Ben 10 Academia(Ben 10 X MHA)

By Fluffyplatypus25

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ahem.... It started when an alien device did what it did And stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it... More

2||The Exam
3||Results/Apprehension Test
4||Battle Trial
5||USJ Pt. 1
6||USJ pt. 2
7||Sports festival Begins
8||Sports Festival 2: Electric Boogaloo
9||Ben Tennyson Vs Mina Ashido
10||Ben vs Tokoyami
poll thing
11||Ben Vs Bakugo
12||Hero names
14||Ghosts of the Past
15||Exam prep
17||Rats Mall
Fanmade Alien Poll
18||Two Heroes pt. 1
19||Two heroes Pt. 2
20||Two Heroes pt.3
21||Two Heroes pt.4
24||Doctor's orders
25||Mutants! Mutant! Oh My!
27||All for one
28||The Symbol of Peace
29||The dorms
30||Super Moves
31||License Exam pt. 1
32||Licence Exam Pt. 2
33||License exam Pt. 3
34||License Exam Pt. 4
35||Mama Mirio here i go reusing jokes
37||Save the last dance
38||Work Study 2: Overused Joke Boogaloo
39||Unpleasant talk
42||Crazy bench
43||Echoes of Overhaul
44||Infinite Control
47||Tea Time
47.5||Late unfinished April fools ig
48||Starting to run outta titles
49||Bakualbum Gently weeps
50||Ben 10 VS Gentle criminal
51||Let it flow! School festival!
52||New Threats
53||Ben babysits Eri and nothing bad happens
54||The Imposter
55||The New Recruit
56||My Albedo Academia
57||Revival Party
58||Albedo: Origins
60||Old Enemies
61||Heroes rising pt. 1
62|| Heroes rising Pt. 2
63||Heroes rising pt. 3
64||All hands on deck
65||Joint Training
69||I swear if someone says a lewd joke--
70||a Very Ben 10 Christmas
73||Endeavour agency
74||One thing at a time
75||The hellish Todorokis
poll thing 2: Age of Ultron
77||THis Fffire
77.5||Wildmutt's secret
78||World's Mission Pt. 1
79||World's mission pt. 2
80||Worlds Mission pt.3
81||World's Mission Pt. 4
82||World mission Pt.5
83||World's Mission Pt. 6
84||Freaks and Geeks
85||Albedo and the Beast
85.5||Trivia 2
86||The Future Speaks Pt.1
87||The Future speaks Pt. 2
88||The Future Speaks pt.3
89||The Future Speaks pt.4
90||The High, Deep Blue sky
91||Calm before the Storm
91.5||Future Playlists
92||A quiet Beginning
93||Mirko, The no. 5 Hero
94||One's Justice
95|| Kevin 11
96||He'll Never fade away
98||The Thrill of destruction
100||Disaster Walker
101||League of villains vs. UA students
102.5|| April fools 2023
102||Ben Vs Albedo
103||The lesser of two evils

13||Work study

4.2K 79 59
By Fluffyplatypus25

Hawk's office is rather smaller than Ben was expecting

It's bigger than his house but still

at least Tokoyami's also here so at least Ben knows someone

the majority of the work study is fairly boring

Hawks usually ends up wrapping up any incidents solo and doesn't really "Teach"

at least he's able to watch Hawks for aerial manuvers he can try with stinkfly later

most of the time he just asks if Ben can turn into a bird

and the answer is always "No. not currently."

don't get him wrong Hawks is an amazing Hero and Ben enjoys being able to work under him

it's just he's more of an actions kind of guy

not really that good for teaching.

maybe he should have taken the internship with endeavour....

might have been a little more "Fun"

even the time he has before that isn't that exciting

very few people recognize him from the sports festival despite getting 3rd place

most people remember "Brown-haired kid", "Grassmancer", "Crystalskull", "Rollabout", "Dog-nabbit", "Goop", "Fireface", and "Freaky thing with lots of eyes"

by the way all those names? absolutely Terrible....

he's not saying "Eye Guy" is any better but still

at least they remembered Goop's name though

later that night Ben is taking the train

he's watching a promo for the next Sumo slammers movie

SUMO SLAMMERS: Kenko's Vengeance

there's just something charming about an overweight dude fighting a shape shifting Imp.

some people say the reboot sucks but season 2 onward along with the movie "Sumo slammer into the cinema" are actually pretty decent

do they still capitalize on merchandise? obviously, but so did the original

"Ulti-Sumo" isn't that different from "Sumo-Kix" or "Sumo-naut"

was Ulti-Sumo better? yeah.

but at the end of the day they're both just ways to convince kids to buy toys and video games

and Ben isn't complaining.

But yeah the Reboot is lacking in animation compared to the other series though--

before Ben can break the fourth wall anymore the train begins rumbling as it grinds to a halt.

civilians rush from the cars behind Ben's

apparently someone or something smashed a pro hero through the train and another is currently fighting it.

Ben is ushered with the rest of the crowd to the emergency exit allowing them to flee the situation.

obviously Ben ditches them the first chance he gets unseen

he sneaks toward the commotion until he comes across an entire block on fire, pro heroes fighting off nomu while also trying to evacuate the area

Now protocol dictates Ben should evacuate as well and not engage on top of that he could risk expulsion if he were to use his quirk without a license

but number one: the Omnitrix isn't a quirk... so legal loophole...

and Number two: when has protocol ever stopped Ben from doing what's right.

he hasn't been caught so far and he doesn't plan to anytime soon

on top of that he doesn't even have to "Fight" he can help with the fires

"Stinkfly or Goop could extinguish the flames with their slime."

as he activates the omnitrix Ben realizes he's going to probably just get a random one

but at least he can try NOT to get some aliens

"Please not Ripjaws or Wildvine!!!" Ben says closing his eyes slamming down transforming

"Okay.... yeah...." he groans. "Plant guy Plus fire probably isn't a good mix..."

but before he can even think of trying to change back a Nomu tackles him into the wall

"A little hansy aren't you." our hero exclaims as he crashes through a wall listing off super durability as a power

the Nomu snarls before attacking again locking hands with him as they wrestle inside the burning building.

"Here's hoping this one's similar to wildvine." he mumbles as his legs turn as thick as tree stumps anchoring him to the ground and allowing him to push back against the nomu leaving the building through the hole created by the initial attack

this one is nowhere near the level of power the Nomu at the USJ was allowing our Heroic Herb to gain the advantage and toss the nomu off of him.

the creature smashes into a nearby pole leaving a dent in the metal

"At least this guy has some super strength." the Greenguy sighs. "But what am I going to do about the fires?"

he scratches his head trying to brainstorm as he fiddles with protrusions on his shoulder

suddenly a few break off as Ben panics for a second before realizing

"These look a lot like Wildvine's buds." he thinks to himself

he throws a few into the cracks of the Concrete as vines sprout wrapping around a building smothering the flames with their girth

(I just like the idea of Ben using his mastery of past aliens to get the gist of new ones)

"I redact my previous statement." he admits plucking off more to extinguish other buildings.

Suddenly a Nomu charges our hero screeching as semi-instinctively Methane begins to emanate from the plantman's hands

suddenly his hands catch on fire as he unleashes an inferno upon the Nomu blasting it back.

"Alright then!" he Smirks. "Plantguy shoots fire... Good to know."

his nose(Or whatever would constitute as one in this form) begins twitching as he sniffs his palms

he didn't notice it until now.

with the fires and nomu and all.

"Ew..." he retches. "I smell horrible! it's like a bog or a swamp or something..."

as he's distracted another Nomu gets the jump on his slashing into his body before ripping his arm clean off

the limb falls to the ground as the alien shoots the Nomu back with a fireblast using his remaining hand

"Maybe I could turn into goop to regrow a limb." he worries looking at his separated appendage.

but his worries are soon brushed aside as a vine protrudes from his severed arm connecting to his stump and reeling itself back into place.

"Well that's certainly going to be HANDY." The plantman chuckles testing the feeling in his fingers.

he clenches his reattached arm and swings it through the air preparing to get into a fist fight with the Nomu

"Hmm.... I didn't really put too much thought into my last two aliens.... so how about I call this one..... SWAMPFIRE."

he turns to the nomu

"What do you think? it kinda has a ring to it right?" he asks before igniting his hands

the Nomu responds with a spine tingling screech

using his now flaming fists to beat into the Nomu Swampfire tries to keep it away from any populated areas the pros are trying to evacuate.

"Can't regenerate that fast when I amp up the heat can you?" the methane man announces.

SWAMPFIRE: The Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Methanosian from Methanos, these stinky strikers can produce Methane from their palms to ignite into explosive fire attacks, on top of this they also possess Chlorokinesis being able to control plants along with their near unrivalled regeneration factor.

in the fight the Nomu punches a hole through Swampfire's torso leading him to dramatically act like he's an anime character coughing up blood.

the Nomu struggles to pull out as Swampfire grins ear to ear

"Got you!" he exclaims swinging his arms back before crashing them across the sides of its head discombobulating it before kicking it back

The nomu sent flying as the first Nomu manages to lunge at Swampfire grabbing his head and throwing him aside

The Nomu charges as Swampfire tries to fight back.

he accidentily sprays Mud in the Nomu's eyes causing it to lash out bisecting his opponent's head in half

"How much stuff can this guy Do?" Swampfire asks as his head sews itself back together.

eventually both end up punching each other across the street

The Nomu recovers first charging Swampfire only be tackled by Endeavour and killed

Kind of makes Ben regret not going with Endeavour

"Who are you?" he immedietly demands.

"The perks of a new alien means nobody is gonna recognize me." he thinks to himself

I mean people rarely recognize him wit his usual aliens but still....

before he can answer Endeavour interrupts.

"As long as you're here to help it doesn't matter." he says. "You seem to be able to extinguish the fires. You're going to help Manuel do so while we take care of everything else."

Swampfire nods plucking buds from his shoulders

using his vines and mud he manages to put out most of the fires

on top of that it appears Ben's initial skepticism of swampfire was unwarranted as he's resistant to fire.

after that he follows the heroes to an address endeavour gave them

there he finds his classmates with a retrained and unconscious Herokiller, stain

"Is that the hero killer?" the female hero questions

as the pro heroes call the police and an ambulance Midoriya's eyes glance at the omnitrix symbol on Swampfires chest.

confused he looks him in the eyes

"Wait..." Midoriya mutters "Be--"

Swampfire quickly puts his finger to his lips signalling Midoriya not to say his name

"The cops are on their way, you kids--" a hero begins before being interrupted by the beeping Omnitrix now flashing red.

"Oh will you look at the time!" Swampfire sweats backing away and looking at a non-existent watch. "I really should be going now."

suddenly he bolts off hoping Swampfire is just pyrokinetic wildvine and burrows into the ground to escape.

elsewhere two civilians cower in the child's park

the woman exclaims her fear as the man promises to always protect her

suddenly a flash of red light creates a human-sized lump in the ground

without warning an arm shoots out of the ground grabbing at the terrain to pull itself out

the darkness obscures the dirt covered figure as it groans limping toward the two

"It's a Z-Z-ZOMBIE!!!" the man screams as he grabs the girls hand and runs away

the moonlight breaks through the trees revealing it's Ben having reverted back just 2 inches away from resurfacing as swampfire.

"Well..." Ben coughs gasping for air. "I've certainly had better ideas..."

he looks at his filthy clothes just happy he wasn't wearing his lucky white and black shirt...

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