~Chapter 18~

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The feeling was satisfying as Kaeyes tongue swirled around in your mouth while still gripping onto your thighs. Everything felt great at the time but a burden grew in your heart as you consented to this dirty deed with Kaeya. You moved away from Kaeye as he smiles asking for more but you refused getting off, Kaeye getting angry.
"Why are you leaving honey?" You looked at him quickly hearing him call you honey. Only Childe could do that.
"Don't call me that." You striked back with a tone in your voice startling Kaeye. You painfully make your way to the bathroom barely making it as you slam the door alarming Kaeye. You fall the bathroom floor making a thud as you lay on it staring at the ceiling. Overwhelming emotion startled you as thoughts of Childe invaded your head, tears stinging your eyes. You couldn't handle yourself  without Childe. He made you feel good inside when nothing else could help. Everything turned into a blur as you though of Childe return from Snezhnaya until you heard a knock at the bathroom door. Sitting up you talking with an annoyed voice at the knocker.
    "Hey, Y/N. I'm gonna get dinner, do you want anything specific?" Kaeye asked on the other side of the door with a monotone voice. You sit up on your knees opening the door slightly so Kaeye could see your face as you shake your head. Kaeye nodded gently kissing your face quickly as he left the door not saying anything after it. You crawl out of the bathroom like a baby to the bed as you lay on it waiting. Time somehow stopped as minutes felt like hours, you checked your clock constantly noticing the hands almost not move at all. You throw your watch on the bed with a gentle throw wining quietly waiting for Kaeye to bring back food. Look out the window from the bed at the sun turning the sky orange as the slight blue faded into almost nothing before your eyes. Boredom overtook you as Kaeye didn't return, you decided looking around the room could suffice your need for entertainment. Checking the room thoroughly in every corner of the large room everything ended back the same. Massaging the pain in your feet you fall onto the bed as your feet ached in bandages until the pain slowly disappeared. You stare back at the ceiling as you eyes couldnt bare the heaviness of your eyelids until they closed shut.
         An opening door woke you from your sudden nap as you sat up rubbing your eyes yawning. Kaeye excitedly walked in with two plates of food in his hand as he placed them on the small table in your room. His happy walk turned into a gentle walk as he sat next to you on the bed placing his hand on your head petting it softly as you woke up slowly.
      "Did you fall asleep while I was gone?" He gave out a chuckle kissing your cheek with a smile as he got up pulling you with him. Sitting you down at the table he slides you over your food as you quickly grab it smelling the aroma of Liyue food, the food you craved ever since you left. You eagerly grab a spoonful tasting the spiciness of the dish as you filled with glee. Mondstat foods blandness could never compare to Liyues spice filled dishes. You almost teared up from the delicious  taste of the food, you mouth watering even with the food in your mouth. Kaeye looked at you with a grin seeing that you like the food as he slowly took small bites of his food cherishing the tastes as well. Eating the last bits of your food you layed back in your chair patting your stomach as it was filled with delicious food. Kaeye finished his not short after yours as he stacked both of your plates getting up.
     "Okay sweety, I'm going to return these. Don't have too much fun while I'm gone." Kaeye sarcastically snickered leaving the room and you weren't faded by the nickname as it passed over your head. Jumping onto the bed landing on the pillows you felt happy after eating your homes delicacies. You heard the door open behind you as Kaeye came back less energetic before as he face planted into the sheets next to you. He raised his arm wrapping it around you forcefully pulling you towards him. You push his arms trying to grab his attention.
      "Kaeye, Kaeye, Kaeye, kaeye, kaeye." He finally groaned with a 'what' as you finally continued on with your talking
     "We should get changed before we sleep kaeye." You kept poking his arm until he got up from bed taking of his shirt as he grabbed pants from his bag. You plushed a tad as you saw his scarred chest. Kaeye threw you a shirt at you without warning you it hit your face. He laughed a little.
    "You should change in this instead of wearing your normal clothing to sleep." You nod getting up until kaeye looked at you confused
   "Where are you going?" You look back at him holding up his shirt
    "To change?" You looked at him confused as he frowned a tad
    "I just thought you where going to change here, I mean like I won't look." Kaeye insisted till you ignored his requests closing the bathroom door. Stripping of your clothing you slide on Kaeyes shirt as his smell filled you nose. Leaving the bathroom with your dirty clothes in hand you throw them on the floor, Kaeye picking them up and putting them on the table. You crawled into the bed warmed with the sheets and Kaeye shirt until Kaeye joined in making you extra cozy.

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