The Apathetic Mage Loves Cats

By DazzlingStarss

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Alan had lived a life full of no love, which caused him to grow up not expecting anything from anyone and not... More

Chapter 1: New World
Chapter 2: Cat
Chapter 3: The Archmage
Chapter 4: Iban
Chapter 5: Studying
Chapter 5.5: New Home
Chapter 6: Prince
Chapter 7: Dreams
Chapter 8: 12 years later
Chapter 9: Meeting
Chapter 10: Inauguration
Chapter 11: Iban Returns
Chapter 12: Confusion
Chapter 13: Discussion
Chapter 14: Bodyguard
Chapter 15: Arguments
Chapter 16: Secrets
Chapter 16.5: Dreams pt. 2
Chapter 17: Breakfast
Chapter 19: Preparation
Chapter 20: Before-Anxiousness
Chapter 21: During-Chaos
Chapter 22: After-Questions
Chapter 23: Truth
Chapter 24: Zing
Chapter 24.5: Mothers
Chapter 25: Melan
Chapter 26: Notes
Chapter 27: The Underworld
Chapter 28: The Journey
Chapter 29: Town
Chapter 30: Letters
Chapter 31: A Plea

Chapter 18: Prophecy

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By DazzlingStarss

"A ball?" A voice chimed. I sighed, as I walked through the doors to Romand's study, shutting them lightly behind me and making my way over to a table and sitting down with a loud thud. Nene fluttered around the room, the invitation to the ball where Caiden would announce his wedding arrangement sitting in her hands. "I've been wanting to go to one for ages! But who is the King getting married to and why? Isn't this a little too early?" I was, once more, called here on the prospect that Caiden didn't want to deal with Romand, but I had no idea that the others would be here as well. If I had known, I would've probably just told them all to leave and that we were too busy today to worry about them.

Romand had his back to me looking at a glass tube in his hand, but I knew that he was actually paying attention to me rather than looking at the brown-colored liquid swimming in the glass. Drac and Lucy sat on the far right of the room, Lucy's head buried in a book and Drac spending his time idly creating paper balls and trying to fling them around Lucy, making sure that he avoids her so that she doesn't get aggravated. However, I could see that Lucy was pretty engrossed in her book which was probably the only reason that Drac was able to do this. Akan sat on the stairs to the left, his eyes watching the scene in front of him.

Nene stood up and carried the invitation over to Akan whose red eyes just watched her slowly. She sat down beside him on the stairs and leaned against him, which he allowed her to do so with only slight tensing of his body before he willed himself to relax and lean on the railings of the stairs.

"Genene is right, what would spur on this decision, and why haven't you mentioned it before?" Romand spoke up. I frowned and shrugged, throwing my hands out to my sides to show that I too was innocent and had no idea of this predicament.

"In all honesty, I have no idea where he gathered this from, or who it may be with, I know just as much as you guys." This was an obvious lie; I of course knew that this was his way of getting the mages down to us and allowing us to figure out about the traitor. However, I was told by Caiden to not mention that he knew about it otherwise the plan might be ruined. I had already decided not to mention anything, since Romand seemed to have told me in confidence what was weighing on his mind. Although, despite my lie, no one seemed to be phased and instead seemed to accept this answer, like Kings were naturally secretive and mages weren't told things, to begin with, but instead were forced to accept things as they were.

"It seems a little sudden, doesn't it?" Drac's commented, leaning back in his chair, and glancing over at me. "Were there no signs? Do you even know who they may be at all? Was there anyone lurking around you?" I frowned and wracked my brain for anything. However, there wasn't anything that stuck out to me. Since I started working for him, he had only managed to travel to the same places almost daily, with only minor interruptions in the daily routine to a different room for a different meeting. He was a boringly repetitive man, but that is what he enjoyed and seemed to need; a desire to stick to a routine. Due to this, I never saw anyone different merging into this routine to change it.

"No one," I muttered, "other than me I guess, but everyone else seemed to be the same." Drac shrugged in response, leaning even further back to the point that I wondered how he managed to stay balanced in his chair.

"Well, I guess there's no point in fretting over it, it's not like we can change the course of the day just by trying to figure it out," Romand droned, finally putting down his glass so that he could look at the room. "It's time for us to come up with a safety plan, once more." However, before we could start, a small sound scratched on the outside of Romand's study. It was light but because everyone in the room was attuned to notice every little sound, it was quite loud. Because I was the closest, I stood up and made my way to the door. Already knowing who it was, I opened it and watched as Iban's red eyes drilled into mine for a beat. He sat perfectly still outside the door as if waiting for me to pick him up. And so, I did. I picked him up and shut the door lightly, listening to his light purrs against my chest as I went inside.

Nene gasped at the sight of him, and Lucy closed her book, her attention fully on us now. Despite everyone in the room knowing that Iban was my familiar and about the prophecy that tied us together, it was still a spectacle to see Iban. Iban was so nonchalant and chill that he absolutely hated anyone who tried to coddle or be near him; much like normal house cats from what I have heard. That was probably why he stuck around me the most because he knew that I would only do things that he wanted (mostly). Well, he stuck around me and Akan sometimes when I wasn't around because Akan didn't seem to care if Iban wanted to just be near him for warmth. That was the opposite of Nene and Drac who constantly tried to touch him, and Romand and Lucy who tried to study him and learn from him. Which was why everyone in the room perked up at the sight of Iban.

"Why are you here?" I muttered. And why must I carry you? Iban, as if hearing my internal question, snuggled further in my arms, then on my lap as I sat back down.

"I heard your King was getting married, of course, I had to come to see what was going on." Iban's eyes were shut as he spoke, causing me to question what he was really here to do. However, in response, I rolled my eyes.

"He's not my—"

"Hi, Iban!" Nene called out, somehow making her way to my left side and reaching to stroke Iban. Iban, noticing this happening, hopped up quickly and spun around in an attitude, and hissed at her. Nene wasn't phased though and quickly managed to get in a few pats before he darted out of my arms and towards Akan, hissing once more and hiding behind Akan as a way to shield himself. Akan didn't seem phased and instead watched Iban with minimal movement.

"We were actually discussing safety movements for the king's wedding, Iban." Romand chimed in, ignoring Nene's cries for his attention. Iban seemed to let out a scoff.

"Why does that matter? Just do what you did for the inauguration." Iban responded, his eyes still watching Nene as she tried to move closer to him.

"Do you think that will work?" Lucy asked. She moved from her spot far away from the scene. Her and Drac making their way over towards us, finally seemingly interested in the conversation. "It obviously didn't work last time with the inauguration. How well will it work this time?" Lucy, unlike the other members, greatly appreciated and valued Iban's opinion, warranting Iban to play and joke around with her. However, possibly due to the atmosphere, he didn't seem to want to do that this time.

"Well, it's not like you can really change up the situation just by simply adding more mages. Just be more aware, you don't really have a say in how everything runs, just in how well you'll guard the area." The room stayed silent, as everyone pondered over his words, Lucy seemingly taking them more seriously than others. Iban, as if wondering how stupid we all were, sighed and made his way towards Akan's right side, near the railing of the stairs, and spoke up. "Well, even if you are pondering over the safety of the wedding, the first thing you need to do is know the layout. The exits, the entrances, the balconies, the extra space, everything you need to know about the ballroom. Have you guys looked at what would work best given the situation?" Romand nodded in response.

"Of course, we've been discussing the layout."

"Then why don't you have a map?" Romand frowned at him.

"A map? It isn't necessary, we've all been there multiple times–"

"A map is always necessary," Iban cut him off, hopping down from the small staircase and darting past Nene towards the door. "However, not to worry, I will go and get the map from the Royal Library to show you what needs to be done. Alan, let's go." I froze, then my frown deepened as I looked over at Iban.

"What? Why me? I'm b–" However, I stopped speaking once Iban looked over at me, a look on his face that told me not to question his motives or to worry about it. And, knowing that he has never truly done anything to harm me, I sighed in response. "Whatever."


The royal library was even bigger than two of Romand's libraries combined. There were at least three full floors that I could see, each containing a ladder or a stool in order to reach a higher shelf. There was a stained-glass window on the ceiling, letting in large amounts of natural light that cast a beautiful shadowy glow onto the library books and bookshelves.

It was a book lover's dream.

Iban and I made our way towards some shelves, Iban seemingly knowing where to go, and ignoring all the librarians that hovered around us, trying to gain our attention and ask if we needed help. The only reason that I had access to this place was because the librarians knew that I was essentially Caiden's personal assistant, which in turn meant that they wanted to please me and hope that I would put in a good word for them in return. However, because even I didn't understand why we were looking for some stupid blueprints, I just nodded wordlessly towards the librarians and kept up behind Iban.

It was a while later that the librarians backed off of us, realizing that nothing was going to happen. When Iban realized this, he quickly made his way up to the second floor. I followed behind him just as quickly, making sure that I would be able to know what was going on and what he had planned, However, I didn't really need to worry as Iban slowed his pace down on the second floor, allowing me to trail after him and towards the back corner.

"This is my secret stash," he muttered, nodding down to a stack of books that were seemingly normal. In fact, one read, "How to use Magic! Become a Mage Today!"

"You... want to become a mage?" I asked tentatively. Iban scoffed and placed his front paws on that specific book, flinging in violently so it fell on the floor with a soft thud. I frowned but didn't say anything, only glancing behind me occasionally as Iban continue to root his way through the back right corner of the shelf. When Iban managed to get three books off the shelf, he stuck his head inside and slowly drug out a round scroll. My curiosity piqued on the piece, as it was yellowed and torn with age and had a beautifully decorated string that held the scroll together.

"What is–"

"Read it," he muttered. I frowned in response but listened to what he had said, delicately loosening the string to open up the paper. The paper, as if sighing with relief, opening up masterfully onto the floor, revealing black ink that has slowly seeped onto the page. The lettering was slightly curved as if it was a grand document that someone had wanted to preserve for a long time. It read:

"My findings.

The Mages Believe:

"A familiar, one with red eyes and white fur stands before us, his owner sitting beside him on the throne, the tails of nine surrounding him as war rages on. If one dies, the other brings an even greater despair, ending the existence of all."

The Humans Believe:

"Abnormal pink hair and green eyes that glowered in defiance stood before us, the throne occupied by silver and white, as the green eyes rain hellfire down upon our beloved kingdom. If one dies, the other brings an even greater despair, ending the existence of all."

The Demons Believe:

"A silver and pink light will show us the way, bringing forth with them cheers and joy. Their throne occupied for the demons, allowing freedom for all. If one dies, the other brings an even greater despair, ending the existence of all."

I write these according to what my familiar, who goes by the name Iban, believes may happen. He desires for this to be passed on to the next generation, as we await our final king."

I stare at the paper a bit more, my eyes scrunching up in confusion. I even flipped it over, wondering exactly what Iban was meaning by showing me this. My heart pounded in response and confusion caused my brain to spin.

"What? What is this?" I asked, a little breathlessly, looking over at Iban. Iban was completely serious, his face devoid of emotion as he watched me.

"Your prophecy."


Hey guys! Saph here! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as we finally get to read the prophecies! I was super excited to write this and I hope you enjoy it!

I just want to state that I am now back in school so it will be a little bit harder for me to keep up with updates, but we are (sadly) nearing the end of the story (meaning at least 10 more chapters) so, hopefully, I'll be able to provide you guys with more content! 

I still had so much more to say, but I thought this chapter was already long enough. Sorry if nothing makes sense, I plan to revise it at some point in the future, but for now, please accept this!

As always, don't forget to tell me how I'm doing and thank you all for reading! Stay safe and see you next time!

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