Mechanical Error

By HannahBuckman19

9.9K 274 14

Born from a Mother who died at childbirth and a Father that thought the world of his daughter. Odette was t... More

Thomas Sharpe
The Family (18+)
America (18+)
Skibo Castle (A/N)
Heaven and Hell
Coffee and Porridge
No More
Piano Keys
Happy After
The End


443 9 0
By HannahBuckman19

         It's been another 2 weeks in this gloomy mansion, another week of slow moving days. I spend most of my time with improving Thomas's many discontinued inventions. But when I am not working I am spending time with him, getting to know him better. Even though this is not my world or body I am catching feelings, and I don't think they are Claudias.

        Thomas has kept work with his clay machine that is about finished and ready to start working. I try to make him take breaks, so we spend a lot of time together. Most of the time we spend by the piano or in our room reading. Sometimes we are just cuddle, other we are make out, but not any farther.

       The women in 1800s want to stay innocent for their husbands, but that's not why I haven't. In my world there was never any men that seemed my type, I also only payed attention to my work. I mean Thomas is my husband, I think. He married Claudia but now I am her, so technically he is my husband.

I think I love Thomas, or strongly like. This is all so complicated, is this my world? Thomas is really here with me, right? What if I am stuck here and there is no way back to my world. What if he's the only man I will ever have. Shouldn't I play the part just in case?

      Lucille has spent sometimes with us when we aren't working. She somehow always seems to interrupt us with another horrid cup of coffee, she is like a walking chastity belt. I haven't decided if I like that or not, luckily when she leaves Thomas takes the disgusting liquid from me. I think he realizes how bad she is at making it, but we won't tell her. Lucille also planned a trip without us, which is weird. But she came home with male clothing my size and some hot chocolate so I just let her slip, I got presents.

It's almost the 4 month anniversary of Thomas and our wedding. And I have no idea what to get him, or how, I'm sort of stuck in this house. Maybe we can go out, eat a nice dinner and spend the day together. But I have a week to figure it out, so I'll put a pause on it for now.

Thomas has been up in that dusty old attic all day long, and I in the living room by the fireplace. Lucille, I think went to get the mail, since the house is in the middle of no where we have to get our own mail.

I decided to get off my butt and go up the elevator to Thomas's workshop.

"Hey." I said softly as I walked in. He turned around with a smile. "You have been up here all day and I'm lonely." I reached my arms around to his front and put my chin on his shoulder.

"Where is Lucille?" He turned around and pulled me onto his lap.

"She went to get the mail." I brushed the stray hair out of his face. "Have you accomplish anything?" Thomas lit up.

"Yes." He grabs the paper behind me and brings it so I can see. My eyes widened and I gasped. "The final draft."

"You finished the machine." He kissed my exposed shoulder, I started wearing his tank tops. "When will the parts arrive to assemble it? Can I help?" He chuckled.

"They will arrive in a months time. And it is no job for a lady." I raised a brow and smirked. "You are still a lady, darling." He took the paper from me and placed it back.

"I promise you I am not the same lady that walks down the street." I turn so I am straddling him.

"Oh, I know. You are a stubborn, progressive, independent woman out of her time." He kissed my collar bone. "But you are still a lady, and my wife. I can't get you hurt, now can I." I rolled my eyes.

"I won't get hurt. Have you forgotten I built a car all by myself. I wanna help." I pecked his lips. "Please." He sighed and stared at me.

"Fine." I squealed and hugged him tightly. "But you have to be careful and I must be there." He laughed.

"Thank you." I released him. "I can't believe I will be building a machine. And we designed it. I will make history. We will make history. Your machine will make history. I will most likely be the first woman to build something. Imagine it The Sharpes in big letters on the Newspap-."

Thomas grabbed my head and kissed me hard. The hands I was waving around while I frantically talked lowered to his shoulders. Thomas placed his hand on my back and pulled me closer to himself. He pressed harder, kissing me passionately. I moaned into the kiss, surprising myself.

Hands went to my thighs as he stood up and placed me on the table. I held him tightly, not breaking our connection. His hands trail up my shirt, his calloused hands trail my body. His waist grinding into me, his manhood becoming a bulge.

"Damn these pants." I breathed out. He trailed kisses down my neck. "Thomas." I moaned as he found my sweet spot. I pulled on his hair causing him to moan as well. "Not here."

"Are you giving me your permission?" He trailed kisses back up to my lips.

"Yes." I breath out. Thomas growled as he lifted me off the table and placed me on the ground. "I love you." He smiled.

"Claudia, I think I have been in love with you for a while." He kissed my lips. "I want you." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the workshop just to run into a very angry looking Lucille. "Lucille." Thomas let go of my hand. "Have you already come back." He kissed her on the cheek.

"Yes, and I have terrible news." She handed a newspaper to Thomas who looked at her than at me. "I am so sorry for your loss, Claudia."

"What?" I looked to Thomas. He handed me a news paper of Claudias Father on front page, dead. "Oh." Is all I said. One of Claudias tears left my eye. "I guess there will be a funeral." I said nonchalantly.

"Are you ok?" Thomas asked. I noticed Lucille left. "Do you want to go sit down." I shook my head.

"Has the funeral been planned? I need to go to America I think." I said staring at the newspaper. "Carnegie family will be there, most likely all of them."

"We will go if that is what you wish. You can see all of your family, it has been long." Thomas hugged me, crushing the newspaper between us. "It's going to be fine. You have me, I will take care of you." He kissed my forehead.

"I know." I rested in his chest. "I guess I have to go. Can you come with me?"

"Of course." He kissed me forehead. "I am here for you."

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