We Fall Like Rain

By SerendipityTales

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After a car crash, Maggie and her friends wake up trapped a thousand years in the past. They must work togeth... More

A Strange Thing Happened
A New World
So...We're Time Travellers Now?
Camp Lost
The Vikings Are Sweethearts
Dinner and Diatribes
Groundhog Century
Here We Go Again
All's Fair In Love And War
If Only We Had A Time Machine
Cosplay in the rain
Barns to Battlefields
The Siege of Oxford
Reflections as we fade.
The Great Escape.
Green Arrows
The Hero & The Beast
Much Ado About Nothing
The Missing
Steadily we go down
Maiden Fair Maiden

Angel of Time

27 1 0
By SerendipityTales

The Lords Houses where spread across villages. There were two close by, seeing as the castle was also near. And another in the next town along, about four miles down the road.

Tuck, John and Will took the farthest house. Marian, Charlie and Thalia took the middle, the Lords Estate closest to the countryside.
Leaving Robin, Niki, Kalen and Maggie to take the house closest to the castle. The village population was denser here, harder to get in and out of without people spotting something.

"Alright," Robin turned from peaking behind the wall of the Alley they were hiding in. The house was just ahead, large and gated off by a tall wooden fence, a large garden on the other side, leading up to the front door. "I think it's clear." He whispered.

Although it was still slightly busy in the village, almost everyone was at the fair.
This made sneaking in a lot easier.

They couldn't take the front gate for fear of being spotted by servants still potting about in the dwelling. So, much to Nikis delight, meant scaling the wooden fence near the back of the estate.

This took some time, with Maggie being the last over the fence. The way in was luckily unlocked, this due to servants bustling about taking drinks to the gardeners.

"Quickly, in here." Robin lead the way out of the servants domain and up to the wings of the house that the Lord would occupy.

"What now? We just wonder around until we stumble upon something?" Niki asked. Maggie frowned, looking about the study they had all crowded into, her maroon cloak flowing behind her as she weaved in and out of book cases towards the desk at the back of the room.

"Yes, actually. That's what searching means." Maggie spoke from where she was riffling through the Lords paperwork.

"Mags, he'll notice." Kalen whispered, positioning himself closer to the windows.

"Oh, I'll put it all back where I found it in a minute." She absent-mindedly responded, reading the sprawling handwriting that was almost illegible to Niki from where she was stood.

"What is it?" Robin asked, impatiently.

"Correspondence -between the Lord and his niece. She's visiting him now. I hope she's at the fair, would be an inconvenience to bump into her here." Maggie put the letters back how she had found them, strewn across his desk, in date order.
"We should split up, cover more ground." Maggie suggested.

"Absolutely not. Have you never seen a horror movie before?" Kalen muttered, walking closer to Maggie.

"A what?"

"Nothing" Maggie threw a wry glance at Robin. "Splitting up is the easiest option, Kalen. Look, Niki and I will take upstairs, you and Robin do the rest of this floor, then come find us when you're done." She smiled, giving his hand a light squeeze.

Reluctantly, Kalen agreed, following Robin out the door and down the hallway. Maggie left the study in haste, leaving Niki to catch up.

The awkward silence was torturous. Niki couldn't quite recall the last time they had been at a loss for words with each other.

". . . So. . . You still mad at me?" Maggie was cautious about this, and did not meet Niki's eyes.

". . . I thought you were mad at me." She whispered back.

"No. I just hate arguing with you, Niki."

"Well, me too. But we're you serious? About not wanting to change anything, even the bad stuff."

Maggie sighed; a deep, tired breath of air. "Yes. We don't know what we may change. Do you honestly want to risk going back home, and finding you have no home to go back to?"

". . . I don't know, Mags." They had reached the stairs now and was ascending the wooden flight, careful not to let it creek too much. "I just don't want to do nothing. I mean we have the power to help people. Change things for the better-"

"-No. Look, I get it. I understand- Really, I do. But it's too dangerous. Of course I want to help. I'm not a monster, but we've gotten where we have, because the past has lead us to it. Every single decision, no matter how small or large. It has all gotten us here. Now."

They were on the second floor landing now, rooms branching off in both directions. Niki didn't know what to say, so she said nothing.

"I'll take the left corridor." She said, already walking away. "I'm sorry, Niki but it's how it is."

'Sorry' for what? That you're right and I'm wrong, as always. Bullshit. She thought, though these words did not leave her lips. Niki nodded. She did not want to argue today.

There was nothing particularly interesting about the second floor. It was quite clear the man was well off, for the thirteenth century, anyway.

"Niki." Maggie whispered from the doorway to the Lords bedroom.

Niki spun on her heels, hand to her chest trying to calm her thudding heart. "Christ. What is it?" She snapped.

"Robin wants us. I think he's found something." She turned and headed downstairs. Niki followed.

Robin was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, his hand tapping lightly on the end of the wooden carved banister nervously.

"Follow me." He said and rushed down the hall, towards the back of the house. Closer to the servants quarter, again. This proved difficult, there were only a small handful of serving girls about, and the stable boy who Niki had guessed had come in for lunch.

Robin lead them past the kitchens, quietly as possible, down a set of stairs leading to a dimly lit cellar. Definitely the servants domain.

The steps down into the dark hole were steep. The air was stale and smelled of earth and rot. There were few shelves in the small box room, all chock-full of mead and old rags and ornamental gifts that were of no particular use or liking to the Lord.

Kalen was stood leaning against the farthest wall, his back resting against a large threadbare, floor to ceiling tapestry depicting a scene from the Bible.

"Woah, that's a big decoration." Niki remarked.

Maggie nodded, glancing down at Robins sachel, bulging slightly with stolen goods. She exhaled, shaking her head.

"What?" Robin smirked, "might as well whilst he's not here."

"What is it you found." She asked instead.

Robins smile dropped, kalen pushed the tapestry aside to reveal a single wooden door.

"Smugglers tunnel." He explained.

"Where does it go?" Maggie wondered.

"Not sure yet. Wanted to get you two before heading any further." Robin stepped forward, opening the door with a creak.

"It's pitch black in there. Got a torch?" Maggie asked. Robin turned and grabbed a torch from the wall, the fire flickered as he moved.

Kalen moved aside, grabbing a tourch from the wall next to him too. Niki had half expected him to say something stupid like Ladies first or beware of the vampires. He said nothing but "I'll go ahead."

Robin nodded, Kalen placed his hand lightly on the hilt of the sword he wore. He never unsheathed it, though.
Maggie too, lingered her hand around the bow string wrapped around her chest, ready to equipt should she need to.

The tunnel was dark, damp and stretched for about a mile and a half.
Robin had placed himself last, incase anything came from behind. Maggie next, then Niki and finally -at the front -Kalen.

The fire he held far in front illuminated his features like a sharp knife edge.
His brow was creased in concentration, a thin, pale line of a mouth. He looked like he was struggling to keep his cool, like he was panicking.

His hands were klenched and knuckles white on the torch pole. Niki pressed her hand into his arm, he jumped a little, then relaxed as he reached out behind himself and her fingers found his. He held tight, as if she grounded him.

An hour later, a set of wooden stairs appeared at the end of the stone passageway. Kalen let go of Niki's hand and turned to face Robin, who was stood at the back of the group.

Robin nodded.
Niki's hands felt cold.
Kalen began up the stairs, opening the door slowly.

There was a draft coming from the dark stone walls, carried down the hallway on the other side of the door.

"Where are we?" Maggie whispered, holding the door for Robin as they all filled into the corridor.

"Not sure, we must still be underground though." He responded, looking left and right. Both ends were obscured by darkness.

In the quiet, footsteps can be heard, the sound of wooden cards shuffling in a deck and the harsh groan of rusted metal snapping into a lock.

"The dungeons, perhaps." Robin finalised, swallowing thickly as he took the lead.

"You mean the castle dungeons?" Maggie asked.

"Unfortunately, my Lady." He clarified.

"Oh joy. We're with the rats."

"You're not scared of rats, right?" Niki fought a smile.

"Big hairy walking diseases. Yes Nikita. I am scared of catching my death."

"Pfft you're piss scared of Remy." 

"I seriously doubt the rats down here are hardly going to whip up a five star meal." Maggie spat back.

"Oh I don't know. . . Rat's are actually very intelligent."

"More intelligent than you–"

"Would you two knock it off?" Kalen whispered, frowning between them. Maggie looked back at him squarely, before quickening her pace to match Robins.

"You okay, Kalen?" Niki side glanced him, as he fell into step.

"Fine," He huffed. "Just want to be out of here." He gave a wave to the general area.

"Just take it slowly, deep breaths and–"

"I know. Just- Just. . ." He sighed. "What's up with you and Lia anyway." He did not meet her eyes and Niki couldn't decide if she preferred it that way or not.

"Oh, so she told you." It was stupid to think she wouldn't have, Niki realised. They're best friends.

"Not exactly. She was just rather upset after your walk the other day. What happened?"

Niki realised he was distracting himself, Kalen wasn't one to pry much usually, but his shaking hands had subsided so she figured it must have been working.

"Nothing. Stuff was said, not all of it nice. Mostly my fault but that's it."

"Doesn't sound like nothing."

Robin stopped at a corner. The sounds were more persistent here, Niki could smell the sweat and dirt radiating from the cells. Robin put the torches out through fear of it showing their shadows.

Two men sat at a small table sharing out a deck of cards. One was struggling to pay attention, the other focusing all too much on the game at hand.

"Great. What now?" Niki muttered, looking back from where they came.

"I'll deal with them. Just stay here." Kalen said, stepping forwards only to be stopped by Robin.

"Are you quite mad, boy? They'll gut you like a fish."

Kalen shook his grip off. "I'll be fine." He assured them.

Before Robin had a chance to argue back, Kalen had disappeared around the corner.

"Halt!" Niki heard the guards shout. "Who are you, boy? How'd you get down here?"

"I beg your pardon. What a stupid question. I am who I am, and I still am who I was five minutes ago. Correct me if I am wrong, but did you just call me boy. I am John of Leicestershire. Earl to Two Estates." His voice was like gravel and he wore a face of thunder. The guards mouthed opened and closed absently like a fish.

"Apologies my Lord. But how did you get down here?" The taller guard asked.

"You let me past you, you imbeciles! Honestly, I have half a mind to report you're. . . Sluggishness, to the King." He reprimanded.

Kalen walked past them, but stopped by the exit to the dungeons. The guards stuttered out an apology as he turned to catch their undivided attention.

With the guards backs to the small group huddled in the dark corner, Robin took Maggies arm and pulled her past the doorway of the guards chamber. Niki followed suit, glancing into the dimly lit room as they passed. She caught Kalens eye for a moment.

She stopped once she had rounded the next corner, waiting for Kalen to join them again. She could almost make out his conversation.

"I have forgotten my sachel. I will retrieve it now, and make my way back here. When I do so, I expect you both to be stood guard, not playing cards!"

They both shouted a clear 'yes, sir' as Kalen walked back, meeting Niki face to face.

A few paces ahead was Maggie and Robin, both leaning against opposite walls talking quietly.

"You're scary when you're bossy." Maggie said as a way of greeting.

"You did bloody good, though." Robin chuckled and they continued forwards.

There was a rattling of chains against stone floor as the corridor opened up into a larger room. Rusted metal doors stood along each wall, all of which where open. All accept one.

There, in the shadows of the last cell, was Allan chained by the ankle to the wall. He was sitting with his head in his hands when he glanced up at the sound of his door opening.


"Allen? Oh thank the Lord." Robin moved to the shackles binding his ankle.

"What are you doing here?"

He paused, searchingAllan's face for a sign of humour. "We don't leave family behind."

Robin went back to picking the lock with a long thin piece of rusted metal he seemed to keep in his sachel. The tools of a theif.

Niki didn't quite notice the prickling feeling on the back of her neck until Maggie had turned her back to the group and was watching the far door.

She followed her eye line and saw the slight movement in the shadows of the frame casted by the tourch light on the other side of the door.

She took a few hesitant steps forwards, as she drew an arrow. Kalen had caught on too, and was now gesturing to Maggie. Some silent conversation passed between the both of them and the decision was made. She would open the door, Kalen would strike if need be.

Niki's breath hitched as the hinges creaked.

The shadows cast from the torch light in the hallway swept across Kalens face when the door opened.

A heavy set of footsteps banged against the cold stone floor a few meters ahead, just to the right and kalen sprung into action, chasing after the mysterious figure before him.

Niki was just behind him, Maggie just beside her. Any thought of Robbin was cast aside as she focused her attention on the boy a few paces ahead. He wasn't thinking straight. Niki knew that much.

The dungeons seemed a never ending maze of dark corners, dead ends and clawing shadows. Until they halted at a slim twisting set of steep steps leading up to the ground floor.

"Niki," Maggie tugged on Nikitas arm. "We should go back. We're chasing shadows." She whispered desperately.

"Go back if you want, Maggie. I'm not leaving Kalen. Not again." And with that she hurried up the stairs, leaving Maggie little time to chose.

She chose to follow. They strained their ears for footfalls, or the ragged panting of someone being chased. They heard nothing but the breathing and creaking of the old castle walls.

The corridor the surfaced to, only lead one way, to the left. The right was a dead end, a tapestry depicting a bull and women holding fruit baskets.

They followed the trail of the carpeted hall until they met a cross road.

"Great, now what?" Maggie asked rhetorically, looking down the three options they had before them.

To the right was darkness, in front of them was more winding corridors, and behind them were another set of stairs.

"Kalen!?" Niki whispered as loudly as she could without alerting what little serving staff seemed to be present.

"We should just pick a direction and see where it takes us, right?" Maggie suggested.

"Yeah, but if were wrong, Kalen could be long gone by the time we do."

"Well then what do you suggest?"

"Split up?"

"Absolutely not. This place is a labyrinth." Maggie shook her head. "We stay together."

Niki groaned in frustration. "Okay fine. This way then." She took maggies hand and began to run through the hallway in front of them.

"Wait." Maggie stopped abruptly as they reached halfway down the corridor.


"You hear that?" Maggie started to backtrack, the hallways seemed darker somehow, more wider than they did before.

"Mags!? Maggie come back!" She looked desperately at the way they were heading, before turning and running back.

"I think they went this wa–"

She cut off abruptly, bumping into Thalia whom had come running from the dark hallway, followed closely by Charlie.

"Woah! You okay?" She asked, helping Maggie gain her balance again.

"How did you get here?" Niki asked, walking back from the shadows.

Thalia only met her eyes for a split second before she spoke, looking down at the ground. She was still angry. "We got another note. Anonymous of course. Look, Maggie, I don't like this."

"I know, Lia. We just need to stay together. We'll figure it out from there."

Charlie looked about, her eyes shifting from each of her friends. "Kalen?"

"He's who we were chasing after. Silly bugger wouldn't slow down." Niki breathed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Okay, well we'll just have to–"

A loud thunk sounded from the right just around the corner of the longest stretch of corridor. All heads turned and Niki felt her heart tense in her chest.

"Come on." Maggie whispered, leading the way.

"Maggie" Thalia scolded but followed her anyway.


The clattering sound stopped at a large set of double doors. The other side was quiet, pin drop silence.

They hesitated for a second, looking from one to another. Maggie and Charlie nodded, and swung the doors open with a creak.

The room was a huge echoing throne room. They had been running in circles for so long, Niki hadn't realised exactly where they were.

A few paces ahead, was Kalen, frozen in place facing the back of the hall.

There, sitting on the throne of King John, legs draped over the arm rest, was Kathleen. Except, she didn't look like the same timid maid girl they had left in 1142. She was blonde still, but her hair was tied in a single braid and her clothes were all black, shorts and a T-shirt. And a blue cloak draped over her shoulders.

"Kathleen. . . How-" Kalen asked. Maggie took a few steps towards Kalen, standing next to him. Her boots tapping on the cold stone floor gently.

"'Long time, no see' -As they'll say in a few hundred years." She smirked. Niki shifted, feeling a profound discomfort.

It was her eyes. They were not normal by any standards. Niki didn't spend a whole lot of time staring dreamily into her eyes in 1142, but she was sure they weren't purple.

"What are you doing here?" Maggie wondered aloud. Her grip tightened slightly on her bow handle.

"I'd love to say I was just passing through, but I'm here on work business. Unfortunately. " She sighed, standing.
"What? You thought you could just go bumbling through time, and nobody would notice? Typical 21st century human race for you." She muttered, smoothing her clothes out.

"How are you here?" Kalen asked, "We can't take others with us. At least- I don't think we can."

"You can." Kathleen reasoned, "but I came here myself. It wasn't of your doing. In fact, I haven't spoken to any of you for a good few hundred years? Not entirely sure, time isn't really a thing for people like us." She laughed, and draped the cloak onto the floor.


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