By cocolovespopcorn

82.4K 1.9K 210

Earth. Fire. Air. Water. Over fifty years ago, my grandfather, Avatar Aang, and his friends heroically ended... More



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By cocolovespopcorn

Amon had ruined Republic City. Not only had he destroyed Air Temple Island, made bending the elements illegal and destroyed half of the city with his attacks, but he'd also made a mockery of everything my grandfather fought and stood for. The cherry on top was the Equalist mask covering his statue. It truly made my blood boil.

I was only interrupted from my training by the sound of Korra and Mako walking into our underground hideout. Asami and Bolin joined us, too.

"You two were gone a while," Asami observed suspiciously.

"We were doing reconnaissance," Mako replied with annoyance. Clearly, those two hadn't mended things between them yet.


Right now, I couldn't bother to worry about that. Eventually, they would work it out. All that mattered at the moment was that I trained hard in order to fight the Equalists and Amon's army and get my home back.

"You need to talk to her. She's been training all day," I heard Asami whisper. "She hasn't even eaten anything."

"She'll only listen to you," Mako agreed.

I heard Korra sigh before she made her way to where I was training. I avoided hitting her with an airblade only barely. However, she didn't once look frightened. Her eyes only showed concern.

"Hey, Zaya. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. How was recon?"

She shrugged. "Nothing new to report. Apparently, Amon's army has made little progress from the last time. I'm more worried about what's going on with you."

"Nothing is going on. I said I'm fine."

"Zaya... I get it. Your home was attacked. Your family had to leave. I am really grateful that you stayed to help us, but I'm worried that you aren't in the right headspace."

"Thanks for the concern, Korra, but right now, I need to focus on becoming stronger."

"You know... A few months ago I was in the South Pole practicing for my firebending test, and now I'm in the middle of an all-out war. I didn't have any friends back then, but then I came here and met all of you. You were my first friend here. And I'm always going to be worried about you."

I sighed heavily. "I know, Korra. I'm sorry. I'm just... It's too hard. I haven't heard anything from Uncle Tenzin or my dad, and we haven't really seen General Iroh's army, either. Time is running out, and I'm worried if we don't do something now, there won't be anything left to save."

"I understand. But you won't be doing Republic City or Air Temple Island any good by not taking care of yourself. Have you slept at all?"

"I'll sleep when we defeat that bastard."

"Please, Zaya," she said once again, and it was hard to look away from her pained expression. "I've already lost this battle. I don't want to lose you, too."


I had mixed feelings about looking out to the island from the sewer drain the next morning. Even though Yue Bay was foggy, we could still clearly make out its shape through the fog.

"Coast is clear," Mako declared, gesturing for us to follow him out of the pipe.

We hid behind some boxes by the docks, while Bolin used a telescope to look out to the island.

"Once the United Forces arrive, we need to be ready to help in any way we can," Korra said.

"They're here!" Mako said, and sure enough, there they were: an entire fleet of army boats. There was enough of them, that I almost let my hopes up.

That was, until I thought of something eerie. There were no airships in sight. No sign of the Equalists whatsoever. They couldn't possibly not know about this incoming battalion, there were too many ships incoming to ignore.

"Where are they? I don't see any airships or tanks," I said, frowning.

"Something's wrong," Korra said suspiciously.

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion, and we watched as several of the airships blew up. Smoke started to overcome the fog above the water. Korra didn't waste a second before jumping into the bay herself, using her bending to get to the ships. I narrowed my eyes at the horizon, until I heard a weird buzzing coming from behind us.

We all gasped when we noticed the flying machines above us, marked with the Equalist seal. They were the enemy, and they were also heading to the ships.

"Where does Hiroshi find the time to keep inventing new evil machines?!" Bolin complained angrily.

The aircrafts started throwing bombs at the fleet mercilessly. I watched several soldiers jump into the water in an attempt to escape. Many, however, probably didn't make it out. I was worried about Korra being out there on her own. She wouldn't be able to find cover under the water, not from these attacks.

I gripped my staff tightly, taking a step and getting ready to fly out there myself, but Mako stopped me.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I need to fly out there and help—"

"Are you insane? Don't you see what's going on out there?"

"I've got no choice, Mako. General Iroh's soldiers came here to help us. I can't just stand here and let them die."

"Zaya, what good will it do if you die trying to help?" Asami asked me softly. "I hate to admit it, but these machines my father created... We don't know what they're capable of. And honestly, I think they're pulling back on their potential."

I sighed. She had a point. Going out there to try and stop metal machines I didn't even know existed would certainly end up with me dead.

So, against my will, I just stood there, watching as our only hope sank into the bottom Yue Bay.


"I was prepared to deal with Sato's mecha tanks, but not these new high-speed aircrafts," General Iroh explained, once we were all back safely in the hideout.

"I know. Every time we think we have an advantage, Amon outsmarts us," Korra complained.

"No matter what our plan is, he always has a better one," Bolin agreed.

"Amon is winning so far, but we're not out of the fight yet," Iroh said confidently. "A second wave of reinforcements is on the way, but I need to warn them. Do you still have a way to get a message out?"

"I know just the man for the job," Korra assured him.

A while later, we were sitting by Gommu, one of the refugees staying with us. He was quite an eccentric guy, but he was really fun, and his food didn't taste so bad. He was even kind enough to make me a vegetarian option for every meal. And he also happened to know how to use a telegraph to send a message, which really came in handy at the moment.

"And who is the recipient of this top secret message?" He asked us.

"Commander Bumi," Iroh said, making me widen my eyes with surprise. "Second division of the United Forces."

"Wait. You're calling my dad?"

"Yes. A bit of a wild man, but he's the bravest commander you'll ever meet," Iroh said with a smile. "I'm sure he'll be happy to see you, Master Zaya."

"Oh, please, Iroh. I've known you since I was a baby. Call me Zaya."

"Ready, sir," Gommu notified.

"Fleet ambushed and destroyed by Equalist aircraft. Retreat to Red Sand Island until my signal. Do not approach city until you receive the all clear. Now comes the hard part. We need to ground those aircrafts. Otherwise, Bumi's fleet would never be able to retake the city."

"They flew in from this direction. The airfield must be somewhere over the mountain range," Mako observed.

"Everyone get ready, we leave at dawn," Iroh declared, as we all nodded. Before I left, he pulled me aside from the others with concern. "Zaya, even though I'm glad to see you, you really should've left with Tenzin and the others."

"Don't start this again, Iroh. Like I told my uncle, I'm fine. I made a decision to stick with my friends, knowing well of the dangers."

"And it's very noble of you. However, you're one of the last airbenders. If Amon gets to you..."

"I know, and I'm going to be really, really careful."

He sighed heavily, realizing I wasn't budging. "Alright, then. But I have to tell you, I promised Commander Bumi that I'd protect you. So if I think you're in any real danger..."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. Now, don't we have an assault to organize?" I said, rolling my eyes.

We joined the others, but not before Korra cleared her throat from behind us, making us all turn our attention to her.

"Wait, I'm sorry, but I'm not going with you tomorrow."

"What?!" We all asked her in unison.

"I'm sick and tired of hiding from Amon. It's time I face him," Korra insisted.

"Korra, that's crazy," I told her, shaking my head.

"It's not a good plan," Iroh agreed with me. "We need to stick together."

"I'm not waiting for him to hunt me down. My guts tell me it's time to end this, on my terms."

"Korra, this is not a mission you should be handling alone," Iroh warned.

"She won't be. I'm going with you," Mako declared, making me gasp.

"You too?! Come on guys! This is the worst idea ever. Tell them, Iroh."

He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Hmm... My grandfather would respect the Avatar's instinct."

"Are you serious?" I groaned, shaking my head. "Is anybody here aware that it's a suicide mission?"

"You don't have to like it, Zaya. You just have to trust me," Korra said. I sighed heavily.

"Fine. Let's go with the crazy ideas. After all, we're all crazy people."

Mako then said his goodbyes, starting with his brother. Bolin looked saddened, but he tried his best not to let him see it. I noticed Asami and Mako talking, but by the looks on their faces, it probably wasn't good.

I took the opportunity and joined Bolin and Korra to say goodbye myself. "Korra, I really hope you know what you're doing. I beg you, please be careful. This is one enemy you cannot afford to underestimate."

She nodded. "I know, and I promise to be cautious. Good luck to you guys, too. If you're going into the mountains, you should bring Naga."

"Are you certain?"

She nodded, as Naga nudged me gently. "I know I can trust you guys to take care of her, and I can also trust her to take care of you."

Mako and Asami walked over to us, and I gave Mako one quick hug. However, I took the opportunity to whisper one last warning in his ear. "I know you have feelings for her. So please, bring her back to us safely. Alright?"

He nodded. "I will, Zaya. I promise."

"And take care of yourself, Mako."

Little did I know, I wouldn't be seeing much of them in a while.


Naga was fast, but I was starting to worry whether she'd be fast enough. There were many aircrafts flying overhead, so I took it we were heading in the right direction.

We stopped when we reached what appeared to be some sort of military base, armed with a garage and several aircrafts like the ones that attacked us before.

Iroh nodded with approval. "I think we've found our secret airfield. Bolin, once we get down there, I need you to tear up those runways. We can't let those aircrafts take off."

"Aye aye, captain! Ooh, general, general," Bolin turned to me and Asami. "All right, you guys wait here until we get back, okay?"

Naga started whining, and honestly, I was about to do the same. "What? You can't be serious. I'm an airbender. Who else is better to destroy aircrafts?"

"Uh... Zaya... I was talking to Naga and Pabu."

"Oh. I knew that."

We then walked towards the aircrafts, walking right up to some strange poles, simulating a perimeter fence. The strange thing was, there was nothing tied between them.

"Why would there be fence posts but no fence?" Asami asked out loud, obviously noticing this, too.

We got our answer a few seconds later, when we were all electrocuted after we passed through them. I barely managed to groan before passing out. I was really starting to hate being unconscious.


When I woke up, I saw no signs of the others. I was in the dark, and my hands were tied behind me. I heard grunting and muffled voices around me, but I couldn't make out who they belonged to. I myself was gagged, too, so I couldn't cry out for help.

"I wouldn't leave yet, Avatar. You'll miss the main event," I heard that dreadful voice, a voice I immediately recognized to be Amon's.

The floor I was standing on rumbled, and I realized I was standing on a platform. As it went up, I was finally able to see where I was and who had been down there with me. I was standing on the middle of the stage in an Equalist rally, and that wasn't even the concerning part.

The concerning part was that beside me, also tied up and gagged, were my little cousins and my uncle. I widened my eyes.

It couldn't be. They left. I saw them with my own eyes. They were safe, or at least that's what I'd believed this entire time.

"Tonight, I rid the world of airbending, forever," Amon said, inadvertently explaining why I was brought here with the others. Not that it helped make me feel any better about it.

"Amon, let them go!" Korra demanded. I'd never been more happy to see her and Mako together in my life. Maybe together they had a chance at saving us.

"You're welcome to come down here and try to stop me," Amon told her mockingly. "The Avatar needs to be reminded of the power I possess."

He then walked over to me, and I knew he would make me the example. Better me than the children, I told myself. However, it didn't make it any less terrifying. I caught Uncle Tenzin's fearful eyes as Amon lowered his hand to my forehead.

"Time to rid you of your impurity, airbender."

"Stay away from her!" Korra shouted, as she and Mako jumped onto the stage and attacked the Equalists guarding us.

Mako shot lightning at Amon, but he managed to dodge it just in time. They then used their firebending to jump onto the wall and and balanced themselves onto the stage. They shot some fireblasts at Equalists on their way back down. While Mako warded the rest off, Korra hurried to me and untied me and the others quickly.

"I knew you'd save us," I told her with a grateful smile.

"Don't thank me yet. We still need to get out of here," she replied with a frown. "Where are Pema and the baby?"

"In prison," Uncle Tenzin answered.


"I don't know," he admitted sadly.

"Uncle Tenzin, get the kids out of here and go find Aunt Pema and Rohan. We'll distract them," I told him, making him nod.

"Be careful, Zaya."

We ran deeper into the building, opposite from where the other airbenders were running to. I knew Amon was on our heels, and I airblasted him back as much as I could, before Mako turned around to create a wall of fire. We entered an engine room and hid behind some machinery.

I could hear his footsteps coming in. Suddenly, he stopped. But before I could catch my breath, I heard Korra grunting with pain, as Amon bloodbent her out of her hiding place. Mako immediately jumped out of his, shooting fireblasts at Amon recklessly.

"Let her go!"

Amon did the same thing to him, and this time, I tried to help them, mistakingly thinking that he wouldn't be able to bloodbend me, too. However, I was proved wrong the minute I started wincing in pain, unable to move any muscle of my body, while Amon forced us to the floor. Apparently, this man could bloodbend by simply using his mind, which was both impressive and completely horrifying.

"I told you I would destroy you," Amon said, as he put his thumb on Korra's forehead. Korra closed her eyes and let out a silent scream, before collapsing to the floor. "Finally, you are powerless."

Korra tried to hit him by using a regular punch, but she was too weakened by the loss of her bending and she missed, falling to the ground once again. Mako and I were still bloodbent on the ground, fighting the unbearable pain.

"Amon! Everything the Avatar said is true, isn't it? I just saw you bloodbend her," our old friend, the kali stick man (note the sarcasm) said, surprisingly joining us. He removed his mask and smashed it angrily. "You traitor! I dedicated my life to you!"

"You've served me well, Lieutenant," Amon said, briefly losing his grip on Mako to shove him against a wall harshly. After that, Amon returned to me and prepared to take my bending away, too.

I was only saved because Mako used all his strength to summon lightning and shot it at Amon, electrocuting him and freeing us from his bloodbending hold. He managed to knock him down, while I hurried to help Korra back on her feet.

"Zaya... My bending," she whispered.

"We have to get you out of here," I said, but before we could leave, I heard Mako grunting as he was shoved against a wall and passed out.

Amon was once again after Korra and I. He used his bloodbending to stop me from leaving, making me lose my grip on Korra and we both collapsed to the floor. I groaned with pain, as this time, Amon was far less delicate with his bloodbending.

"I'm impressed. No one has ever gotten the better of me like that. Your friend truly has potential," he said, referring to Mako, who lay limp on the floor behind him. "I've heard wonders about you, Master Zaya. It is almost a shame to take the bending of someone so talented. Almost."

"No!" Korra yelled, just as Amon was reaching for my forehead again.

I never really believed in miracles, but this changed my mind about them. Korra threw a punch in Amon's direction, shooting him a direct airblast that made Amon fling through the corridor and onto the wall on the other end. He staggered back onto his feet, but no longer had a grip on me.


"Korra... You airbent!" I told her, sounding a little happier than was probably appropriate at the moment.

"I—I can airbend? I can airbend!" Korra said, celebrating as well.

Korra and I didn't waste any more time before shooting Amon with everything we had. He slammed against pretty much every object in the corridor. He attempted to bloodbend us to stop, but Korra managed to lose his control over her and narrowed her eyes with determination.

"No... You don't!" Korra then kicked out, sending a blast that shot him out of the window behind him and out of the building all at once.

I helped her and Mako get to the window, so that we could see what had happened. There were no signs of Amon down there. But there were some people out there, and they didn't look very happy to see us.

"Did you see what happened?"

"You bending tyrant!"

"Evil Avatar!"

They couldn't protest for longer, because suddenly, we saw a water jet coming out fo the bay, with Amon waterbending it to get out of the bay. As he gasped for air, I noticed that the scar on his face was washed away. The crowd gasped in horror.

"He's waterbending!"

"He is a bender!"

"The Avatar was telling the truth!"

I couldn't hear whatever else they were saying, because Amon looked very angry and he was looking directly at us, specifically at Korra.

No time was wasted. Mako and I began blasting Amon away from the public with numerous attacks, but we missed every single time. This man was just too fast. He successfully managed to escape, while Korra joined us and gave us both a hug.

"Well, that was terrifying. His scar... It just disappeared!"

"That's because his whole persona is fake. He's a fraud," Mako told me.

"His real name is Noatak. He is Yakone's other son," Korra explained further.

"Well, that makes sense. And it also explains the bloodbending thing," I turned to the bay once again and sighed. "We need to get back to the island."

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