Mechanical Error

By HannahBuckman19

9.9K 274 14

Born from a Mother who died at childbirth and a Father that thought the world of his daughter. Odette was t... More

Thomas Sharpe
The Family (18+)
America (18+)
Skibo Castle (A/N)
Heaven and Hell
Coffee and Porridge
No More
Piano Keys
Happy After
The End


396 11 0
By HannahBuckman19

The rest of the train ride was nice and calm and filled with cuddling with a book and Thomas. Thomas was the smart one and brought a small book with him for the ride. Which means he read and played with my hair while I listened to his intoxicating voice.

Once we got off the train Thomas took me to our carriage then went to help with the luggage. I sat there looking out the window at the Scottish people walking through the streets. The picture of them soon became jumpy as the luggage was loaded onto the top of the carriage.

"Are you ready, darling?" Thomas opened the door and stepped in.

"Yes." Thomas sat next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder. "Thank you." I fiddled with his fingers. "I always seem to be the happiest when I am with you."

"I am glad I can make you happy just as you make me." He leaned his head on mine. "I love you, Odette."

"I love you too."

      The rest of the ride was held each other and talked about what we saw on the way. Scotland is a beautiful country, half of the travel was filled with miles of fields with some homes.

       As we got closer to the castle I got more excited, a new life.

"Our home." I said as the castle appeared in the window. "Well, more like our castle but it's ours. Our future." Thomas kissed my cheek.

"I love you." I looked up at him. "I can't describe how happy I am to be with you. To have a new start with you in a new home."

"It is most likely how I feel about it." I got up and sat on his lap. "I love you, Sir Thomas Sharpe." I teased my nose with his. "And I will always love you." He kissed me, wrapping his arms around me as I wrapped mine around his neck.

        For the rest of the ride, that's how we stayed, not exactly kissing the whole time but on his lap never changed. I read in books how girls fall for guys in a month and found that to be absolutely ridiculous, but here I am. In deep love with a man I fell for only on the 5th week of knowing him. Now at 5 months, I can't live without him.

"We're here." Thomas said as the carriage rounded to the front doors. The caretaker and a couple of others walked out and started helping unload the buggy. "Shall we?" Thomas smiled at me.

"We shall." I chuckled and lifted myself off his lap. "I think first thing is to find the bedroom and claim it as ours." I stepped off the carriage with Thomas's helpful hand. He smirked.

"Are you feeling well enough to search this castle? Last time you quit as soon as we got to the second floor." Thomas laughed as we walked in.

"That was because we look at the whole outside and first floor. Let's just start on the second floor this time." I squeezed his hand. "I want the biggest bedroom with the biggest bed." Thomas chuckled.

"Alright. Let me talk to Logan before we disappear." Thomas kisses my hand then went to talk to our castle caretaker.

I stepped into the room more and took a deeper look at our home. Last time I was so excited I just took glances then rushed to the next room.

"Are you ready?" Thomas walked up behind me and whispered in my ear. I turned around and smiled up at him.

"Yes." He took my hand and lead me up the stairs to the second floor.

      Bedroom by bedroom we searched for the biggest one. For a castle, they are not short on bedrooms. After a while, we walked into a bedroom and we both looked at each other smiling. We knew this was the one. Thomas then went to tell Logan while I toured the room a little more.

"They are bringing up the luggage now." Thomas walked back into the room and over to me.

"I can't wait to get settled in. We should find you a new workshop, a big room." He smiled.

"Maybe tomorrow. Let's just relax for now, we have all the time in the world." Thomas kisses me with his soft lips.

Last night we unpacked our bags, had a wonderful and delicious dinner, then went to our room for the night. It was the best night I have ever spent with Thomas.

This morning was different, the piano keys seemed to lose its perkiness again. I woke up running to the bathroom to empty my stomach. Thomas ended up running after me to hold my hair and rub my back.

"What's wrong?" He asked frantically. "Are you ok? Are you feeling sick? We will go to the doctors right away." I wiped my mouth and sat against the wall.

"I don't feel sick, I just needed to throw up." Thomas picked me up. "Thomas I'm fine." I chuckled as he carried me to the bed.

"No, you're not. You just threw up." He laid me down. "I'll tell Logan to get the carriage ready." I rolled my eyes and Thomas kissed my forehead. "You are not a doctor so you can't say if you are healthy or not." He smiled and left the room.

I sat up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I wore a loose dress since we were most likely going out. But I was in no mood to wear a normal England corset and big dress.

"I told you to rest." Thomas walked in on me fasting my boots. Yes, boots and a dress, don't judge.

"I feel fine Thomas. I must have eaten something bad last night and had a bad reaction." I stood up. "I'm fine." I gave him a reassuring smile.

"We are still going to the doctors." He said calmly while walking to me and putting his arms around my waist. "Just to check."

"Alright." I sighed. "If it will help you sleep at night."

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