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      The next morning I woke up to an empty bed where I remember Thomas usually sleeps

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The next morning I woke up to an empty bed where I remember Thomas usually sleeps. If Claudias memory serves my right we should be married for maybe 3 months, 3 months in this house. How did Claudia handle Lucille?

After I got dressed, yet again in Thomas's clothes I went down to the kitchen for breakfast. Lucille was standing in front of the fireplace, tending to what I believe is more of that bland porridge.

"Good morning." Lucille said without looking.

"Good morning, Lucille." I rounded the table. "I wish to apologize for last night. I sort of lost my composure." She turned and nodded her head. I walked over. "What are you making?"

"Porridge. For you, I made extra so I hope you are hungry." Wow, yum.... Just feed me cardboard soup....

"Thank you, you are very kind." I went to get a bowl. Might as well get on her good side....

"Thank you." She takes the bowl and fills it up. Almost nothing is left in the pot, like it was only made for me.

I went to the table in the center of the kitchen and sat down. As I ate my porridge Lucille just sat at the table polishing her tea set. She looked like she was in a trance, like the swirling motion of her cloth of the red print was hypnotic. After I finished I got up and cleaned the plate.

"Lucille?" She looked up and back at me. "Do you have plans today?" Should I invite her? She seems lonely....

"No plans." She gets up and organizes the tea set on the tray. I walk over and grab her arm gently. She looks up at me as she straightens her posture.

"I have a plan. And I would like you to join." She furrows her brow. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course." She gives me a fake smile. I grab her hand and lead her to the front door, making sure Thomas isn't near. "Ok. Put on a coat and boots." I hand her boots and she picks a coat. "Put these gloves on." I hand her gloves then dress myself in boots, scarf, jacket and gloves.

"What are you planning?" She asked confused.

"You guys need some fun. You two are cupped up in this house like a cage." I pulled her to the door. "You are beautiful birds and you need to fly." I opened the door and led her out. "Be careful not to leave noticeable red footprints." I say as we walk along the side of the house.

"Where are we going?" She asked as we walked a little further.

"Ok stop here." We stop not to far away from the front door but enough so we are hidden. "Now help me make snowballs." I bend down and start making snowballs. "Make sure you pack them tightly."

"I don't understand what you are planning." She asks still standing. I reached up and pulled her down.

"I'm going to go in and lead Thomas out here. Once you see him we both are going to start throwing snow balls at him. Now help me make some." I chuckle.

"This is childish." She starts to make a snowball.

"You are never to old to be a child. This is a way to have a little happiness." We make a mountain of snow balls. "Ok this seems to be enough." We stand up, I take off my scarf and wrap it around her neck. "Stay warm. I am going to get Thomas." I smile. "I hope you have a good throwing arm." I chuckle.

      I walk back to the door, making sure the red footprints aren't noticeable. Once inside I run up to the workshop where he most likely is. Thomas sat at his desk, fiddling with a contraption.

"Excuse me but oh promise to spend a whole day with me." I walk up to him and hug his neck.

"Hello Claudia. I will be done soon."

"No." I grab his arm. "Now or else." I pull him out of the chair.

"Or else what?" He chuckles.

"No kisses. No massages. No hugs." I smirked at him.

"Fine. You win." He smiles. I grab his hand and pull him to the elevator to go to the front door. "Where are you taking me." He chuckled.

"I want to go look at your machine." We board the elevator and head down.

"You just said no work." He smiles

"This isn't work, this is fun." I open the elevator door and we walk to the front. "Now put on a jacket books and gloves. A scarf if you need." He smiles and shakes his head before following my directions. "Good." I open the front door. "Ladies first." He chuckles

"Are you calling me a lady?" I push him out the door.

"What?! No, never." I laugh.

     I walk slightly behind him as we head out. As soon as I spot Lucille I nod to her smirking and she nods back. I point to the snowballs and she grabs one.

"Oh Thomas." He looks at me back up. "You have messed up big time... Now Lucille!" I go to the ground and form a snowball as Lucilles hits Thomas's back.

"Oh no you two didn't!" Thomas backs up as I hit him with one. He goes to form one and Lucille hits the back of his head.

"Nice one Lucille!" I hit his knee as he throws one at me.

      Lucile throws snow balls at Thomas, Thomas throws snow balls at both of us and so do I.

"Come on Lucille. Scared to hit me?!" I threw one at her. She smiles, a genuine smile, and throws one at me.

       Next thing I know Lucille has her arms full of snow balls aiming at me and so does Thomas.

"Wait, two against one is definitely not fair!" I laugh.

"You brought this on yourself you sly fox!" Thomas laughed.

"So you chose your sister over your wife?!" I laugh and throw snowballs at both of them. "And here I thought we had a special connection." I threw a snowball and it landed in his face. "Oh my god!" I laugh historically. "Im so sorry Sir Thomas." I curtsied.

"So that is how we are playing." He threw one in my face. My face was now officially frozen.

"Lucille you would let your brother do that to me?!" I laugh and wipe my face off.

"I will always take my baby brothers side." She chuckled. She laughed!

"I see how it is." I say as I bend down to get another snowball. "Once again I have to woman up." I stand back up with two snowballs and one after another I hit Thomas face then Lucilles. "That was perfect!!" I laughed so much I clenched my stomach. I started having a coughing fit.

"You'll get it." Thomas said happily before he saw me. "Claudia?" He walked over to me. I couldn't stop the coughing.

"Let's get you inside." Lucille walked in first. Thomas took my arm and walked me in.

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