Book 1: Welcome to Camp Creta...

By Starlighthearts1

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This will be mainly a Yaz X Reader for this story. Don't like, please don't read. I am not forcing you to rea... More

Chapter 1: Welcome Campers! ~ Part 1
Chapter 2: Welcome Campers! ~ Part 2
Chapter 3: The Lab
Chapter 4: Cattle Drive ~ Part 1
Chapter 5: Cattle Drive ~ Part 2
Chapter 7: Things Fall Apart ~ Part 2
Chapter 8: Happy Birthday, Eddie! ~ Part 1
Chapter 9: Happy Birthday, Eddie! ~ Part 2
Chapter 10: Welcome to Jurassic World ~ Part 1
Author's Note
Chapter 11: Welcome to Jurassic World ~ Part 2
Chapter 12: Last Day of Camp ~ Part 1
Chapter 13: Last Day of Camp ~ Part 2
Chapter 14: End of the Line ~ Part 1
Chapter 15: End of the Line ~ Part 2
Author's Note
Just Saying Hi

Chapter 6: Things Fall Apart ~ Part 1

886 34 5
By Starlighthearts1

The next morning, I woke up early, deciding since the other's were not awake yet, to take a shower. Getting out shortly after, I head out to the balcony, and do some drawing. As I sat outside for a while, I notice Dave and Roxie are outside by the vehicle. I see Roxie talking on the phone about something, and Dave attempting to speak, but her silencing him. 'I wonder what they are saying.' Soon, Dave shrugs and heads inside. Not too long after, I see him make his way upstairs to where we were and write something down. "Hey Dave." I spoke, waving to him. He jumps a little in surprise, then waves back. "Oh! Morning Y/n! Listen, me and Rox are going to go away for a while to talk with our boss. We will be back soon and when we do, we can go kayaking." "Oh cool!" I say, jumping up and down excitedly. "Also, could you make sure the other's get this note? Just so they know." "Sure thing, Dave!" I smiled, and took the note. "Oh! Also, we left some stuff for you guys to do on the table. Sorry, it isn't much." Dave says, laughing awkwardly. "Alright then. See you guys later then." I say.


Soon, everyone is up and awake. After I passed around the note Dave left, Darius began to read it outloud, everyone started to get bummed out. Kenji, as always, was being dramatic. "Seriously? Kids menus? I mean, when was the last time any of us even saw a crayon?!" "I don't mind." Ben speaks up, but is quickly silenced by Kenji's stare. I look at Kenji and throw him a dirty look, him in return shrinking in his chair. Yaz chuckles. She heads over and sits beside me. 


We all sat around talking for a while, until the doors are thrown wide open. 'Well, what do ya know.' "Brooklynn. What's new on the Internet, superstar?" Yaz asks, lifting a brow at Brooklynn's scowl. She crossed her arms and replied. "I wouldn't know, because when I went to get my phone from its charger, it wasn't there!" she began to scowl at me, then at Sammy. I looked at her puzzled. "Someone stole my phone." she exclaimed, her glares at us intensifying. "Whoa, whoa, Brooklynn..." I began, before being cut off by Yasmina. "Brooklynn, who hasn't had your phone?"

"I needed to check the weather last night..."

"Dr. Sattler posted a new column on microfossils yesterday..."

"...too good to miss the selfie opp, but I haven't used it since, I swear!"

Brooklynn rolled her eyes and scoffed. 

I personally had no need for a phone, so I didn't bother saying anything. Sammy, on the other hand, looked around nervously, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "I...haven't seen it either..." "Really?" she glared at her, but before she could say anything else, she was cut off by Darius. "Hey, hey, it's okay! Since we're not kayaking till later, we have plenty of time to look for the phone."

"Oh, I think I know exactly where to look. I also think that whoever took the phone, might be trying to hide some of the things that are on it.  What do you think, Sammy?" she said the last part with venom dripping in her voice. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Brooklynn, you have no right to just go around accusing people yet. Besides, how would you know that Sammy has it?" "I didn't hear you speak up about the phone at all, Y/n. How do we know it isn't you?" she glared at me. I glared back, then Yaz stood up and spoke. "What is your deal? Sammy said she didn't even touch it! Also, Y/n didn't even say she had it! Ever think you might have just lost the stupid thing?" she got up in Brooklynn's face. "Hmm. Well, then, let's check their bags and test that theory out." Brooklynn attempted to try walking away. Yaz rushed over and stood in her way again. "You do not get to go through anyone's stuff, I don't care how famous you think you are!" "Brooklynn, I did not--" Sammy tried to explain, before Darius cut in. "Brooklynn, guys, come on!" he jumped a couple times, waving the kids menus to get our attention. "We can't be this upset over phones. Let's make the most of this incredible opportunity! This is Jurassic World! It's--It's--" We all stop. A terrifying roar is heard from the distance. "What, was that?" I ask, worriedly looking in the direction it came from. "Um, a T-Rex?" Kenji leans back casually on the table. "Mm-mm. I don't think so." I stand there for a minute, thinking. "Your right, Darius. It sounds...bigger." "Then, what kind of dinosaur did it sound like?" Ben asks, us all rushing outside to look. "Friend-ish? Or foe-ish?" "Where is it coming from?" Sammy looks around, trying to see. "Can't see anything from here. The trees are blocking everything." Yaz replies, groaning as she fails to see anything. "Maybe they are moving a new dinosaur from the lab to another enclosure." "We could probably see it from the observation tower! Could be cool." Darius suggests, excitement glittering in his eyes. "Wow, that's a great idea, Darius! What are we waiting for!" Sammy says awkwardly, grabbing mine and Yaz's hand and runs to the elevator. 'Wierd.' "Hey, we're not done talking about this yet!" Brooklynn says, following close behind. "But, guys, it's Indoor Arts and Crafts Day! We should stay and wait for Dave and Roxie, right, Kenji?" Ben says, looking hopefully at us for us to agree. Then Kenji chuckles and walks over to Ben. "If you wanna stay here and draw you and your dino-crush, go for it. I'm gonna go see me a T.Rex or a girl-fight. Either way, I win. Ka-ching!" he shouts and rushes over to the rest of us. "Fine, go on! I'll just stay where we're supposed to stay, wait for who we're supposed to wait for, and be right where we're supposed to be." he bunched up in a ball for a few minutes, before looking around nervously at all the scary fossils in the room, then began to pack her fanny pack. "Wait! Guys, I'm coming too!"


"Ugh, it's locked." Kenji grunts, pulling away as Yaz gives a few more failed attempts at pulling the door. "No stuff, Sherlock." I roll my eyes playfully at him. "Oh, wow. Guess we can't get in." Ben says, still trying to change out minds. "Wait, were is everybody? There is usually someone here." "If we're doing this..." Brooklynn takes a hairpin out of her hair, beginning to try picking the lock. "Then we might as well do this." Shortly after, the door swings open. "Ta-da!" We all just sit there in shock, except me in amazement. I look at everyone. "What? You didn't see Brooklyn's "Unboxing Kathmandu" video, 'Hacks For When You Lock Yourself Out Of Your Hotel Room'?". They still looked at us puzzled. "My older brother might be a serious fan of Brooklynn's videos, and might have shown me a few videos." "You didn't tell me you were a fan, Y/n." Brooklynn looked at me now, the fire in her eyes from earlier was now burned out. "My brother is a fan. I sometimes watch on the sidelines." "Last on to the top is a rotten egg!" Sammy cuts in, making her way for the stairs. Yaz and I rush past Brooklynn. "Later rotten egg." Yaz says, and I laugh.


We all made it to the top of the stairs, I can first with Sammy and Yaz, but we were all tired out. "I-Is-Is anyone else hot?" Sammy says between breaths. "It is hot." "No-more-stairs!" Kenji came up last, barely holding onto the railing. "Hey, rotten egg." I smirk. He lazily rolled his eyes, still panting. "This-better be something-good." he then collapsed.

Suddenly, something began to rumble the ground below us. We all get up, leaning over the railing to see what it may be. "There is something out there." Brooklynn says, worry on her face. "Something big." Darius finishes. Ben gasps as something dark comes into view from the jungle. I suddenly relax. "It's okay, it's just a Brachiosaurus." "Ooh! Mystery solved. Guess we should head back now." Ben says, slowly getting up again from his sitting position. "But that doesn't make any sense. Brachiosauruses don't roar like that." Darius says. I nod. "They're more like..." Darius then imitates the roar. I giggle a little. "Didn't quite catch that. Uh, one more time?" Kenji says, a smug look on his face. 

We then hear shouting from below. We couldn't hear very well from where we were. "You're going to have to speak up." I shout. We hear another roar after, then the Brachio falls. We all scream. We see the men below turn around slowly, them screaming. A large, terrifying pute white dinosaur rushes out, taking them both in one bite. I hear the crunching of bones, and I look away quickly, leaning into Yaz. She held on tight to me. "What it that?!" she asked, fear in her eyes. "It got him! It got him!" Ben screamed, eyes wide with terror. "In Dr. Wu's lab. There was a dinosaur. In--" Brooklynn was about to finish, before Sammy cut in quietly. "Indominus Rex." I moved away from Yaz, looking puzzled at Sammy. "Wait, how do you know that name?" "But, there's no dinosaur named--" "There's no time. We need to leave. Now, now, now! He have to go." Sammy hurriedly was making her way to the stairs. Kenji leaned away from the railing. "Up here is safe, down there isn't. Besides, this high up, it's not like Whatever-Rex can see us." Just after him finishing, it looks up at us with it's fire amber gaze. "Nice going Kenji." I look at him, throwing a dirty look. It glares at us, then darts over to the base of the tower. 'Oh crud.' It starts to shake and tremble. The Indominus starts to shake all of us above, knocking me off. "Y/n!" I heard Yasmina shout, grabbing onto my arm. I screamed as I saw the dinosaur below, clawing and biting the air below me. "Hold on!" the others started to help me up. "Thank you!" I was almost sobbing in relief. "The zip line. Go, go, go!" Darius exclaimed, Yaz grabbing my arm and running over to the line. We waited for everyone to get on, zooming down the line. They all made it to the center before stopping. "Oh no. The emergency breaks must be on." I say, looking to Yaz worriedly. 'Wait...' I unbuckle myself from my seat, backing up. "Yaz, you said your strong, like really strong, right?" "Um, yeah...wait, Y/n, what are you doing?" she asked me. "Well, catch me!" I dart forward, launching myself forward, landing on Yaz. I close my eyes, me hiding my massive blushing as Yaz hold tightly to me. We collide with the others, moving us all faster down the zip line. "Ha, it's working!" I exclaim happily. I turn around, and gasp. The Indominus is furious with our sudden escape, so she climbed up further, knocking the tower down. The zip line breaks, us all falling down. Me and Yasmina hit a tree, and she let go. "Yasmina!" I cry out, before hitting a bunch of tree's myself, then hitting the hard ground. Everything goes black...

To Be Continued...


Woo! 1924 words peeps! Part 2 will be coming soon!

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