Rise of the Uchiha | Male Rea...

By DrThonk

467K 12.1K 7.6K

After the Great War between the Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels, your clan; The Uchiha Clan, was completely... More

Prologue: The Last Uchiha
Chapter 1: New Life, Same Dreams
Chapter 2: Fresh Faces & New Allies
Chapter 3: Tsukuyomi
Chapter 4: An Offer
Chapter 5: A New Recruit to Team Tobi
Chapter 6: Road to Riser
Chapter 7: Fear Me
Team Tobi (Updated)
Chapter 8: New Home
Chapter 9: Amaterasu
Chapter 10: Now Is The Time
Chapter 11: Eternal Sight
Chapter 12: Battle for Kuoh
Chapter 13: Pool Day
Chapter 14: Decisions
Chapter 15: Akeno's Affection
Chapter 16: Leaders Summit
Chapter 17: A Trip to Hell
Chapter 18: A Sage's Will
Chapter 19: Sage Mode!
Chapter 20: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 21: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 22: Tobi vs Issei
Chapter 23: Revelations
Chapter 24: Into The Darkness
Chapter 25: On The Horizon
Chapter 26: Awakened
Chapter 27: A Declaration of War
Chapter 28: War Plans
Chapter 29: The Battle of Kyoto
Chapter 30: Meet the Beasts
Chapter 31: The Gates vs The Lion
Chapter 32: Planetary Devastation
Chapter 33: Homefront
Chapter 34: Tobi vs The Alliance
Chapter 35: The Invasion of Hell
Chapter 36: Power of Kurama
Chapter 37: Behind The Mask
Chapter 38: Old Friend
Chapter 39: Y/N vs Vali
Chapter 40: Saṃsāra Eye
Chapter 42: Reunion
Chapter 43: Born Again
Chapter 44: Birth of The Ten-Tails Jinchuriki
Chapter 45: The Dark Side
Chapter 46: Clash Of Wills
Chapter 47: Troubled Mind

Chapter 41: Climax of the War

6.5K 219 83
By DrThonk

A/N: Boys, I'm not dead yet! In all seriousness though, I do apologize for the lack of uploads and my overall activity. School has been really taxing on me and combining that with work it's just a whole situation right now. But, as compensation for all of you being so patient while waiting for another chapter, I'm giving you guys 11,000 words of content. This is by far my longest chapter yet and it was also super fun to write. Once again, I do apologize for not getting this out sooner considering its been like 2 1/2 weeks but I do try. Thank you guys for all the support as well, we hit 150k reads and 5k votes which is absolutely insane and it brings me joy to see that so many people keep reading my story. Anyways, enjoy the chapter amigos.


Serafall: What is that thing?!

Ajuka: I have no idea!

The Gedo Statue roared out on the battlefield as it thrashed around from inside the ground. Tiamat looked behind her  and clicked her tongue.

Tiamat: He's late... No matter, this is more than enough to deal with the likes of you two.

The Gedo Statue stopped its howl of rage and looked down at Tiamat and bared its teeth at her as a threat to strike her.

Tiamat: I have the means to control you finally.

Tiamat grabbed the edge of her kimono and pulled it down from the shoulder. The Satans tried to see what she was showing the statue but weren't able to see. The Gedo Statue then looked up at the Satans as Tiamat turned around while fastening her kimono once more.

Tiamat: Now then, until your 'food' arrives, those two will be the snacks.

The Gedo Statue let out a loud roar as a handful of purple phantom dragons exited its mouth and soared into the sky. They locked their sights on Serafall and Ajuka and launched towards them.

Ajuka: I don't know what those things are but, RUN!

Serafall and Ajuka grabbed Falbium by placing his arms around their shoulders and took to the skies. Serafall veered back to see the phantom dragons racing towards them at speeds that surpassed their flight with their wings. Ajuka formed his magic circle in his hand and pointed back towards the dragons.

The dust particles then swirled into a wall of stone that made Ajuka smirk. The dragons however phased straight through it and continued their pursuit. Ajuka was confused but noticed that after the dragons phased though, the wall started to crumble to dust. Ajuka shook his head and focused on flying from the dragons.

Serafall: They're fast, Ajuka!

Ajuka: Just keep flying!

Ajuka and Serafall continued flying to escape the phantom wyrms while continuously shooting attacks back at them to no avail. Ajuka looked back at the dragons to notice that something was off. He widened his eyes and whipped his head around.

Ajuka: Serafall!

Serafall lifted an eyebrow at him but felt the shadow being cast down upon her by a wyrm that had made it infront of them. Serafall widened her eyes at the sight as the wyrm launched forward at her. She could only see impending death in her eyes but was surprised when Falbium was pushed into her and was sent away with him. She looked towards the source of the sudden action and saw Ajuka with his hands outstretched towards her, signifying it was him who had saved her life.

Serafall: Ajuka!

Ajuka delivered a small smile as the phantom wyrm flew straight through him. Ajuka's eyes rolled into the back of head as he felt his body being sucked of all of its energy. The phantom wyrm made it through him completely and left Ajuka stranded, hovering in mid-air. Eventually after a moment, Ajuka started plummeting towards the ground. Serafall struggled to carry the heavy Falbium and could only watch as Ajuka created a crater as he smacked into the floor.

Serafall grit her teeth and closed her eyes to stop the tears from coming out as she lowered herself and Falbium to the ground. Once they landed, Serafall felt the presence of the wyrms and turned around to see them all staring at her in mid-air. They roared at her and prepared to do to her the same fate Ajuka suffered under but they all turned their attention into the direction of the big battle going on between the alliance and chaos beasts.

They instead decided to go for bigger prey and changed direction to the battle. Serafall prepared to follow but turned around to realize that Ajuka's fate was still unknown. She widened her eyes and ran over to where he had landed. She arrived at the crater and peered over the edge to see a motionless Ajuka. She slid down the edge of the crater before running to Ajuka's side. She got on her knees and put her ear to his chest, but couldn't hear a heartbeat.

Serafall: Ajuka!

Serafall attempted to shake him awake but it was too late. Ajuka Beezlebub was now the first victim to fall to the wrath of the Gedo Statue... And this was only the beginning.

Tiamat: At last, the final battle is upon us.

???: Tiamat!!

Tiamat raised her eyebrow as she turned to her left to see an approaching Y/N that was holding his head. The Gedo Statue roared at Y/N which caused him to jump.

Kurama: (So this was her plan all along... I knew she was off...)

The Gedo Statue prepared to charge but Tiamat lifted her hand which caused the statue to stop.

Tiamat: Y/N, I'm so glad you could joi-

Y/N: Cut the bullshit, Tiamat! What is the meaning of this?!

Tiamat: What is the meaning of what? Is this not what you wanted? With this, we'll be able to destroy the supernatural for good.

Y/N: You don't think I know what that 'thing' is capable of?!

Tiamat: My dear, if you knew what it was capable of... You wouldn't have come here.

Suddenly, a purple chain shot out of the statue's mouth and wrapped itself around Y/N. He widened his eyes as he looked down to see that the chains were burning him. He grit his teeth as he fell to one knee and slowly looked up at Tiamat.

Kurama: (Kid, you need to get out now!)

Y/N: What is this?

Tiamat: Don't take this personally, you're just too dangerous to be left running loose. It's better you stay here with me.

Y/N: Don't think I won't break out of these chains, Tiamat.

Tiamat: Darling, I know you couldn't break out of those chains. If you didn't have the Nine-Tails inside of you, that would be a whole new can of worms.

Y/N squinted at Tiamat and saw her new pair of eyes.

Y/N: How did you get a Rinnegan?

Tiamat: It was actually a long and strenuous journey. I've been after the Rinnegan for awhile but just recently I was able to finally awaken it.

Y/N: Unlocking the Rinnegan isn't as easy as that.

Tiamat: As far as you know...

Y/N: What?

Tiamat: You unlocked your Rinnegan by balancing the spirits of Asura and Indra, therefore obtaining their chakra for you to use but nevertheless was still unstable for you to use without repercussions. Once you met the Sage of Six Paths, he was to be the last piece to unlocking your full potential. He binded your chakra together, allowing you access to a unique Yin-Yang Release... The power of the gods...

Y/N: You mean the Rinnegan?

Tiamat: That is misinterpreted... Yours and the Sage's eyes are extremely different from a person like me.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Tiamat: There are two ways to awaken the Rinnegan. One, is to be gifted that power from the Sage of Six Paths, and with the advantage of being both Asura and Indra's reincarnation, you were able to have an abundance of abilities that were abnormal for a Rinnegan user's eyes. Two, is to come into possession of both Senju and Uchiha blood, specifically some that has been 'heightened'...

Tiamat took a seat on a rock next to Y/N as he breathed heavily from the intense burn of the chains.

Tiamat: Let me tell you a story, Y/N... I have been alive for many years, and throughout all that time I have had one goal in mind.

Tiamat pointed behind her.

Tiamat: To revive the Ten-Tails...

Y/N: If you know this much about the Ten-Tails, then you should know that that thing is capable of so much more than world domination.

Tiamat: Whoever said I just wanted to conquer the world? Continuing on, throughout the years I have searched for both reincarnations of the two brothers that I could use to awaken the Rinnegan but was never able to find them... Until recently...

Y/N: Me...

Tiamat: Actually no, you might know him... Madara Uchiha...

Y/N eyes drooped to the floor. If he knew the legend of Madara Uchiha, he knew where this was going.

Tiamat: As you know, Hashirama and Madara were both reincarnations of Asura and Indra respectively. They had a big rivalry between themselves, so when the opportunity presented itself, I took it. You see, Madara was very strong, but in the areas he lacked skill or ability in, he suffered for it. Madara had all the things to make him a great warrior, The Sharingan, up to when you were born the strongest aptitude for Fire Release out of all the Uchiha and even the Nine-Tailed Fox at one point. But, in the end he still fell short to Hashirama and it cost him his life. Hashirama was an exceptional man, Wood Release, massive reserves of chakra and with the added bonus of being the reincarnation of Asura, he was truly a force to be reckoned with. I couldn't take down either of them in their prime, so I was forced to wait. Going back to that opportunity, Madara was slain by Hashirama in combat which was perfect for me. I was able to obtain a portion of his DNA before he used Izanagi...

Y/N: I-Iazangi?

Tiamat: Yes, that troublesome jutsu hailed from your clan... You've actually used it before, I honestly wasn't expecting you to because it is considered disgraceful to your clan.

Y/N: It is?

Tiamat: Why of course it is. Izanagi gives you the privilege of manipulating reality itself but at the cost of your light. By sacrificing your Sharingan, you gain that privilege. A free pass from death if you will. You probably didn't know this because you weren't alive back when your clan was, but the Uchiha cherished their eyes to the bottom of their hearts. The use of Izanagi and Izanami, which blinds the eyes they hold, is considered the ultimate disgrace. How does that make you feel, Y/N?

Y/N: I didn't have a choice...

Tiamat: Oh but you did though. Death is always another option...

Y/N: I won't die. Not yet.

Tiamat: I don't doubt that, but soon you will be forced to. My plan requires your death.

Y/N: I can't believe you, Tiamat... Why would you betray me? I took you in from the familiar forest, gave you a home... You were special to me...

Tiamat: I feel the same way, Y/N. If the circumstances were different, I would love the idea of us leaving this world behind and traveling together, a nice cabin in the woods, that sounds... nice.

Y/N: You can still stop this, Tiamat. Re-seal the Gedo Statue right now and I'll forgive you, then we can continue this fight side-by-side.

Tiamat: You are right about one thing...

Tiamat extended her arm from under the kimono's sleeve and ejected a chakra receiver out from it before grabbing it.

Tiamat: We will be side-by-side...

Sairaorg: Reinforcements!

Sairaorg pointed to the approaching dragons.

Issei: Alright, it looks like Tannin pulled through!

Ddraig: (I don't feel like this is alright...)

Issei: What are you talking about, Ddraig?

Devil: Woohoo! Tear Em up!

One of the phantom dragons passed through the random devil and he instantly fell to the ground after having his life force sucked out of him. There was a moment of silence on the battlefield as the dragons stopped their approach and looked at the alliance.

Ddraig: (Issei... Run.)

Angel: Run!!

The alliance turned on their heels as they retreated towards the capital. The alliance started screaming and shouting as the dragons roared before launching at them, sucking the life force of the ones who were unfortunately left behind. Issei turned around and saw the various soldiers dropping to the floor and it infuriated him. The combined force of the chaos beasts and the newly arrived phantom dragons, whose abilities have yet to be found out, overwhelmed the alliance, and the only logical thing to do was retreat and regroup.

Issei took a step forward but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder by Sairaorg.

Sairaorg: We've lost too many people. We have to retreat.

Issei: But-

Sairaorg: I know, but this is the best option.

Sairaorg turned to run once again as Issei looked back at the dragons. He sighed before running after Sairaorg towards the capital. They ran through the doors of the capital before the door closed behind them with a loud bang.

Sairaorg: Barriers!

Various devils, angels and fallen angels stepped forward and lifted their hands. A powerful wall of magic circles were formed that collided with the phantom dragons. The dragons roared and tried to rush through but were met back with an equal force from the wall of magic circles.

Sairaorg: That should hold for a bit... Where is Lady Serafall, Lord Falbium and Lord Ajuka?

Devil: They weren't with us when we retreated, sir.

Sairaorg: Dammit...

Sona: Sister...

Sairaorg: They're strong together. We just have to hope that she is holding out.

Fallen Angel: Did you see those things?!

Angel: They stormed right through us!

Devil: The legendary dragons are still out there, do you think maybe they can stop them?

The allies started to talk amongst themselves. Many were losing hope, some were trying to hold on and others were downright ready to end themselves on the spot.

Issei: This is bad...

Sairaorg: Yeah... Rias.

Rias: Yeah, Sairaorg?

Sairaorg: What's our hierarchy looking like?

Rias: My brother has yet to return, alongside the other leaders... The remaining Satans' whereabouts are unknown, but they were last seen battling with Tiamat.

Sairaorg: Not good, without leaders the alliance will fall apart?

???: Are you all thinking about quitting?

The three young devils turned around to see a wounded Yasaka being held up by an arriving Kuroka and Akeno.

Rias: Akeno, Koneko, Gasper! You're all safe!

Akeno: We wouldn't be if it wasn't for Kuroka.

The mere mention of Kuroka's name caused the alliance to pull their weapons on her.

Kuroka: Easy, I'm on your side!

Rias: You were on Y/N's side, how can we trust you?

Kuroka: Was. I broke free from Y/N's control.

Sairaorg: How did you manage to do that?

Kuroka: I had an urge too, almost like I was meant to.

Sona: I was there. It was when Y/N was about to cut Koneko down.

Rias: He was about to do what?

Kuroka: He was about to kill Shirone... Whatever hope you see in him, I suggest you put it somewhere else that will be more useful.

Rias: So he truly is gone...

Sairaorg: No time to think about that now. Our top priority is the protection of the capital.

Seekvaira: And those dragons outside?

Sairaorg: I don't know what they're made out of so I can't say for sure what a good plan of attack would be.

Sona: Leave that to me.

Sairaorg: Sona?

Sona: I'll need some time but I'm pretty sure I can decipher what they're made out of.

Sairaorg: Well, Lord Ajuka isn't here right now, so I don't see anybody else that would be a better candidate.

Issei: What about Y/N? He's the leader of all of this. If we take him down the rest will be easy.

Yasaka: That will be no easy feat.

Issei: But we have too! Even if it kills us, Y/N must be stopped!

Sairaorg: How strongly do you feel about that statement?

Issei: What do you mean how strongly I feel?

Sairaorg: Y/N was your friend. Are you really ready to kill him when you have to?

Issei: I... Yes, if it's for the survival of us. I'll kill him myself.

Sairaorg: I see...

Rias: I still have hope for him.

They all turned to look at Rias who was looking at the dragons crashing into the wall before turning back around to face them.

Rias: The Y/N we knew is still in there.

Seekvaira: You can't be serious, Rias.

Sona: I have to agree with her.

Seekvaira: You too, Sona?!

Yasaka: What do you two mean?

Rias: We knew Y/N for a long time, he has saved us, helped us, and cared for us. I don't believe that all of those feelings were fake.

Sairaorg: You may feel that way, Rias. But, you must look at the situation right now. We can't afford to hope that Y/N will stand down, the only safe way is to kill him

???: That won't be necessary.

The group turned around to see Vali approaching them with his hands in his pockets and a smirk prominent across his face.

Arthur: Vali, you look... different?

Vali: Refreshed maybe?

Vali flung his hair back to show his once pale face due to overexertion came back with a lot more color.

Vali: My condition isn't important. What we need to focus on is freeing Y/N.




Everyone: WHAT?!

Vali flinched at the sudden eruption of confusion.

Issei: Vali, did you hit your head?

Vali: I know, it might sound a little crazy... Well, a lot crazy actually but look.

Vali stuck his hand out as a magic circle opened up and projected a hologram of Tiamat, Y/N and an unknown hulking beast.

Issei: Is that-

Rias: Why is Y/N chained up?

Vali: It looks like there is more to the story we don't know. Regardless, if he's chained up by Tiamat...

Sairaorg: He might want revenge against her...

Vali: Precisely, all we have to do is hope that he wants more revenge on her than us.

Seekvaira: This plan is stupid, We should just kill them both while Y/N is incapaciatated.

Vali: Y/N can't die.

Seekvaira: Why not?

Seekvaira stepped forward to Vali as they stared at each other in the eyes.

Vali: Because I said so.

Seekvaira: Since when do you care so much about his safety?

Sairaorg: Enough you two! Vali, why must Y/N live?

Vali: He is important.

Sairaorg: How?

Vali: I... I can't tell you. To be honest with you, I don't really know why myself.

Seekvaira: Sairaorg, you cannot tell me you are seriously considering this after hearing that!

Issei: But this is Vali we're talking about. This guy doesn't bluff.

Seekvaira: What he said doesn't make sense!

???: Then allow me to put it in layman's terms...

The group all looked behind them to see a floating Ophis.

Ophis: Y/N is the only person who can stop what is coming.

Sairaorg: So do you know what is coming, Lady Ophis?

Ophis: (Lady?) I have an idea.

Ophis slowly floated over to the group and landed next to them.

Ophis: I felt the presence of it, and if that is true then Y/N is only one that can stop it.

Issei: With all due respect, aren't you like a dragon god or something? Y/N should be a lot weaker then you on the power scale then you right?

Ophis: Yes, I can destroy Y/N with ease but that 'thing' was made to combat people of my power. I do not have the means to destroy it, only Y/N does.

Rias: How so?

Ophis: *sighs* Let me tell you all a sto-

Issei: Do we really have time to do that?

Ophis: Of course we do, there is always time for a story. When man was in the early stages of the earth...


Ophis floated above the vast greenland, untainted with modern technology and stared up at the sky.

Ophis (Red... Mark my words, I will return home.)

???: I'm telling you, Hamura. Something is going to happen soon.

Ophis looked down at the floor to see two young men walking through the grass. She squinted at them and noticed their clothes and facial features. They both had pale skin horns protruding from their forehead. One had short brown hair while the other had short white hair. To boot, their eyes were both pupiless and a lavender shade and they both also wore white kimonos.

Ophis: (Humans? All the way out here?)

Ophis slowly floated down and softly landed on the floor behind the two. They kept walking but both stopped a second later. They both turned around to see the small girl behind them but quickly widened their eyes and jumped back.

???: Did you feel that, brother?!

???: Yes, she is-!

Ophis: You can sense my power?

???: She can... talk?

???: Why wouldn't she be able to?

???: I don't know, with that much power emitting off of her I would have assumed her voice would shatter our bones.

Ophis: Do not fret, I have not come down here to fight.

The two brothers looked at each other for a moment before slowly returning to their neutral position.

???: Well, what is it you require, Ms...?

Ophis: "Ms?"I have no gender.

???: Well that's a first.

???: Is there a name we may refer to you as?

Ophis: A name?... No one has asked for my name before...

???: Then please, allow us to be the first.

Ophis: I am Ophis, the Ouroboros Dragon.

???: You're a dragon?

???: It is plausible, perhaps it is from one of the stories mother told us about.

Ophis: You are not familiar with my kind?

???: Kind? There is more of you?

Ophis: Dragons? Yes. People of my power? One more that comes close.

???: To think that dragons actually exist- wait! What if you're lying to us?

Ophis: I see no reason to lie.

???: Then would you please show us some proof?

Ophis: Hmm? I believe I could do that.

Ophis unfurled some black and purple dragon wings from behind her back.

???: No way... She wasn't lying...

???: It, brother.

???: Huh?

???: It's rude to refer to it as her as it is genderless.

???: What?

Ophis: I understand this appearance I have taken on could confuse someone like you.

???: Was she just racist to us?

???: Well, you have given your name to us so we shall return the favor. I am Hogaromo Otutsuki, and this is my brother, Hamura Otsutsuki.

Hamura: Nice to meet you, Ophis.

Hagoromo: As well as I.

Ophis: You two are... interesting...

Hamura: How so?

Ophis: I have only seen this earth through a broad spectrum, but actually coming down here to see... It is very interesting. Tell me, are there more of you?

Hamura and Hagoromo looked at each other before turning back to Ophis.

Hagoromo: There are more humans like us, but we are different.

Ophis: Part dragon?

Hamura: No, we don't really know ourselves.

Hagoromo: All mother has told us is that we are 'special'.

Ophis: Interesting...

Hagoromo: Even we do not know that well, what we told you is all we know.

Ophis: Well then, I would like to inquire about something. Why are you both all the way out here? The closest human settlement is miles away.

Hamura: My brother will have to answer that for you.

Hagoromo: We are investigating a report from a local settlement. Apparently they saw a group of white dressed men with green hair dragging something into the forest.

Hamura: Freaky stuff.

Ophis: How far are you away from it?

Hagoromo: It's over there actually.

Hagoromo pointed towards a nearby mountain as Ophis looked towards it.

Ophis: That is quite the distance still.

Hagoromo: Yes, but no distance is too great for a situation like this.

Ophis: Allow me to help then.

Ophis snapped her fingers as Hagoromo and Hamura alongside Ophis were transported to the base of the mountain. Once arriving, they both stood shocked that they travelled so fast and far in such little time.

Ophis: Is this close to where you needed to go?

Hagoromo: H-How did you-

Hamura: T-That was insane...

Ophis: Have either of you never teleported before?

They both shook their heads "no" while Ophis smirked.

Ophis: If you both haven't teleported before, then you probably don't know anything about magic.

Hamura: Magic is real?

Hagoromo: Brother, we were just teleported at least 10 miles, you would be a fool to not think magic is real by now.

Ophis: You two have really never heard of magic?

Hagoromo: The magic you do, no. But, we have our own if you would call it that.

Hagoromo lifted his hand as a stream of fire shot out of it and ignited a tree. Hamura sucked in a big breath and spewed a stream of water at the tree, vaporizing the fire.

Ophis: Wow...

Hamura: Yes, we are-

Ophis: That is so weak...

Hamura: What?!

Hagoromo: Relax, brother. We are talking to a dragon, its power is on a whole new different scale compared to ours.

Ophis: Indeed, I am great.

Hamura: Brother, it's disrespecting our culture!

Hagoromo: You heard it, she has never interacted with our kind, she may not know that we cherish our culture that much.

Ophis: I apologize if I was rude. You two are the first humans I've interacted with this much...

Hagoromo: Apology accepted, Ophis. Hamura?

Hamura: *sighs* Yeah, accepted.

Hagoromo: Well, we should be off. It was a pleasure meeting you.

Hamura started to walk off into the forest while Hagoromo was about to follow behind him. He stopped however, as he felt a tug at his sleeve. He turned around and saw that Ophis was looking at the floor while holding onto him,

Hagoromo: Is something the matter?

Ophis: Can we... meet again sometime?

Hagoromo: Of course we can, but I have to ask. Why?

Ophis: I would like to know more about your culture...

Hagoromo smiled at Ophis while delivering head pats.

Hagoromo: We shall meet again, Ophis.

Ophis let go of his sleeve as he jogged to catch up to Hamura. Ophis stood there for a moment before taking her hand and patting the top of her head herself.

Ophis: Humans are... weird...

Afterwards, Hagoromo and Ophis continued to meet whenever they could and quickly started to understand each other's culture and power. Hagoromo taught Ophis about the ways of the humans including, manipulating chakra, agriculture, and civilization. They had very in depth conversations and Ophis was surprised to say the least. Ophis got to experience many of the earth's treasures, including nature, the water, and the sun.

In return, Hagoromo became one of the first humans to dip their feet into mythology. He became the first human to set foot in the Underworld, Mount Olympus and Asgard to name a few. Ophis taught him the basics of magic and how it works, he even got to meet a few gods when he was lucky. Eventually, Hagoromo tried to train in magic but just as Ophis had told him it was extremely hard. Hagoromo tried for a while to learn it and after a couple of months, he was finally able to conjure magic.

Although he was able to do this, it didn't mean he could use any 'real' spells yet. Ophis was impressed though, humans were thought to be incapable of magic but perhaps Hagoromo's Otsutsuki heritage made him be able to. He couldn't cast regular magical spells but he could combine his magic with his own chakra and form it into something amazing. Hagoromo through this technique was able to unlock two transformations outside of the five basic ones.

Yin Release.


Yang Release.

Since magic exists outside of the basic laws of the universe, it was sensible that it could also help other powers reach a higher level. Yin Release allows the user to use spiritual energy to control imagination, creating form out of nothingness. Yang Release allows the user to use physical energy to control vitality, granting life to forms that have none. Both physical and spiritual energy are the two main components that make up chakra but the only person that could freely manipulate those natures was his mother, as she was more experienced in it than he was.

Currently, Hagoromo and Ophis were walking with Hamura through a field, much similar to the one they had met each other in.

Hamura: I'm telling you, brother. Mother won't be happy once she finds out that you've taken the leap in magic.

Hagoromo: Nonsense, brother. She will be happy that I'm going to introduce some of our world into magic.

Ophis: When will I get to meet this woman?

Hamura: Yeah, brother. When will Ophis get to meet mother?

Hagoromo: There is a time in place for everything and now is not the time.

Ophis: Do you think she won't like me?

Hagoromo: I wouldn't say 'hate' but, mother is hard at accepting new things. No offense, but you are definitely not normal to us humans.

Ophis: None taken.

???: The two sons of Kaguya Otsutsuki have made their arrival at last...

The three turned around to see nothing in their sights.

???: Down here!

All three of them looked down to see a toad looking up at them. This toad was weird though, not only could he talk but he also wore a necklace.

Hamura: Talking toads now... What is happening with our lives?

Ophis: Is this creature bothering you? Perhaps I shall erase him from existen-

Hagoromo: That won't be necessary, Ophis! Thank you though. So, may I ask why you have come to us?

???: You two are the sons of Kaguya Otsutsuki, correct?

Hagoromo: Perhaps...

???: Hmmm. You are travelling with a rather interesting companion.

Hagoromo: This is Ophis, the Ouroboros Dragon.

???: A dragon? A thing of myths.

Ophis: I beg to differ.

Ophis lifted her hand as the toad was picked up off the floor and started floating.

???: My! My! This is indeed something I have not had the pleasure of divulging myself in!

Ophis slowly lowered the toad to the floor as he caught his footing again.

???: That was quite interesting, but I have come with a message for you two.

Hamura: Us?

???: Do you two seek the truth?

Hagoromo: About?

???: Many calls from villages about disappearances, no?

Hagoromo: Do you know something we don't?

???: I know nothing more than the right direction. If you travel past the peaks of the mountains, you will find the answer you seek.

Hamura: And we're just to believe you?

???: What you choose to believe I cannot control. I will be taking my leave now.

Hagoromo: You can't tell us anything else and what about your name?

???: That depends and... My name is Gamamaru.

The toad hopped off after those words as he left the brothers confused and Ophis with a usual 'not interested' look.

Hamura: That doesn't happen every day. Let's keep going, brot-

Hagoromo: He didn't tell us that for no reason.

Hamura: Brother, don't tell me... Going past the mountains is forbidden, only those chosen for the Sacred Ritual can pass.

Hagoromo: People who go to the ritual don't return though, perhaps there is a deeper meaning.

Hamura: Those who cross are said to enter a paradise. If that's what it is truly like then I don't see why they would come back.

Hagoromo: I'll have to think about this.

Ophis: Are those people going right now?

The brothers turned around to see Ophis pointing at a group of humans as they approached the dirt road leading towards the mountains.

Hagoromo: Wait, that looks li-...

Hagoromo trailed off as he looked towards the back of the group to see a young girl travelling behind them. She had black hair and was looking at the floor as she walked behind them.

Hagoromo: Haori!

Hagoromo ran over to her with Hamura following behind him and Ophis walking to catch up.

Haori: Hagoromo, Hamura!

Hagoromo: Where are you going?

Haori: We've been chosen for the ritual so we are on our way to the God Tree.

Hagoromo: Right now?! Mother usually tells us when the next ritual will happen!

Hamura: Brother, did you forget you were travelling with Ophis all this time?

Hagoromo: Nevertheless, you can't go! Those who go don't return, what of your village?

Haori: There is still leadership there, they will be fine.

Hagoromo: Haori, you musn't-

Haori: I must, Hagoromo! Being chosen for the Sacred Ritual is considered the greatest honor! It's my obligation to serve the God Tree... Here.

Harori reached up to her neck and took her necklace off.

Haori: I wanted to say goodbye to you and Hamura before I left. I'm glad I got to...

She extended her hand towards Hagoromo as she put the necklace in his hand.

Haori: Have this to remember me by.

Haori smiled before turning around and jogged to catch up with the rest of the villagers. Hagoromo was shocked and at a loss for words. He couldn't even say goodbye, as it was too hard for him.

Hamura: Even Haori was chos-

Hagoromo: I will talk to mother. This must be put to an end.

Hamura: Brother, we-

Hagoromo: I can't stand to see anymore people go to that ritual we know nothing about!

Hamura: If you speak to mother, perhaps she'll make Haori the exception.

Hagoromo: Not just Haori, no one should have to go through that.

Hamura: Well, I'm behind you till the end.

Hagoromo: Ophis, it looks like you'll be meeting our mother a lot earlier than I expected.


Hagoromo: Now, mother is a person of interesting value. She's not one to openly talk to others aside from us.

Hamura: If you speak out of turn it could result in a feud.

Ophis: I'm sure she won't be a problem.

The three of them finished walking into their village to see Kaguya standing on the balcony of her temple. She stared up into the sky as the brothers bent the knee for her.

Hagoromo: Mother... Please end the Ritual of the Divine Tree.

Kaguya: That is not possible.

Hagoromo: But-!

Kaguya: I will not tolerate any defiance, even if you are my sons.

The two brothers looked at each other before Hagoromo stood up.

Hagoromo: Then please tell me... What happens to those who go to the Divine Tree as part of this ritual? Why does no one ever return?

Kaguya: This ritual is necessary... until the others arrive.

Hagoromo: "The others"?

Kaguya: You don't need to know about them just yet. Who is this?

The two brothers looked at Ophis as she stared with narrowed eyes at Kaguya.

Hagoromo: This is Ophis, mother. Hamura and I met it on our travels out of the village and since then she has become a regular traveling companion.

Kaguya: Is this who you have been spending more time with?

Hagoromo: How did you-

Hagoromo looked down at Hamura who looked to the side. He sighed before returning his gaze to Kaguya.

Hagoromo: Yes. As in the stories you have told us, she is able to wield magic.

Kaguya's eyes widened at the word as both her and Ophis lifted their hands at each other.

Kaguya: Why did you bring that here?

Ophis: You seem to know of my power as well. Then you should know that no one raises their hand to me and lives to see another day.

Hagoromo: Ophis, mother, please calm down!

Hamura: Ophis is a friend, not an enemy!

Kaguya and Ophis stared each other down before slowly dropping their hands to their sides.

Ophis: Only because you two told me to stop I didn't kill her.

Kaguya: The same goes for me, dragon witch.

Hamura and Hagoromo were shocked that Kaguya knew of Ophis' dragon heritage without even being told about it.

Kaguya: Hagoromo, Hamura... I am leaving once more. Take care of things in my absence and remove that 'thing' from the village and never return with it.

Hagoromo and Hamura looked down at the floor before responding to her.

Both: Yes.

Kaguya walked away from the balcony and slid her hand down the rail as it trailed her. Hagoromo gritted his teeth as she finally left their sight.

After Kaguya had left, a couple hours passed and Hagoromo was on the same balcony leaning against the wall while looking at the peaks of mountains that housed the God Tree. Hamura approached him and asked him the dreadful question.

Hamura: Brother... You're not thinking of...

Hagoromo: Yes, I intend to climb that peak.

Hamura: If Mother finds out, you'll get into a great deal of trouble.

Hagoromo: I'm prepared for the consequences.

Hamura: Okay, Brother. I'm coming with you.

Ophis: As will I.

The two brothers jumped in shock as they Ophis sitting on the rail looking at the mountains while kicking her feet.

Ophis: That tree has intrigued me for some time. I'm interested in finding out what the true purpose of it is.

Hamura: Mother said to take her away from here, but she never said where to.

Hagoromo looked at his brother and smiled as the three of them jumped off the balcony together.


Hagoromo and Hamura approached the top of the peak and saw the God Tree in it's full form. Hagoromo looked the tree up and down as Hamura panted.

Hamura: *panting* You couldn't teleport us, there?!

Ophis: It's like I said before, something here is denying my teleportation.

Hagoromo: What is this?

The two brothers looked down at the base of the tree to see no "paradise" they were always told was at the God Tree, instead, it was all dead. Sand and dirt coated the bottom of the pit with massive roots digging into the ground. Hamura looked at the base of the tree as vein-like vessels bulged around his eyes, Hamura activated his Byakugan.

Hamura: Brother!

Hamura immediately shot forward and slid down the side of the crater as Hagoromo reached out to him.

Hagoromo: Hamura!

Hagoromo quickly followed behind him as Ophis remained at the top staring at the tree before floating down. Hamura and Hagoromo both rushed to the tree with Ophis nearly behind and entered through the bottom. They jumped down into a cave-like area which Ophis followed them through to see body shaped cocoons littering the floor, all connected to the roots of the tree.

Hamura rushed over to the cocoon and looked directly down upon it. He slid a knife from under his sleeve and started to cut open the cocoon as Hagoromo jumped down next to him.

Hagoromo: What's wrong?

Hamura: Brother! Can you deal with this cocoon?

Hagoromo nodded as he lifted his hand and a torrent of wind ejected from it and completely obliterated the cocoon. Once destroyed, they were both shocked to see the woman inside was none other than Haori.

Hagoromo: Haori!

Hagoromo bent down to her as he cradled her while Hamura deactivated his Bykugan, closed his eyes and looked away with gritted teeth.

Hagoromo: Haori! Wake up, Haori!

Hamura: Brother... It's no use...

Hamura stood up above the two.

Hamura: She's dead.

Hagoromo gritted his teeth before screaming out from within the tree.

Hamura: So this is... the truth behind the Ritual of the Divine Tree.

Ophis: It explains why I couldn't teleport us near here. This tree, it's almost like it is sucking the life out of this area. With all these people in here, it must be difficult for an anchoring point to be set for teleportation.

Hamura: Brother! Your eyes!

Ophis looked down to see Hagoromo staring wide eyed at Haori with red eyes... or more specifically...

The Sharingan.


The group of three approached the pond that Gamamaru had spoken to them at..

Hagoromo: Come out, Gamamaru!

Gamamaru jumped out of the water and landed on the rock. He looked at Hagoromo and noticed the change in his eyes.

Gamamaru: It seems like you went beyond that peak...

Both brothers nodded at his words. Gamamaru squinted his eyes at the two, including Ophis.

Gamamaru: Come with me.

Gamamaru turned around and jumped back into the pond. The two brothers quickly jumped in after him as Ophis looked confused for a second before jumping in behind them quickly. All four of them emerged on the other side of the pond, almost like a portal.

Hamura: Where are we?

Gamamaru: This is the Land of Toads.

The group all looked in awe at the sight of what they didn't know at the time was an old Mount Myoboku. The group travelled through the mountain together as Hagoromo felt something.

Hagoromo: What is this... strange power I feel?

Gamamaru: Oh... I'm impressed that a human can feel the power here. The natural power known as Sage Power flows freely here. And so, if you use this power...

Gamamaru took one of his hands and heaved a giant toad statue above himself with no effort.

Gamamaru: Even I can do something like this.

Hagoromo: Wow...

Ophis: This Sage Power, you hide this place from my world by using that don't you?

Gamamaru: You are a smart cookie. Yes, we do. No offense, but your people have a habit of sticking their noses into stuff that doesn't concern them. We have erected this barrier so that we may continue to live in peace and solitude.

Gamamaru then set down the statue behind himself.

Gamamaru: Follow me!

The group followed Gamamaru and eventually entered a room with a large cushion and crystal ball sitting utop a stand.

Gamamaru: This is known as the Memory Stone.

Hamura: "Memory Stone"? Everything that occurs aboveground is recorded in this stone... Look at what happened in the past...

The three looked at the ball together as images started presenting themselves to them.

Gamamaru: Long ago, that tree fell from the sky... And, as if in pursuit, your mother Kaguya appeared here. And when your mother arrived, she fell in love with the emperor of this land and she became pregnant with you. However, Kaguya's destiny with humans was to be trifled by them and in the end, she became their enemy. Kaguya acquired the power of the Divine Tree, and your father, along with his people, were sacrificed to it. But, to make sure making didn't perish, she revived some of the humans, erased their memories and put them back. Only Kaguya knows the truth.

Hagoromo: Where is Mother from anyway? Why does she protect the Divine Tree?

Gamamaru: I don't know. Perhaps it's related to the fact that she appeared from far up in the sky. One thing is clear... Since the Divine Tree took root, the nature energy of this land is being depleted.

Hagoromo: How could that happen?

Ophis: It's all coming together now.

Gamamaru: Not just from the land... but from humans too. As long as that Divine Tree exists... this great land will wither, and we will suffer the same fate.

Hagoromo looked down at his palm and stared at Haori's necklace with a shaky hand.

Hagoromo: We must speak with mother.

Hamura: Will she even listen to us?

Gamamaru: Hagoromo, your mother's power is immense. It rivals even that one right there.

The two brothers looked at Ophis with shock as even Ophis was taken back by the statement of the toad.

Gamamaru: I doubt you can confront her directly. Even if you are her son. Gamamaru, will you teach me how to use Sage Power?

Hamura: Brother! You're not planning to fight Mother, are you?!

Hagoromo: It's just in case... I've already learned magic-

Gamamaru: I see... If you, who inherited Kaguya's power, acquire Sage Power... you could definitely take her on. However...

Hagoromo: What is it?

Gamamaru: Teaching you Sage Power is very risky.

Hagoromo: Why is that?

Gamamaru: Is there any guarantee that after acquiring Sage Power, you won't become the same thing as your mother?

Hagoromo: Gamamaru... After coming this far, have you become scared?

Gamamaru: What did you say?

Hagoromo: You're contradicting yourself. Why did you lie in wait for us, then? You planned to pit us against Mother and make us fight from the very start.

Gamamaru: You're pretty shrewd for a human, aren't you? Yes, I had a revelation.

Hagoromo: A revelation?

Gamamaru: Yes, a dream. Toads rarely, if ever, dream. But that dream was more like a prophecy... I dreamed of you battling Kaguya.

The two brothers looked at each other for a moment before turning back to Gamamaru.

Hamura: How did it end?

Hagoromo: I don't think his dream went that far. If it did, he wouldn't be so nervous.

Gamamaru: What-?! How can you see so far into a toad's heart so clearly... Just who are you?

Ophis: Maybe he really is dumb.

And so, Hagoromo began training to take in nature energy and in no time at all he was able to acquire Sage Power. Hamura had left Mount Myoboku to return to the village and make sure everything would run smoothly in Hagoromo and Kaguya's absence. Ophis stayed by Hagoromo and Gamamaru throughout his training and even helped him refine his magic capability.


Some time has passed since Hagoromo had started to train under Gamamaru. Hamura, with longer hair and looking noticeably older, returned to the village and watched as they farmed and smiled at the group of humans. He squinted his eyes and turned around to see Kaguya standing behind him.

Hamura: Mother! You're back so soon...

Kaguya: Where is Hagoromo?

Hamura: Brother is still out patrolling the village...

Kaguya: Hamura! Hiding things from me is useless.

Kaguya activated her Byakugan as it sent out pulses of wind around her that made Hamura falter to one knee. Hamura activated his Byakugan in retaliation but it proved to be fruitless against her.

Kaguya: It's useless... even if you try to repel me with your Byakugan... My Byakugan is far more superior to yours.

Gamamaru nodded to Hagoromo, who had gained a small goatee and longer hair as well as looking older. He channeled his chakra within him and sent out a huge bolt of lightning at Ophis who lifted her hand and blocked it but the ground and rock behind her shattered leaving smoke in its wake. Ophis swiped her hand as the smoke dispersed and she smiled at Hagoromo.

Ophis: You are getting stronger.

Hagoromo: I think... I've mastered Sage Power.

Gamamaru: Well, you just might be able to take Kaguya on. Oh.

Gamamaru looked to a nearby bridge to see a blue toad jumping across it and making its way to them.

Gamamaru: A Messenger Toad?

The toad stopped in front of Gamamaru and spoke in a language unfamiliar to Ophis and Hagoromo to Gamamaru.

Gamamaru: What?!

Hagoromo: What happened?

Gamamaru: Kaguya has returned and they're not able to contact Hamura anymore.

Hagoromo: Then...

Gamamaru: It's safe to assume that she has seen through our plans.

Hagoromo: The moment of confrontation has now arrived.


Hagoromo and Gamamaru looked at the villagers as they all exited through a road out the back of the village. Ophis helped them across the river and Hagoromo couldn't help but feel sorry for them.

Hagoromo: Forgive me, everyone!

Gamamaru: But this is the only way to save this land.

Ophis floated down next to them and they nodded to each other before looking down at the compound where Kaguya was located.

The sun started to set as Hagoromo, Ophis and Gamamaru approached the steps of the temple.

Hagoromo: This is far enough. Any closer, and it would be dangerous. Go and hide somewhere, Ophis and I shall take it from here.

Gamamaru: If you fight Kaguya... I can't begin to imagine the scope of the battle.

Gamamaru reached into his mouth and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Hagoromo.

Gamamaru: This is for the both of you.

Hagoromo bent down to grab it and then brought it up to his face.

Hagoromo: What is this tag?

On the front of the tag it said the word "SAGE" and massive amounts of Sage Power radiated from it.

Gamamaru: Do you feel its enormous power? It's a treasure that has been passed down in the Land of Toads. It is forbidden to take it outside of our land, but our lives are also on the line. There is Sage Power infused in that tag. Our ancestors sacrificed their lives to make it. Use it when you don't have time to replenish your Sage Power. It can only be used once, but it can revive you, even if you're on the verge of death.

Hagoromo tucked away the tag inside his kimono.

Hagoromo: I am indebted to you.

Gamamaru: I will pray for your guys' success.

Gamamaru jumped away leaving only Ophis and Hagoromo at the front of the steps.

Hagoromo: Remember, we will talk first then if things escalate we will take action.

Ophis: If you were anybody else I wouldn't listen to you.

Hagoromo looked down at Ophis. Ophis smiled at him and delivered some delightful words.

Ophis: But luckily you are a friend. I've got your back, Hagoromo. Your's and Hamura's.

Hagoromo smiled at the dragon god.

Hagoromo: Thank you, Ophis. Now, let us go.

Hagoromo and Ophis made their way up the stairs and to the door to see Kaguya sitting in her chair looking directly at them.

Hagoromo: Mother.

Kaguya: Hagoromo... You two broke the law and went to that peak, didn't you? Hiding things from me is useless. I can read your thoughts and feelings.

Hagoromo: Then you must know why we're angry with you, Mother.

Kaguya grinned slightly.

Kaguya: It seems you were in love with that young girl...

Hagoromo: Not just her... But everyone from this land, every single one of them... I loved them all, Mother. I also found out what you did in the past. Why would you do such a terrible thing?

Kaguya: You both don't know how dreadful they can be. That is why an army is necessary.

Hagoromo: They're your soldiers? Mother, just what are you? Where did you come from?

Kaguya: I come... from a place far, far away in the sky... A place where you two can never go. But someday, they will come to take me back. Love doesn't work on them... They only understand power. They will devastate this world if we do not prepare.

Hagoromo: Still... even you must have believed in love in the past?! We are proof of that love.

Kaguya: But... my love was also betrayed. And now, I am to be betrayed by the two for whom I risked my life, and shared my power with.

Hagoromo: Mother, please feel the power of love once more... and stop the Ritual of the Divine Tree!

Kaguya stood up from her chair.

Kaguya: I will not.

Hagoromo: Mother!

Kaguya: I protected you, and nurtured you all this time. It seems it was all for naught. We will never see eye to eye. So, Hagoromo... I am taking back... that power.

Kaguya lifted her hand at Ophis and clenched it. Ophis went to fire back at her but she felt a power take over her and she fell to her knees while gripping her chest with widened eyes.

Kaguya: And you... I told you never to return with this thing!

Hagoromo: Ophis!

All of a sudden, Hamura jumped from behind Kaguya and launched himself at Hagoromo delivering kicks and punches towards Hagoromo that he managed to dodge.

Hagoromo: Hamura!

Hagoromo backed into a pillar before jumping away from a fist from Hamura as it completely destroyed the pillar. Hagoromo landed on the other side of the room and looked at Hamura in complete shock.

Hagoromo: Mother! What did you do to Hamura?!

Kaguya: Hagoromo, if this love you speak of is real... you will not be able to kill Hamura.

Hamura continued to attack Hagoromo as he tried desperately to get through to his brother.

Hagoromo: Snap out of it, Hamura!

Hagoromo swiped Hamura's legs as he flew over him and he fell back first onto the ground.

Hagoromo: I'm not your enemy!

Hamura sat up and looked at Hagoromo with no emotion. He jumped to his feet and continued to fight Hagoromo and eventually their fight led them outside.

Gamamaru who was perched atop one of the buildings outside saw the two brothers fighting each other.

Gamamaru: So she took Hamura as a hostage! If he stays on the defense the whole time, even Hagoromo will...

Hagoromo jumped over Hamura and landed on the floor. He looked at Hamura as his chakra started to surround him.

Gamamaru: What is he planning to do?

Hagoromo lifted his right hand and clenched his fist as lightning coated itself around it. Hamura started to run towards Hagoromo as he got into a battle stance.

Hagoromo: Forgive me, Hamura!

Hamura threw his fist forward as Hagoromo caught it and moved it to the side. Hagoromo then plunged his fist straight through Hamura's chest, a single teardrop leaving Hagoromo's left eye with his Sharingan.

Hamura: Brother!

Hamura then coughed up blood onto the floor as Hagoromo looked at his brother in sadness. However, his eyes quickly changed from a Sharingan to a Rinnegan and a red circle with a ripple pattern on his forehead, which was his Mangekyou Sharingan appeared.

Hagoromo grabbed his brother and slowly lowered him to the floor and onto his back.

Hamura: I...

Hagoromo: Mother was controlling you.

Hamura: I messed up, didn't I?

Hagoromo: Don't talk. I'll heal your wound.

Hagoromo took the tag out of his kimono and put it on Hamura's forehead as he closed his eyes. A bright green light then emerged from the tag and it morphed into Hamura's body.

Gamamaru: *chuckles* Damn it... Using the Secret Technique of the Toads for that purpose...

Hamura sat up groggily and looked at his chest to see a whole in his kimono but none in his chest.

Hamura: The wound is healed! What did you do, Brother?

Hagoromo: If we make it out of this alive, thank Gamamaru.

Hamura: Will do, where is Ophis?

Hagoromo's eyes widened at that statement as he quickly turned around and ran towards the temple but it was too late as Kaguya floated out through the roof with an unconscious Ophis hovering next to her.

Kaguya: Hagoromo... Hamura!

A third eye on Kaguya's forehead then opened up... The Rinne Sharingan.

Hagoromo: Mother...

A black shakujo then formed inside of the Hagoromo's palm as the same did for Hamura.

Hagoromo: What have you done with Ophis?!

Kaguya: Did you not think I would prepare for the likes of this thing to intrude in my plans? I told you not to return with it and yet you still did. You are to blame for what is to come. Ophis here has replenished me and now I am ready...

All of a sudden, there was an earthquake that shook the land.

Hagoromo: What is that?

Hamura: Brother! Look!

Hamura pointed towards the God Tree as it started to pull itself into the ground. They formed a seed above the ground before arms replaced the roots and pulled themselves out of the ground.

Hagoromo: What in the world is that?

Hamura: I feel an enormous power...

It sprouted multiple limbs and a head before a giant head peaked itself from the confines of the mountain. The two brothers were shocked as both of them didn't know what that hulking beast was called but to those of the current time, it is known as...

The Ten Tails...

Ophis: (And that is how Hagoromo and Hamura's battle with Kaguya began. This is where the real battle started. Kaguya had the power of the Divine Tree. In order to protect Kaguya, the Divine Tree turned into the Ten Tails.)

Nighttime fell on the land as the Ten Tails pulled itself out of the crater to come face to face with Hagoromo's light blue Perfect Susanoo. The Ten-Tails generated a Tailed Beast Bomb in its mouth and fired it at Hagoromo who in return brought his sword up to block the massive beam as it caused catastrophic damage all around him.


Ophis: (The intense fighting between Kaguya and the brothers continued for months. It took a massive toll on the land. I was still unable to do anything as Kaguya had drained me of my power to rejuvenate the Ten Tails. But, at long last, the decisive moment came to be.)

Kaguya had emerged on the battlefield as both Hagoromo and Hamura reached out to her, both carrying the sun and moon marks respectively on the palms of their dominant hands. They managed to finally touch Kaguya on her shoulders which was very bad for her.

Ophis: (Hagoromo and Hamura's powers overcame Kaguya's.)

Hamura: Now, brother!

Hagoromo: Six Paths: Planetary Devastation!

The Ten Tails roared as it began to dry out and turn to nothing but dust. A small egg slipped from underneath her sleeve and fell to the floor as the ground began to break apart and form around her. The two brothers landed on the floor and looked up at the sight before them. The sealing technique was so great that it created a giant rock, much bigger than what is created with normal Planetary Devastation and it heaved itself into the atmosphere.

Hagoromo put his hands together and released the people trapped within the roots of the Ten Tails former resting place in the crater. Hagoromo saw Ophis wounded against a rock looking at the two of them. The two brothers immediately rushed to her aid and bent down next to her. Hagoromo lifted his hand and placed it on her chest as she felt her life become revitalized. She looked at Hagoromo and Hamura as they both breathed a sigh of relief before standing up and offering Ophis their hands.

Hagoromo: Glad to see your okay, Ophis.

Ophis could only smile at the two brothers and took their hands of help. Amid the destruction left over from the final battle, Ophis, Hamura, Hagoromo and Gamamaru were all gathered together in the ruins of the former temple that was their home.

Hagoromo: I split the Ten Tails into nine souls.

Hamura and Ophis both inspected the floating nine green magatama in the air, each with a baby Tailed Beast inside sleeping.

Hamura: When you look at them like this, they're very cute.

Ophis: What will you do with them?

Hagoromo: I will take care of these Tailed Beasts. I will raise them to trust humans and to help them.

The magatama all floated into Hagoromo's palm and into his body after which he clenched his hand.

Hamura: Brother, I think I'm going to stay by Mother.

Hagoromo: Hamura?

Hamura: When I was being controlled, Mother's consciousness was present inside of me. I felt her emotions. Mother was afraid all of the time. In order to protect us, Mother only did what she thought she had to do... It made me feel that she was just a woman, alone all by herself. I guess I love Mother, after all.

Hagoromo: Hamura... You are a kind soul.

Hamura: Brother... I will always be up there in the sky... watching over the world you create.

Hamura walked over to a summoning circle and stood atop it.

Hagoromo: Come visit once in a while. We won't be that far apart.

Hamura: I will. I still have to beat Ophis in that arm wrestling match. Take care you guys.

Hamura dissolved into blue particles and floated up towards the now newly formed moon hovering above the Earth.

Ophis: Well, I think it's time I return on my journey.

Hagoromo: You're leaving as well?

Ophis: Yes, I still have my purpose to follow through with, I want to stay but cannot.

Hagoromo: That's okay, Ophis. I understand.

Ophis: It is now your job to rebuild what has become of this world. Since I am a being of magical power, it would be best if I do not interfere, especially when it comes to humans.

Hagoromo: So then, this is goodbye.

Ophis: No, goodbye means we will never see each other again. But, I will always be watching over you, Hagoromo. And who knows, perhaps will have that rematch again.

Hagoromo: *chuckles* I would like that.

The two smiled at each other as Ophis floated into the sky and away from Hagoromo as both he and Gamamaru looked on.

Ophis: (And so, that's how the battle between Kaguya and the brothers ended.)


All of the alliance finished listening intently to Ophis' story. Some were amazed and shocked by the events that transpired on the surface way before their time.

Bikou: That was...

Arthur: Insane...

Issei: What was that story supposed to tell us?

Ophis: Y/N is the holder of the Sage of Six Paths power, only he can seal away the Ten Tails again. Not me, not you, only Y/N.

Sairaorg: Even you can't seal whatever that thing is away?

Ophis: As I told you, that thing was specifically designed to deal with people of my power. Hagoromo and Hamura took months to successfully defeat it together. If we all band behind Y/N and help him seal it away. This world, the surface, everything you've ever known, will be spared from the horrors I've seen.

The alliance all looked at each other with murmurs coming from the crowd.

Vali: You heard Ophis, this is the only way.

Devil: And what about his crimes? Should we just willingly help out a person who's done all of this?!

Sairaorg: We might need to put that behind us for the greater good of the world for now.

Rias: I'm willing to give Y/N a chance, I know there is good somewhere in there.

Sona: Yes, Y/N will help us, we just need to wake him up.

Various close friends of Y/N started to speak up at his defense and eventually it led to a clash between should they trust Y/N to help them or kill him. As the group was arguing amongst themselves, Vali approached Ophis.

Vali: Ophis.

Ophis: Vali, you look a bit different than usual.

Vali: How so?

Ophis: A bit more chippy.

Vali: *chuckles* It must be this war finally getting to me. Anyways, I was told to deliver a message to you.

Ophis: And what is this message?

Vali: The power of the Sage will rise once more.

Ophis' eyes widened as it came to a realization. Ophis looked back up towards the sounds of roars in the distance with narrowed eyes.

Ophis: (So, this was your plan all along, huh?)

Hades stepped out from a magic circle and looked up at the hulking titan in front of him. The Gedo Statue roared out at Hades as Tiamat turned around to see him.

Tiamat: You're late...

Hades: They were a lot more difficult to handle then I thought.

Tiamat stepped towards the Gedo Statue leaving Hades to see Y/N with a chakra receiver through his chest and him staring directly at the floor.

Hades: He really was a pawn...

Tiamat: Depends at how you look at it. We're on a schedule, let's go.

Hades: Right.

Hades summoned his staff as he planted the bottom of it into the floor. 8 giant magic circles formed and from within them emerged each one of the Tailed Beasts being restrained by magic. Hades brought his hand up and focused on the beasts.

Hades: Magic is not enough to hold them!

Tiamat: I am aware.

Tiamat formed a hand sign and looked at Shukaku, the One Tail.

Gyuki: What is the meaning of this?!

Son Goku: It's just as I thought, it's returned!

Isobu: Let us go, you vile demon!

Chomei: You won't live to see another day if-

Tiamat: You first, rat.

Shukaku: I'll kill you!

Shukaku started to feel weary as he began to become absorbed by the Gedo Statue.

Matatabi: Shukaku!

Y/N continued to look down at the floor as his hands twitched slightly. His body looked almost dead as the color from his face was drained and his eyes were only half open. Inside his mind however, Y/N could only look up at the chained Kurama as he struggled with his own version of the chakra receiver stuck inside him within the seal.

Y/N: Kurama... I failed...

Kurama: Don't give up, kid! There is still time to stop this!

Y/N: She played me like a fool, I deserve what I get...

Kurama: You're speaking nonsense! Everything you've accomplished, you've done by yourself. Even if some of those things others may disagree about, you can't deny yourself from being strong.

Y/N: What is to come is far beyond my power.

Kurama: That's a lie, kid! Do you know who you even are?! You are a descendant from the Sage of Six Paths! The strongest human to ever live! He defeated the Ten Tails and sealed it away, with only the help of one other! You've received both the power from him and his brother and now you want to quit?! Do you realize that you are the biggest threat to the Ten Tails that walks the face of the planet?

Y/N's real fingers started to twitch.

Y/N: Yes...

Kurama: Do you know that Tiamat is scared of you?! That's why she didn't fight you right off the bat, because you could easily defeat her!

Y/N's arms started to move slowly towards the rod in his chest.

Y/N: Yeah...

Kurama: Don't let this bitch make you her slave! You decide your own destiny! So, I'm going to ask you one more time... Who are you?!

Y/N: I'm...

Y/N's hands wrapped around the black receiver as his eyes slowly came back to life. He looked up to see Tiamat and Hades sealing the Tailed Beasts within the Gedo Statue.

Y/N: I'm Y/N Uchiha!!

Y/N then yanked out the chakra receiver while also breaking the chains around him and threw it to the side. Tiamat felt him do this and turned around to see him holding his chest but with a widened left eye.

Y/N: Amaterasu!!

Tiamat: Hades, move!

Tiamat and Hades both jumped away from each other as the black flames coated the spot they were standing at.

Hades: I thought you said he would incapicated for now?!

Tiamat: His will is stronger than I thought! He must not interrupt the sealing process, he's weak right now due to my receiver, keep him busy!

Hades: With pleasure!

Y/N widened his stance and looked at Hades as he walked towards him.

Y/N: Let's dance then.



Next Chapter: Reunion

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