Steve Rogers Love and Tony St...

By DakotaNee

3.7K 150 63

Talia Stark used to love her life when she was younger. she had loving parents, an I've protective big brothe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 13

91 4 4
By DakotaNee

I get pulled out of my memory by a loud beeping noise next to me. I tried to open my eyes but they felt glued together like they have been shut for a while. I move my hand to my eyes and wipe them. I then open my eyes and hiss at the blinding light. I looked around at the familiar place, then as the memories came back I gasped and pulled up the hospital gown. There was a huge piece of gauze on it.

I then felt the pain of it, it wasn't bad but it was enough to make me wince. "Uh, Jarvis?"

Good to see you awake Ms. Talia.

"Where is everyone?"

"They are upstairs eating breakfast, would you like me to send them all down?

"Uh yeah. Thanks." Within a minute I saw everyone running out of the elevator. First to me was Steve. He kissed me softly, then he was pushed by my brother who hugged me. "Ow." I said as he squeezed me. He pulled away quickly. Everyone else hugged me softly. I groaned and laid back down, "How long was I out?" "A week." Bruce said as he did tests.

"Why am I not healed yet?" I asked, "You got shot." Thor said confused. "Yes but water heals me." "We haven't been giving you water." "Why not?" "Because you needed to heal naturally for a few days." Bruce explained. "What did they want?" Nat asked, "My powers. They would shock me every time I didn't talk. Anyways how long was I... gone?"

"2 weeks." "So I missed New Years, what a great start to a new year, am I right?" "We didn't even celebrate it." Clint said I nod. "Can I have water?" Steve gets a glass of water and hands it to me. I drink the whole thing in a minute. "Shouldn't you slow down?" Thor asks. "No." I set the glass down on the table next to me. I feel a wave of pain hit my torso.

I gasped and looked down, I covered up with the bed sheet up to my waist and pulled my hospital gown up and tore off the gauze. I saw the bullet home slowly healing. I formed water in my hands and put some over it. A minute later the water was gone and all that was left was a small scar. I can add those to the other previous existing ones.

I laid back and sighed. "That was cool." Clint said making me chuckle. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. When I woke up again I was alone. "Jarvis what time is it?"

It is 6 pm Ms. Talia.

"Thanks." I got up, noticing all the wires gone. I went to the elevator and went up to the living room, floor 4. I stepped out of the elevator to see everyone watching a movie. "Your watching Titanic without me?" I say, everyone looks at me. "This is like, one of my most favorite movies ever." I go over and plop down on the couch next to Steve. "We just started it." Bruce said. I nod grabbing some popcorn from Steves bowl and popped it in my mouth.

I felt Steve kiss my forehead. "How are you feeling Doll?" I look at him with a smile. "Good." He nods and we continue with the movie. When it was over I was crying along with Thor and Nat. "You guys don't have hearts." I say getting up. I go to the kitchen and make some Mac N' Cheese.

When I was done I put the dishes in the sink and went to the living room, sitting down. "You didn't make us any?" Tony said in disbelief. "No, I haven't had real food since before I was kidnapped. I'm starving." "Don't eat to fast. You'll throw it up since your body isn't used to real food and big portions anymore." Clint said. I frown. "Why do you gotta be right?" He smirks and gets up. "I'll make some Mac N' Cheese for everyone." He gets up and leaves.

I eat slowly and by my 8th bite I was stuffed. "Do you want this?" I ask Steve he looks at me. "You done already?" I nod he takes it and eats some. Feeding me a bite every once in a while. "Want the last bite?" I shake my head. "Nope imma puke if I do." He chuckles and finishes it off. Then he gets some of Clint's. I sit there and watch another movie while they eat.

"So who's turn to do the dishes?" I ask, "Jarvis?" Tony asks.

It is Mr. Banner's turn and Mr. Thor sir.

Bruce and Thor sigh getting everyone's bowls and heading to the kitchen. "So uh, how were things while I was, gone?" "Lonely. It felt like the tower was empty." Nat said.

"What did they do?" Clint said. I looked down, "Uh, beat me and used powerful electro Shock, before you guys came in they brought in 5 people from New York. They were besting them up and when that didn't work the one guy ripped the clothes off of a young teenager. I said I'd agree to them testing me and shit if they left them alone." I looked down as tears came to my eyes.

I quickly wiped them away. "Did they get anything before we came?" Tony asked I shook my head. "No." "Did they at least feed you?" Steve asked. "Rarely I was waiting for the right time to use my powers to escape. But you guys beat me." "I'm gonna head to bed." I get up and walk away. I go to my floor and hop into the shower.

I scrub myself until my skin was raw and red. When I got out I quickly dried off and got dressed. I came out of the bathroom and sat on my bed. "Hey Jarvis did Tony ever repay the guy who helped save my life?"

Yes ma'am he paid him a few thousand dollars.

"Ok and Jarvis can you give me the names of all 5 people that were there besides Collin?" I got a piece of paper and pen.

Yes ma'am there is Tanya Holding, James Holding, Tommy Star, and Mavis Vanjovie.

I write all the names down, "Jarvis tomorrow send me all of their locations please."

Of course Ms. Talia.

"And uh, Jarvis what is Steve doing."

He is in his room. Would you like me to get him?

"Yes please. Thank you Jarvis."

Anytime ma'am.

I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I holler. Steve opens the door and steps in. He comes over and sits on my bed. "Is everything alright?" "I need help. Tomorrow I am going to go and get some money out of the bank then we are going to find the remaining 4 people who were took as hostages." He looks at me. "I don't think-"

"Please Steve." I grab his hand as tears fall down my face. "They got beaten up and the teenage girl she was about to be raped. I have to do something. I want to get rid of this guilt that I have and this is one of the only things that I know that will might help. I can't help but feel like this was my fault. I should have gave in and let them experiment on me. What kind of person doesn't do that." I look down as my hands go to my face. "I'm an awful person. I'm a monster."

Steve grabs my hands and looks me in the eyes. I was rocking back and forth. "Breath Talia. Your not an awful person or a monster. Deep breaths." I look at him as tears fall down my face. He wraps his arms around me as I sob into his chest. "Your not an awful person Talia. Your a good person, you have a great heart." I shake my head.

He holds me as I cry, saying things that help me a little, but it was hard to think that I was a good person. I just hoped doing this would make up for them getting beaten. I soon fell asleep in his embrace. Only to wake up screaming. He was right there holding me as I sobbed into him again.

"Your ok it's over. That was a dream." He whispers in my ear while rubbing my back.  I look at him, he wipes my tears away. "Its ok Talia." I wrap my arms around his neck, standing up on my knees. He pushed me more onto him making me staddle his lap. I stuffed my face into his collarbone.

One hand was on the back of his neck while the other was in the middle of his back. He had one of his hands at the small of my back and the other one near the back of my neck. "What helps you calm down?" He asks into my neck. "You." I whisper back. He chuckles and I felt his cheeks heat up. "Besides me." "I like looking at the stars while listening to music."

"Do you want me to ask Jarvis?" I nod.

Already done Sir. Ma'am.

I chuckle. "Thanks Jarvis."

Anytime Ms. Talia I hope you feel better.

I smile and move my head to look into his eyes. "I love you Talia." My eyes widen and so does my smile. It was the first time we have ever said it. "I love you too Steve." He smiles and leans in slowly. His lips connect with mine in a blissful, slow kiss.

He pulls away slowly letting us breath. "Do you feel better now?" He asks with a smirk. "No I think you should kiss me again." I whisper looking into his eyes. He smirks and kisses me again. Our lips move in sync, it felt so right to be with him right now. I pulled back breathing heavily. He didn't stop though. He went down to my neck. I moved my head to the side as he moved my hair. I felt him trail soft, small kisses over my neck down to my collarbone and back up.

I was goin crazy inside as his lips went to mine again. My hand tugged on his hair, making him groan, which made butterflies erupt in my stomach and a feeling going to my core, I couldn't describe the feeling. He laid down making me hover over him. I pulled away and went to his neck leaving soft kisses behind.

I kissed right on his collarbone making him groan softly. I stayed there and bite softly making him groan again, next thing I knew we were flipped over. He was hovering over me. He dipped his head down to my neck leaving kisses behind. When he found my sweet spot I moaned softly, I could feel him smirk as I felt him bite down in it harder then I expected making me gasp and my back to arch.

My hands went all over his back as he began to trail up my neck, to my jaw and over my lips. He kissed me harder then before, making the feeling come back again. My hands went to his neck as his went to my hip and one to hold himself up. He pulled away a minute later. "Do you want to stop?" He whispered, his forehead against mine with our eyes closed.

"If that's alright with you." I open my eyes and see him smiling. "It's alright Doll." He kissed me again and rolled off laying next to me. I turned and faced him with a smile. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. He pulled the covers over us, I looked up at the roof to see stars. I smiled as I watched then while drifting off this time, in a peaceful sleep.

When I wake up I felt Steve next to me. I looked and saw him peacefully sleeping. I moved and straddled his lap and kissed him. "That's a good way to wake up." His hands went to my hips as I pulled away with a smile. "Well you have to get up so we can go." He frowned and pulled me closer. "Do we have to?" "Yes." He sighed and kissed me. "Ok." I got off of him and grabbed some clothes. "Can I join?" "Will you keep your hands off?" "Probably not." I turned around and smirked. "Then no. I'll see you in half an hour." He smiled and left the room.

I closed the door and took a shower. When I got out I fried off and dressed in a black top with some pink flowers on it with a matching black skirt. I curled my hair then did s natural look for my makeup. When I was done I grabbed my combat boots and out them on and walked out with a purse. I went down to the kitchen there I saw Tony, Steve and Natasha.

I cooked some eggs for myself and sat down. "Where are you going?" Ton said sipping his coffee. "Out with Steve." He nods, "Did you sleep well last night?" He asks, "Not really." "I'm sorry." He kissed my cheek and walked out. Steve walked in and made himself done breakfast then say down next to me. We all talked for a while until we finished. I did the dishes with Natasha then left with Steve.

"Jarvis send me the locations of everyone from yesterday alone with their names and a picture of them. Please." I said in the elevator. He put them into my phone, James and Tanya Holding were the closest just a block away. "What bank does Tony go to?" I ask, Steve shrugs.

The bank is near James and Tanya Holding Ma'am.

"Thank you Jarvis."

We walked out of the tower and went near the father and daughter I am guessing. When we were close I saw the bank do we went in and waited in line to get my money.  When it was my turn me and Steve stepped up. "Uh withdraw for Stark." I say she nods, "Talia?" "Yes." "Ok and how much?" She asks looking at me. "This is going to be a bit complicated, I need 10,000 dollars in 3 piles of cash. "So 3 piles of 10,000 dollars. How would you like to have the money?" "I would like it to be in 100's, 50', and 20's."

"Ok hold on that will take some time. Please go sit over there." She pointed at the seating  area. Me and Steve went over and sat down. "What if they don't want the money?" "I don't know." "I really want to help these people." I say with a sigh. "Hey it's going to be alright. How about we buy a few clothes for the man and teen?" I nod with a smile. "Talia Stark!" I heard, me and Steve went over I grabbed the money and stuffed it in my purse. "Thank you." We walked out and went to a clothing store across the street.

I bought a few sizes for the teenage girl along with some new shoes, a hair brush, some hair ties and a few things of makeup. Me and Steve paid for it then left the store. I checked my phone and saw they were in an ally way not far. We walked for another 5 minutes when we arrived. We walked into the ally way and looked around in the back was 3 people. We went over and saw someone trying to take what James and Tanya had.

We ran over and helped them. The man ran away and me and Steve turned around to look at the daughter and father. "Hi, do you guys remember me?" I asked they nod. "Well uhm," I looked at Steve he nods with a smile. "Well you know my name, and yours are Tanya and James?" They nod. I dug into my purse and grabbed the money. "This is for you guys. Along with those bags. I felt bad when I woke up yesterday, I was in a medical induced coma because I saved my friends, but I got shot in the torso. And me being weak I couldn't heal myself. You both know I have powers, and because I have these bad things happened to you both and almost you. This is me saying sorry."

I finished my ramble off and held out the money. "This isn't me brining you both to keep quiet about them. Believe me I-" I was cut off by them hugging me. I hugged them back. They pulled away a second later. "How much is it?" The dad asked. "10,000 along with some clothes, a hair brush, makeup, shoes. It should be enough to get you both back on your feet." "Thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to us." I smile at them and walk away wrapping my arm around Steves.

We then went to Tommy Star, a few blocks away. We found him sitting near a store. We went over to him, his eyes widen as he sees us. "Hi, I'm Talia, do you remember me?" He nods slowly. I pull out money and give it to him, "This is me repaying for what happened to you a few weeks ago. I'm sorry that you got beat up because of me. And I would like to ask if you'd keep my powers on the down low side." "O-of course. Thank you." He hugs me quickly. "Its 10,000 it should be enough to put you back up on your feet. What are you going to do?"

"I've always wanted to be a nurse. I went to school for it when I was younger." I smile, "Don't miss your chance to be a nurse and help people. I hope it goes your way." I stand up and leave with Steve with a smile on my face. "Is it helping?" He asks as we walk towards our final destination. "Yes." "I'm glad." I smile as we went into an ally way and found the woman along with a 3 year old son.

We walked over and when she heard us she looked, grabbing her son. "Hi, I'm Talia do you remember me?" She nods looking Steve up and down then me. I crouch down in front of her and pull the money out. She looks at it then at me. "This is for putting up with what happened a few weeks ago. I am very truly sorry about what happened. This isn't to bribe you to keep quiet about my powers, this is to get you back up on your feet." I look in my purse and grab more money. "If I would have known you had a son I would have gaven you more." I hold out the money to her. "I can't take that." "Please, if not for you for your son. I feel awful on what happened."

She looks at me. I hood up my other hand. "Pretty please with a flower ontop." I make a flower appear in my hand. It was a red rose, minus the thorns. Her son comes over and grabs it with a smile. She looks lovingly at her son. She had a huge bruise on her cheek it was faded but it made a tear fall down my face. She looks at me, "What happened is not your fault hunny." I nod, "Yes it is." Steve crouches down next to me with a few bags. "This is for you and your son." She looks in it and finds clothes, shoes, food, everything she would need.

The son looks at me, "Again!" I laugh making another flower. "Ok I'll take it. But do me a favor in return." I look at her with a smile. "Yes?" I ask, "Don't let go of him." I blush as I hear Steve chuckle. "How did you know?" "A mother always knows." I smile and hand her the money. "What's your son's name?" "Gavin." "I like that name." "You seem familiar." She says looking at Steve. I look at him with a smile. Not a second later I hear a gasp, we look at her, "Your Captain America."

"Yes I am ma'am." He takes her hand and kisses it. "What a gentleman." I laugh, "Always." "My lips are sealed." We heard Mavis say, I smile and kiss his cheek. I stand up along with Steve. I make a few more flowers for Gavin then we set off. I had a huge smile on my face. "I feel amazing." He laughs and wraps and arm around me. "You have such a good heart Doll."

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