Steve Rogers Love and Tony St...

By DakotaNee

3.1K 147 61

Talia Stark used to love her life when she was younger. she had loving parents, an I've protective big brothe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 15

60 5 2
By DakotaNee

Its been a week since me and Steve 'did it' I smile every time it comes across my mind. Today is a big day, I am meeting Nick Fury the boss of S. H. E. I. L. D.  I wake up and get dressed in a navy blue shirt sleeved shirt with black skinny jeans with my converse. Thor went back to Asgard for a while, saying that there is some family drama happening.

I brush my hair and put it up in a pony tail, then I do light natural makeup. I walk out of my room and head down to the kitchen. I have a breakfast bar with some coffee. "Should I be in my suit?" I ask as everyone was sitting at the table. "No but I'd bring It with you just in case." Tony said. I nod finishing up my bar and coffee heading back to my room

I grab my purse and fold my suit putting it in. I walk to the elevator and head didn't I the living room, there I see everyone in their suits besides Tony. They get in and we head to the roof getting on the jet. We get on, I buckle up in a seat as Steve head to the piolet seat with Nat next to him. Everyone else buckles up then we are off. "So where is the main base?" I ask as we lift into the air. "Its on water. I think you'd find it pretty cool." Clint said looking at me. I nod at him.

The jet ride was about an hour until we landed. We got off and I saw is surrounded by the sea. "Is this where it is?" I ask moving to the edge of the pad. "I'd not get to close, you might fall in." I heard a deep voice behind me. I jump and almost fell but I made the water come up and steady me. I turn around and see a tall man in dark clothes along with an eye patch.

I go over with a smile, "Hi, sir. Nice to meet you." I hold out my hand. He takes it and shakes it quickly. "Come on follow me." We all walk into another jet but this one had people on it worming at computers some walking around and others talking. "You all stay here. Ms. Stark follow me." I turn to my family with a nervous smile. Steve and Tony give a thumbs up. I turn around and follow Fury.

As we walk the people get less and less until there is no one else. He opened a door and motions for me to walk in. I thank him quietly and walk in to see a desk and chair in a room with lots of papers. He goes to his desk and sits down. He motions for me to sit in the chair across from his.

"So your Tony Stark's little sister." I nod, "Yes, sir." "You have powers." I nod, "So you control all elements of Nature." "You've wanted to help people your whole life?" "Yes sir ever since I was little." "You were 10 years old when you got your powers " "Yes they all came individually." "In what order?"  "Water, Earth, Fire, Air and then Space." I say. He nods. "And you can control these powers?" "Yes sir, I have complete control over them." "So if I asked you to do something right now then you'd be able to do it?" I nod, "Show me your earth powers." I held up my hand and grew 6 flowers on my hand, then I grew vines going up my arm. "Make it disappear." He said.

I slowly made it disappear. He looks at me with something in his eyes. "Water." I made water form out of my hand and made a human sized Nick Fury. "Be gone." He said looking at it. The water went back into me hand. "Fire." I looked at him, I made a small ball of fire pit of my hands. I looked at him, he swiped his hand wanting me to make it disappear. I looked at the fire bringing it to my mouth and breathing it in. "Air." I formers a small tornado on my hand, making it disappear in a minute. "Space." "That can be very dangerous since we are moving so fast."

"I know you can teleport is that all you can do with space?" "No sir I can create a force field and also read people minds and put things into their heads, words I mean sir." "Do it." I looked him in the eyes.

Hello sir I said in his head, I then created a force field in front of me. "Good." I take it down, "Do you have training? What else can you do besides your powers?" "I can shoot guns, throw knives, and I am getting good with a bow and arrow. And yes I have been training for a while now sir." "How long?" "Almost 5 months." "And do you think that is enough training to go into a mission?" "I believe so sir, as long as I am accompanied with at least one Avenger sir."

"Why do you need to have an Avenger with you?" "In case anything goes wrong sir." "Do you expect anything to go wrong?" "You always expect the unexpected, this job in unpredictable so therefore I can't really answer that properly sir." He leans back in his chair.

A second later he stands up holding out his hand. "Welcome to the team Ms. Stark." I smile and stand up taking his hand and shaking it. "Thank you sir." I walk out and try to find my way back. I then run into Tony. "Tony." I jog over to him as I call his name. He looks at me and smiles. "How did you do?" "Hello teammate." He chuckles and hugs me. "Good job." "So where are you heading?" I ask, "To the lab." "Can you show me where everyone else is?" He nods throwing his arm over my shoulder and walks in the opposite direction. "So where are they?" "In the training room, besides Bruce and Thor. Bruce is in the lab." I laugh as we go through another door.

There I see Steve and Nat training some agents while Clint is showing them a few moves. When the door opens Nat and Steve look back and see me. "Ok time out. Try those moves Hawkeye showed you all." Steve said. The 3 jog over. "So?" "Hello my fellow Avenger's your looking at the newest recruit." I bow as they laugh and hug me. Steve kissed my cheek. "Wanna come help?" "Hell ya." I turn and hug Tony, "Thanks Tony." "Anytime." He walks out. "I'll take you to the changing rooms." Nat said she wrapped an arm over my shoulders.

We walk away, "I'm so happy for you." Nat said I smiled at her. "Thanks. I'm kinda nervous for my first mission but I'll deal with it." She chuckles. "Its ok you won't have missions by yourself for a long while." I nod. I thank her and walk in changing. I wipe my makeup off and walk out setting my things down and jogging over to my family.

"Everyone this is Talia Stark, she is the newest Avenger, respect her like you respect the rest of us." Steve said I waved with a smile. "Ok let's do 5 laps around the gym get you guys all hiped up again." Steve says. Me, Clint, Nat and Steve are leading them. We get through 1 lap, then 2, then 3 that's when we hear them all breathing heavily. "Your all gonna help me try and be a teacher." I say, they all chuckle. "Don't worry. Your a student." Nat said. "I am not. I am almost as good as you in defense along with shooting." "Ok I can give you that, I guess." I gasp and hit her shoulder as we both chuckle.

After our jog all the kids were out of breath. I was just beginning to be. "Ok we want all of you to watch some moves that Black Widow does with Ms. Stark." Steve says I look at him. He gave me those eyes that said 'trust me' me and Nat get on a mat after putting bandages on our hands. "Now as you all should know your elbow is the strongest bone in your body, you use it whenever you can." Nat says as she pats her elbow.

"Now to block an on coming elbow, you use your own." I go over and stand with my back facing her, she puts me in a head lock. I move elbow forward. "If you see an oncoming elbow aimed at your chest then you must be faster. Use your own elbow and hit the person's side. This will give you a second as they recover to take the person down. Then there is another way." Nat looks at me. Nat turns around so her back is facing me.

"The quicker way to end a fight when your opponent's back is facing you is to hit a pressure point on the side of there neck. This will make them go unconscious instantly." I demonstrate on Nat, not going to hard. "Or if it's not hard enough to knock them out, it will make them fall to their knees." I press harder on her neck, she falls to the ground. "This gives you enough time to knock them out." I remove my elbow as she stands back up.

"I want you all to try that, 5 minutes try and get your opponent down." Steve hollered. We walked off the mat and over to Clint and Steve. "I didn't hurt you to much right?" "No your fine." Nat said. I walk around with her watching the trainees she points them out to me so I can start remembering faces. I help some people having a difficult time. "Ok good. Gather back around." Steve said. We demonstrate more things to do. Then we set them free to fight their partners.

We all stand and watch. I can remember a lot of the people now. After an hour we let them have a drink break for 10 minutes. I take a few sips of Steve's water. "Hey Talia wanna duel?" Clint asked. "Well duh." I got up gulping down some water. "Hey no powers." He said I roll me eyes and get up. He smiles as we walk into the mat putting bandages on our hands. The trainees, Steve and Nat come over wanting to see us duel. Steve stands in the middle with Nat. "Ok keep it fair. Talia no powers." I stick my tongue out at him he chuckles, "Ok on your mark," I stand in a fighting stance, "Get set." "GO!" Nat and Steve yelled.

I stepped forward and threw a few punches he blocked them, I go for a kick while his attention is on my leg I quickly get in 2 punches, one on his cheek the other on his side. He grabs my leg, pushed back and twisted it. I spin in the air, I land on my hands doing a back hand spring. He comes over and starts to try and hit me. I block most of them, only getting one in my face and 2 on my sides. I duck and crouch, spinning so I am behind him. I kick the back of his knees. He falls into one knee. Next thing I know he grabbed my ankle and pulled forward, catching me by surprise I fall on my back.

I groan and roll over getting back up. I elbow his shoulder as he tries and gets to me. I then kick his ribs, making him double over, I go to throw a punch when he grabs my hand. I look at him and go for another one when he catches the other, I knew he was going to do this, then he spin me so my back was sleek against his chest. I was in a headlock, I then decided to try something new. I threw my foot back and hit the back of his knee cap, his leg bent just enough for me to jump off of it and flip behind him I crossed his hands and made him fall onto the ground on his stomach in surprise. I had his hands behind his back and each of my legs on his.

I held him until I felt him tap my wrist 3 times. I rolled off of him breathing heavily. He rolled onto his back. "Damn." I chuckled. I got up and helped him up. I heard everyone clapping. I saw Steve and Nat surprised. "You just took out one of our best fighters." I hear behind me. I looked and saw Fury. He walked over to us.

"Sir." I nod my head with a smile. "That will be very valuable in the field. Can you teach that to my trainees? See if the Avengers can do that too." "Of course sir, I'd be honored." I nod my head as he walks away. I look at Steve, Nat and Clint. "You best be getting on to that." Steve said as he kissed my cheek. I smiled. "Ok listen up everyone!" I hollered. "Captain America. Black Widow." He came up onto a mat along with Natasha. Everyone gathered around to watch, I think I earned their respect now.

"Ok so when your in a headlock it's hard to breath if your up against a real enemy. Most people would be worried because they wouldn't be able to breath very well, so the opponent isn't worried about your legs or feet which is why this trick works almost every time." I go over and nod to Steve he puts Nat in a headlock. "Ok what you want to do first is kick the back of their knees as hard as you can. Once you do that your opponent's leg will give out, you need to be quick on this because once your opponent regains his balance you'd be dead."

I go over to them, Steve releases Nat and she steps away. I go over to him and stand in front of him. "Be careful because this can be hard and dangerous. Your kicking your leg out and back so sometimes you will miss which is why you need practice." I kick the back of his knee out of no where. "Be unexpected dont wait to long but don't be rushing it. So to start off I want you all to try and see how hard it is yourselves. And this can work, with a woman having a man in a headlock and the other way around. It isn't really about how strong you are but how fast and sneaky you can be." I move next to Steve. "Ok I want you l try get in pairs and try this for 5 minutes then we will move on."

Everyone gets into pairs and begins. "Clint Steve you guys can practice to. Nat you can be with me." She comes over to me. I put her in a headlock. She goes and kicks the back of my knee. My knee buckles as I kneel in front of her. "Good job tho I knew you wouldn't need much practice." She helps me up with a smile. "Wanna go again?" "No I can do this." I nod

I walk around and see a trainee in the back alone. I walk over to him, "Where is your partner?" "He had to leave." I nod, "Come up front and I'll be your partner." I lead him in the front. I put him in a headlock. He goes and tries to kick the back of my knee but misses. I let him go. "That's ok look." I walk next to him. "When your in a headlock it can be hard to do this, so you want to move your knee up, then your calf out then back in, like when you exercise." I show him the motion. He nods, I step back behind him putting him back in a headlock.  He moves his knee out then to his right then back again hitting the back of my knee.

"Good, great, now harder, I know you got strength." Next time he kicks me my knee bends. "Great job! Again!" He kicks it harder know. This time my knee falls into the floor. He holds out his hand, "Good job." I smile and walk towards Clint, Steve and Nat, "Damn that dude has a kick." I kick out my leg. "Yeah. And if you ever decided to quit being an Avenger you should be a teacher." Steve says I laugh and nod. "Maybe." I kiss his cheek and walk around helping the trainees.

After a few more minutes I get everyone's attention back. I had Steve up with me. "Ok so before you kick the opponents leg you have to have a hold of their hands. Sorry I didn't say this at first it just came to my mind. But this helps you to knock your opponent down. So your in a headlock," Steve puts me in it, then I put my hands on his. "Once you have their hands you have to be quick, because your opponent will get suspicious if your hands are on his or hers. Not even a second later you kick the back of their knee. This makes him loose balance and therefore you can tear his hands away from you. But remember you have to do this at the same time. You take their hands, kick and jump off of their leg, now it can be hard if their leg hits the ground so you have to have enough pressure to bend it but not to much so you can't jump off of their leg."

"I'll demonstrate, if I kick his knee to hard this will happen." We get into position, I take his hands the same moment I kick his leg, I try and jump off but end up just rub my foot against the back of his thigh. Then my foot falls on his calf. "Did you all see what happened?" They nod, "What happened?" I ask, I help Steve up then I call on a person. "Your foot couldn't find anything to jump off of." I nod, "So you wouldn't be free. This is what happens if you do it correctly." I look back at Steve he nods and puts me in a headlock.

I do it all again and he falls to the ground with me on top of his back. I got off and helped him. "See that's what it should look like. But that's not the hardest part. The hardest part is flipping yourself over their head and shoulders. You will have to have excellent upper body strength. I am going to have one pair up with me at a time so I can monitor better. So get with your partner and in a line."

Steve gets off of the mat and stands next to Clint and Nat. A girl comes up with another girl. They get into position. "Ok go." The girl kicks the back of her partners knee and jumps off but ends up falling. I catch her. "Good try. Use more force next time. Now you 2 switch." They do as said the girl does it completely wrong. "Ok think of the first part like this. Your doing an exercise with your leg. You move your knee out then your calf to the left and bring it back in." I demonstrate. The girl nods and tries again, "Ok good try. Next." I say.

Then there was only 1 person left, who was the boy I helped earlier. "I'll be your partner again." He nods. I put him into a headlock, within a second I felt him kick, making my knee fall in. I feel him jump on i and next thing I know I was on the ground holding myself up. "Good job." He got off and I got up. "Your turn." He said I looked at him, "Really?" He nods, I look at Clint, Natasha and Steve, "Ok. But just know I'm not going easy just because your a trainee." "Ok."

We got in position he put me in a tight headlock. I quickly put my hands on his, and kicked the back of his knee. Within 3 seconds we were on the ground. I got up and helped him up. "Ok everyone class dismissed." Steve hollered. I jogged over to them as the trainees left. "Well that was fun." I said making them laugh. "Its lunchtime." "Thank the world." We all left the training room I was holding my purse as we made our way to the lunch room. "It's hot." I said, "Yeah you were training today." Natasha said I stuck my tongue out at her. "Can we eat as much as we want cause I can eat a whole cow."

"Yes." "Thank God." They laughed at me. We made it to the lunch room. We got in line. "You all can get in front of us." The trainees said, "No it's ok we are fine. Thank you though." Steve said. I looked at him, he rolled his eyes at me. I pouted as we waited in line. He put his arm over my shoulders. I shrugged it off. "Sorry but I am to hot and you give off a lot of heat. I love you though." He laughs and kisses my cheek. "We are wheeling." Clint tried to whisper to Nat. I hit his shoulder. He chuckled at me.

We finally got to the food. I stocked my plate full of food. We then all sat down at an empty table. Tony, Bruce and Thor joined us. "We watched you train the trainees. You did great for your first day." Bruce said. "Thanks." I ate the food and listened to them talk. "Do we have another class to teach?" I looked at Steve, Clint and Nat.

"No." I nod. "Is the training room open?" "Its always open why?" Natasha said, "Wanna train more." "We'll join you." Nat said motioning to Clint and Steve. When we all were done eating me, Clint, Steve, and Natasha went back to the training room. I practiced shooting guns and throwing knives. Then I practiced on my defensive strategies asking with offensive strategies. After a long couple of hours we all went back on a jet, we stopped and picked up Tony's jet then headed home. I fell asleep on the jet and woke up from someone picking me up. I opened my eyes and saw Steve. "Go back to sleep Love." I cuddled into his chest and fell asleep again.

When I woke up again I was in my room. I looked around and saw it was 3 in the morning. "Jarvis is Steve in his room?"

Yes Ms. Stark

I got up and walked out of my room. I went over to Steve's and went in. I saw him sleeping in his bed. I went over and crawled on top of him. "Talia?" He asked wrapping his arms around me. "You left me by myself." "I'm sorry Love I thought you'd want to sleep alone." "Nooooo." I whined clinging onto him. "Ok it won't happen again I promise Love." I laid my head on his bare chest, at he rubbed my back. "Am I still in my suit?" I whisper, "Yes I didn't want to bother you." I got off of him and stripped it off leaving me in my undergarments.

I climbed on top of him again, realizing he was just in boxers. "Are you going to lay on me all night?" I nod making him chuckle. His hands wrap around my waist. I look up at him and kiss him. "You really do have America's ass though." He laughs, the vibration in his chest along with his heartbeat makes me smile. "I love you so much Talia." "I love you too Steve. And your American Ass." He chuckles as I drift off to sleep.

If you liked this chapter please go and vote, comment and share my story. And I wouldn't mind if you went to my profile and followed me. Thank you for reading this book. 😁

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