Stay ✔

By chicagogirl24

72.3K 5.1K 493

Kim Seokjin is the perfect Alpha and an excellent Cardiac doctor from Seoul, he is asked to come home and hel... More

Characters and Disclaimer (Edited)
Dr. Kim Seokjin (Edited)
The Jeons
Coming Home (Edited)
First Look (Edited)
Confused (Edited)
Operation (Edited)
Visitor (edited)
Epiphany (Edited)
Stay (Edited)
Omega Day (Edited)
Forgiveness (Edited)
First Date (Edited)
First Time (Edited)
Getting Closer (Edited)
Love Endures(Edited)
Omega Night (Edited)
Mating Ceremony (Edited)
Plans Diverted (Edited)
Aftermath (Edited)
Civil War (Edited)
One More Loose End (Edited)
Epilogue (Edited)

Causing Trouble (Edited)

2.6K 185 28
By chicagogirl24

A/N Okay Okay so I cheated, I searched the internet High and Low for my Jai and decided to use Tay, so that Tay and New are together in the picture, because they are going to cause our JinKook some trouble in this chapter and the next. So Tay is Jai, Lol does that make sense. 


I'm in the backyard setting up for our mating ceremony, making sure there is enough tables and chairs for our guests, today is Jungkook's last day at school before graduation. I hear my text go off and grab my phone to see New texting me...

New - Hi gorgeous, I was thinking of you and thought I'd text, I am missing the hell out of you

Jin - Don't you have a boyfriend now, I'm sure he doesn't want to find out you are thinking of me and missing me and neither would my mate, we are friends Newie that's it.

New - I know, I know you don't have to remind me, but if that little bitch hurts you, I swear to the moon goddess you are coming home with me.

I laugh, this boy is crazy sometimes, I wonder if maybe he isn't taking all this as well as he leads on, I sometimes hear bitterness in his voice and I worry that he may do something crazy one day. All of a sudden I feel something is wrong, really wrong, I grab my keys and head over to the school to find Jungkook. I pull up and see Taehyung standing there looking worried, I get out of the car and run over asking him what's wrong. 

"Thank you god you are here, Jai took Jungkook to the back of the building, when I tried to stop him he bared his teeth at me and almost hit me", Taehyung says. "Stay here", I ran behind the main building and there was Jai holding Jungkook against the wall, and it looks like he was struggling to get away from him, "ALPHA", Jungkook cries when he sees me. 

I stalk toward them, my eyes blazing red and when Jai turns and sees me he tries to run, but I am faster, I grab him around the throat and hold him off the ground, he struggles to breathe but I refuse to let up. "I thought I told you if you ever touch my Omega again, I'd rip your throat out", I growl. I threw him and he hit the ground hard, "this is your last warning, if you ever come near him again, I will kill you." 

He struggles to get up, but when he does, he runs, I look back at Jungkook and the guilty look on his face says everything without words. "Why did you come back here with him", I ask. "He threatened to hurt people if I didn't", Jungkook says. "Who did he threaten to hurt Jungkook", I say a bit more stern, making him flinch. "My dad and Hoseok", he says not looking at me. 

I put my hands on my hips and look up at the sky, trying to hold in the tears threatening to fall, I sense him moving closer to me, and when he reaches out for me I step back, "I don't believe you Jungkook, your scent is off and not only that, I know for a fact you are stronger than him, if you wanted to fend him off you could."

 He tries to speak but stops when he sees the look on my face, "do you honestly think he could hurt your dad and Hoseok, if you didn't want to be faithful, why did you bother with me." "Alpha, I am faithful, I swear, I didn't do anything", he starts to cry. "Don't call me that till you can prove to me you want me as your Alpha", I turn on my heel and walk away.


"ALPHA", I scream, my chest feeling like its in fire, like my heart will explode. I need my Alpha, I need him to touch me, to scent me, he can't walk away from me like this, I didn't do anything wrong. I start to run, as fast as I can, heading to his house but he wasn't there, I see he started decorating the backyard for our mating ceremony and more tears started to fall. 

I run to the clinic but he isn't there either, Jimin holds me as I collapse into his arms, "why doesn't he believe me when I tell him it's only him I want." "Your past is coming back to haunt you, and the more you allow that other Alpha to control you, the worse it will be for you and Jin, you have to stand up for yourself Kook", Jimin says. "I know, he was once my best friend and I believe him when he tells me that he is sorry and wants to be my friend again", I say defending myself. 

"Jungkook, that Alpha is only thinking with his pride, he doesn't want you as a friend, he wants you to be his Omega and that cant happen unless you kill Seokjin", he says making my heart drop at his words. "That will never happen, Jin is my only Alpha", I say. "Then go to the cemetery, you will find him there", Jimin says.

I get up and run out of the clinic heading for the cemetery, I search everywhere and I finally see him, sitting in between two headstones, his parents. I slowly walk over to him and I hear him crying, I found the courage to crawl into his lap and wrap my arms around him. "I'm so sorry Alpha, I didn't go with Jai to cheat on you, I swear, when will you believe me that it is only you, I don't want anyone else, and I never will", I say holding him tighter. I feel his arms wrap around my waist holding me to him, his face buried in my neck, his scent engulfing both of us.

 "I'm sorry my little wolf, when my Alpha sees another touching what's his, he gets very possessive, why do you allow him to control you, you are not his omega, and you can stand up to him Jungkook, you are so much stronger than he is", he says calmly. "I will try from now on, I promise, for so long, since we were kids he's controlled me, but I let him because I thought he was my friend, please forgive me my Alpha", I say. He holds my face as he brings his lips to mine, "I love you little wolf, of course I forgive you." 


We stop for dinner at a little restaurant that we both like in town, when we get home Jungkook stands in the bathroom brushing his teeth,  I wrap my arms around him from behind, kissing his neck, and rubbing my hard on against his ass. He lays his head on my shoulder, eyes closed moaning, I slide my hand down the front of his pants and feel his throbbing member already leaking pre-cum. I stroke him slowly, feeling his hips move, fucking himself with my hand. 

I slide his pants and underwear off then turn him around, pushing him against the sink, dropping to my knees, I look at his beautiful cock, "you have a huge cock for being an Omega." He blushes, not able to look at me after I say that, I laugh and take him into my mouth. Jungkook throws his head back, letting out a loud moan, twisting his fingers in my hair, "Fuck Alpha, fuck, oh God."

 I grab his ass cheeks, spreading them and rubbing my finger over his hole, "dammit Alpha stop, its to much, fuck you are good at this, I am going to cum." I push my finger inside of him and he shoots his load into my mouth, leaning on my shoulders trying to keep himself upright. I bring him down to sit in my lap, wrapping my arms around him as he tucks his head under my chin.

 "I am so in love with you Alpha, I cant wait to be your mate and carry our pups", he says sleepily. I chuckle and kiss his head as I hear him snore, I stand up with him in my arms and carry him to our bed, climbing in next to him I hear my phone go off...

New - I will be bringing Woo by tomorrow, Jimin wants to start showing him around, and while they do that I will be looking for a place for him.

Jin - Are you not moving here with him

New - Not at first I have things to tie up here first, besides I am waiting for your little Omega to fuck up so that we can get on with our lives together 😉

Jin - New, I already told you, me and you can only be friends, my Omega wont screw up so please stop hoping he does, I want you to move on and be happy

New - I am just messing with you Alpha, I know he is your fated and all that 🙄

I lay awake for awhile, thinking about New's text, maybe them moving here isn't the best idea, but Woo is such good pediatrician, fuck. My Omega stirs in my arms, "what is wrong Alpha, your scent is off and I feel like you are in turmoil." "I'm fine baby, go back to sleep", I kiss his head and he nuzzles closer, releasing his scent to calm me, which works because I fall right to sleep.

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