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       After Lucilles little interruption Thomas started to work more on his machine and I looked at his discontinued inventions

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After Lucilles little interruption Thomas started to work more on his machine and I looked at his discontinued inventions. We spent most of the afternoon in that room, working. Maybe some cuddling and holding hands, but definitely working.

I have no idea why I feel this pull towards Thomas, like we are made for each other. Like the Chinese Yin and Yang, I dare say soulmates if those were real. Maybe Claudia is the reason, she knew him for 2 months then got married. She can't be that dumb, right?

"Why don't we take a break. You can't work if your mind gets tired." I walked over to Thomas and began to rub his shoulders. He straightens his back. "We can go walk outside. Maybe looking at your machine again will start some thoughts." Or maybe a nice snowball fight...

"Are you trying to tempt me with those hands." He chuckled. "I have so much to work on with your new additions. I can finally make my machine better." He turned around.

"I get it. I've been in your shoes once." He raised a brow. "I once stayed up two nights in a row to finish a project for a companion. Didn't win though, I think I was just to good for them." I held my chin up. He laughed.

"I didn't know they allowed woman to compete." Not in this time period....

"We'll see. I wore a suit and stuffed my hair in a hat. I might have also drawn on a fake boys mustache." I chuckled. "I was Sir Charles Williams, a man with a dream." I said in a low voice.

"You are an interesting woman." He laughed. "Why don't you go get something to eat. I need to finish or I won't be able to think of anything else." He kissed my knuckles.

"You're no fun." I said in a pouty voice. "Fine, but get to have all tomorrow with you." He rolled his eyes.

"Alright. Now let me finish." He chuckled and turned around. I hugged him from behind.

"Don't fry your brain. I would like it in tip top shape when you are finished here." I kissed his cheek.

"I promise I will still be functioning when I am done."

"You better." I stood up. "Do you want me to bring anything? Food, water, a blanket?"

"No I am fine. Thank you." He continued working. I rubbed his back as I left the room.

I left the room and headed down the steps to the kitchen since I haven't eaten anything since Lucille brought that bland porridge hours ago. As I walked into the main part of the house I heard a piano playing.

I followed the sound which led me to the door I saw Thomas walk out of this morning. As I opened the door the piano got louder and the eerie atmosphere got thinker. Lucille was sat at the piano playing a light tune, her fingers flying over the keys like a tired old women.

I walked over to the lite fireplace where a line of words in a different language was carved into the fire place.

"To the hills we raise our eyes." Lucille said as she continued playing the piano.

"That is a lovely phrase, it's amazing how one simple phrase can mean so much." I walked over to her. "You play piano nicely. What is this piece called?"

"It's an old lullaby I use to sing Thomas when we were young." She continued playing it in a loop.

"You are an amazing sister, and woman." She smiled at me. "Where did you learn to play?" I moved to the other side of her and sat down on the piano bench.

"I picked it up. Mother use to play the piano sometime. We would hear her through the floor boards, that how we knew she was back in the country."

"Did you learn to play for Thomas?" Lucille smiled.

"Yes. We cared for each other, we still do."

"He loves you." Lucille smiled. "I do hope that someday you will see me as a sister rather than a stranger. I do not mean to get between you are your brother, I see the connection both of you have." I lightly grazed my fingers on the keyboard. "May I?" Lucille withdrew her hands and nodded.

I began to play Debussy - Clair De Lone
[ A/N - Piano Piece Above Title ]

"My Mothers family were a piano crazy family. If they had the choice they would put a piano in each room of there house." I chuckled sadly. "My Father always talked about how my mother engrossed herself with the piano daily, just like Thomas with his inventions I suppose." I continued playing. "My Mother died at childbirth so my Aunt taught me the piano before she decided life wasn't good enough for her." Tears started to prick my eyes. "Do you ever have those thoughts? That life just doesn't seem to want you?"

"I have Thomas. He needs me." I nod

"But what about you? You seem sad Lucille. And for some reason you hate me. I don't know if I have done anything to hurt you but if I have I hope you will tell me so I can fix my mistake. Thomas is now my husband and you my sister. I am stuck here no matter how much someone hates it." I start to put my focus in the piece when it starts to pick up.

I close my eyes and just let the tears fall as I remember my real life. Is my Mother proud? Why was I not good enough for my Aunt? Is my Father ok? What happened in the crash? Is my Father dead? Am I dead? What is to come for me in this life?

At the end of the piece I am so wound up I am stiff. I clench my fists as they go back in my lap.

"This piece is like life. It starts out sad and depressing then has a small tough of happiness that then gets taken away." I chuckle. "Like is a joke. A game meant to mess with your emotions. You think it will get better then life decides to crash into and throw th into a world you don't recognize." I wipe away my tears. "But I'll just get back up, just to fall." I stand up and Lucille follows me with her eyes. "Sorry to interrupt." I smile and leave.

I walked out of the room and went to the kitchen to grab a small snack to take back to my room. I can't believe I just broke down in front of the woman who hates me. She must think I am weak and easy prey now.

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