The Possessive Royalty And Th...

By iceheartgoldsmile

19.2K 585 543

"The Zillard Kingdom, of the Wolf and fox people are to have you. You, the first born. Noone can assure your... More



1.8K 65 106
By iceheartgoldsmile

A new servant entered now, I watched them, unable to see their face. I peaked further out of my hiding spot to watch him pick up the king's plate of steaming food. Other servants and cooks were either sitting down and talking, preparing something to be slowly roasted or leaving the kitchen entirely.

I watched the servant with the king's plate walk away, quietly I moved to follow them, Maybe they can even drop a single pea from the plate and I'll be eternally grateful.

Just one, just one! Ow!

I collided heavily with the door as it closed on me, my stubby legs making me to slow to keep up with him. I hissed my anger at the door and walked my way to the bench, watching something slowly roast, possibly beef.

I sat and stared longingly as it spun slowly over a flame, coal sparking and glowing red. The bricks stained with soot, the floor, though swept had a fresh layer of soot settling onto the floor.

I stretched and relaxed near the heat, listening as the meat began to faintly crackle as it roasted.

Maybe if I'm good, a servant will give me some. This warmth is nice, maybe I should get my energy back.

Brown eyes watched me, seeming to burst into flames as I turned and ran, calling for mum, calling for dad. Anybody.

I ran into a shrinking tunnel, begging and pleading for help. Feet thundered after me, making me move faster. Invisible branches slapping me in the face, invisible bushes scratching my legs.

At the end of the tunnel blue eyes watched, I tried turning away, diving into an impossibly smaller hole, shrinking, shrinking.

I called out louder as the hole began to tighten around me. I struggled desperately as the tunnel turned into hands. Sharp teeth bore down on me, no.

No please.

I want to live, I'm only 16.

"This hurts me to do" echoed my father's voice, lowering me, sharp teeth snapping up at me from different mouths.


I shot awake, looking around in terror for any teeth. No, only a broom being gently pushed against me, possibly in an attempt to wake me.

"Ah, she's alive! I was worried we'd have to tell the prince we let her die" joked a servant, I backed away nervously, spitting out a hiss before scrambling to my hiding spot.

"Thing was making enough noise, probably dreaming about having some actual fun, that's what I need in my life" huffed someone else. I sat under the spice rack, shivering from the dream, well nightmare.

"Come on you gas baggers, time to start making dinner, the meats nearly finished as are the potatoes, hurry up" ushered a cook, I watched her curiously as she hurried everyone to their feet, the room was suddenly flaring to life.

More cooks came in and servants were grabbing utensils from drawers. I moved slowly out of my hiding spot, hopefully I'll be out of the way. From this angle everything seemed much more intense.

Feet marching past, food sputtering and boiling. Sweet smells filled my sensitive nose and the world became much to loud and confusing.

Dizzy and scared I stumbled around, looking for a quiet spot, their chatter flooding my ears as one solid loud noise. I mewled as pressure hit me.

"Oh no, I nearly stepped on their cat!" Gasped a voice from above me. I stumbled more, trying to escape. I stumbled into a quiet corner, surrounded by sacks of food.

I ducked down and hid away, waiting for the sounds to go away. I'm stuck, I concentrated on breathing, shoving away memories, still feeling remnants of saliva on my soot covered body. My white and grey fur turning black and grey.

It was a miracle when silence filled the room, my breathing tactic working surprisingly well. I slowly crept out and smelt around, hoping someone had dropped some food.

Gross, I'm really prepared to eat floor food. The thought making me want to gag.


They'd swept up any mess, possibly to keep the true rats from coming in here.

I sulked around, the room large and boring. The floor cold on my paws, it's already dinner and I'm in a kitchen with no food to eat.

No one is in here, maybe I can sneakily transform and grab something.

Surely he won't notice.


I licked my lips and gazed at the food cupboard, possibly filled with bread, jam and other delightful dry storage stuff. With a short pain I stood bigger. The kitchen smaller and more homely at this angle, no food left on the clean benches.

I reached for the cupboard door handle, my stomach rumbling its own excitement. The handle warm from constantly being used. I swung the delicate brown wooden door and stared in unbridled excitement.

Why am I crying? Tears slowly spilled out of my eyes and leaked down my cheeks. I stared at the bread, cheese, jam, and so many more things that I can't even name.

"What's going on in there?" Called a new voice, I squeaked as I heard the main door open. With slight pain, I shrunk and sat watching him, meowing for good measure.

A guard? He put a guard there so I wouldn't transform and run off in the night? This is no good.

He quietly approached me, I backed away. Moving back to the spice rack, not wanting to deal with a guard.

"The prince should have ensured you wouldn't shift, don't see why he didn't" huffed the guard, shutting the cupboard, my heart shattering as it banged shut.

Danny could have, that's true, all he needs to do is hurt me, even a little and I'll be unable to shift until it heals.  Judging by how Kendall easily shifted, he must have reopened his cuts from shifting to quickly in succession.

One shift would have been fine for cuts so small, but two so quickly would have made him bleed.

"Hey cat, why don't we!" Laughed the guard, I hadn't been paying attention, having been to busy thinking about Kendall's scratches.

I lowered to the ground and watched him carefully. Why don't we what?

"One small cut won't be that bad" chuckled the guard. I hissed at him and backed far under the spice rack. Even if he's joking, I don't like strangers making those jokes while I'm so fragile and small.

Actually I don't like those jokes at any size!

His grubby hand appeared before me, I hissed and growled. Being in this kitchen and not eating may be my punishment, but this grubby arsehole isn't apart of that!

I pressed heavily against the back wall and moved to try and run out through the side, my movements clumsy.

I yowled in terror, his grip pinning me to the hard and cold floor.

"What are you doing to the Prince's cat?" Demanded a loud voice, one of the cooks, I recognise her. She got everyone to start cooking dinner.

"Just trying to help him out, making the punishment easier to do" added the guard, I writhed in his hands and managed to wriggle free while he was distracted, bounding for the potatoes.

"Hey!" Suddenly shouted the guard, his heavy and loud steps easily catching up to me. I cried out pitifully as I no longer felt floor beneath my feet and a painfully harsh grip held me still.

"How do you plan on that? Prince Danny seemed fine with how he did it" demanded the cook again, she had an unhappy scowl on her face, her curly brown hair falling messily out of her ponytail.

"I'm just going to stop her shifting is all, I swear she shifted before and opened the cupboard. The prince will be fine with it" assured the guard, I cried out and grabbed onto him, trying to make him let me go.

I bit down hard, his grip loosening, yes! I shrieked as his grip quickly tightened harder.

"Ouch! That bloody hurt!" Shouted the guard.

"Put her down. I don't want to tell the prince what you're doing, but I will. You're hurting her already, I'm certain the prince wants to teach obedience, not just fear" huffed the cook, I was dropped easily onto the bench as the guard held his hand protectively.

I pressed myself against the firm surface and crawled backwards, seeing servants carrying in plates. They all stopped and stared in surprise as the cook glared down the hurt guard.

"Tell on me? I'm just making it more of a punishment, what, not eating for a day inside a kitchen of gas baggers is punishment? Ridiculous" grumbled the guard, I pressed against the still warm fire stove, unable to escape further.

"So what if I do? Prince Danny left her in my kitchen. Don't test me, even princess Chloe knows I am in charge of what goes on in my kitchen. Now sit outside as you were instructed. We have dishes to clean" warned the cook, clearly offended by the guards attitude towards the kitchen.

I ducked lower at a lazy swipe from the guard, watching him fearfully. He turned and left without anymore protest, though his face showed off his anger and wounded pride.

I turned my attention to the servants who piled the dishes along the bench. I waited nervously for one of them to grab me or put something down on me.

They quietly whispered, seeming surprised by the cooks or the guards attitude. Though judging now by her confidence and claiming of it being her kitchen, it seems she may be the head chef.

"Quit dawdling, I want these dishes clean, by yesterday!" Demanded the head chef, her watchful grey eyes keeping track of each servant.

Her confidence and strength made me want to be hugged by her, surely someone like her can protect me?

I relaxed slowly as I was left alone and ignored, much preferring this then being bullied and hurt. The room was a gentle rhythm of dishes being dunked, scrubbed, dried and stacked.

I lay down against the warm fire oven and watched. Soon every dish had been washed and dried, I yawned and settled my head comfortably on my paws.

Maybe if I'm good, Danny will personally make sure I eat, that would be lovely!

I stretched out and let my eyes flutter closed, just do my responsibility like Bea said, Danny wants me to be a good cat.

That's hard. How can I be good? I don't know many rules, and most are Chloe's. Am I just being set up to fail?

"Maya kitten? Let's move you to the floor now" hummed a gentle voice, I curled easily into the arms of the speaker.

"Can we give her something comfy to sleep on Miss Jayla? The floor seems so uncomfortable" spoke another gentle voice, I yawned tiredly and finally opened my eyes, lulled into safety by the voices.

No longer was there light in here, I guess the sun must have set. I looked around slowly for a window I'd never looked for, just to see one high up, easily missed.

The cold floor met my body and I sprang to my feet, staring up at Jayla in confusion. Why can't I stay on the bench?

"Yes, go grab an old potato sack, I'm sure that will be comfy enough" agreed Jayla, the other servant rushed around and grabbed an empty sack, placing it carefully in my hiding spot.

I watched in confusion, unsure why they were giving me anything at all. A push forced me to slowly walk towards the spice rack. I looked back at them before diving into the dark safety of the sack.

I could hear them whisper, yet no words were clear to me. I curled up tightly, trying to regain the solace of sleep.

As the kitchen door shut I managed to get warm and cosy, purring softly to relieve stress and to help myself heal from the bruises of being held to tight.

∆"Good, your a good cat. No eating, no drinking, no freedom, no breathing."

The world spun as the screaming grew louder, "not a good cat!! Dumb! Dumb and dead! Be dumb and dead!!"∆

I shot awake and scrambled from my sleeping spot, looking around anxiously. Cooks were walking around tiredly making breakfast. I sat wearily and watched.

Breakfast was quicker then dinner, it was almost upsetting watching them leave with such good food. I huffed and stood up, moving for the cellar, I haven't been there yet.

I slowly walked in, looking everywhere carefully, not wanting to meet a rat. I stared up at the hard to reach food storage, not wanting to risk shifting again.

I crept towards the basement door and sniffed at it curiously, it stunk of rat. Moving away from the door, I noticed something move.

I crouched and watched a tiny true mouse scurry along the ground, bounding along to one of the shelves.

'If you're so hungry hunt' that's what Kendall said, I watched the mouse. I slowly and quietly followed it, my desperation to eat demanding me to kill.

The mouse busied itself eating some crumbs squeaking occasionally. Food.

Kill! Kill! Kill! Eat!


It was all so quick, blinded by desperation I watched the life fade from the small creature. I stared in horror at what I'd done and moved away, the thought of eating it now making me sick.

How could I? I'm not a murderer!

I stared in horror, moving away quickly. I'm no hunter, what was I thinking!

I hid away and tried to control my breathing, disgust filling the very air I breathed. I peaked out. Oh. No.

A big true rat was devouring the dead mouse with ease, my feet wouldn't move, my mind blank.

Why is there a rat up here?

I slowly moved away, creeping along, behind the shelf and darting quietly away, deeper into the cellar, I huffed and looked around, examining the different foods while my stomach ached from hunger.

I stared at a hole in the floor by the far back corner, sniffing the air carefully, the smell of rats strong. Beady eyes stared at me. That must be their new nest, they're moving.


My feet are paralyzed I can't move. The rats are running at me. What do I do?


I yowled loudly and clumsily bounded away, feeling as if I had an entire army behind me, though I guess for the true rats, this is their army.

I shrieked as pain flared along my back as one bounced and landed on me, I writhed and clawed, until it's grip loosened enough for me to run erratically for the kitchen. The rats have me on their hit list now and they're not giving up.

I could feel their whiskers as they're moving in to bite, I scratched and clawed and bit to escape, blood now mingling with the soot and dirt on my fur.

"Get off her!" Shouted a loud voice, my body's lack of energy was becoming apparent as my attacks became weaker, I'm running off of nothing but willpower.

Rats are flying. I watch tiredly as rats crash into walls, scurrying back to their nest. My sore body falling into warm hands.

I mewl quietly, begging for help. The hands are bouncing and swaying erratically. I fall limp, unable to lift my tired body.

The room I'm in is familiar, I'm on a cold tray. I call for warmth again but noone is giving it to me, so I keep calling, maybe I just need, to sleep.

"Maya? Maya? You ok kitty?" Called a distant voice, I struggle to open my eyes and squint at a familiar face.


'Danny', instead of my voice, I just meow.

"Good, you're awake. Why didn't you tell me you were starving? My poor kitten" he cooed, his fingers rubbing my tiny head pleasingly, I purred loudly in response.

"You're such a good cat. The doctor said that the injuries aren't as bad as they looked, the rats didn't get a chance to get a good hold." Assured Danny, I don't care, keep patting me.

My tired world desiring only his gentle head rubs, no news. Nothing to make me worry.

"Is she ok?" Asked Chloe, her voice recognisable as the sun by now. Danny sighed and straightened his back, his hand leaving my head.

I mewled pitifully for him to continue.

"I think she'll be fine" chuckled Danny, Chloe sighed and gave him a smile. Danny scratched under my neck and I sunk into his touch.

"We've got alot of important stuff to address today though" hummed Danny, a hint of a warning in his voice.

"Yes, I know. She's not healed enough to shift into a human to speed up the healing. So should it wait?" Asked Chloe, Danny scoffed.

"No. She doesn't need to shift. But I do want her there anyways. The doctor said it's fine to carry her places, besides she can eat and drink when we're there" huffed Danny. His arms warm as he held me securely.

"I understand." Muttered Chloe, Danny walked from the room and Chloe can be heard following. She seems anxious and upset.

I never thought I'd see her submit so much to Danny.

The world blurred as I watched everything and nothing, struggling to regain focus. I buried my face in his arms and mewled quietly.

"I know. You're a good girl" muttered Danny, gently stroking my numb back.

He laid me gently on a cushion and I looked around, staring at a small mostly empty wooden hall. Standing were two people, Kendall and the guard.

Chloe held her hands behind her back and looked at the ground, nervous looking.

I mewled at her in confusion forgetting that I couldn't talk and ask what was going on, she's usually so full of life.

"Shh kitten, Danny is preparing" murmured Chloe, I looked around until I noticed Danny whispering with a servant who nodded and turned away, leaving quietly.

"Jake? Come here" called Danny, his voice unusually calm and cold.

The guard nervously walked towards Danny, looking anywhere but the wolf prince.

"I'm dissapointed. From what Chef Jayla told me-" began Danny.

"Snitch" whispered Jake quietly.

"Don't you interrupt me. From what Chef Jayla said, you were threatening to make sure my cat here, would remain as such during the time of her punishment. Using physical methods. I asked the head of guards to simply make sure she didn't shift in her own free will and try to run away. You instead confronted her when she shifted with the intention to bring harm, did you not?!" Spoke Danny, not losing his calm. He's terrifying.

"I was only-" struggled Jake.

"I didn't ask for excuses, I asked for an answer" asserted Danny, interrupting any excuse Jake was trying to make.

"Yes I did, my prince" muttered Jake, Danny eyed the guard with an icy look. "I was only doing what I believed would help your punishment, she was trying to get into the food cupboard, you said she can't" added Jake, looking at Danny now.

"My punishment was fine. Though I understand why she disobeyed her punishment for food, had I known that she was not receiving food prior to the punishment, I would have accepted her eating whatever she pleased. Though I understand your reasons, I am highly ashamed someone with such low regard and trust in my decisions has been hired to work for me. Since you didn't actually follow through thanks to Jayla, I won't go further then revoking your position and banning you from my castle. Do not even think of looking at Maya." Established Danny.

The guard bowed low and didn't say a word, stress and worry wrinkling his face.

"Get out of my sight and pack your things. The head of guards of the young royals castle is already aware of my decision" demanded Danny, Jake hurriedly running out. I watched in disbelief, Danny sighed and squatted down, looking at me carefully.

"One more and then we'll dine with mother and father" he assured, stroking my head gently, despite my purring I was still scared. He's alot scarier like that.

"Kendall. You now" called Danny, standing up and popping his back loudly. I watched as Kendall moved forward, head tilted slightly down, but his arms crossed, a confusing combination of submission and anger.

"Look at me Kendall" growled Danny, slowly Kendall did, his scratches already healed back up, only obvious by a scar. His brown eyes betraying a sadness.

"You have continuously sabotaged this. Ruining any chance to have a part in the cats future. I trusted you to do one thing. Tell the servants to deliver breakfast and dinner to her room while she's staying in it. You never had any plans to feed her. Despite the lies you told the staff. This isn't some toy to mess around with. Your father betrayed the people by going against the ceremony." Began Danny, going silent as if waiting for any kind of defense.

"But no. He denied the people, and he denied my mother. What do you think we look like to the other kingdoms when our lower royalty kill and starve a simple, weak cat. Still a kitten actually. It doesn't make us strong or cool, when they're able to keep their ones alive.

Word spreads Kendall, many royals adore their cats. After all, we made the deal to keep them around. Despite all the cat emperor's and empress's in all of the peaceful areas, no one attacks them. You act as if you not being next in line is a cats fault. Your father understood he messed up. He accepted the rule my mother put in place.

We were a laughing stock Kendall. Can't even keep a damn cat alive. It took three days, of you messing up and hurting her to put her life in danger. Imagine that, a laughing stock, just the next generation over.

I'm not saying their kings and queens have always been the best, some of the stories are horrid, but there's no denying that our kingdom has singlehandedly had some of the worst kings and queens in regards to treatment of their cats. Funnily enough, majority have been the foxes. The lower royals!" Ranted Danny, not once breaking eye contact.

"Danny, may I be excused to the bathroom?" Asked Chloe quietly, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

"Of course Chloe." Allowed Danny, managing to keep his calm voice and somehow instead of it being icy, it was warm.

"I get it ok. I did some stupid shit, I know that." Grumbled Kendall.

"Yet you'll still keep doing it" scoffed Danny, Chloe has vanished, managing to quietly sneak away without me noticing.

"Stop acting so damn smug! Just because you're a 'higher' royal. You're just a know-it-all asshole who thinks just because you got a cat it means you're already king of the god damn kingdom!" Exclaimed Kendall, Danny didn't react, just stared Kendall down.

I couldn't help feeling like in a moment Kendall would be held down by teeth and forced to submit like true animals sometimes do.

Well I've witnessed dog shifters do it to each other in a heated situation to I guess.

"Jealousy is an ugly route to choose" stated Danny, a back door quietly opened and closed, revealing the servant he had spoken to.

"Prince Danny? I hope I haven't interrupted your duties" apologised the servant.

"It's fine, I'm guessing dinner is set?" Asked Danny, the servant nodded eagerly in response.

"Good. I'll be taking my leave Kendall. Be sure to tell Chloe I said -" Danny paused as he picked up the cushion with me on it and cradled it close. "Tell Chloe I said, good luck" Danny finished walking through the door.

"Fuck you!" Shouted Kendall, Danny ignored him, choosing to pat my head instead.

"Oh dear Maya, you ready for dinner?" Asked Danny, I can't respond, I hope he's aware of that.

We headed into a different building inside the castle. The concrete walls with copper and gold easily making that apparent. A long table awaited us, the queen wolf sitting on a special shifter cushion, similar to the blue one I'm snuggled on.

His father sat beside his mother, both watching us enter. Danny sat beside them, placing the cushion on his lap.

"Son. It's a pleasure having you with us for once, your mum was sad to have you leave her during the hunt" spoke his father. King Eric I believe his name was, and Queen Cara.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, but I'm sure you're both happy to see Maya again!" Exclaimed Danny, lifting me up carefully and placing me on the table, I sat up and looked around curiously.

Plates of food were suddenly being placed down, I stumbled back as a smaller plate was placed down in front of me. I looked up at a familiar servant, I think she's the one who got me the potato sack.

She smiled softly and patted my head quickly before giggling and join the other servants, I moved to the edge of the table to watch her, I pawed the air wanting to thank her, but unable to speak currently.

She waved, probably thinking I was saying goodbye. I huffed and stared at my plate, it was much smaller then everyone else's, yet there was plenty to fill my small stomach.

"Just wait a moment" mumbled Danny, I looked at him and my food, mewing a quiet comment and lay down, resting my chin on the side of the plate. He began to stroke me gently making me purr. "I know you're hungry, but it won't be long" added Danny quietly.

"She's quite the cute one. That obedience is hard to come by" said King Eric, Danny chuckled.

"She's still learning dad, let's just have a toast and enjoy dinner" pointed out Danny. I watched as King Eric nodded slowly.

"Here's to a new beginning, and a darling cat" toasted King Eric, he lifted a glass cup and bowl, Danny doing the same. The glasses clinked and the bowl was put down besides me.

I watched them drink and gazed at my water carefully. I huffed and drank quickly, feeling it pleasantly spread through me. Then laid my head back on the plate.

"Well, let's eat shall we!" Exclaimed the king, giving a brief smile to the queen who was lapping up water from her glass bowl.

The king cut his food and ate some, then the queen dug into her own, Danny following straight after. I looked at him carefully. Am I supposed to eat now?

"Go on, it's ok. It's nice I promise" assured Danny, I bit into a piece of meat and chewed it, my stomach seeming to jump for joy.

"Though Danny, I do believe you should have been harsher on those foxes".

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