15♡Last Pain [WonMina]✔

By JeonMina_05

14K 1.1K 73

If she can turn back the time, she dont want to be born in this cruel world. There is time where she want eve... More

1》Giving In
2》Patience Hope
3》Honest tale
4》A Surviveness
5》Her Justice
6》Your Awaken
7》Twinny Far
8》Our Return
9》The Invitation
10》Convince Together
11》Surpise Announcement
12》Stupidness Reason
13》Distinguish Discussion
14》Contract Dealer
15》Difficult Part
16》Tensing Wall
18》Another decision
19》Secreative Messages
20》New Beginning
21》Confessasion Past
22》Fighting Us
23》Pointless Divorce
24》Meet Again
25》Dangerous Warning
26》Secure Us
28》Little Wrong
29》Falling Hopeness
30》Reasoning Realising
31》Court Me
32》My Fear
33》Starter Event #1/2
34》Endless Event #2/2
35》Messing Vacation
36》Bringing Closerness
37》Reunited Together
38》Uncontroable Accidents
39》Perfect Appreaciating
40》Knowing Death
41》Crime Regretness
42》Dominant Decision
43》Traumatise Memories
44》Trusting Faith
45》Sincering Sorry
46》Joyness Chance
47》Miracle Angle
48》He's Ours
49》Blooming Flower
50》Last Pain

17》Camping Tracking

188 21 0
By JeonMina_05


Tzuyu accompany Mina going down to main entrace where Wonwoo and Mingyu waiting. The first view she saw was her twin hugging Wonwoo. A questionable face explain all on her face. It pull her curiousity and end up she wanna know what makes Mingyu and Wonwoo hugging each other.

What she knew is their relation still tense and they both distancing each other.

Now Mina just saw they two hugging and patting their shoulder each other.

There is one feeling she hold it from three days ago, a offended side.

How cant she being fine when nanny Jeon told her that she and Wonwoo parents wont join them for camping. And what most annoyed her when nanny Jeon registered their name in one camping program for three days.

More bad, Mina and Wonwoo be a partner and will share one tent.

"Oh, you guys here."

Mingyu speak once they walk towards them. Sadly that he and Tzuyu cant join them as Tzuyu will spend time with her family to fly to Taiwan. While Mingyu had his plan with their foster parents.

The curious thing on him was why Mingyu look having another plan that she dont know. But before she can jump into any conclusions, Mina let him be.

"I think everyone ready to go. Tzuyu, is it fine if I drive you to airport?"

"You have nothing to do?"

"Gwaenchana, my parents resting for a day before we go to holiday tomorrow."

Tzuyu nodding her head and let him bring her luggage to his car. Now only Mina and Wonwoo still standing without conversation. Suddenly, Mina realise that she have to give her house key to counter so it will keep safe.

She turn and leave him alone to counter. She then greet the male server.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh hello miss. Im Haechan. May I help you?"

"Yeah, actually I and my housemate will not be home for several days. So can you keep our house key for a while until we back?"

"Sure, but may I know which floor and number of your apartment?"

"Our house number is 109 at sixth floor."

Haechan write the information on small paper before stick it on the house key after Mina hand him. As their short conversation done, Mina thanks him before go back to where she left Wonwoo.

But he's not there so Mina wondering her eyes to surround before someone tap her shoulder.

As she turn around, Wonwoo standing calmly with empty hand.

"Where were you going?"

"I putted our bag pack in my car. Lets go, we had another half an hour before the camping program start. We need to gather and register our attendence."

She didnt speak after that and just keep silence once she hopped in his car. Mina wear her earpods to prevent awkwardness between them and stare outside the view.

Many things playing inside her mind. Their arrangement, Mingyu suspicious acted, their lost mother, nanny Jeon, about Wonwoo and many mores.

She cant choose where to handle first by all the problems happend to her.

It mess her head and it affected her day. Her mood swing everytime she met Wonwoo and his family especially nanny Jeon. Its still early to make an argument with Wonwoo now. Its almost ten in morning and she dont have interest to have a conversation with him.

If the talk will make them argue, then she choose to silent. But if its make her mood better, she will tag along.

"We are here."

She didnt realise that Seoul and Ilsan just take not long hours. Mina pull out her seatbelt and get out from his car. She impress how the gather location was near the sea and behind her was forest where they will tracking inside.

She saw peoples surround her taking their stuff and gather to main center where there is yellow flag shown.

Mina take her bag pack and follow Wonwoo from behind to where everyone stand. There is three table where they need to sign their attendence. Mina and Wonwoo line up with others to wait their get call.

"Myoui Mina, Jeon Wonwoo!"

They two raise their head to table number two. In same time, they walk towards the table and greet the tracker.

"May I know if you two are friends or step siblings?"

"We are—

"We already enggaged."

Wonwoo cut her as like he know she will answer they are friends. The tracker nod and give them pen to sign their name attendence. The tracker then hand him two sticky number to plaster on their biceps arm.

For Mina, she get number 23 while him get 17. They two plastered it on their biceps before line up back.

"Greetings everyone! Im Mr. Bae, Im the leader tracker here and I will guide all of you to Light Air Forest. We will start our program with rules."

○There is no line internet inside forest, so please put your phone or technology stuff inside your bag.
○For lady, please keep your valuables such as gold, ring or bracelet.
○Whoever had partner, man have to be behind while lady stay infront them.
○Remind to all of you to not say something weird while tracking jungle.
○Please tie your hair properly and make sure to wear suitable clothes.
○There is no guarentee if the wether stay hot or rain, so please wear a cap if you had.
○Dont littering everywhere inside forest and keep clean.
○The tracking will stop after 2 hours before arrive on river centre.

Mina check herself and reliefe she dont have nothing to worry. She even make sure she tied her hair with double rub except she dont have a cap.

She wore silver sweatpants and black legging with maroon shoes. While Wonwoo being completely opposite from her. He wore sweatpants and tracksuit in black with grey sportshoes. He had brown caps on his head.

"If nothing problem, we will start our tracking now!"

As Wonwoo and Mina line up at two lanes, they started to walk once first lane go.


2 hours later~

They stop for a while to take a short rest. There is almost 50 peoples joining this camping program and its enough for them to continue the tracking.

Mina grin her teeth silently as she feel little dislocated. As she check her ankle, it turn small red but she hide it quick to prevent others notice.

"Lets get continue!"

She quickly get up and bring her bag to her back. Wonwoo turn his ehad to make sure she tag along near him and soon they all gather to where Mr. Bae standing.

"Before we could walk, our next track were little slippy so I want men stand infront while ladies behind them."

Mina and Wonwoo switch their position like Mr. Bae instructed. After sure everyone ready, they continue tracking for next track.

After an hour, Mina can feel the sting on her right ankle. But she wont say anything and force her feet to walk. She wont make herself as reason they need to stop just to check her.

"Oh my god! You okay?!"

Everyone turn their head to front where there is one man almost slipped. The third track they were now really challenging and the ground little wet made them have to careful to not slipping or fall.

The man nodding and clean his knee. Mr. Bae sign them to stop a while as he need to check if their front way may dangerous to them or little safe to walk.

Mina sit on the rock like the others do. She check her right ankle again and it turn to red wound.

"Hey, are you okay?"

She raise her head to see one girl. She is one of volunteer tracker, Maya. Mina try to hide her ankle but sadly, Maya notice it.

"Im fine!"

"I dont think so, let me check you."

Eventhough Mina is a doctor, this time she wont be the one. As Maya checking on her, Mina mind hit something.


She turn her hair to left and she saw Wonwoo look up the tree and his view was far from her so she hoping he wont notice she in small injured now.

"Okay, I think you better be careful right now. Your ankle now in little dislocated and if you force more, you can break it."

"I know and aware of it. Im a doctor actually."

"Really?! Ah, no wonder you look calm when Im checking you."

They two giggling together and talk a random topic about medical stuff.

"Lets go, guys! We will arrive to our last track. We almost there!"

Mr. Bae raise his voice to everyone. Maya help Mina stand up properly before go to lane number four. Mina seems cant hold herself from forcing her feet to walk like normal way. She cant limp or not, Wonwoo will notice it.


*clap clap clap!*

They all cheering and clapping once successfully arrive at river center. They put their bag down and scretching themself a while.

Mr. Bae then raise his hands to pull their attention.

"Alright guys! Whoever had number 1 to 10, will duty to make our lunch and dinner. Number 11 to 20 will be duty for build the tent. Number 21 to 30 will fishing and some of you have to find a woods to make bonfire. People who had number 31 to 40 will help me wrap this yellow tape surround us so we wont get lost. Last one, number 41 to 50 will be duty to tidy this place so they can build the tent well."

Mina look at her biceps arm, number 23. She choose to help others who same number group with her looking for woods, as some of them are man will do fishing. She didnt take any glance to Wonwoo that make his way to build the tents for 25 partners including him and Mina tent.

She take lots of small woods like what Mr. Bae told them too. As other number groups were duited to made two big bonfire, they have to find lots of woods for half an hour.


She hissed when there is sharp stick pricked on her ankle where it was right one. The wound she had still pained her and now it become worst as the stick pricked on her pain side.

Mina bent down and quickly pull the stick out from her ankle. It not too deep but the sting started to become worst.

She remember there is napkin inside her pocket so she take it our and wrap it around her right ankle. She make sure that it tied well to stop it from bleeding but she sure she will walk little limping.

"Gosh, you okay?"

She turn as there is one of fellow notice her bending down. She wall towards her and see Mina holding her right ankle.

"You need help? You dont have to look for a woods anymore, we had lots enough."

"Gwaenchana, Im fine. Its just small problem."

"You can walk properly?"

"Maybe little limping wont trouble much."

Mina gently stand up straight with person help her. She then carefully walk away without help anymore but she limping side little as her ankle stinging everytime she move her feet.

As she arrive at river centre, she see the tents already done. People who dutied for their meal also started to cook. There is few people still fishing and another fellow with Mr. Bae. Another number group who already finished their parts, put their bag inside their tents and take a short rest.

She caught Wonwoo put their bag inside their green tent. So with carefully step, she walk towards him. As she stop infront him, he turn and almost startle to see her.

"You done witb your duty?"

"Yeah I am. Can I get in?"

"Suit yourself. I wanna go wash my face."

He walk away with small towel with him. Mina didnt hestitate to take off her shoes and get inside their tent. It was big enough for them and the space is good to distance themself.

Mr. Bae told them earlier that they will had lunch another an hour. So they all had long time to rest themself.

Mina take off her socks and look at her wound. Its already stop bleeding but she still felt the sting suffocating her. She take one water bottle and crawl outside to wash her feet. As the blood cover her ankle, she make sure her aid kit on her side to wrap the wound.

"What are you doing?"

She stone for a while, her eyes wide when there is deep voice behind her. She turn her head to see Wonwoo frown his face to her.

She just sitting beside their tent just to wash her feet and treat her wound. But looks like she get caught in hand.

"Wash my feet?"

"Beside the tent?"

"Erm to clean small dirt, I guess."

She turn back to her feet and quickly wipe away the blood from her ankle.


Crap for her, he hold her wrist and stop her action. Wonwoo move to kneel infront her. Now Mina know that she in trouble.

"There is blood on your feet."

"Not a big problem to you."

She try release her wrist from him but he grip it and use his other hand to hold her leg. And when he touch her wrist leg, she winch in pain.


"What happend to your ankle?"

She hestitate to open her mouth. Wonder to explain or create an excuse, she cant choose. But Wonwoo wont let her away from him easily when the situation happend now is doom.

Mina sigh and decide to tell the truth to him without no lie.

"My right ankle was dislocated ago. Then when I was looking for a woods, there is small stick pricked straight on my ankle. Soon after I pulled out, it bleeding and I covered it with napkins I had."

"Why you didnt tell me?"

"Does it concern to you? Mind your own business."

She try to snatch back bottle from but he avoid it far from her. She feel annoyed and groan her face.

"Give it to me, Won. I need to treat my wound."

"I know you are a doctor but let me wrap it for you."

"No —

"Just listen."

She throw her face aside to avoid eye contact with him. He sit down in front of her and pull her right feet gently on his lap. He wash her ankle and put the ointment on her wound.

Mina silently winch in hurt when he pat the cream on her ankle. Wonwoo notice she hold herself by bite her down lips to prevent the pain.

He then slowly wrap the bandage in short around her ankle before clean the stuff anf put it back inside aid kit.


She didnt waste time, so she try to stand up. As she try to walk, she almost stumble down but one hand hold her arm.

"Be careful next time. There is no need to rush on. We still had two days here."

Mina pull her arm away from him and walk limp inside their tent. Wonwoo throw his heavy sigh before make his way to look around the river.

Inside the tent, Mina complaining herself. Cursing her careless action and she cant move on from thinking how calmly he treated her wound like nothing. Expecting he would mad at her, today he being little different. But still it wont change the fact that she still stick with the rules in contract.

"Just mind your own business, Jeon Wonwoo. Remember the rules!"

She talking to herself eventhough her words pointing to him. Even he didnt hear it, she still try to remind the rules to herself and wishing Wonwoo also will stick to it.


They both dont know wether they need to tag along or minding their own world. The bonfire night was going well, Mr. Bae taught them campfire song with two trackers playing their guitars.

Mina seems enjoy the song while crossing her arms. She feel comfortable leaning againts big wood and sat on the ground like others do. Some of them just seat on the big woods including Wonwoo who playing with wood stick.

"The first night camping with bonfire is better. You guys must be tired, right?"

They all nodding to Mr. Bae. He chuckling before clasp his hands.

"Well since everyone already had dinner and clean yourselves, its better we take a sleep now. Tomorrow must be a good start for us. I will show you what amazing thing on top of mountain while watching sunrise."

They all look excited and wondering what Mr. Bae hinting about tomorrow. Mr. Bae then gesture them to dismiss bonfire group and go back to their own tents.

Not for Mina, she get up and again, in limping she walk towards table to drink. The sky look better to enjoy the view so she quitely go to side river and sit on top of medium rock. The atmosphere tell her to use her brain now.

So she use her brain to think something. But her mind tell to remember the peoblems she had, its stressing her.

Mina take almost half an hour alone before she yawn, signing its time to her to sleep.

Standing up and turn around, she saw no one outside except her. So she thought everyone already slept and only her have to get inside. Walking and limping is really irritated. But she used to it now. The string on her ankle slowly faded away and she grateful, that tomorrow she can join the tracking without big trouble.

Mina go to table first to put down her cup. She then turn and walk ahead to their tents. As she arrive, she take off her shoes but she didnt get in. She look other tents and see no light inside except their tent.

She thought Wonwoo already sleep but when she open the zip, he actually read a book.

No one try to make a conversation, so she get inside and rest herself beside him. But to make sure they keep their distance, they two out their bag on the middle.

Mina use her earphones rather using airpods that need a bluetooth. She wear it and turn on her music. Eventhough there is no line internet, she just playing music. Thats one of way she can sleep peacefully without disturbing Wonwoo who still focus reading his book.

When she was about to close her eyes, he suddenly speak.

"You wont sleep with earphones on, arent you?"

Wonwoo still read his book without turning his head towards her. But she didnt offended and stare him back.

"I will take it off after this. Just continue read your book."

"Im done."

She turn her body to him who stoll sitting while her already laying down.

"Then sleep."

He closed the torchlights they have. He then lay down make Mina feel that no conversation again betweern them. She then closed eyes before slowly dribe into sleep and had good dream.


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