Our One Night Romance (A Rike...

By MCRlover_19

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Mikey Way loves Ray? how could this happen? Mikey never came off to be gay or to really even have crushes on... More

Chapter One, Inner desires~
Chapter Two, Jealousy~
Chapter Three, Realization
Chapter Four, Strange feels under the moon light~
Chapter Five, Weird Dreams? Talk to Gerard...
Chapter Six Early Morning Blues
Chapter Seven~ Childish~
Chapter Nine~ so fuckin happy
Chapter Ten~ Loving Him Was A Mistake
Chapter Eleven, Let Me Be Your Soldier
Chapter Twelve ~Heart Monitor
Chapter Thirteen Morning Comes
Chapter Fourteen Secrets~
Chapter Fifteen~Bitter Betrayal
Chapter Sixteen I Need You Now!~
Chapter Seventeen Here's To All the Times We Fucked Up.~
Chapter Eighteen I Don't Love you~
Chapter Nineteenth Why Does My Heart Make a Fool Out of Me?
Chapter Twenty One Night Romance (Last Chapter)

Chapter Eight Love Bites~

2.8K 104 43
By MCRlover_19

Chapter Eight

Love Bites

Ray’s POV

I hung up the phone after Christa was finished talking, she said she just wanted to check up on me and see if I’m okay….she also said she had a surprise for me when I got back home, which was strange since it’s nowhere near my birthday and it’s definitely not our two year anniversary…I’m sure…Honestly with all this shit going down I kinda forgot, but I’m positive that it’s not.

I sat on the ground in the hall confused on what really just happened a few minutes ago, Mikey kissed me and I…I enjoyed and loved every seconded of it. I never really thought of Mikey that way…well honestly…I did…I always felt a slight attraction to him, ever since the first day we meet it was like magic. We would hang out together everywhere and he would make me smile, laugh, hell when I was around him I was a different person. I often felt these feelings of attraction around him but I would push them away, I didn’t want to accept the fact that I might possibly be gay or in love with me best friend. And then the day came, the day he introduced me to Christa…I fell instantly for her, she was smart, beautiful, nice everything that a man would love in a woman. I planned to ask her for her hand in marriage when I got home…but now…Mikey, Mikey rekindled some emotions in me that I would hope never came back, now I honestly don’t know what I want to do anymore…One question is haunting me though…If Mikey had feelings for me than why would he introduce me to Christa in the first place, why not just tell me?

I stood up slowly and opened my bedroom door to find Mikey lying in his bed fast asleep, just looking at him makes me trembling. He looked so… serene yet so… bothered, like he was upset when he went to sleep…well duh that’s kinda expected since my girlfriend called right when he finally had the guts to tell…well show me his real feelings for me..

I looked at the clock next to him and noticed the time; we’re supposed to be at the arena in 15 minutes…”SHIT!”I whispered as I left the room to go in the kitchen.

As soon as I hit the kitchen Bob enter the hotel room and looked at me.

“Ray, why aren’t you dressed? I’m positive we have to go to the arena in like 12 minutes…right?”

I sighed, quickly running through the halls back and forth, trying to find my clothes. “Yeah I know…”

Bob followed behind me “And where is Gerard, Mikey and Frank? “

I shook my head, sending small curls flying everywhere around me “Bob, I don’t know…Mikey’s sleep in the room. Go wake him if you’re that worried about him!” I yelled not meaning to....I never meant to yell it just happens sometimes especially when I’m bothered or worried.

Bob quickly stopped me in my tracks with his hands and said “RAY! God calm down…Jesus Christ I never seen you so…so… anxious, damn it’s just a concert we can always call in a little late no big deal okay!” he looked at me and his nonchalant expression made me look away, if he only know that the nervous wasn’t for missing the approximate time for the concert…but the shame of kissing Mikey and the feelings that might explode if Mikey woke up and I’m alone with him …Bob must’ve read my mind because the next thing he said was “You aren’t nervous for the concert are you?”

I pulled from him and turned around, getting my clothes and also hiding the redness of my face. “Ray…you know you heard me…what’s wrong? Why are you nervous…?” Bob said sounding concerned. “I know it can’t be the nervous from stage fright, you done this hundreds of times so what is it…tell me…”

“BOB! It’s nothing okay! Now can we please get dressed before Gerard gets here and GETS PISSED BECAUSE WE AREN’T FUCKIN READY?!” I screamed, turning around to his face again.

Bob eyeballed me with irritation, he was about to go off on me until we both heard the door unlock and Gerard say “Come my little ducklings, we have to get going only…3 more minutes left!” He walked into the hall quickly and looked at me and Bob “Where’s Mikey?” he said and I pointed towards the room. Gerard swiftly went in there and yelled at Mikey “Why aren’t you dressed!” he said before closing the door.

Bob turned from me and walked to the door, leaving from it and closing the door. I rolled my eyes and quickly threw on my clothes…in the hallway…By the time I was fully dressed, Mikey ran out the room, he saw and stared at me before blushing and looking away. Gerard came out of the room and noticed the awkwardness between us…a smile spread across his face that sent Mikey running away to the door.

Gerard looked at me, barely able to content the noticeable enjoyment that dispersed throughout his body. “What’s wrong with him” He giggled

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled slyly. “Maybe I’m too overwhelming for him” I said before walking out, and I could have sworn I heard Gerard squeal when I left, he’s such a fangurl.

I wonder if Mikey told him about wanting to kiss me…I mean it’s kinda obvious that he did. It explains why Gerard is so giggle and nosey all the sudden…What I don’t understand is why is Gerard so happy? Did he forget that I have a girlfriend? He should be trying to talk us out of anything between me and Mikey…right?

I stepped foot on the bus and heard Frank and Bob talking, when I walked passed them they stopped and looked at me with concerning eyes…well Frank had concerning eyes, Bob just glared at me, I think he might still be mad at me for yelling at him.

I climbed up into my bunk and laid in it. We were supposed to pack up the hotel room today since today was the last day we needed to be in this town but with all this shit going on I guess we forgot. The instruments were already packed tightly under the bus so we didn’t have to worry about that too much.

I looked out the corner of my eye at Mikey; he was of course reading his book that was stashed under his seat calmly…how can he stay so calm?

I then turned to Bob and Frank, who were clearly talking about me. I can tell because Frank would look over his shoulder every now and then to see if I was listening to them. I rolled my eyes and laid down on my bunk, maybe they found out and now are judging me oh god I hope not…it isn’t my fault I’m in love with my best friend…that’s just the way love bites I guess.

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