter 16 - Worlds apart
Chapter 17 - Finding the truth
Chapter 18 - Truth Hurts
Chapter 19 - One step Closer
Chapter 20 - So Close and Yet so far
Chapter 21 - Open Arms
Chapter 22 - Hate and lies
Chapter 23 - New Day, New life
Chapter 24 - Plans and decisions
Chapter 25 - Pull Apart
Chapter 26 - Beyond pain
Chapter 27 - Decision Time
Chapter 28 - Too little, too late
Chapter 29 - Story time
Chapter 30 - The Wedding

Chapter 9 - Love is a battlefield

144 9 1
By Ainattv44

As days have passed and with no He Peng around Zhan started to get back into his old self. For the first few weeks it took him a lot of courage to be able to go anywhere in the college without Yibo or any friend with him. Some days were harder than others. He could be happy one day and the next he could break down. It took a toll on him.

People around the college would go around creating rumours saying that Zhan had it coming to himself since that they believed that he wanted He Peng to do those things while others believe in him. Zhan would try to ignore but it was hard. Yibo would give him support at all time. He would tell Zhan that within time people would forget about what happen and it would be a thing of the past.

Zhan and Yibo were getting closer and closer and Yibo slowly would convince Zhan to go on dates. Haikuan and Yanli were so far the only ones that knew that both boys were together. Since that a homosexuality is not something accepted openly in China the boys couldn't just go around holding hands and kissing. They would only do it when they knew people were not around nor looking.

Yibo wanted to tell their friends about them but he respected the fact that Zhan was not ready.

Yibo: "Babe are you going to take part of the training again? We are one person short since Yu Bin hurt his leg last week. It will do you good and will distract you. What do you think?" Zhan had not taken part of any activities after school for weeks. He would be on the court when Yibo would train but he would stay in the benches together with Yanli and Meng. He did not want to take part of it. He couldn't say the reason why, he just did not want to do it.

Zhan: "I don't know bo-di."

Yibo: "You know that everyone miss you on the court. It gets too easy for the boys to beat each other. Plus would be nice to have my partner back." He gives a quick kiss to Zhan.

Zhan: "I'm not sure it is a good idea Bo-di. People might feel uncomfortable with me there." He pouted.

Yibo: "What are you on about? Who cares about other people. If they don't like it then can go away. Our friends will love to have you back and I'm sure I will the most."

After a good amount of minutes Zhan decided to agree. He was starting to miss the old days where he could do anything freely without concerns. "Ok... but promise me that if I don't feel ok with it I will leave."

Yibo: "Anything for my babe."

The next day everyone gather together in the court ward. None of their friends were expecting Zhan to take part so they were surprised to see him running to meet them in his sports wear.

Ji Li: "Hey dude, you are finally joining us?"

Jiyang: "It has been a while. Glad you can join us mate."

Zhan: "Well after Yu Bin got hurt I heard that you guys were one person short." Zhan was a bit embarrassed with the attention he was getting but at the same time he thought that it was the normal just a few weeks ago.

Li Bowen: "Yibo dude. How did you managed to convince him to join us again?" Li Bowen asked while having his arm around Yibo's shoulders.

Yibo: "I got my ways right Zhanzhan?" He gave a wink at Zhan. Only both boys knew what that meant.

Cheng came running to the group. He was late due to having to stay behind to speak with his professor over his grades. "Sorry guys. The professor keep going on, and on, and on about the dam test. Like it is going to make a difference now!" He said rolling his eyes. "Oh what the hell... what did I miss? My brother finally decided to join us... about dam time." Even thought he sounded annoyed, Cheng in reality was glad to see his younger brother back. It means that slowly Zhan would be back to his old self.

Zhan: "Yeah, yeah, yeah... I'm back and ready to kick you ass big brother." Zhan joined the fun. He missed winding his brother up.

Cheng: "You got a lot to prove bro. Loads of catch up to do."

Zhan put his tongue out. Yes in fact Zhan had loads to catch up upon. But as soon as the training started Zhan realised how much he missed playing basketball with his mates. It is a good distraction to all the things that happen. It did not take him long before he was beating the rest of the boys in the game. Him and Yibo together were unbeatable. No one could stop them from scoring points after points.

Zhan: "Another 3 points... Who needs to catch up now Cheng?" Zhan was loving seeing his brother sweating trying his hardest to beat his and Yibo's team.

Cheng: "That is pure luck. You only managed to do it because I am distracted by my test."

Zhan: "Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses... Could you not come back with something else?"

The game keep going on and on. Yanli, Yu Bin and Meng were once again in the benches supporting the boys. While Yanli would be on Zhan's team, Meng on the other hand would be supporting her boyfriend.

3 more points were scored by Yibo making them the winning team. Zhan run to him and before everyone knew he collided with Yibo giving him a well deserved kiss on the mouth that did not go unnoticed by everyone. All the friends froze on the spot. No one could believe what just happen.

Finally after a few minutes the silence was broken.

Cheng: "Zhan you despicable sod. What the hell do you think you are doing to Yibo?" Cheng this time was fuming. He thought that Zhan had been teasing Yibo and that a kiss on the mouth was a step too far.

Yanli noticing the steam coming from her oldest brother decided to speak and separate the boys.

Yanli: Cheng... give him a break. He didn't do anything wrong?"

Cheng: "What do you mean he did not do anything wrong. He just kissed Yibo on the mouth. Am I the only one that saw that?"

Jiyang: "Nope... I saw that too."

Ji Li: "Yup... me too"

Zanjin: "Same"

Yu Bin: "Something you guys would like to tell us." Yu Bin had some suspicious that something big was going on between both boys. Something more than just a friend helping other over the He Peng situation.

Cheng: "What there is to tell. I'm going to break your legs Zhan... You gone too far." Zhan hid behind Yibo while he stood protecting him.

Yibo: "YOU WILL NOT TOUCH HIM. HE IS ALLOWED TO DO WHAT HE WANTS." He shouted. All their friends froze once again. They were surprised to see the quietest person in the room shouting.

Cheng: "What do you mean he is allowed... Zhan what the heck is he on about?" Cheng was losing his patience. He was lost about what was happening.

Yanli: "Boys... I think it is time to open up." As much as Yanli wanted to protect the boys the cat was now out of the hat and everyone knew it.

Zhan: "Well. I did not want you guys to find out this way... It was my slip and I shouldn't have done that. But now that you says saw it... oh what the heck... Me and Bo-di are together."

No one spoke... other than the people that were closer to the court ward all the friends were quietly digesting what Zhan just said. Cheng was the first one to break the silence.

Cheng: "What do you mean as together?"

Meng: "Oh come on babe... Even you know what your brother mean. So this explains. All this time I was right when I said that you two looked like a couple. Congrats guys. But please give us a bit more information about what this happen and for how long this had been going on?"

Zhan: "Well" ... Zhan looked at Yibo as if to ask his permission to tell the story to all their friends. "We been together for a few weeks now. We got together the day He Peng tried to rape me." Zhan lowered his head. He was not sure how their friends would accept the fact that him and Yibo were gay.

Ji Li: "Wow... I did not see that coming."

Jiyang: "Me neither. I knew you guys always flirted with each other but I always thought that it was just two best friends messing about."

Cheng: "But Zhan you are straight... You are not gay... Yibo and my brother... What the hell!" Cheng was still in shock.

Zhan: "I never said to anyone if I was straight or not. You have never even asked me."

Yanli: "He's got a point there Cheng. Plus what does it matter anyway. He is still our little brother that now got a boyfriend to look after him." Yanli smiled at the boys. She was happy for them to not have to hide anymore. At least to their friends.

Cheng: "Wait, Jiejie you are ok with this? Yibo has been sleeping in our house a few times during the week... oh my god. You been sleeping in the same bed as my brother... Yibo I will kill you." He tried to go and punch Yibo but was pushed back by his girlfriend and friends.

Yanli: "Of course I'm ok with it. It is my little brother and I have always considered Yibo family since young. I blessed them ages ago..."

Cheng rolled his eyes. "Great, once again I'm the last one to know."

Li Bowen: "Dude we did not know either... stop being mellow dramatic."

Ji LI: "Yeah dude. We only heard it now. But still you guys have not explained how this happen."

Zhan explained bit by bit on how close him and Yibo got overtime, from a close friendship to finding out their feelings to finally getting together. "So that was it. But we are still the same two guys you guys know. We don't want to lose you guys as friends, please!" Zhan had tears in his eyes. He wasn't sure what their friends would think or do as soon as they heard the story.

Meng: "Wow... The story sound like something coming out of a book. I love it. I ship both of you. You got my blessing."

Ji Li: "Same here. With all the flirting it was bound to happen. You are still my friends and that will not change."

Jiyang, Li Bowen, Zanjin: "Same guys."

Zhan was over the moon. All his fears went away. In his mind he never expected everyone to be ok with the relationship hence why he had not said anything yet but now that it was out he could finally breath a lot better. Yibo just hugged him and gave him a passion kiss. Something that he has been wanting to do for a long time without been hidden.

Cheng: "Hey... I'm still not ok with you grabby grabby with my brother." Cheng still was not ok with the situation. He always thought that his little brother would be happily married with a women in a house full of kids. Never crossed his mind that his brother would be in a relationship with another boy... much less with Yibo.

Zhan walked to his brother and crossed his arm over his shoulders: "Big bro are you upset with me? Please it will mean the world if you are ok with it. You are my big brother and I love you. I love my Bo-di too and he is very good to me. He has been my rock this last few weeks."

Cheng: "Well... I'm still not sure about it. And Yibo better look after you or otherwise I will break his legs, cut them off and feed them to dogs." He said while looking straight at Yibo.

Yibo was the only person to not say anything. He felt that he did not need to. He was just happy to see Zhan explaining everything and seeing him so happy. Finally the bright light from his eyes eveytime Zhan smiled was back... His Zhanzhan was finally coming back.

Meng: "Hey guys... Just a question... or more likely... a problem!" Meng was happy for the boys but she could see that something big was about to happen.

Everyone: "What?"

Meng: "Well it is nice to see that everyone is happy for you guys, me included but as you said your parents and Yibos do not know about it. Plus I'm the one due to marry him. What are going to do? How do you think both your parents are going to react to your relationship?"

Yanli: "I agree. I never head mom nor dad say anything about homosexuality and not sure how they would stand for it but Yibos. Mum Yifei will never agree with it. Everything is about looks and how society looks about it. Not everyone in the country is ok with homosexuality quite the opposite. She will probably have a heart attack when she finds out."

Yibo: "My mother will not let go of this marriage. I'm sure that she will do anything in her power to get me and Meng together in marriage. She is still organising the dam thing. Bother is the one helping me escape from home to go and see Zhan. Without him I don't think I would be able to. She doesn't want me around Zhan anymore. Sunday dinners are an absolutely nightmare. As much we all try and ignore it, it is getting hard."

Zhan: "Agree. I don't understand what it is the problem with mum Yifei. She didn't used to be like this. I don't want to lose my Bo-di." Zhan cuddled Yibo. He has shaking. The last few weeks at Sunday lunch Yifei made sure to let Zhan know that she would do anything in her power to get Yibo and Meng together. She was not afraid anymore about Zhan finding out her feelings about their friendship. Of course she would not do in front of Zhan's parents but when she would go to Yibos room and both boys were there, nothing would stop her.

Yibo would not agree with his mother anymore. To him she was just a person that gave birth to him and it was the only reason why he would still speak with her. In his eyes her personality had changed and it did not matter how many times he spoke with his dad, he would not see it the same way. To him the wife was still a very loving, dedicated women that only wanted her best for her kids.

Meng: "Guys me and Cheng.... We got a plan to stop this once and for all. But... We will need all your help for this. Yibo I could do with the help of Haikuan too."

Yibo: "What do you have in mind?" Yibo was confused.

Meng: "You will see. Since tomorrow is Friday how about we all get together after school and go for a meal. Since that I will be there you can tell that to your mum and she will not have a problem to say no. Please tell Haikuan to be there too. Any help with be a bonus."

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next day ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Friday morning as usual Yifei was in the dinning room table having her breakfast before going back to the office. Lately she would try and stay later at home before going to work so that he could talk with Yibo. Or at least she hoped. Yibo was well aware of his mothers intentions and quite often would skip having breakfast so he did not need to deal with her. The night before he had spoken with Haikuan about the dinner with all of their friends and he promised to clear his schedule at work earlier to be present.

Since Yibo did not want his mother to be nagging him after college about where he was and what he would be doing he decided that today he would have breakfast. He did not care about Yifei and her question and for once he had a good excuse to give her.

Yibo Mother: "Yibo my son. Finally you are giving me the pleasure of your company."

Yibo: "Hmm"

Yibo Mother: "We got a lot of things to catch up upon. Loads of wedding decisions to make soon. Not long until then. How about this afternoon after college you come home earlier and we can discuss it?" In her mind she was not asking about it. She wanted to tell him point blank that it was not an option but she knew Yibo would just walk out if she did that.

Yibo: "Can't!"

Yibo Mother: "What do you mean you can't? You have been out all the time I bet with that dam kid next door. I'm not asking for much. Just one evening."

Yibo: "That kid has a name mother... It is Zhan. Plus I have already planned todays evening. I will not be coming home for dinner."

Yibo Mother: "This is getting ridiculous. First you don't spend time at home at all and now your are starting to be out late having dinner outside the house... ridiculous."

Yibo: "For your information... Not like you needed to know but I'm going out for a dinner with Meng. We have some things to plan." Yibo knew that the answer would be more than enough to keep his mother happy and for her to stop nagging him.

Yibo Mother: "Oh my god... What did you not tell me earlier. Of course you can go out and have dinner with your fiancee. It is about time you spend time with her. I bet you guys got a lot of decisions to make about the wedding. That is brilliant. You can do that. I'm sorry my baby.. I was just making sure that you will be ok." Yifei was over the moon. In her mind she thought that finally Yibo was coming to his senses. Could it be because of what happen between He Peng and Zhan. In her mind Zhan had it coming with his attitude.

Yibo finished his breakfast and quickly left to go and pick up Zhan before going to college. He had a smirk on his face. His mother had been fooled and did not even notice. Maybe that would be the best option all the time. Use the excuse that he was going to see Meng. His mother would stop all her nonsense.

Day went quick and it was afternoon when all the friends were gathered in front of the restaurant. They managed to book a table as far away as possible from everyone else. The wanted some privacy so they could put Meng plan into action. Haikuan was the last person to arrive since that he had a late meeting to attend that he could not miss it. Since that he was the oldest of them all he had already moved out of his parents house and now was living in his own apartment.

Haikuan: "Hi everyone. Sorry if i'm late."

Yanli: "Not a problem. We all just arrived."

Meng: "Come on guys, let's just order our drinks and our meals and then we can talk business." Cheng just smiled at her. He loved her bossy side.

After the drinks and meals were distributed around the table, everyone eat and talked about their day. But now it was time to get back into the most important business.

Haikuan: "Well Meng. You said to my brother that you will required my help to stop this marriage. From what I gathered from Yibo and Zhan you all been working hard to come up with solutions about it. Can you tell me what I can help with?" Haikuan was always the type of person that would go straight to business.

Meng: "Well. We all tried to think many different ways of stopping this marriage. I'm afraid none seemed to work so far and as you are aware your mother together with my parents and in a rush to get everything done and sorted. They don't care if I'm together with Cheng nor if Yibo is together with Zhan. It would kill them probably when they find out. My parents just want this marriage to go ahead so they can secure the corporation with the Wangs company, nothing else. They don't care If their beloved daughter is happy with the marriage or not. I have already tried to speak with them about rejecting it but all I got was shouting. They will not go back."

Haikuan: "Yes knowing my mother this last few years she has changed and all her thought have been around this. She has tried to stop Zhan and Yibo from getting together and Sunday times have been quite uncomfortable. But from what I gather you have come up with a solution. Am I right?"

Meng: "Yes. Both me and Cheng we have been talking for sometime. I don't want to lose him and neither he wants to lose me. So we came up with a solution that I think will work for sure. But for that to work we will need everyones help. We are both adults and we can do anything we want so we are thinking that if we get married before Yibo turns 18, then your parents and mine will not be able to make me marry Yibo without being an adultery."

Everyone gasp. From all the ideas coming this last few weeks this one no one saw it coming.

Haikuan: "I see. Yes, I can see where you are getting at. If you and Cheng get married now, when the time comes my parents will not be able to do anything about it. You would have to sign divorce papers before they could marry you to Yibo. Since both you and Cheng are adults you don't need your parents permission to go ahead. But... Why do you need my help?"

Meng: "I need to make sure that both parents will not be able to do anything about it. I want a lawyer to be able to verify that everything is in place I case when time comes our parents use some excuse to dissolve my marriage. I do some part time jobs and have a bit of my money but the moment I hired an attorney my parents will know."

Haikuan: "I see. Well. I know someone that would be more than happy to help. He works for me with things in the company and both me and Yibo know him for years. He is aware of this situation and marriage contract and he doesn't agree with it either so I'm sure that he will be more than happy to help out. If you give me a few more days I can have a talk with him and see what he has to say. When are you guys planning to get married?"

Meng: "Well as soon as possible. Yibo's birthday is coming up soon so the quicker we get this done the better. We were thinking not this weekend but maybe the next one?"

Haikuan: "Ok. Let me see what I can do. I will see him on Monday and I will have a talk with him then and let you know."

Ji Li: "Well from all the other options with one will be the best one. However do you think it will work?"

Cheng: "It has too. There isn't much time left. I don't want to lose Meng."

Yanli: "Guys are you sure this is what you want? You two are just too young. I don't want to see you all hurt." Yanli was concern that Cheng and Meng were rushing into marriage and would end disastrous.

Meng: "I never been so sure in my life. Plus if he ever does anything to upset me I just kick his ass." Everyone in the room laughed.

Zhan: "Cheng, big bro you will have my blessing. Could not ask you for a better person for you than Meng since that she is the only one that can put up with you." He laughed loud.

Cheng: "I swear I will break your legs..." Cheng knew his brother was teasing him but still sometimes it would take him a good strength to not kill his younger brother.

Both Yibo and Zhan looked at each other happy that a solution was in the works. They were so afraid that time was running out and nothing could be done to stop it.

All the friends enjoyed the rest of the night with laughs, drinks. The end up going to a karaoke room where everyone took turns singing. Some better than others but it did not matter. As long as they all were having a good time.

============ Notes ============

I was planning to go the wedding on this chapter but it got quite long so it will be included on the next one so don't miss it.

Thanks for your support everyone <3 

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