The Zulu Maiden

By ndlovukazi3

29K 1.7K 111

Liz is a black South African female, living her life and minding her own business. She's not looking for lov... More

The Zulu Maiden
chapter 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 20


942 77 3
By ndlovukazi3

Later that same evening Jason's parents came by to discuss funeral arrangements. Liz tried to leave so they could have their discussion in private. Surprisingly it was his mother that asked her to stay. Liz sat down with them though she had no idea why because she was not part of the family.

Mrs Jones started talking about how her sisters and their children were coming to stay at Jason's house until after the funeral. She said she was sorry that she hadn't asked for his permission but she already had Mr Jones's family in her house and she didn't want to send her family to a hotel. Jason said it was fine but where would all these peopl sleep?.
" My sister's,  Mary and Martha won't mind sharing a room." Mrs Jones said.
"Lisa, Mary's daughter will stay in the other guest room, next to the nursery.  The last time I was here I noticed that you have one of those pull out couches in the nursery. We can make that up for Leo, Martha's son to use."
"And where will the baby sleep?" Jason asked. "We'll move the crib to your room." His mother answered.
"Well" Liz said. "You've given my room away, so does that mean I get to go home for the week?"
"Goodness, no my dear. You will share Jason's room" she said with a straight face, making Liz's mouth drop open in shock as she patted Jason's back since he seemed to be choking on fresh air. When he had recovered and wiped the tears in his eyes from all the coughing, he asked his mother what on earth she was talking about.

"Let me explain" she said calmly. "And I need you to listen with an open mind, both of you." She said looking from Jason to Liz and back again.

"I haven't told the family or anyone else that Stacy has a baby." She said.
"What? So you're just going to reject your grandchild?" Jason asked angrily
No, no I'm not. I've told them that I have my first grandchild. I just didn't tell them that it was Stacy's."
"Why not?" Jason asked confused
"The family always thought of Stacy as my baby girl, my little angel. I don't want to tarnish that image but telling them she had a child out of wedlock."
"So your solution is to hide the baby. A living, breathing human who's growing bigger by the day. How do you plan on doing that mom?" Jason asked. His mom squeezed his hand.
"That's where you come in. I told everyone that this is your baby."
"But mom, you just said you don't want people knowing that your child had a child out of wedlock. Well news flash, I'm not married either. Or am I not your child?"
"Ofcourse you are darling" she said patting his hand. "But society isn't as strict with boys as it is with girls."
"So all this is because of what your friends at the country club are going to think of you? Really mom?" Jason was getting angrier by the minute.

"Listen, when your sister passed away, she and I where not in a good place. I just want to earn her forgiveness by honouring her memory." Liz had been quiet through out this discussion. She couldn't keep quite any more. "Sorry to interrupt and I know it's none of my business but since you asked me to be part of this discussion I have a few questions. Well actually it's just two questions."
"Go ahead and ask" said Mrs Jones
"First one: how do you honour your daughter by denying the very thing she loved above all else in this world?
"I'm not denying the baby, I'm accepting her as my grandchild. Just under this one condition"  she said in a shaking voice. Liz rolled her eyes. This woman's logic was beyond her. She looked at Jason and he just shook his head. He was clearly just as confused as she was. "Okay, second question: where do I fit in in all of these. Why am I still here?"

"One look at this baby and everyone will now she's mixed so I need you to pretend to be the baby's mother." She said all in one breath. There was silence for a good five minutes as Jason and Liz stared at each other and the looked at his mother like she was crazy. "Hear me out" she said before either of them could say a would.
"You love this baby right?" She asked Liz. Who nodded her head since she still couldn't find her voice. "So it wouldn't be so hard to pretend to be her mother. My family's only going to be here for a week. You just have to pretend to be her mother and Jason's girlfriend for one week." She said like it was the most normal thing on earth. Liz was dumbfounded. This was 'some white people shit' as Sam would say. Just last week this woman couldn't stand to be in the same room as her. Now she was practically marrying her off to her son. What on earth was she on? Liz looked at Jason to find him as wide eyed as she was. Well at least I'm not the only one who thinks this woman needs help Liz thought. "Mom, are you serious right now?"
"Come on Jason I'm not asking you to marry the girl. Just sleep in the same room. She on the bed, you on the floor, for just one week."
"Listen" she said grabbing Liz's hand. "Jason told me how you are renovating your mother's house. If you do this for me, I'll finish off your mother's house for you. Whatever still needs to be done. I'll do it. I'll buy the materials and pay the builders. Everything you want. Liz was shocked  "Are you serious?"
"Very much so"
Liz thought about it. If Mrs Jones paid for the renovations, the house would be finished a lot faster than she had planned. If Mrs Jones was paying that meant her next pay check could go straight into her savings. And she would be doing exactly what she'd been doing all along except she'd be sleeping in a different room.

"Fine" she said at last letting out a deep breath.
"You'll do it?" Mrs Jones was excited.
"On one condition. You spend time with your grandchild. Get to know her." Liz said looking at Jason who still looked stunned.
"Ofcourse I'll do that. Thank you so much." She said shocking Liz once more by giving her a warm hug.
"Last question: who will be cooking and cleaning when your sisters are here?" Liz was not looking to add 'maid' on top of 'girlfriend', 'baby momma' and 'nanny'.  "Don't worry about that. My sister Mary will take over the kitchen as soon as she gets here, and Martha is a bit OCD so this house will be sparkling the whole week. All you have to do is look after the baby." Mrs Jones informed her.

"Now that we have sorted that out, Jason go get your father so we can start setting up the rooms. Your aunts arrive tomorrow." She said has she went to look at the guest rooms.

Jason turned to Liz and asked her if she was sure about doing this. "I'm not sure at all, but it's for the baby right?. So let's do it for her. It's only a week anyway. What's the worst that could happen?"
She stared at her for a while until she started feeling uncomfortable. "What?"
"You're amazing you know that?" He asked giving her a hug and embarrassing her even more. She pulled away and said she was going to the nursery. "Your dad's there with Lu. I'll send to you so you'll  can start moving furniture." Jason laughed. "I didn't even notice that he wasn't in this so called meeting. He always said the best way to deal with mom was to avoid her. He seems to have mastered the skill." Liz laughed all the way to the nursery.

She found Lu and her grandpa playing on the carpet. "Time for this little once bath" she said. "Your wife wants you help for furniture."
"You actually agreed to her plan?" He asked. Liz raised her eyebrows "so you knew about?"
"Yes, she told me about. I personally don't give a damn what people think, but my wife has always been a people pleaser." He said.  "Well she made me a deal I couldn't refuse".
"Your mother's house?"
"You know you don't have to do this right? You can say no"
"I know, but I'm doing it for Lu as well, so I'll see it through."
"That's more than my wife deserves after the way she treated you. Thank you. I better go and help before she sends a search party."  He said getting up from the floor.

Liz gave Lu a bath and feed her than put her to bed. She then cleaned up the nursery and started moving the smaller things that were easy to carry into Jason's room. Jason made space in his cupboards for Liz's things. Luckily she hadn't brought a lot with her.

By the time Jason's parents left all the rooms were set up and awaiting their guests. It was late so Liz went to bed. Jason said he had some work to catch up on. When got to his room found Liz fast asleep. He looked into the cot and saw that Lu was also fast asleep. There were blankets and pillows on the floor ready for him. He got his laptop out and sat on the bed next to Liz and started working.

Next morning they were woken up by loud knocking. Liz tried to get up but there was an arm wrapped around her middle. It only got tighter each time she tried to move. "Jason"
"What are you doing?" Liz asked
"Trying to sleep" he said, pulling her closer and snuggling his face into her shoulder. "Jason!"
"You're supposed to be on the floor, remember." She said pushing him away. Jason finally woke up to realise where he was and who he was cuddling. "I was working" he said, pointing at his laptop at the foot of the bed. "I guess I fell asleep" he said looking anywhere besides Liz.
"Anyway it's still early so I'm going back to sleep." He said pulling the covers over his head. "Jason!" Liz called, pulling the covers away from him. "There's someone at the door"
"What? Who's knocking at the door this early?"
"I don't know but they've been knocking for a while now" She said, as she got up to check on Lu who was crying in the cot. "You'd better go and check before they break the door down" Liz said, as she turned around with the baby in her arms. Jason was just standing there staring at her open mouthed. "Jason!" She said waving her hand in front of his face. "The door." He shook his head, closed his mouth and cleared his throat. "Uhmm, yeah, right, the door" he said not moving. Liz rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll do it myself." She said walking out.
Jason watched her walk out. Man this woman is gorgeous he thought. And that body in those PJ's. Wow!! He suddenly remembered why she'd walked out. This was his house. He should be opening the door. What if it was thug trying to get in. Do thugs knock though? He asked himself. "Liz wait" he called running after her. He caught up with her at the door.

He pulled her behind him and opened the door. "Well it's about time" his cousin Leo said. He was standing outside with cousin Lisa as well as both aunt Mary and Martha.

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