When Love Lasts: A Sapphic Sh...

By AziaElga

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🌈 wlw/sapphic short story collection 🌟 award winning short stories 🍑 bonus scenes from some of my wlw nove... More

✍️ The Weaver Girl (Rewind The Classics 2022 Honorable Mention)
✍️ A Sapphic Cinderella Retelling (Rewind The Classics 2021 Contest Entry)
✍️ The World is Beautiful (Read-A-Thon Fanfiction Entry)
✍️ Maybe someday, maybe (And Then 2021 Contest Entry)
✍️ The Taste of Summer (Summer of Songs Contest Entry)
⚡️Never have I ever (Lyn X Cyd)
⚡️ Live On (Lyn's Prison Bonus Scene)
⚡️ The Lightning Mage: The Game, Part I
⚡️ The Lightning Mage: The Game, Part II
⚡️ The Lightning Mage: The Game, Part III
⚡️ The Lightning Mage: The Game, Part IV
⚡️ The Lightning Mage: The Game, Part V
⚡️ Here for a good time (Irene X Reader)
🍒 Chapter 13.3's previous draft
🍒 Chapter 14.1's previous draft
🍒 Deleted scene from previous draft
🍒 Chapter 20.2's previous draft
🍒 Chapter 22's previous draft

⚡️The safe word is cake (Lyn X Cyd)

226 24 297
By AziaElga

August 24, 2021

(Canon-ish) Fanfiction Short of my book, The Lightning Mage, set between the chapters of 55 & 57

Word Count: 2,244


I have never regretted anything more in my life.

With my bewildered heart pounding in my ears, I stare at the petite girl adjusting the cuffs on my right wrist.

Yes, cuffs, you read that right. I—the famous Lyn Bronte, the motherfucking lightning mage—am currently being chained up to my bed by the love of my life.

Why the hell did I agree to this? Scratch that, why the hell do I always agree to whatever Cinna asked of me?

What the hell is wrong with me?


"Lyn... Can I tie you up?"

I spat my coffee out. Most of it came out of my mouth and landed all over my clothes and the couch, but some liquid chose to go up my nose instead. Thankfully, it was no longer steaming hot, but still, I spent the next five minutes coughing and wheezing, as Cinna patted me on my back.

"C- Come again?" I sputtered.

"Sorry, forget I asked..." Cinna mumbled.

She had grabbed a napkin and was focusing on wiping the stains off the couch. There was no way the stains would come off that easily, but this was the least of my worries.

"No, no, I was just... a little... taken aback, that's all." That was probably the understatement of the year. "What do you mean by that?"

A faint blush crept up Cinna's face. "Well, remember that time... you were chained up... in that cave...?"

"Oh yeah, when your Witch friend Sybil tied me up to torture me?" There was a lot more to this story, of course, but I was not about to recount thirty chapters worth of backstory. This was a more than sufficient summary, in my opinion.

Cinna nodded, regret and anguish washed all over her face. "Y- Yeah, I'm really sorry about that, by the way..."

"It's okay, Cinnamon. It's all in the past, I'm over it. Anyway, what of it?"

"Well, w- when you were chained up..." Cinna lowered her head and played with the napkin. "I... I thought it was pretty hot..."

I blinked. Did I hear right? "You thought it was hot? S- Seriously?"

Cinna's face was now bright red. "Yeah... You looked really... hot." She gulped. "S- So I was wondering... if we could try it out again..."

I was sure my face was the same exact color as Cinna's at this point. Cinna had occasionally told me that I was pretty, or that my hair was beautiful, or that I looked cool using my lightning magic, but to see her blush like that and call me hot? That was a once in a lifetime experience, for sure.

Nevertheless, this request was crazy. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go through that again...

"Please?" Cinna looked up; her round, puppy eyes seemed to shimmer like the stars.

Well shit...

"Sure," I relented with a sigh, "let's try it out then."

"Really?" Cinna sat up eagerly. Almost too eagerly.

"Yep, anything for you, Cinnamon."


I suppress a groan. Anything for you, my ass. I really need to stop agreeing to anything Cinna asks of me.

After securing my right arm, Cinna turns to face me. "How does that feel?"

Looking at her excited expression, I cannot bring myself to say anything other than a, "G- Good..."

Oh Lyn, you fucking liar. I am being tied up! I do not feel good!

"Okay, just tell me to stop whenever you're uncomfortable, okay?" Cinna emphasizes. Her voice is soft, gentle, and slightly apprehensive, a direct opposite to the raucous mess of my internal monologue.

After seeing the nod of my head, she climbs over my body to the other side of the bed. I suppress another groan. Please, watch where your hands are going, Cinnamon...

"I'm serious, though, I will stop if you tell me to," Cinna says as she ties my other hand up to the bedpost. "The safe word is cake, by the way."

"We don't need that, I trust you." I chuckle at the strange choice of a safe word. "Also, it's not like you're doing anything to me right now."

Cinna chuckles as well. "Not yet."

My heart skips a beat at that, before thrashing around my chest as if it wants to escape. Jesus Christ. There is something about a small, adorable Cinnamon bun saying threats like that that makes me want to crumble into dust.

What the hell did I get myself into?

"Alright, done." Cinna pulls at my left hand; the chains rattle in protest. There goes my freedom.

"Next up, your legs."

Wait. "Wait, my legs too?"

Cinna stares at me in puzzlement. "Yeah, well, your legs were also tied up back then, remember? I wanted to recreate the exact scene..." She scratches her head and bats her eyelashes. "Is that okay?"

How can I ever say no to that? I sigh. "It's okay, it's okay. Go for it," I say as I betray myself yet again.

"Okay!" Cinna's eyes light up.

She attaches the cuff to my left leg, before climbing over me once again to get to the other side of the bed, manhandling the hell out of my body on the way. I swear, my head is going to combust into flames if she does this again. Thank God I only have four limbs.

Soon, all four of my limbs are tied up to each of the bed posts. I feel like an animal in a butcher house, ready to be slaughtered and dissected. There have been many times in my life that I've been embarrassed before, but this is on another level. Being bound like that, on my own bed, in my own bedroom, by someone I literally cannot say no to, is quite... humiliating. I mean, this is probably one of the reasons why some people enjoy this, but god damn.

Cinna stands and looks at me. Her cheeks flush as her eyes scan me up and down, from my legs, to my body, to my face, to my hands. The more she stares, the more I feel myself heating up. The way this usually innocent and sweet girl is savoring the scene in front of her, sends shivers all over my body. Is that... lust? On that adorable face?

"You like what you see?" I tease, careful to not let my nervousness seep into my voice.

Her eyes linger on my body for a bit. Then, she coughs into her fist and gathers her composure. "Yeah... How about you? Do you still feel okay?"

"I'm fine," I assure her. "So, what do you want to do now?"

"I'm not actually sure," Cinna admits. Hesitantly, she climbs back onto the bed. Oh, now she is going to manhandle me on purpose.

She sits on my stomach and bends down for a kiss. I close my eyes and receive it eagerly. Finally, the reward I've been waiting for: the all-consuming warmth, the tender caress of her tongue, the familiar, sweet taste of my Cinnamon. I let myself melt into her, as I reach for her neck—oh wait, I can't. I forgot, I'm tied up.

Cinna pulls away when she hears the clatters of the chains. She glances at my bound hands, and a smile tugs at her lips. "Now, I'm in charge."

I cannot help but laugh at that. "Is this what this is all about? My Cinnamon Pie just wants to be in charge for once?" I croon as I wiggle my eyebrows.

She stuck her lips out in a pout. "Yeah, you always end up taking charge, no matter how hard I try."

I laugh again. "What can I say, I'm born a top."

"Shut up..." She tugs at my shirt and pulls me into another kiss, which I gladly oblige.

As we kiss, Cinna's hands travel all over my chest, fumbling over the buttons of my shirt. Every so often, I will forget about my current predicament; the metal chains will rattle while her smile will grow.

After unbuttoning my shirt, she begins kissing my neck. I let a moan escape my throat; chains clank again. She unhooks my bra and her hands reach for my delicate spots; another jangle of the metal. My heart is beating out of my ribcage and my head is spinning in bliss; my shackles clatter once more.

Clang. Clang. Clang. The rattle of the chains echoes across the room, like the rhythmic drumming of a tambourine.

Then, Cinna jolts. "Oh no. What's that smell?"

"W- What?" I breathe. Every part of my senses is saturated with pleasure, so I have no idea what she's talking about.

"My soup!" Cinna screams. "I forgot to turn off the stove!"

I whimper in disappointment as she hops off my body and dashes out of the room.

Now that the fun is over, I can finally smell the smokiness—and it is very pungent. Cinna was attempting to make this Korean beef stew for the first time, and it requires hours of stewing. But from what it smells like, she may have left it on the stove for a lot longer than needed.

"Everything okay out there?"

"It's fine, don't worry!" the muffled voice of Cydney cries back.

I slump on the bed as I wait. A few strands of hair land on my eyes and I try to blow it away.

I wait, and I wait. The commotion outside the room slowly increases; there are chatterings and murmurings, as if there were multiple people in the living room. I frown.

Wait, what the fuck?

Why are there other people in the apartment?

"Sorry for worrying you, Jo, but everything is fine!" That is Cinna's voice, as sweet as ever.

"Yeah, the smell is strong so I was just worried." That's the voice of Jolene, my neighbor. "And I couldn't reach Lyn so I thought there wasn't anybody in the house. I was worried."

"Oh, sorry about that... She is here but..."

"Lyn's here? So where is she, then?" Irene's voice cuts through the room clearly and loudly, as usual.



Why the fuck is Irene here?

"I'll get her!" Cinna shrieks. "Stay here, please!"

I almost cry out in relief as Cinna runs back into the room, closing the door behind her.

"Please tell me why there's a whole party outside," I say exasperatedly.

"I'm so sorry, Lyn, but I think the stew must have been burning for too long. Jolene got worried, and she couldn't contact you because we were doing this, and she somehow got Irene to come over since she has the spare keys to the apartment. And now they're all here, and I don't know what to do." The more Cinna explains, the more tears well up in her eyes.

I groan. "Argh, stupid nosy neighbors. Just... get me out of this and I can settle it."

Cinna nods vigorously as she searches her pocket. And then her other pocket. And then her purse. Then all the drawers in the room.

Then, the tears that were filling in her eyes finally stream down her cheeks. "I can't find the keys..."

I blink. Dread slithers up my heart.  "Cinna... This is not funny..."

"I'm not joking, Lyn," she mutters between her sobs. Her body trembles as she wipes her tears away. "What should I do, what should I do?

I do not answer, because I have no idea what to do either. All I know is that I am stuck to my bed, tied up, half naked, with Cinna bawling to my side, and Irene and Jolene (and who knows how many else) outside the room. This is literally the worst day of my life.

"Oh, I know!" Cinna exclaims excitedly. She hurries to my side and begins to button up my shirt. "I'll get Irene to come help."

"What?" Blood drains from my face. "Oh no, no, no, no. Don't do that, Cinna, don't ever let Irene see me like this."

"Why not? She can use her magic to break the cuffs free."

"I'd rather die."

"Don't be silly." Cinna scoffs as she turns to leave the room.

"No, no, Cinna, don't call her for help— Cake! Cake!Cake!"

But it's too late. No matter how much I scream and thrash about, it is already out of Cinna's earshot.

Irene barges into the room. "What's wrong?" she shouts. Her eyes land on me. Confusion paints her face, followed by shock, and lastly, uncontrollable laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Lyn! What the hell is this kinky shit?"

I feel as if my soul has left my body. Oh, fuck me and my life.

"Irene, please don't laugh," Cydney begs. "Can you help her get out of this?"

But Irene continues laughing. In fact, she is rolling on the floor laughing her ass off, literally. "Oh my god, I can't believe this! Wait till I tell Manda and Ivan about this!"

"Shut the fuck up, Irene," I say through gritted teeth. "Don't you dare tell anyone else about this."

"This is fucking hilarious!" Irene slams her hand on the ground as she chortles. "And I never once think that you're a sub? Oh god, I love this so much! This is the best day of my life!"

I close my eyes. After I get out of these chains, I'll kill Irene. And then, I'll punish the hell out of Cinnamon for doing this to me.

I'll fucking tie her up for the rest of the day.

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