Living on the Run

By CocoKiki666

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This is basically a story of what happens to Liu Woods after the incident. As this is my story, I'll write ho... More

On the Run
A small town
Hitch Hiker
See you soon Jeffy
A New Sighting
The Woods
Why are you here?
Get Some Sleep
So be it.
So we can cooperate...
Then how did I get here?
Welcome to your new home
Are you okay, Liu?
I just hope Liu will be okay..
Don't Do Drugs, Kids!
Cold Killers Have Hearts, Too.
Why are you here?!
New Roommate
Now Look At What You've Done!

Diner Food

128 2 0
By CocoKiki666

???'S POV: 

     I let my eyes close during the bus trip, but never did I slept, in fear Liu would take over. I had a mission, and I planned on finishing it before he controlled this body once again. This mission? Kill Jeff once and for all! 

     As soon as we left this useless town, the rain only grew heavier. I listened to the peace as the rain dropped onto the windows of the bus and dripped down back onto the highway. This was bliss. 

    Eventually, the bus came to a stop into another bus station. This was our stop. Not having any belongings besides this body and some cash stuffed in the hoodie, I was one of the very first to leave, sliding pass the other passengers. When I got off the bus, I was faced with a slight drizzle paired with the sunlight of a late evening. 

    Though I was determined to find Jeff in this town, it was starting to get late, and frankly this body was beginning to feel sore from all the trials it faced since that incident. I decided, for the better of us, to find another motel and rest for the day. Tomorrow is always another day to kill that pathetic loser. So I wandered into the town, searching for another motel. Thankfully, the bus station was near a motel... I swear, it seems everything aligns for me, as though the universe wants me to kill Jeff. Thank you, universe!

     I know quite soon my money will come to an end, but at the moment I have quite enough to live off of. So I strolled my way towards the entrance of the motel, despite reluctantly... I'd rather kill Jeff at this very moment. 

     "One room please," I muttered, annoyed that this body needs rest. 

     "Yes, sir." A woman behind the counter of the motel said. "How many days?" 

      "Just the night." 

       Immediately, she passed me the keys to a random room. Thankfully, it was just on the first floor, so I wouldn't have to drag my ass up the floors of this trashy motel. The moment I entered my room, I did not realize how hungry I was. But I did not want to deal with this problem... Liu could. I was too tired dragging us from Pennsylvania all the way to New York. I think I deserve a break. I decided to just rest... 


    When I woke up, I was lying down on some random bed... how did I get here? I swear, all my memories are leaving my mind. I cannot remember a thing for my own sake. The last time I could slightly remember, I was in some random room. The time before that, I was in a hospital. Now I am in another room I did not remember entering in. Seriously, what is happening to me?

   I began hyperventilating, digging my fingers into my scalp. I did not stop till I felt pain around my head... maybe this will orient me in time... the pain I mean. I slid down till I was on the floor, trying to remind myself who I was. 

    "My name is Liu," I muttered to myself. 

    "I am 16 years old." 

     "I am the first child." 

      "My little brother is named Jeff." 

      Wait... Jeff? I felt something sorta like... tug.... inside me. And a strong surge of anger just burst through me. Why would I feel like this though? I love my brother. But then the past events suddenly wanted to sprang through my thoughts. I may be the first child... but then I remembered there are no parents left alive. And as for my little brother, he is also gone. 

     "I only have myself...." I dug my fingers deeper into my scalp, and I only stopped when there was blood lingering on my fingers when I took them away. 

     In that moment, I felt my stomach rumble, and though I could have ignored it, it was so intense that it was not possible. I gripped around my stomach, slight tears sprouting from my eyes. I got up from the grimy floor, though with some effort. I immediately dived for the fridge, disappointed though expected that it was empty. As I was searching through my hoodie, I was surprised to find a wad of cash, wondering where it came from. I tilted my head, trying to come up with memories, but none came to mind. In the end, I shrugged it off... just glad I had some money for food. 

    As I was making my way out of the room, I caught my reflection in the mirror. And I was shocked with what I saw. I back up towards the mirror, touching the stitches on my face. The stitches definitely felt real, and when I tugged on them, it hurt like hell. It that exact moment, memories of that night... when Jeff tried to kill me... came back. I felt myself push against the wall that held the mirror only to fall against the edge of the bed. I wanted to scream, but held my mouth in anticipation that any noise might escape. How could I ever forget that night?! The tears began to fall against my porcelain skin. My breathing was so intensified that I couldn't catch up with it! I think I passed out then and there....

    When I finally woke up, it was nearly 2:00 AM... at least according to the clock in the room. I only awoke due to the rumbling of my stomach. The events before, I suppose, blacking out, thankfully came back to mind. I felt like just about the past weeks I could not remember much. At least this time I could remember something. Without looking back into the mirror, in case I break down again, I fled the room and out into the town. Of course I remembered to bring my scarf and wrapped it around my face. Not only was it cold outside the moment I got outside, I did not want anybody to see the horrendous face which was mine. 

    I was so hungry, I did not care where I ate. I wandered around this foreign town till I came across a Taco Bell. Unfortunately, it was closed. So I had to walk some more till I came across some diner that was apparently opened 24/7. As I approached the entrance, some people inside were occupied on their phones. When the 'ding' of the entrancy bell intruded the silence of the diner, they all of a sudden broke contact with their phone to gaze at me. This made me rather uncomfortable, as I fixed the scarf around my face. 

     "Hello," a young man said, walking towards me. "How many in your party?" He looked behind me and then at me...but there was no suspicion in his gaze. 

     "Just one," I said timidly. 

       "Come this way, please," he said, guiding me towards a table in the very back, where I had more privacy. As I looked around, I seemed to be the only person in the diner. 

     Immediately, he handed over a menu and walked away, giving me time to decide what I'll eat. I was not necessarily in a hurry, but I was hungry as hell. When the man came back, I told him I decided on lemonade and a hamburger with fries. I could not remember the last time I had a hamburger, but all I do know was that both my parents were alive. At this thought, I felt the tears come back. I was too embarrassed to be crying in front of strangers, so as soon as the man came back with my food, I brushed aside my tears, and with a feigned smile, said a 'thank you'. 

    I waited for the waiter to leave before I nearly shoved the food into my mouth with no regret. Man, this was the very best thing I had the opportunity to eat in a long time! Sadly, I was already full by the time I was half way done with my meal. 

    "Would you like me to box that for you?" the waiter asked when he rounded my table. I simply nodded shortly after he left to retrieve a box. When he did, I boxed my food and dropped some cash, perhaps more than necessary for the whole meal, and rushed out of the diner, leaving some clueless faces behind me. I did not feel comfortable being left with strangers for long, not then and not ever. 

     By the time I arrived at my room, the sky began to lighten and I could hear some birds in the distance sing their morning songs. I shut my door and dived into my bed, shoving pillows around my ears as to ignore the noises I was hearing. I thought it might take a long time to sleep, but I fell asleep rather quickly, which is rather a rare occurrence as it takes me hours to drift into my dreams...  

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