Dark Desire

By FANcyxwritesss

198K 4.3K 311

Sex addict Wolff Finnegan only fucks virgins. At twenty-five, he's almost certain that there are no more virg... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one

Chapter Seven

6.3K 143 3
By FANcyxwritesss


After my confusing—and rather unfinished—night with Wolff, I came to a few conclusions. First, I realized that my situation was far better than what it would have been if two strangers hadn't brought me here. Who was I kidding? I couldn't stay at a hotel with only a few American dollars in my pocket or survive on free drinks from men who liked to flirt. Wolff gave me his guest room. He bought me designer clothes. He served me full meals. And in return, I only had to give him my virginity. Would I be stupid to refuse his proposition?

Second, if I say no, sign the NDA and leave, I would have no place to stay. I could get a job somewhere, sure, but until then, what will I eat, wear, and—God, I couldn't. I had to say yes.

Third, Wolff wasn't as dangerous as I thought he was. I didn't know why I pictured him as a violent person, no less than a monster when he offered to buy my virginity. He wouldn't touch me, wouldn't even come close to me. When he wanted to, he would leave. He was the embodiment of self-control. I didn't even need the tazers and pocket knives in the first place.

And fourth, I had enjoyed the way he looked at my lips—a confirmation that I had gone insane.

Dear god, they must have been putting something in the water I was drinking. Or the tea I had guzzled last night. Because seeing him looking longingly at my lips like he could already taste me, did something to me. Something I had never felt with Louis. Or anyone.

I had to stand and step away before I could mindlessly utter something like Yes, yes, I accept your proposition. Just please, kiss me. I want to know how it feels.

"Before anything, I would like to apologize for how I acted that morning in the office." Axel came up behind me in his usual work clothes. "It was unprofessional and I promise you, it will never happen again, miss Mirabella."

I nodded and nodded once more, still entrapped in my thoughts. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

Axel's brows shoot up, probably surprised at how quickly I was letting the conflict between us go. I couldn't care less, actually. He seemed like a highly reasonable person. "What is it?"

"What's wrong with Wolff?"

His shoulders tensed as soon as the words left my mouth. "I'm afraid that is not an information I'm allowed to disclose."

I frowned. "Okay, but what if I wanted to help?"

His brows shoot up once more, eyes slightly widening. "You have agreed to his proposition?"

"Why would agreeing to it would help him?" How could sex help him when he looked like what he needed was care and an awfully warm warm hug last night?

Axel cleared his throat and readjusted his tie. "If you wish to know, you may ask Wolff himself. But you have to sign the NDA before he tells you anything."

That goddamn NDA. What was so wrong with him that required to be kept a secret?

I opened my mouth to answer but our attention turned to the the hallway on the right to where Wolff was walking from. He was in his usual half-formal attire with his slacks and black button-down, sleeves pushed to his elbows. My gaze ran along the length of his forearms, veins and lean muscles covered them. An image of strength on their own.

"Mariana, please come to my office. I'd like to discuss my proposition." Were his only words directed to me as he walked past us.


"WHAT?" For a second, I thought Axel was about to lose his cool again and walk out pissed. But he stayed rooted at his position, hovering over Wolff's desk with a dumbfounded look on his face.

Wolff repeated his words calmly, "I am withdrawing my proposition."

"For what reason?" Axel questioned. "Did something happen last night while I was gone?"

I couldn't think of a single reason why Wolff changed his mind overnight. He walked out in the middle of our conversation looking winded out but before that, he wanted it still—wanted me. It was clear from the way he looked at me.

"I simply changed my mind." Wolff grabbed a piece of paper and slid it to the corner of his desk. "Please, sign the NDA, Mariana. We have to make sure you would not speak about any of this to anyone."


Both their heads snapped to me. I pressed my lips together and shook my head firmly. If I sign that paper, they would waste no time kicking me out.

"Bring the proposition back." I demanded. "I will agree to it."

Axel looked stunned, like he could hug me and buy me balloons any minute. However, Wolff's steel expression broke into a grimace. "No."

Axel turned back to him. "Are you out of your mind? She's saying yes, Kurt."

"And I'm saying no."

"Bullshit. You've been looking for her for God knows how long!" Axel, exclaimed. His knuckles were pressed flatly on Wolff's desk, any more pressure and he could punch holes in them. "What changed your mind? Did you find another girl?"

Another girl. I gulped. She would take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to start over. I would not let that happen.

"We will resume the search. Mariana is not cut out for—"

"Let's go. Right now. To your room. Take my virginity. I'm staying." I stood up and straightened my dress—another black dress Wolff gifted me this morning, another reminder why I should have agreed to his proposal in the first place.

Axel chocked. Wolff remained rigid but his pained expression was back on his face, like how I found him on his bathroom floor last night. Was it really that hard to bring back the proposition? I couldn't, for the life of me, comprehend how his mind worked. I knew how much he wanted me last night. I remembered his words exactly. A thousand. Maybe more. Where the hell was that man now?

"Mariana, no. I can't—"

"I'm ready to have sex." I was not.

Wolff looked like he was about the cry.

Axel exhaled a heavy breath. "Okay, wait. Calm down. Kurt, get the paper. Mariana will sign the proposition right now."

"No, goddamn it!" Wolff stood up from his chair so fast his knee hit the table and some of the pen and paperweight dropped to the floor. "I will not touch her. I can't. You don't understand, I just can't."

"What? You suddenly changed your preference overnight?"

I held my breath when Wolff's tight grip came in contact with the lapels of Axel's coat. To his credit, he did not flinch. Axel only stared at Wolff with this indecipherable depth. A kind of understanding reserved for people you deeply cared about.

"I would hurt her, Axel. You know I would. And I wouldn't be able to handle it. The guilt. It would eat me alive."

"Then you'll do it slow, you—

"I don't fucking do slow!" Axel's jacket was seconds away from tearing under Wolff's strong grasp. "I never do. I don't have control over that."

"Yes you do, Kurt. Please. Let Mariana sign the proposition. We will try everything to make it work."

Wolff loosened his grip and took a step back, but his gaze remained pinned on Axel like he was still hurting and he needed reassurance that everything would be okay. At that moment, I saw it clear as day. The bond between them. The silent understanding passing through their eyes. They weren't simply employer and employee. They were brothers. Brothers who would not leave each other's side amidst any challenge.

Wolff rounded back on his table, pulling another sheet of paper from his drawer and placing it atop his desk. He didn't sit as I made my way over to read the proposal. I gripped the pen and cleared my throat. My eyes scanned the paper for the words I needed.

When I was sure my needs would be covered and I have nothing else to worry about aside from losing my virginity, I signed the paper and let out the breath I was holding. "Done. When do we start?"

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