By yasmine_muffin

38.6K 1.8K 634

Two opposite beings stuck in isolation, forced to know about each other and maybe even be around each other... More

Day One.
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Eleven
Day Twelve
Day Thirteen
Day Fourteen (the last day)

Day Two.

2.5K 119 38
By yasmine_muffin

She had stared at the bathroom door since the younger woman walked in there with tears in her eyes, she had been waiting for her to return so she could apologise to the young girl and with that time passed without even realising it. Cordelia wasn't accustomed to staying up all night, she wasn't raised like that and she took that and made it her routine but Aaliyah had the woman up until two AM. She was slightly tired but she needed to see the girl, even a small peek, and what worried her was the fact that the girl hadn't eaten anything since she walked into the room. Usually, Cordelia, wouldn't care but she couldn't help herself. She wanted to knock on the door and ask if the girl was okay but that would be too inappropriate as they barely knew each other.

Aaliyah cried until her eyes were too tired to release tears. She was hurt by what the woman had said as she was raised by good people but she was over what Cordelia said, she had remembered all the good times she had with her parents and siblings. Those moments were taken away from her and from time to time she would wonder how life would've been if they were still here. Perhaps her older sister, Tania, wouldn't have left school to work at a grocery to take care of a child she had made while grieving her parents. Her younger siblings barely knew their parents, they were only two when their parents died so all they know are stories told by Aaliyah and pictures taken when they were still alive.

Aaliyah loved her parents, they weren't wealthy but they did a great job in raising her and her siblings. When she was only three years old, they discovered that she was a gifted child and everything they did from that point was to ensure she would have a great future, one that included breaking records and achieving great things. They attended every debate meet, every spelling bee contest and every intellectual competition that Aaliyah wanted to be in. They even invested in her education, taking her to the best school while ensuring they taught her good manners. It was a lovely time and she missed those amazing moments because when they died, she couldn't live that life anymore as adjustments were made.

Her grandmother had tried to be there for Aaliyah and her siblings but it wasn't easy as her parents had not anticipated death so soon, they were healthy and drove properly but they didn't take account of other people, so they hadn't planned for the future were they weren't alive. Grandma Pike had to take in the kids, she hadn't worked for a few years and had no plan but she wouldn't let her own grandchildren get into the system as Tania wasn't old enough to take care of her siblings. Aaliyah went to a government school, where they only cared about the boys' soccer team, so her academic lifestyle had to adjust and had turned into a nerd to other students but it didn't matter because she knew she had plans and she would be able to complete them in any school. It was truly hard until Miss Jones waltzed into her life and changed it for the better.

She was tired and the bathtub wasn't the most comfortable place to have a nap, she hoped that Cordelia would be asleep as she didn't want to face the woman. She had embarrassed herself by crying in front of the stranger, strangers barely had an effect on her but here she was crying on the bathroom floor. Meanwhile, Cordelia had been silently waiting for the girl. Aaliyah stood up and decided to go to bed and maybe eat an apple, her stomach had been grumbling as she hadn't eaten anything yet. She took off her jeans as they were irritating her and was now left with a baggy shirt that she has tucked in her jean, she folded those clothes and stared at the door with contemplation. She was certain the woman was sleeping but she didn't want to disturb her by opening the door too loud. Gently she twisted the door knob and walked out of the bathroom, with that Cordelia raised her head to see the girl. Upon realising that Cordelia was awake, Aaliyah dropped her folded clothes on the floor in astonishment.

"Ah! There she is, I thought I would have to call an undertaker" Cordelia joked. She wasn't too fond of showing a little bit of emotion and that is where her joking is derived. She'd rather upset a person with her jokes than allow them to see underneath her hard exterior.

"I thought you'd be asleep by now" Aaliyah scoffed as she picked up her clothes and folded them again. Cordelia was carefully staring at the girl, she was even more appealing half naked and she wondered how the girl would look with her tongue between her thighs.

"I should she sleeping but I do need the bathroom" Cordelia lied

"Is that what old people do? They cannot sleep without constant urination?" Aaliyah teased the woman. She didn't know where all that came from but she was on fire, perhaps this woman was bringing the worst of her.

Cordelia chuckled at the subtle insult and eyed the girl "Oh sweetheart, you don't know a thing" she said, her voice suddenly getting deeper which intimidated Aaliyah. She stood still and suddenly remembered how the woman insulted her and the way she was raised, it was as if she used a spell to make her forget and now the spell was wearing off.

She walked to her bed and carefully placed her clothes on the bed, ignoring the older woman's comment, and kneeled to fish out for some pyjamas. Cordelia watched as the girl's ass shot up in the air and her back in a perfect arch, she wanted to take her in that moment but she could tell the girl was purely acting out of innocence not knowing that Cordelia had a weak spot of beautifully toned girls with a beautiful ass, one that was easy to grab. Aaliyah could feel the woman's eyes on her and she sighed, she couldn't make out her feelings at that point but her body was warming up from only her stare. It surely irritated Aaliyah as no one has ever made her feel this way and she hadn't anticipated it to be a rich, white middle aged woman with beautiful ocean eyes and a stinking attitude. After a minute of searching, Aaliyah realised that she had stupidly forgotten her pyjamas so she sighed and closed her bag while Cordelia smirked in amusement.

"You sigh a lot" Cordelia said, she could see the girl was frustrated by her forgetfulness. Surely the girl knew she would be sleeping with other people so how did she forget mere sleep wear? Cordelia wondered.

"I am not in the mood to listen to your snide comments" Aaliyah creased her eyebrows and stood up, her shirt had betrayed her as it went up, revealing her pink panty. She quickly pulled her shirt while her face reddened as she knew that Cordelia was watching the entire thing occur

"Oh don't worry about hiding that, It's just us girls" Cordelia teased the already flushed girl.

"Perverts come in all sizes and genders" Aaliyah annoyingly said, rolling her dark brown eyes.

"Aren't you a meanie" Cordelia smirked and bit her bottom lip, softly.

"And you are rude" Aaliyah scoffed and removed some pillows from her bed as she was preparing herself to sleep, that is what she would be doing for the entire two weeks and maybe read the book collection she had found.

"You are telling me that you don't like some rudeness? Imagine how bored you would've been if you were stuck with someone boring" Cordelia said.

"I would rather them to be quite honest, we haven't spent a day together and I am already fed up with you" Aaliyah scrunched her brows.

"You can always swap, the hotel manager took a liking to you so he wouldn't mind to put you with someone boring" Cordelia said, she knew the girl wouldn't actually ask for a move as this was a favour. She seemed like the girl who respected and pleased those who respect her.

"Do you not know how to shut up?" Aaliyah asked the older woman.

"Ah, no manners" Cordelia scoffed.

"No! I will not allow you to talk about my parents like that. I was properly raised by good people and they raised me well enough to respect elders that respect me too!" Aaliyah snapped, once again, and that's when Cordelia realised that speaking of her parents wasn't a good idea, clearly the girl was sensitive about the topic. But she wouldn't apologise to the girl, she was too proud for that so she kept quiet and the girl continued "You don't know me or anything about me and I'd like to keep it that way. Coexisting doesn't mean we have to talk as I cannot have a conversation with someone who doesn't respect others" Aaliyah pulled her bed covers, roughly, went into the covers and covered her entire body while the woman watched in silence. "Apologise you idiot!" a voice said in her head but she was too stubborn so she switched off the light and closed her eyes, letting sleep swallow her.

The women of room 201 had slept in, it was due to their night time banter. After twelve PM, Cordelia opened her eyes because she was sure she heard someone move above her and as soon as she scanned the room, she found a hotel employee hovering over Aaliyah. She was slightly annoyed by the disturbance but she needed to wake up "the earliest bird catches the fattest worm" her mother would always say even if she had nothing of importance to do. Waking up later than ten AM was taboo and this girl made her sleep through the morning.

"Aaliyah!" the employee screamed.

"What are doing you here?" Cordelia asked with her stoic face.

"I am so sorry to wake you up, I really didn't mean it" The woman said

"Stop stuttering and tell me why you are making so much noise in the morning" Cordelia spoke.

"Sorry, I am just checking up on Aaliyah as she was kind to me yesterday" the woman said shyly.

"Couldn't you wait until we were awake?" Cordelia asked

"My shift ends in an hour and I wanted to thank her properly" The woman said.

"Okay, what is your name?" Cordelia asked as if she cared.

"Tina!" the woman said excitedly

"I will tell her you were here and maybe write a note?" Cordelia suggested and the woman smiled, what a bright idea she thought. Tina quickly wrote a note and placed it on the empty bedside table.

"Thank you Miss Sparks" Tina said as she went for the door and Cordelia just nodded as she watched the woman disappear behind the door.

An annoyed Cordelia got out of bed and went for her morning shower, well in this case midday shower. She was disappointed in herself for waking up this late, she had lost control for one night and surely her mother would've been disappointed in her too. Cordelia has never been allowed to lose control because if she did her parents would assume the position and control her life regardless of the fact that she was now older. During her sexual escapades, Cordelia would ensure she pleases the woman in her bed and let them leave before ten PM although she wished she would sleep with someone on her large bed.

Cordelia was raised by wolves with control issues. She wasn't allowed to do anything without their approval and she hated it when she was growing up. They chose her friends and partners, it was terrible but she soon found out it was because they wanted her to be better than everyone else. They told her they loved her by cutting her food, invading her privacy and forcing her to do everything they wanted and she trusted and believed them. She was a child after all and her parents were respected people in the community, it would be stupid of her to act according to her wants. As a teenager she realised that she was in love with a girl, a pretty girl, and when she tried to act on it her parents grounded her and refused her proper food. Days went by and soon she had believed that she was wrong for loving a girl, girls must only care for stinking boys and after that punishment she started seeing boys. She hated every moments of it but it was the right thing to do.

On her eighteenth birthday, Cordelia had asked her parents for a new car and they gave it to her without a fight. She was happy but she soon realised that the car was something her family would use to control her. "I gave you a car so you should date that rich boy" or "I gave you a car, you should laugh with those older men and convince them you would date their wealthy soon" it annoyed Cordelia having to smile for men and please them just because she was bound to her parents. In their defence, they were only protecting their daughter, sike.

She finally got a little bit of freedom when she went to university, she was elated as she wouldn't be bound to her parents although they had enrolled her for a Law degree when she wanted to be a drama student. That's where she meet a boy named Steward, he was a nice boy but not as rich as Cordelia and she dated him for quite some time, she was happy although she knew something was missing. She was so brainwashed it was scary, she knew that she wasn't raised properly but her parents loved her and they were protecting. She believed every word they had said.

Disgusted by her lateness, she went into the shower and closed her eyes as water patted her skin. It was a beautiful sensation, the warm water was healing her from her all the stress she currently had and it was derived from Aaliyah, a young girl who wasn't even her usual type. From the moment she was her she felt a part of her melt, it was an unusual sensation but heart-warming. She wondered how it would be to actually touch the girl, even a simple brush. She couldn't stop thinking about the young girl even while showering, her plump pink lips and her caramel skin titillated the older woman. She wanted to touch the girl so bad but she couldn't, the girl was too stubborn and not fazed by the woman's charm. Her nipples had already started hardening, she really wanted to touch the girl but she couldn't as this was out of her control so the best thing she could do was caress her slightly swollen nipples.

It was a subconscious act when her hand moved to her beating vagina, it was bothering her so the only thing she could do was to slowly and gently rub her clit while water poured on top of her. In circular motion she tickled her beating bead while her other hand covered her mouth, she didn't want to moan out loud for the girl to hear. Her eyes shut in pleasure as her back was against the wall, she was grinding on her own hand while moans threatened to escape but her mouth was holding tight as she pleased herself. She could only see the girl bent over with her ass up in the air, those memory flashes kept her going and soon she was at the edge. Her hand started rubbing harder and faster, there was a certain feeling of escalation and she loved it.

"Aaliyah" she moaned softly and soon her body shivered from the volcano that erupted within her. Like a rollercoaster, she went down while her sensitive body shivered from the pleasure and her head was stuck in a haze. Aaliyah had once again made her lose control. She closed the hot water and was now left with cold water, hitting her as she came back from her enormous high.

"Fuck!" she yelled, with her hands on her head. She had never pleasured herself for a girl, if she wanted to have sex with anyone she would simply call them and they would come running but of course with Aaliyah it is different. The middle aged woman had disgustingly touched herself all in the name of some poor girl she barely knew.

Woken up by the smell of food, Aaliyah scanned the room. She was looking for the food that enticed her nose but her eyes landed on the empty bed besides her, she wondered where the woman was but quickly redirected her attention to the food. "That smells great" she said as she followed the smell. She found a tray of different kinds of food, it was a lot so she took some cereal and started eating.

The older woman walked out of the bathroom with only a towel covering her naked body, she had also smelt the food so she cleaned herself up and hurried out of bathroom as she was famished. Aaliyah watched the towel covered woman, she thought she was beautiful but of course she wouldn't tell her that because she already had a big head. Cordelia could feel that the girl was staring at her, she wondered if the girl had heard something while she was touching herself in her name. Perhaps she was too engulfed in pleasuring herself to a point where she couldn't control her loud whimpers.

In silence, both women did whatever it was they were doing although their thoughts weren't too silent. Aaliyah wondered if she should greet the woman, it was the appropriate thing to do, but she was slightly mad at her for all the things she had said to her. Meanwhile, Cordelia was wondering if the girl was still upset with her. It was truly haunting to both of them, they both knew that it would be impossible to live with someone in such a small space and not communicate with them but if that is what the girl wanted then Cordelia was ready to oblige and not apologise, that was all she needed to do but she was too stalwart.

Aaliyah stalked the older woman as she wore a light blue shirt, formal grey trousers and navy blue slippers. Her shirt wasn't fully buttoned and her trousers hugged her beautiful lower body, it was an almost masculine look but Cordelia had the ability to make anything sexy. Her style was versatile, she could wear a simple dress and everyone would drop to their knees or even a pantsuit.

Cordelia sat opposite the girl while Aaliyah finished her cereal, she was full and was ready to have a ready session before bath time. Cordelia studied the food on the tray and realised there wasn't anything she could eat but a few fruit slices, she had a strict diet that she learned at a very young age. It was embedded in her brain to eat healthy food "Carbs will ruin your figure" her mother would say, it was like a song that Cordelia memorised. Growing up, she laughed at children who ate fried food because she was eating salads and they were good for her. In high school, her best friend had given her a slice of pizza which she enjoyed so she told her parents about it with the hopes that they would allow her to have it but instead she was punished, her father bought hundred boxes of pizza and forced Cordelia to eat all of them. Tears streaming down her face, she ate at least two boxes and started feeling sick. "This is what happens when you eat carbs" her father had said. Years later, she was still afraid of carbs so she picked up the mixed fruits and started eating, as hungry as she was she wouldn't eat the amount of food on the tray. She made a mental note to tell the hotel manager about her specific diet.

"Are you not eating?" Aaliyah asked after studying the woman.

"I am eating" Cordelia said.

"You are just eating fruit and I am certain I heard your stomach grumble a few minutes ago" Aaliyah said. She loved food, always had, therefore it didn't make sense why anyone would not eat.

"Fruit is edible" the older woman said with a smug on her face.

"But that doesn't mean it is enough" Aaliyah shrugged and the woman looked at her, her hair was covered with a black bonnet while her face had small lines from her sleep position and even so the girl still looked ravishing. It was odd, people worked hard to look beautiful for her but this girl didn't even care that she wasn't perfect looking.

"It is enough for me, carbs aren't good for you" Cordelia said, not realising she was mimicking her mother.

"Oh please, that is bull shit" Aaliyah rolled her eyes, she had been eating carbs all her life and she was as healthy as anyone. "Everything needs a balance" she finished and the older woman chuckled at Aaliyah's stupidity.

"There are no benefits to eating poorly but there are benefits to eating well, everyone knows that" Cordelia scoffed.

"That is not true, eating well doesn't mean one has to starve themselves and deprive their body of food. I know that you are hungry and that little bowl of fruit will not reduce your hunger" Aaliyah said.

"Carbs will ruin your figure" she said, more to herself than the girl. She was singing the song she had sang from a young age.

"Alright then, clearly there is no convincing but if you faint I will not flinch or help you" Aaliyah scoffed although she knew that she wouldn't let anyone die on her watch.

Annoyed by the stubborn lady, Aaliyah stood up, took her towel and toiletry bag the proceeded to the bathroom. Of course they couldn't even have a proper conversation without an escalation of things. The woman really knew how to get under Aaliyah's skin, even if it was unintentional. The girl stripped off her clothes and went into the shower, the bathroom still smelt like Cordelia and it was intoxicating. She stood and indulged in the smell before contaminating it with her cheap body wash that smelt like regular deodorant.

"Okay, I am going insane" Aaliyah chuckled to herself as she switched on the water. It was an odd feeling liking the strange woman or anyone at that matter but she was still worried about her food intake.

Growing up Aaliyah loved food as her father enjoyed experimenting on food. Her older sister didn't care much for food as she was a little girl who wanted to look good for boys meanwhile Aaliyah ate like a little boy. She would bond with her father during cooking sessions and taste every food as he made it, she would get full on tasting but still eat with everyone around the table. She remembered the day her father had tried to make chocolate covered chicken, it was an odd thing to do but they had fun on that day and the chicken turned out well enough to eat. When her parents died, she missed those moments as her grandmother wasn't a good cook like Aaliyah's mother, they didn't have the neck for it so Aaliyah had to readjust but soon assumed the position as the cook. She got tired of eat mashed potatoes and slimy gravy although she appreciated her grandmother's efforts.

After her short shower, Aaliyah walked out of the bathroom and found it empty and maybe a little bit gloomy. It was as if there was no sunshine anymore, perhaps Cordelia lit up the room. As she sat on her bed, she realised that there was a small note of the bedside table. She smiled when she realised that the older had left her a message, she took the piece of paper and read it out loud

"Thank you for yesterday. Love Tina" her face fell she realised it wasn't Cordelia that left that note. She felt silly for hoping it was her but she couldn't shake off the disappointment. She folded the note and placed it under her pillow, she had forgotten about the woman named Tina because her brain was only swimming in a pool of Cordelia. Her name is even different, Aaliyah thought, not as basic as Tina.

Slowly she took off her towel to lotion her body, she was alone and could finally do what she wanted. Maybe Cordelia had left to meet someone and she would be gone for a while and all Aaliyah needed was a few minutes. She smeared lotion on her hand and started covering her warm body with it, it smelt like cocoa butter and Aaliyah loved it. From her brown hands to her feet, Aaliyah worked to nourish her skin as she loved this particular moments of bath time because she would study her body and try to memorise it although some parts were hidden from her naked eye.

While she closed her lotion, the door opened abruptly. In complete mortification, Aaliyah covered her genitals and forgot to cover her perfect round breasts, they weren't small neither were they big instead they were perfectly sized and plump. Upon seeing the naked girl, Cordelia felt blood rush up to her face. It was a splendid view and Cordelia was silently thanking the gods for allowing her such perfection.

"I am so sorry" Cordelia said although she wasn't, she enjoyed the show. A young naked, caramel skinned girl with perfect breasts was in front of her but she couldn't even touch her or even suckle on those erect nipples. She truly was a pervert for the girl and it was slowly becoming ridiculous. Aaliyah came back to her senses and quickly covered herself with her towel, she was flushed but seeing the woman stare at her with dark eyes made her feel confident.

"I was only out to get the newspaper" Cordelia said.

"I am so sorry for not covering up" Aaliyah said shyly

"Oh don't worry, it was quite a show" Cordelia smirked

"I knew you were a pervert" Aaliyah joked, she wanted to divert the conversation.

"Says the girl who stood naked in the middle of a shared room. You are a sly woman Aaliyah" Cordelia smiled and Aaliyah felt her knees go weak, Cordelia's smile was intoxicating to Aaliyah and now that she wasn't as tired as she were, she got to see every part of it.

"I wasn't being sly, I was only getting lotion on my skin" She said defensively and the older woman smirked

"If you say so" Cordelia teased the girl.

"Whatever" Aaliyah rolled her eyes and picked up her red and blue sider man boxers, she loved how comfortable they were. "Did you get the newspaper?" Aaliyah asked.

"No. Due to the lockdown most businesses closed" she informed the girl.

"That makes sense" Aaliyah said as the older woman washed her hands, sprayed some sanitized on her clothes and removed her mask from her ear as she had lowered it as soon as she reached the room.

"A girl came in and wrote a note for you" Cordelia informed the girl.

"I saw it, thank you" Aaliyah said as she wore her favourite sweat pants and white vest. Her go to outfit to be honest.

"You are welcome" Cordelia smiled and took out her laptop. She needed to see the news and keep up with her work while Aaliyah had plans to read and slumber, she was tired.

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