~Chapter 13~

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    The white walls of the room panicked you as you rethought your life choices. The door opens as a tall women appears as she sits in front of you quietly making no words. She gives a slight cough before she opens her mouth.
     "Are you sure you want to do this, after this there is no turning back. You've read the after affects of this correct?" The nurse gripped onto a clip board as she awaited your answer the be sure. You nod your head confidently as she wrote on the clipboard. The nurse explained everything to you about what's happening. The nurse stood up leaving the room, the heels from her shoes clacking all the way out. You let out a few breathes calming yourself before one of the biggest changes happen in your life. The door opens wide as a few nurses walked in holding multiple utensils in their hands as they placed them down. A head nurse asked a few personal questions about you before a mask covered your face. Everything went dark a few seconds later as everything around disappeared in mere seconds.
        You dazzily wake up having the feeling of cramps . Everything around you spins into place as you stabilize every feeling. A doctor softly walked towards your bed holding a paper cup of a liquid.  The nurse brightly smiles handing the cup telling you too drink up ass she explained everything that happened  as you take sips gripping the sheets from the pain of cramps.
     "Just wait here for 5 minutes and we'll come back to check and your free to go!" The nurse smiles comforting you as the door closes shut leaving you and your thoughts alone. You did it. The fear on your  face  grew as you thought of Childes feelings. He would be sad yes but what would he do. As you though the same nurse came back holding another clipboard. She asked multiple questions of how you felt after the events as you answered with no emotions. The nurse lead you out of the cathedral helping you down the stairs telling you things to be careful of after what just happened. You nod agreeing to everything she said until you where on your own. You walked down the streets feeling a piece of you missing. The vendors on the street completely passed your train of thought as you ignored their conversations and questions. That's when the time came, to talk to Childe. You walked to the front door of your house feeling a burden on your back. The door opened wide before you grabbed onto the handle, it was Childe.
    "So what did you do?" You walked past him making not much noise as Childe bombards you with questions "what happened!" "Are you okay?" "What choice did you make!" Every question annoyed you as you fell on your bed full force as the bed creaked. That's when you finally told him.
     "Childe, I got the abortion." Your words answered every one of Childes question as he sat close to you on the bed rubbing your back. You look up at him seeing a frown upon his face
    "I'm glad you made a decision honey." Childe lifted you up into his arms as he landed on the bed with you on top.  Kissing your head multiple times you giggled until he stopped unexpectedly. You look up confused with him until Childe turned you both over with him on top. Childe bit his lip on top of you as his hands where on top of yours intertwined with your fingers. Lust grew between you both as you both know it probably wasn't the right time to do this. Childe sloppily kisses you tongue involved, you kissing back. Childe slowly descending kissing and nipping at spots making you hiss out of enjoyment. Everything seemed limitless at this moment but something in you stopped. You gently pushed Childe off trying not to hurt him. Something came over you. You don't know what, maybe guilt or unsatisfaction. Childe stopping wondering if he made you uncomfortable pulling away.
     "You good?" he moved off next to your legs distancing from you. You felt embarrassed by your actions as you got up from the bed to the bathroom locking the door. What did you do. You close the toilet lid as you sit down crossing your legs. Why did you do that. Blushing from embarrassment you close your eyes leaning on the toilet tank. You sigh standing  back up going to the mirror. Turning on the faucet you wash your face from the blush until the mirror caught your eyes. There you where. A blushing mess. You hated yourself. Turning off the faucet you hesitate leaving the bathroom until you turn the door knob unconsciously. Childe looks up from the floor he was starting at with a worried face.
     "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, it's my fault." He scratches the back of his neck blushing a bit. You sit next to him until you get up again sitting on his lap. You frown leaning your head on his shoulder closing your eyes.
     "I'm sorry, I just feel weird after the abortion."

Childe x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें