Rough Edges (Levi Ackerman X...

By SomeGreekMalaka

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A cheeky grin is plastered on his face and he lightly chuckles, "Because you silly brat," he cups my cheeks a... More

Introduction/ Author's Note
Chapter 1 - New Beginnings
Chapter 2 - Unexpected Friends
Chapter 3 - Survey Corps
Chapter 4 - New Recruits
Chapter 5 - Combat Training
Chapter 6 - A Gift
Chapter 7 - 23rd Expedition
Chapter 8 - True Colors
Chapter 9 - No Regrets
Author's Note - Story Update
Chapter 10 - Dark and Light
Chapter 11 - Hospital Bed
Chapter 12 - Starry Night
Chapter 13 - Medical Leave
Chapter 14 - Shiganshina Falls Part 1
Chapter 15 - Shiganshina Falls Part 2
Chapter 16 - The Aftermath
Chapter 17 - Dreams and Desires
Chapter 18 - Oh Brother
Information Excerpt 1 - Notes on the Captain's Squad
Chapter 19 - Old Friend
Chapter 20 - Expedition Preparations
Chapter 21 - The File
Chapter 22 - Worst Fear (Lime)
Information Excerpt 2 - File X-456-MP
Chapter 23 - Handsome Boy
Chapter 24 - That Day
Information Excerpt 3 - Floriography
Chapter 26 - Confessed Feelings
Chapter 27 - The Truth
Chapter 28 - Special Delivery (Lime)

Chapter 25 - Swimming Lessons

38 3 76
By SomeGreekMalaka

Author's Note: So I know the last few chapters have been quite sad and intense, so here's a feel good chapter!

Art Credit: Lelanna on Deviant Art (Levi and Hange are so cute, my second fav ship)


Back to Present Day (June 27th, 845)

Captain's Quarters 

Your POV

By the time the memory stops playing in my head, the water runs cold down my back. Goosebumps litter across my skin and I shiver a few times before finally stepping out of the shower. I dry off with a towel and wrap my hair up in a smaller one. I actually slept in today so my bags aren't as prominent as usual and my face seems less tired.

After standing in front of my armoire for what seems like an eternity, I finally change into a dark green sleeveless top that clings to my body tightly, with a pair of black flowy shorts. When I look in the mirror, I smile as I remember this is the same shirt I wore back in May. When Levi and I kissed.

Lately this week, I've noticed my mind has been wandering back to that sweet moment of bliss more often than not. Sometimes I consider reigniting our old flame. I know I shouldn't, especially after what he did and the fact that I'm his superior. But my feelings clearly don't seem to care about reason. When we're together, everything just seems so... natural.

I smack my head with my palm to clear my head. I need to focus my time on enjoying this weekend. And when I mean enjoying, I mean stressing over my own case file. A part of me just wants to burn it, to destroy any evidence of (Y/N) (L/N). Although, I know there's for sure more files out there, probably one in each district, I was quite the traveler.

I also want to keep the document so I can study how well they tracked my activity, as well as figure out who the reporting officer is. Sitting on my bed, I rack my brain around for a few minutes before finally coming to a semi-permanent conclusion. I'll just tear off and burn the top portion of the document that contains my name, description, and profile. Anything below the notes section I can keep as long as I black out my name with ink.

Double checking to make sure my office door is locked, I walk over to the window behind my desk and pull up a chair to stand on. I carefully remove the curtain rod and slide the decorative end piece off to reveal a hollow tube. After a couple shakes, the rolled document falls out and I place the steel rod back in it's proper place. 

Roughly thirty minutes go by and I lean back in my office chair, satisfied with the end-result. I cut off the top portion and tore it into a million pieces, leaving everything underneath the 'Progress Notes' section intact. Then, I proceeded to block out any mentions of my name with pitch-black ink. 

I tap my fingers against my desk while I wait for the ink to dry. I grow bored fairly quickly so I decided to open my top drawer and re-read some letters from the kids. Within minutes I'm chuckling to myself and smiling. The most recent one read:

Hi Aunty!!

Now that's it's finally getting warm out, Armin's grandfather has been letting us go swimming! The family we're staying with has a lake by their house, kind of like the one we always used to go to! Picnics aren't the same without you, we miss all the sweets you could sneak in ;)

It would be super-duper awesome if you could stop by some time to visit, we can make a campfire and tell ghost stories! We asked Armin's family and they said you could spend a few nights if needed. 

We miss you! Please come by soon!

Also macke sure too kick titan-butt during your expidetions! You're the best Scout ever!


Eren, Mikasa, and Armin <3

I laughed at the last sentence, the poor handwriting and spelling indicated Eren wrote that himself. Everything else seems to be written by Mikasa. The ink finally finished drying so I rolled the document back up and went through the process of shoving it back in the rod. 

You know what, maybe I'll visit them today. It's been awhile since I've seen them, and it would be nice to get away from HQ.

It's decided. After quickly packing my things I'll double check with Erwin and ride to the small village. I pack up the essentials: clothes, toiletries, and a blanket. The discussion with Erwin doesn't last long, he just tells me to be back for a meeting Monday morning. 

I walk over to the stables to get Copenhagen's saddle ready. I double check to make sure I'm alone. When satisfied that I'm the only one here, I pull out the ripped up pieces of paper from my pocket. I place them on the ground in a corner and use a torch to light them on fire, within seconds the paper is reduced to ashes. I kick dirt and hay over the small pile, smearing it all together with my foot in order to hide any indication of a fire.

As I'm adjusting the leather straps of his saddle, I hear someone approach the stables whistling a sweet melody. The footsteps and whistling abruptly stop at the entrance and I turn around out of curiosity. A semi-shocked Levi is standing in the barn door threshold. Following his gaze I realize that my shorts have ridden up my legs, mostly likely showing off the bottom of my ass cheeks.

I decide to tease him a little and put my hands on my hips. "You like what you see?" I ask while smirking.

He folds his arms and leans against the door. "Actually yes, yes I do."

My cocky smirk falters and I blink. Is.... is this man really flirting with me right now?... And, do I actually like it? No (Y/N) you need to stop thinking like this, you both agreed a relationship wouldn't work. You'd both get hurt in the end. 

I clear my throat and go back to fiddling with the straps to distract myself. "So were you planning on going for a ride?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Actually yeah, I thought I'd explore some of the surrounding forest," he pauses and walks to the stall next to mine where Aimilios stood, "Where are you headed to?"

I turn back to face him and see him staring curiously at my duffel bag. "Oh I'm going to visit the kids, the family they're staying with lives only a few hours away." 

Hi gaze flicks downwards. "Oh, tell them I say hi."

If I'm not mistaken, I could've sworn I heard disappointment in his voice. A twinge of guilt tightens my chest as I realize he doesn't really have anyone to go home to. In fact, the Survey Corps HQ is practically his home now. I know damn sure he'd never go back to where he lived in the Underground, at least not willingly. 

An idea pops in my head. "You should come with! The kids always ask how you're doing, I'm sure they'd be happy to see you too."

He contemplates for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. "Sure, why not."

"Yay! You just need to pack some clothes and a blanket, and any other day-to-day things. Oh and one more thing, change out of your uniform. I gave us the weekend off, you don't have to be so formal."

He rolls his eyes. "Sure thing, Captain."


The ride to the small village only takes about two hours. By the time we get there, the afternoon sun is high in the sky, it's rays beating against our backs. While we were riding, the wind was able to keep us cool, but now that we've stopped, I can feel myself starting to sweat. I slide off the saddle and stretch out my stiff legs.

Before we could even tie our horses up, Eren practically broke the front door down as he ran out. "AUUUUUUNTYYYYYYYYY!" He jumps up and I catch him last minuet. I hold him up to spin him around the air causing him to laugh. "You're always so strong!"

I throw him so he's sitting on my shoulders. "Well I am one of our top soldiers, of course I'm strong!" 

"Eren! Where did you go? Armin and I - " Mikasa steps outside and she instantly lights up. "(Y/N)! You came!" She bounds towards us and hugs my torso with so much force I almost tip over, damn Ackerman's and their inhuman strength.

I hug her back. "Of course! How could I not? I've missed my little gremlins."

She looks behind me and her face lights up again. "Uncle Levi!" She runs to him and throws him into a hug like she did to me.

His head snaps to mine with a confused expression on his face, and I can only guess I have the same look on my face. "Uncle who?" We say in unison.

She looks up. "Well, since (Y/N)'s my Aunt it only makes sense that you'd be my uncle."

Levi furrows his brows. "Uh, I don't follow."

She looks between us, a little confused as well. "You guys are dating, aren't you?"

I feel my heartbeat spike and I know for sure I'm blushing. Looking over to Levi his mouth is slightly agape and he looks at me as if telepathically asking, 'Did you tell them we're dating?"

My head shakes side to side as if to say, 'No, I have no idea where she got that idea from."

"Um Mikasa, sweetie, we're not dating. We just work together. Where did you hear that we're dating?"

I feel Eren throw his hands up in the air. "Oh come on! You guys like each other, mister Levi was so worried about - "

"Oi! Brat, quiet. Listen to your Aunt, we just work together, that's it." 

I raise my eyebrows at him, curious as to what Eren was about to reveal. Before either of us could dwell on the matter more, Armin comes rushing out. He greets us happily and joins in the rounds of hugs. The kids insist on bringing our belongings in while Levi and I tie our horses off in the stables. 

We got to meet Armin's extended family: his aunt, uncle, and older cousin. They're letting Armin, Mikasa, and Eren stay while Armin's grandfather tries to find a more permanent living solution. His family welcomed us with open arms and were very excited to have guests. We all sat down for lunch, conversing about current events and what the kids have been up to. 

(Quick AN: Okay so tbh, I have no idea where Mikasa, Armin, and Eren stayed before they joined the military. I know at one point they had to work the fields, but that seemed like during the winter times. So this I completely made up for the plot's sake).

Armin's grandfather reluctantly agreed for us to take them swimming, he could use a break from those energetic tiny humans. We packed up a picnic basket with snacks, blankets and towels. The walk to the lake only took about 20 minutes, and the whole time Eren kept bombarding us with questions about our latest expedition while Mikasa kept scolding him.

We finally make it here and immediately Armin and Eren are racing to the dock to see who could make the biggest splash. Mikasa quickly follows suit, but instead uses the ladder to gently enter the water. Together, Levi and I spread out the large plaid blanket in a shaded spot, of course he has to spread out every wrinkle.

He kicks his shoes off and sits, leaning against the maple tree and pulling out a notebook. I cross my arms and tap my toes. "What do you think you're doing mister?"

"Uhhh, relaxing? That's why we are here, aren't we?"

I shake my head. "Nooooo, we came here to go swimming, not sit and write nonsense."

He looks at me slightly annoyed. "(Y/N), think about where I used to live and then ask me again."

I roll my eyes. "I am well aware you probably never learned how to swim, which is why I'm going to teach you, dumb-dumb."

Levi's POV

After a silent battle with myself, I decide it couldn't hurt. "Alright," I say while standing up, "Fine, but I'm taking a shower the second we get back."

She jumps up and claps. "Yay! You're going to have so much fun."

I can't help but feel slightly excited, as long as I'm with her, I always have fun. My mind wanders back to a few nights ago, and how she clearly was checking me out after I showered. She's the only person I don't mind looking at me like I'm some meal. In fact, I love when her eyes roam my body and how her lips slightly part the lower her gaze travels. I turn around and pull off my shirt, purposefully flexing my back muscles as I reach overhead. 

May as well give her a little show.

When I turn around, her facial expression is exactly what I was expecting. I decide to flirt just a tad bit more, "You like what you see?"

She smiles and folds her arm, copying my actions from earlier. "Actually yeah, I do."

Goddamn I could kiss her right now, but I know I would be totally overstepping. I'm not risking messing up the friendship I rebuilt with her, she's the last person I can afford losing. 

I smirk. "Enough staring, I thought we were here to go swimming."


The second I got in the water I immediately regretted this decision. Not only is it cold, but there's disgusting plants and algae that float in the water and on the surface. Currently I'm hanging on the dock with one hand, while (Y/N) is demonstrating how to tread water. It doesn't seem too difficult, mostly just kicking your legs and moving your arms horizontally. 

"Alright now you try."

I push off the dock and start moving my limbs, everything felt pretty natural to me. I could tell (Y/N) is watching me intently to make sure I don't drown. After a minute she instructs how to frontstroke and backstroke, which I also picked up fairly quickly. 

As my arms dip in the water and my legs kick, I feel peaceful. The weightless feeling is similar to when I glide up in the air with my ODM gear. But this feels more sluggish, more relaxed. Also, the cool water on my skin combats the sweltering heat of today's sun. 

After a few more frontstrokes, I flip myself over so I'm floating on my back. Occasionally I kick my legs up to prevent me from sinking, but otherwise I mostly float there with my eyes closed and face basking in the sun. I remember the first time I felt the sun on my face. It was when Lobov offered us the deal, we were allowed to walk up the stairwell leading to the surface to meet him. The light was harsh but that feeling of warmth, it was like nothing I've ever felt before. And afterwards, I craved to feel it again.

I glide my hands in the water again, slightly propelling myself backward. Isabel and Farlan would have loved this. I know she mentioned how she wanted to learn how to swim once the weather warmed up. A dark pit in my stomach forms as I start thinking about them more. 

I miss them so much.

The sound of splashing interrupts my thoughts. I open my eyes to see (Y/N) swimming towards me and my mood already starts to lighten again. She always helps make the heartache go away, and she doesn't even know she's doing it. 

"Wow hot shot! I thought you didn't know how to swim?" She starts treading next to me.

"I didn't, this is my first time."

Her eyes squint at me, as if not fully convinced. "Hmmm, well you picked it up extremely fast, I'm proud!"

My chest flutters at her words and I feel my lips curve into a smile. "Well thank you."

She swims next to me and also floats on her back. We stay there enjoining the serenity for a few minutes before I hear her giggle. I open one eye to peak at her just to see a devious smile spread across her face. She splashes me right as I was about to ask what evil idea she thought of. Luckily I closed my eye in time, but some water got in my mouth. I instantly spit it out, who knows what kind of germs lurk in this water. 

I wipe the water from my face and see her starting to swim away. "Oh no you don't, you're gonna pay for that missy."

I start after her and close in pretty fast. She tries kicking her feet away from me but I swiftly grab her ankle and she squeals as I pull her towards me, wrapping my arms around her waist. She tries wiggling out of my grasp but I hold her tight against my chest. "Leeeeviiiiii," she wines, "Let me goooooo."

"Hmmmmm, what are the magic words?" I almost want her to be stubborn, just so I can hold her for a little longer.

She lets out an exaggerated sigh, "Fine, I'm sorry I splashed your germophobic ass with lake water."

I pinch her sides causing her to yelp. "That doesn't seem like a genuine apology."

She wiggles some more, but instead of trying to get out, she twists her body to face mine. My breath catches in my throat as her hands wrap around my neck. Gosh this woman is like a vixen, she can turn my brain to mush just by looking at me. The way her wet hair sticks to her body and how the water droplets fall down her face is absolutely mesmerizing. Her skin practically glistens in the sun. 

By now, both of us are slightly panting from treading water so much. My eyes are glued to her lips and how they slightly part with each breath she takes. Being at this lake and seeing her in the same green top brings me back to when we kissed. Goddamn how I crave to feel her lips against mine, to roam my hands across her body as I mark her skin. I want her to touch me, to explore my body with her mouth, to take me in her -

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" 

Me head whips to the side to see Eren on the dock chanting while pumping his fists in the air. I internally slap myself for even thinking about those thoughts. It hurts, but I push her off me and turn around to swim away without saying a word. 

You fucking idiot. You promised yourself to stay away from her so she wouldn't get dragged back into your messed up life. She deserves and can do so much better. Just forget about a relationship, you weren't made for love. Everyone always ends up leaving you anyways.


Author's Note: So I originally planned for this chapter to end a lot differently, buuuuut I decided to add that tid bit in a later chapter. 

I apologize for how much of a slow burn this is, but I promise lots of lemon chapters once these two make up ;)

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