Childe x Reader

By RazorFan4Life

84K 1.2K 1.6K

You're down bad aren't you 🀨🀨🀨🀨 (This is not childe x Lumine/Aether, it is childe x whoever is reading th... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2-
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~

~Chapter 15~

1.6K 34 31
By RazorFan4Life

       Your eyes open slightly as light beams through your eyes waking you up even more. Immediately you rub your eyes with your hand yawning as you sit up from your laying down position. Stretching your arms you look around the room. Wheres Childe? The absence of the ginger startled you as you got up from the bed walking to the kitchen. You look around the house trying to find him but he was no where. Shrugging it off you walk to the kitchen, a floorboard creeping under you. Grabbing small food from the kitchen you swallow it down heading back to your room. You fall back onto your bed staring at the ceiling still chewing on left over food looking over at the closet, it was half empty. You stand up walking to the closet as you look closer. All of Childes clothing where gone. Confused you head to the bathroom to freshen up thinking about Childes missing clothing. Grabbing your tooth brush the cup caught your eyes. Childes toothbrush was gone. You panic looking around the bathroom seeing Childes toiletries are all gone. Rushing out of the bathroom you look for more of his things finding none. Tears filled your eyes as you spin in a circle around your living room. Childe is gone. Running out of the door in the streets barefoot hearing the slap of your feet hitting the pavement. Not looking where you where going you tumble to the ground with a thud as your hands have a burning feeling. You look up teary eyed at the thing you ran into hands out their hand.
     "OMG Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" The person picks you up setting you down on a chair nearby as more people come up. The person who carried you wiped your tears clearing your vision. It was Jean... and your friends. Crumbling into a breakdown tears cascade down your face as you shrink into a ball. Everybody around you had a worried expression.
    "Y/N what's wrong dear?" Lisa asked kneeling down in front of you moving Jean away. Words couldn't properly come out as you created only a few mere words sobbing
    "H-h-es.... G-g-g-gone" letting out a sob at the end everyone only seemed to question you more.
   "Who's he?" Was everybody asked making you panic you try getting up until Jean pushed you down holding you a cup of water. Refusing the cup Jean pushed it harder towards you until you took it and drank it. Feeling your throat cleared you spoke more still having hiccups
   "He.... He is gone" everybody looked at you confused until you said his name under your breath "Childe." Everybody looked confused except Kaeye. He frowned at you almost towering over the whole group as he caught your eyes immediately looking away. Clenching your fists on the chair you finally spoke more
    "I think... I think my... fiancé... left me" a frown spread on your face as everybody else's where speechless. Nobody spoke for a minute until Kaeye spoke
    "F-fiancé?" His jaw was on the floor "I thought he was just your boyfriend?" Everybody averted their heads to Kaeye
   "you knew about this!?" Jean yelled at Kaeye as he shrugged nodding as amber blurted in.
"I mean I kind of did too, I just never met him." Everybody gasped as they turned to you with almost a mad expression.
   "You never told us you had a boyfriend.. hmm or I guess fiancé" Lisa blurted out fidgeting with her gloves as looked at the floor nodding in silence. Taking a sip of water Lisa grabbing your hand pulling you up as everybody pulled you to somewhere. Pulling you up some stairs you where at your house. Everyone brought you indoors placing you on the couch quickly interrogating you.
    "Who's Childe? Is he a good person? He's not a douche bag is he?" Lisa asked in a stern voice pointing at you slamming the floor with her heels. Jean butted in
     "Where did you meet Childe? Do you know why he left? You haven't had sex have you?" In the corner of your eye amber silently hissed at the question. Jean bent over slightly above you as Lisa did. They both asked question as you didn't give any answers until amber got tired off it
    "Guys please shut up now, Y/Ns not answering anyways so why should we ask them so many questions. They just want to find Childe." A sparkle gleamed in jeans eye as a "Perfect plan" was in her head. She pushed everybody out the door slamming it shut. They didn't even say a goodbye. You felt emotionless on the couch as you fell over on your side still thinking about Childe. Where was he. You stood up from sulking walking to the kitchen to binge on something until something was in front of you. A letter. Quickly opening it you read it out loud to yourself.
       I am truly sorry my beloved, something came up with work and I will be gone for... a few years. I will be leaving Liyue harbor at 19:30 tonight if you want to say farewell if you even read this on time. I love you and I hope to officially marry you soon my dearest. Rest assured when I come back I will kiss you like it's our first time, creating butterflies in both of us. Time will stop when we see each other when I get back as both of our hearts race. I hope time will pass quickly my love but until then, I hope our memories together will never be forgotten.
                                                                 -love, Childe
       Your heart breaks into pieces as you read the letter as tears fill your eyes again. Tears fell to the paper slightly smudging the ink. Dropping the paper you get into proper clothing rushing grabbing a few things leaving the door quickly to Liyue. You couldn't let Childe go.

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